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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Pre-pordered the Ghost Edition. Had an Amazon voucher left so I'll 'only' pay 100€ and since the Season Pass is included it does seem like a good deal for that price. : peace:
  2. It's getting average reviews, however:
  3. Yeah, that's what I meant. A phone call isn't 100% personal but it's an opportunity to clear things up at least a little. @Eenuh @nightwolf Thanks I've posted pretty much 10 seconds after she'd left the room, so I was still a bit in shock and not sure what it means. She didn't say anything about the letter; just "Cell change, may be indicative of cancer" so I automatically assumed the worst. She was in tears and I didn't want to ask. I googled a bit and read your link, Eenuh, so it's a bit clearer to me now. I guess she already talked with her parents/boyfriend/friends over the phone so there's no need for me to do it again/initiate a conversation about it. She also probably did some research herself, maybe even called her doctor. The shock is gone, worries are still there, though. She's had a rough couple of weeks already, and now this...
  4. One of my roomates just came into my room, crying... She got a letter form her gynaecologist saying she has some kind of 'cell change' (no idea what it's called in English, I just translated it literally). It can mean nothing serious, but worst case: cancer. How can her doctor just send her a letter with nothing specific? Just "Yeah, your cells have changed; please come talk to us." She is - understandably - scared and confused. And I, being the social awkward guy in those kind of situations, just sat there in silence.
  5. Done : peace: Maybe a bit too much because I have exams coming up next week and haven't studied at all so far Ah well....I enjoy life, so...fuck it
  6. @bryanee Where from and how much? Mine broke a couple of weeks ago and I got a refund last week but it's out of stock everywhere in Germany and on German online retailers
  7. After finishing Watch Dogs I decided to give this game another go as I bought the definitive edition a couple of months ago. It's great so far : peace: And I threw a lantern against a Molotov Cocktail
  8. drahkon


    Passed the 100million mark in Survival : peace: (just barely, though) But it appears the score failed to upload so it still shows my old 89mil @Map has a screenshot, though Ah well...
  9. drahkon


    Done the Heroes trophies. Will try the Construction Kit ones sometime in the near future. About your ships: Dat Snowspeeder. Dat Imperial Shuttle. Dat X Wing You'd do me a great favor if you'd make them available for me like this: X Wing Agility 6 Boost 9 Overdrive 0 Weapon Nemesis Snowspeeder Agility 6 Boost 7 Overdrive 2 Weapon Phobos Imperial Shuttle Agility 5 Boost 10 Overdrive 0 Weapon Ferox I'd love you eternally. And...check your messages To all the other peeps: Play the goddamn game! A mate played Resogun at my place this morning. I got a text from him 4 hours ago: "Bought a PS4, downloading Resogun!" Freaking system seller!
  10. drahkon


    Thanks Got the "destroy 10 consecutive Sentinels without one escaping" trophy in that run, too. Now I only need to save a couple more humans until I have 1000 : peace: SAVE THE LAST HUMANS Some of the Construction Kit trophies are freaking hard.
  11. Haven't played the upgraded version, yet and I actually only played the PS3 version halfway trough. I read there are two new areas, one or two new powers, a new boss, and some lighting upgrades. The 'original' is insanely fun and for 3,50€ I thought: "Why the hell not" By the way: Can't wait to give TowerFall Ascension a go. After all your praise it has to be done!
  12. Indeed it is. Bought it day-one and played a fair bit. However, other titles came in the way. I think I'll give it another go soon. This month's PS+ offer is awesome. Towerfall Ascension and Doki Doki Universe for my PS4! : peace: Also, 3,50€ for the Guacamelee ultimate edition PS4 upgrade is a nice touch
  13. drahkon


    I'll check your ships this weekend and get back to you. Currently only able to use my PS4 on weekends. A nice surprise awaited me today: Your highscore in Survival. :awesome: Well...check your messages :p
  14. I see. Then forget my post :P But I'd really love to see your thumbs
  15. To be fair, if you're using the Dualshock akin to this you appear to be only using the right analogue stick with your left thumb :p But seriously, how short are your thumbs if you have to stretch them using the sticks? I mean: Analogue sticks on both controllers are pretty much the same distance away from the grips, so I really don't understand how you can have a problem with the DS4 (I am assuming you don't have a problem with the Wii U Pro Controller, if you do, sorry). I don't want to call you out on anything, I'm seriously just trying to understand why you have that problem. It's the first time I've heard about it from anyone ever playing video games.
  16. My right wrist always hurts after push-ups and doing them on my fists eventually hurts, too. So having these handles will hopefully solve this problem
  17. How tiny are your hands? Or rather your thumbs? Anyway, Daft agreed with Serebii. /thread
  18. First of all, this guy... He is one of the most genuine persons I have ever seen in any form of media. Just look at his face and listen to him when he talks about his inspiration for the game in the first few seconds. He smiles, he seems to remember the exact moments in his childhood that inspired him and most of all: He enjoys what he is talking about, he enjoys sharing it with us, he is excited of everything he (and his friends/the team he's working with) has (have) done and everything that the future will bring. It's not fake, it's genuine excitement. And this is what gaming needs. Sincere joy, true passion, and the desire - or rather the dream to share own ideas and bring one's imagination to life. Many of you have already seen this, but just as a reminder: Again, look at him. His (and possibly the team's) dream is slowly coming true, and he is happy to share it with us, with gamers. No matter how the game turns out, no matter if it's shit or if it's great, I'm already glad to be able to support them sooner or later, because they seem to 'get'...to 'know' what it is all about: Follow your passion and - if you want to - share it. While I can see this gaming getting releases on every console (maybe not the Wii U) and the PC, I'm pretty sure that Sony realises their potential and because of that supports them. I mean, they gave them a segment in the E3 conference! I've come to love Sony's approach to gaming and their own platform and I wished that others would do the same (Microsoft is slowly but steadily moving in that direction). No Man's Sky's developers and Sony have a lot in common and I hope they will continue to work together. Now to talk about the ingame footage: HHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Haven't been this excited for a game..well...possibly ever.
  19. God, Ine looks absolutely beautiful. No idea why she's with such an ugly fella. You look awesome Flink. I'm just jealous of your body And your woman :p
  20. Finished the story mode two days ago. Ending was crap Story wasn't that good either. I enjoyed it, tough. A lot! Not much left to do for the platinum, but I doubt I'll get it anytime soon. Half of the fixer contracts, a couple of convoys, song sneak and worst of all: The fucking drinking game Maybe when I need another Watch Dogs fix This game needs a spiritual successor. Something akin to the movie Drive. A lot of gameplay elements fit perfectly (car chases, stealth - especially at night/in the dark). Ditch hacking, make this a neo-noir setting with an interesting protagonist and improve the driving mechanics. : peace:
  21. I just finished Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. Great plot twists and amazingly written. I loved it. : peace:
  22. Meh, think I'll have to break things off with my friend-with-benefits. She told me (we were partying with a couple of friends; mostly ladies) that she was jealous of how other women were treating me (kiss on the cheek, hugs, smiles, little bit of flirting; you know how it is). So, yeah...pretty obvious what that means on her end. Well, it was fun while it lasted. inb4 the "just like the sex"-jokes. :p
  23. drahkon


    This game! So fucking good. Wish you could change attributes of downloaded custom ships, though. I am an uncreative son of a bitch but I want a ship with my preferred attributes that isn't only a white block @Map I owned your score in Survival, just now :p
  24. drahkon


    Congrats : peace: Mind if I add you on PSN? I need highscores to beat. @Cookyman sucks. :p
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