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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. I'm so in!
  2. And yet, I won't buy it at full price because I'm a cheap bastard :p
  3. @Sheikah's analogy was pretty spot on (his last quetion in his post was unnecessary, but that's none of my concern), but let's use a recent example. Even with parental controls, blocks, PEGI ratings kids will still play Bayonetta even if they shouldn't. Also...nobody cares for the media in that regard (i.e. video games/parental controls). It's just paranoid parents who eat up articles about this kind of stuff. It just isn't a good reason to not include Party Chat/voice chat. People want it, even if it's just to see that Nintendo is capable of moving with (past) times. This is actually why I want to see Party Chat on a Nintendo console: To be sure that Nintendo isn't ignorant of current trends in gaming/social gaming.
  4. Nah, don't think it's a good deal. Only want the 3DS version but it's a bit expensive for a game I will only play once. Will wait for the Steam Christmas sale
  5. Is this game Cross-buy?
  6. I think Nintendo should patch in Party Chat because the community wants it and there's no reason not to implement it. Like this? No seriously, I can't come up with any reason why Party Chat is a bad idea. Being family friendly just isn't a good reason. I think. :p
  7. Yeah I know. But there's still no reason why they can't embrace both. But we've been here before and I don't want this to end in a discussion about how to use facts correctly.
  8. Can't think of any reason why they wouldn't want to do it, though...
  9. Ten years ago I bought these for my PC: They cost 45€, worked for - well - 10 years and were amazing. Now one speaker stopped working Ordered these for 40€ just now to replace my old ones: Should be safe until 2025
  10. Hmmm Super Circuit. The memories. I remember owning that Rainbow Road : peace: Similar to this guy: Best Mario Kart ever
  11. Did I just see the mode Waves? And Evolved? :O And motherfucking Pacifism? :O 10/10, will buy. GOTY. No contest. K thx bye. 25th November. Let the leaderboard wars begin!
  12. Really enjoying CoD and The Binding of Isaac currently. : peace: The rest of November will be crazy...AC Unity, Far Cry 4 (which I have pre-ordered), GTA V, Dragon Age. Will have to decide between AC, GTA and DA... Can't wait 'til it's Christmas and I have 2 weeks off university
  13. How much can a figure store?
  14. Tempted to get it, but I haven't played the first two and dragonagekeep.com won't let me log in with my Origin account. It keeps telling me the password is wrong. Changed it twice...no luck.
  15. Just ran for 30 minutes without taking a break or walking. Distance: aprox 4km. This may seem like nothing for most of you but it's actually really great for me. My stamina has been in the dumps since I quit football at the age of 17. Now I'm slowly working on improving. Have to think about a realistic goal I could set for myself. Maybe being able to run 12km without a break 6 months from now or something like that. Will look through the web and figure it out : peace:
  16. My point wasn't that I'd be more hardcore. May have sounded like it, but that wasn't what I meant I meant this. Maybe I'll keep them turned on, because having them off puts me at a disadvantage and that's not as much fun.
  17. You have a point. Still, I'd love to see a matchmaking type that sets assists automatically to "off" (the hardcore playlist may have that, but I'd like to be able to see the HUD...).
  18. Woot? Whenever there are assists I'll turn them off immediately and still do fairly good. Don't think console shooters would be unplayable without them. They are more difficult, though!
  19. They should remove the two aim assist options from the game. I assume that 90% of the players use them. Whenever I use them I own everything. It's too easy to kill. But as soon as I turn them off all the players that have them turned on own me. Not really balanced. Still great fun : peace:
  20. Had a second date planned with the lady from last week. She just cancelled. "Sorry, won't be able to make it." That was it. Well, that didn't last long How do you guys handle a situation like this? I used to always think that it's the girl's responsibility to set a new date if she's really interested. Will probably keep it that way. Edit: She had the courtesy to tell me that she'd rather just be friends. Anyway...as Dave Grohl once said: "Done, I'm done and I'm onto the next one" : peace:
  21. @dazzybee I can confirm now that The Binding of Isaac has cross-buy! You get both versions for free : peace: And the game is awesome.
  22. Own thread for the league. All teams allowed (or just 4 star teams). One team, no changes during the league.
  23. I love the multiplayer. It's fast, it's frantic and it's fun. Reminds me of the good old Unreal Tournament times : peace: The campaign has also been very enjoyable (done three missions so far). Traded in Lego Marvel Super Heroes and Battlefield to get CoD. Worth it!
  24. Fuck me sideways. Dat mission called 'Traffic'. HOLY SHIT. :awesome: And Kevin Spacey is amazing as always
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