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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. After 3 months without a haircut it was about time to get one.
  2. Of course you are. :p Didn't bother to read/watch everything in this thread because I'm lazy as fuck. Well, it looks awesome
  3. I've never followed these games and that trailer H-o-T posted is literally the first trailer I've seen for Yakuza 6. I have one question: What the fuck is this game? Looks right up my alley...and I'm not talking about the cats...
  4. Yeah, it's annoying...but sometimes the AI is better than the quitters were anyway
  5. Gameplay starts at 15:50. Dat village and dat combat...:awesome: Correction: Definitely my most anticipated game rigth now.
  6. My first Musou game. Just played the tutorial and I already love it. The Dragon Quest charm immediately grabbed me and I'm hooked The music, the sounds, the graphics. I love Dragon Quest. It's a shame that so far I have only played Dragon Quest Monsters (or Dragon Warrior Monsters), Dragon Quest VIII and Dragon Quest IX. Well, I just progressed a bit and the game opened up some more. Is this a JRPG Mosou game? What the hell, there's so much to do. I FREAKING LOVE IT @Hero\-of\-Time anything to look out for during my play through? I know there aren't any missable trophies so I don't need to worry. Still, got any advice?
  7. Started playing Tearaway Unfolded (PS4) yesterday. It's just as charming as the Vita version Love it. And Dragon Quest Heroes (PS4) was in the mailbox today. Gonna give it a go now. : peace:
  8. Hm, I intend to start with learning how to programm at the end of the year so enough time to figure out which device to use. As it stands now the Raspberry Pi I will order soon will primarily be used as a device with emulators. Thanks for the help, guys. : peace:
  9. No idea, to be honest. I have zero knowledge of programming, where to start or what to aim for. I always dreamt about making a video game, so maybe that's my aim?
  10. To not have discussions ruined by certain posts. And I have no idea why you ask this as these past few posts only explain the choices of some people here. Nothing else. That's the situation I'm in. I really hope Nintendo can change my mind. I want the NX to be great, but their WiiU generation makes me worry.
  11. Now that I wil have a steady income for at least a few months I can finally afford a Raspberry Pi. I think @Ike and @Goafer have one. Maybe you can help me out (others, too :p) There are two things I'd love to with it at first: #1 - Learn programming #2 - emulators When I search for "Raspberry Pi starter pack" I get bombarded with offers and deals and whatnot so I'd rather ask people who already own one: What do I need? Here's what I think: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Power supply Mouse and Keyboard (bluetooth?) HDMI Cable Micro SD card Casing Anything else? And I've heard of a Windows 10 version that can run on a Raspberry. What's the deal with that?
  12. The thing is: I look forward to the NX. I really hope it will be great, and I want Nintendo to fullfil their promises. But as it is right now I don't want to get one...even if the NX turns out to be awesome with an incredible launch lineup I won't get it day-one because I can only afford one new device in a certain amount of time and many devices are already available or released soon. I'd much rather use a PSVR from Christmas on than wait months for the NX...
  13. drahkon


    As an atheist I don't believe in any kind of reincarnation of the soul or afterlife so for me death is final. When I die I stop existing. Am I scared of dying? I don't know...I do know, however, that right now I don't want to die. It always sounds silly when I say it or think about it
  14. I know three people who will do exactly that. My best mate pre-ordered a PS4 Pro. He was contemplating getting an NX but without any information he decided that the PS4 will be his future gaming platform. He has the money now and already paid for it. Another mate recently told me that he will buy a PSVR instead of the NX even though he's a huge Nintendo fan. As a student he only has money for one device and he chose the PSVR because there is information out there, because he had a chance to try it out and because it's going to be released soon. Then there's me who (depending on my financial situation) will buy a PSVR in time for Christmas. With the NX still not being revealed, no release date confirmed and the horrible experience I had with the Wii U I just can't be arsed to wait for it/buy it We all don't have money to buy everything so we choose...and because Nintendo still hasn't given us something to choose, the NX is not what we will get. Yes, yes, three people are no indication for what the majority will do, but there is a trend you can't deny. And the silence from Nintendo won't help counteract that trend in any way...
  15. drahkon

    Fifa 17

    I play the demo every year, and every year I don't like it. Well....
  16. Can't wait for this. Might be my most anticipated game right now. Not sure if this is old, but it provides some information.
  17. I NEED THIS. Now that I will start a job in October, this is a day-one buy for me. Not sure which version to get, though... Is the world randomly generated?
  18. drahkon

    Fifa 17

    Now that the Demo is out I figured it would be a good idea to create a thread. I've played two matches and it's a nice improvement on Fifa 17. Of course, not on a grand scale but little things such as faking a throw-in, penalty controls, wide free-kicks and corners, improved through balls, improved handling, etc, are great additions. Seeing as I only buy Fifa every two years, this year it's time to get the latest installment. Probably not day-one, though. N-E league, anyone? :p
  19. I hope so, because if not we won't hear the end of it... :p
  20. Got a call just now that the faculty whose job (student assistant) I applied for two weeks ago wants me. It appears my first job interview after 6 years went well. If everything goes as planned I will sign the contract either this or next week. (random question: is "whose" suitable to refer to things and animals as well as persons? It's the only English possessive pronoun I know)
  21. If you sort games via genres then two folders are enough: Indies Brown shooters It was a joke, people.
  22. I've bought the first two car packs as soon as they were released but now I wanted a new vehicle so I bought a new car: And I will most likely buy the occasional key to open crates (crates can drop, which you can open with keys you can buy; in each crate there is a selection of items, one of which will be given to you at random). Normally I wouldn't give two shits about cosmetic items but I feel like Psyonix deserves my money. I got the game for free on PS+ and the free support we've gotten so far is INSANE. The recently added Rumble mode tops everything and I want to give the devs something in return. : peace:
  23. Just read up on the news. Yeah, nothing great, really. But there is still a lot in store for us gamers even without the games shown in the conference. : peace: The only thing I'm salty about is the aforementioned deals on the Japanese PSN store.......I WANT THAT.
  24. Oh man, the Japanese are getting some incredible deals on the PSN store...and Gravity Rush for free
  25. Release date: 9th Febuary 2017. Worldwide : peace: Edit: I hate you @Hero\-of\-Time
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