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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. So is this a singleplayer-open-world-JRPG-Dragon-Quest-awesomeness-affair? If it is: FUCK YES.
  2. Haven't played in weeks But looking at recent patch notes the game has been improved a lot regarding bugs/glitches. Certain features have been added as well (e.g. alternative movement for Geralt, UI improvements, inventory improvements, STASH!!!) With the addition of NG+ soon, the game has been improved on many levels, so it's safe to say that it's even better now than it was on release.
  3. This isn't out, yet, though. However, I'm not saying you shouldn't switch on your PS4 :p
  4. First free map, Utopia Coliseum. Supposed to be out in a few weeks. Looks sweet :awesome:
  5. I guess that's when you know fun isn't for you. You disgust me. Asshole. :p I love you. How much freetime do you have?
  6. My girlfriend and I have started Super Mario Galaxy 2 recently. Such a wonderful game. I remember enjoying it a lot when I first played it. 40 stars in and we both have a lot of fun. The lady is getting frustrated a lot, though as I'm much better than her and get most of the stars first try when she keeps dying Fuckin' noob. Also: She asked me today: "Have Nintendo released Super Mario Galaxy 3?" "No." "Why the fuck not?" "Exactly...why the fuck not?" Been playing Hearthstone regularly for the past week. Awesome game. Hopefully I'll be able to understand how to build an Arena deck, soon.
  7. Stupidest thing I've ever heard. Play Rocket League. Now. NOW!
  8. This has been released last Thursday. You should buy it. It's amazing. Still play it regularly even though I've 111%-ed it. It has been released on PS4/PSVita 8 months ago and it's still my most played game right now. Edit: Nevermind. Only out in the US currently...sorry about that.
  9. Eurogamer Review Sounds good. May pick this up tomorrow
  10. Cosmetic only. However, the cars have slightly different hitboxes, nothing important, though. And apparently people found out that certain cars have larger/smaller turning circles. Can't confirm because I only use one car My mate and I have been wrecking noobs on Ranked Doubles. Currently at a close to 700 rating.
  11. I wanted some games which rely much more on strategy than on luck. My girlfriend has a couple of games which are more or less based entirely on luck which I find a bit boring. These two are supposed to be exactly what I want: And I bought them Edit: Found an offer for this one just now:
  12. Oh awesome : peace: Won't have the time to watch most of it live, but looking forward to the YouTube uploads
  13. I'm so funny. It's awesome, isn't it? By the way: You're quite a sexy man, if I may say so. If I wasn't into boobs and - as Jim Jefferies likes to put it - cunts I'd be fangirling all over your ass. Fangirling over someone's ass...From now on I will use that as a euphemism for...well...you know...
  14. Things are continuing to be great with my girlfriend We're both making each other very happy. Of course, there's the occasional small argument, and there has been one big fight but that's how it is in a relationship. She's such a wonderful person Yes, it's another cheesy "I love her so very much"-posts but Also: She likes playing Rocket League even though she's not into video games. So she's a keeper.
  15. A couple of months ago I pledged for IAMX's new Album Metanoia Pre-ordered a special edition for my girlfriend. It will be her birthday present. I wanted it to be a surprise but it was incredibly difficult to keep it secret as IAMX is one of her favourite bands. But I made it...until 4 days ago: The European tour was announced so we bought tickets. There was an offer for "ticket + album" so she texted me: "Cool, I'll get the ticket and album". Well, I had to tell her that she can't and then she knew about her birthday present. So, I decided to get a couple of little things that might be surprises and would be easier to keep secret. She needed a new FM transmitter (so she could listen to music in her car via her iPod) as it didn't work properly anymore. I ordered a new one. And behold, I kid you not, two days after the IAMX-album-birthday-surprise-ruin she picked me up and her FM transmitter stopped working completely...She said: "Well, I'll buy a new one tomorrow." So another surprise ruined. I got her two more small presents, though. A new sleep mask. Her current one is quite old and not that great (I swear to God, if she decides to buy a new one until her birthday next month...). And a plush monkey. She saw one at a festival. Someone let the monkey jump and spin around on a long stick and she found it incredibly funny and kept telling me that she wanted one. I think she'll enjoy the presents. Bought some more concert tickets, too: Alt-J The Editors Schiller And a ticket for the Bundesliga game Borussia Mönchengladbach vs Schalke 04 in December
  16. It's the opposite for me. I find it much harder to line up shots without the ball cam However, I'm in the process of learning how to perfectly switch between the two camera options moments before the shot. It should be a seamless process, it's not, though because I suck at it
  17. Oh man, sorry to hear that @Eenuh
  18. Use the ball cam :p
  19. No idea, to be honest. I read something about that years ago but can't remember where and what it said
  20. I'm usually not one to "dismiss" a game if it doesn't have a Platinum, but it surely disappoints me that Tembo the Badass Elephant doesn't come with one... I will get the game eventually but I'll hold off on purchasing until I know how lengthy/meaty it is. A Platinum with a lot of other trophies that make you play the game in different ways always enhance the experience for me. And Tembo appears to be a pretty straightforward game which doesn't have a lot of replay value on its own.
  21. I started playing this...4 hours ago. And I can't stop...can't wait to dive into deck building.
  22. Went to the Zoo. Tried out various camera settings which made 90% of the photos crap Some turned out OK, though: (look at his face. LOOK AT IT. Cute as hell :p)
  23. So, how's your earsight? 20/20? or is "music in my eyes" some kind of weird english expression that I don't know of :p
  24. @Cube you're a handsome fella. And answer ReZ's question pls.
  25. Soooo, my girlfriend played this yesterday. Besides being a goddamn savant at Mario Kart Wii she's not really into video games and therefore not good at them. Fucking noob. Here's the deal: It was 2 in the morning, she was tired as hell, I wasn't so she went to bed and I decided to play some Rocket League. I started a match, thinking she was just not giving a shit and trying to sleep. A minute into the match she said: "I WANT TO TRY!". So I let her do some free-play with my body. She's never used the DS4 and doesn't know its layout so it was quite a new experience for her...Suffice it to say that it took quite some time for her to hit the ball A couple of minutes later I set up an exhibition match with rookie AI. In the third match she scored 4 goals, gave 2 assists and made an Epic Save. Of course, she basically just followed the ball, tried to get to grips with steering the car...boosts, jumps and camera work were not really the things she focused on. Anyway, she played for 3 hours...I didn't get any sexy time. She even woke me up when she cursed the AI for being a (I'll translate it as best as I can) "stupid fucking cuntass". 30 minutes ago I got a text: "By the way, Rocket League is amazing". I bought a ring, will propose tomorrow, wedding will be on Monday. K thx bye
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