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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Have nothing to do today, so I'll just push through for now. Let's see if the game gets through to me, eventually. Might be. I just prefer turn-based battles, they give me a lot more freedom to do what I wanna do. I'll give Xenoblade Chronicles 2 another chance. Maybe it'll grow on me. But it doesn't have a lot of time left to do so... One more thing that's annoying the hell out of me: The constant chatter during fights. I mean, why does everyone have to speak/shout at once?
  2. Look who comes crawling out of his nest as soon as I talk about a semi-real-time battle system in a negative way Yeeeaaaah, no. If a game takes more than 12 hours to really get going, I just can't be arsed...and to be honest, even if the battle system gets better, everything else about Xenoblade Chronicles 2 just doesn't grab me It's simply not for me.
  3. After about 11 hours in total I can say: I'm not invested at all in the world, the setting, the characters... My initial enjoyment is gone and I just don't think it's a fun game The battle system lost a lot of its charm after a while. I guess Dragon Quest XI ruined other JRPGs for me. Especially ones that don't use turn-based fights. Looks like I'm moving on to Blaster Master Zero.
  4. Is there anything to gain from fights? Genuine question. Killing normal enemies around my level takes quite a long time and the exp gains are negligible The only real reason to start a battle is to advance quests/the story, it seems. If I can't grind levels relatively efficiently with fights then I doubt I'll enjoy the game in the long run...
  5. Yeah, I'll keep bumping old threads Spent the last 4 hours with this one. I should eat something now... Anyway, my thoughts so far: The Good it feels like a big JRPG; that's always a good thing in my book lots of mechanics that make stats and combat interesting I really like the battle system (enemies do have a little too much HP, though) huge world; at least from what I've seen, so far The Bad mechanics are explained once with no way to re-read information what the hell is this lip-sync? It's even worse than Astral Chain voice acting is atrocious; sometimes it feels like they just asked a random person on the streets to read some lines resolution is insanely low, at times
  6. After finishing Super Mario Odyssey I started playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Quite the slow start, even for a JRPG. And can I just say: with the amount of mechanics the game throws at you, it's quite a big fuck up to not have tutorials somewhere in a menu to read them again. I'm liking the world. Looks like there will be lots of huge areas to explore. Bought Blaster Master Zero. I remember @Hero-of-Time giving it high praise so I want to know what all the fuss is about Will give it a whirl tomorrow.
  7. Peter Snakebite Wright has done it! What a match by him. Deserved to win this from start to finish. And just look how happy he is.
  8. Beat the story just now. Great game, but waaaayyy too easy. I also really don't like how a lot of bosses are reused over and over again... Not sure if I'll keep playing. There are other games waiting for me
  9. Hm, when I changed my region on the Switch to US I still only got access to the German eShop. I had to create a US account to access the US eShop.
  10. Did some reading around the webs and technically none of the moons require motion controls. They are significantly easier to get, though, i.e. if you don't use motion controls you need some very precise movements or weird tricks. It's a damn shame Nintendo is still so adamant about shoving these controls in our faces. Anyways, still enjoying the game. I've read that more moons open up for collection once you beat the game, so I decided to just go for the final boss and wait with thorough exploring 'til the end Here's hoping that later moons are more difficult to get, because so far the game has been easier than Kirby games. Maybe I'll try to get the moons that are easier with motions controls without motion controls to get a bit of a challenge out of it
  11. After Astral Chain it's great to play a game that knows what it wants to do/be. Had a lot of fun in the last two hours. Super Mario Odyssey plays great and is drop dead gorgeous. One thing: Nintendo and their obsession with motion controls...so dumb. Are there any Moons that you can't get without motion controls?
  12. Alright. After two very disappointing Switch exclusives (Golf Story and Astral Chain) it's time to play Super Mario Odyssey. Third time's the charm, aye?
  13. What a mess Astral Chain is. The Good it's stylish as fuck very pretty music is amazing, so are the sound effects cool enemy design can be fun at times some of the battles need you to put more emphasis on dodging - those fights are awesome detective work is enjoyable at the start the story is ok, if a little predictable Now here we go... The Bad the battle system is unfocussed button mashing is the name of the game 95% of the time you generally only need one Legion unless an enemy requires you to counter one of its moves with a certain Legion's power; it's uncessesarily "complex" needless to say, if the battle mechanics in an action game are bad...doesn't bode well for the game, does it? missions get repetitive really fast, you do the same things over and over again chapters are way too long in general the Astral Plains are uninspired, boring and tedious to traverse speaking of traversal, the "platforming" is iffy as all hell and absolutely atrocious there actually is an instant failure stealth section - cardinal sin in gaming lip sync is ridiculous combine that with a silent protagonist who only groans and moans awkwardly and all emotions are sucked out of every cutscene the final boss is probably the worst boss I've ever had to fight (I'll put the info in a spoiler tag - there will also be a spoiler for the penultimate chapter) I don't understand how Astral Chain is rated as highly as it is. It is an unfocussed mess that's only fun at times. PlatinumGames is certainly capable of much better. I'm glad my journey with this game is over and I can move on.
  14. A friend lent me a few games: Mario + Rabbids Super Mario Odyssey Xenoblades Chronicles 2 I've played Mario + Rabbids for a while and I simply can't deal with the Rabbids. They are just not funny to me. I've been getting into comedy and educated myself on what makes certain types of comedy funny so I can appreciate the way humour is created (no words, just exaggeration in this case). But man...Rabbids are not for me. To the point where I can't play this any further. No big deal, though, because the gameplay didn't grab me anyway. Gonna give Super Mario Odyssey its second chance now. I've played this for a bit at my mate's last year and didn't really enjoy it that much. This time, however, I can start from the beginning. Maybe it'll grow on me Xenoblades Chronicles 2...my sister's boyfriend told me that it's one of the finest RPGs he's played and that I will definitely like it. I'm scared to start, though, because if I do like it I'll spent a lot of time with it
  15. Didn't get the chance to watch the evening session yesterday. I missed some close matches apparently That would be the perfect final for me. Both have been exceptional so far.
  16. Skull & Co GripCase I use my Switch in handheld mode 95% of the time and it's not very comfortable to hold. The GripCase is supposed to be one of the best. Should be here in about two weeks
  17. Oh PlatinumGames, you almost commited a crime...instant-failure stealth sections. Thank goodness you get the option to just kill everyone once you're detected. Anyways, finished Files #5 and #6. The best ones, so far. Mainly because the sequences in the Astral Plain weren't as long as in earlier chapters. Story seems to be at the half-way point. It's not been a very creative plot but it works with the setting and action, so I'm not complaining. Combat is still just a matter of mashing buttons and the occasional healing item. The latter became less and less necessary because my almost fully upgraded Sword Legion is quite powerful. Unless there will be some major changes, Astral Chain will turn out to be "just" a solid game; definitely not up to PlatinumGames' standard.
  18. Yeah, my Switch is now a Slay the Spire machine
  19. The thing is: Plague Knight's moveset is actually pretty cool in itself, it just doesn't work with levels and enemies which are designed for precise actions. Levels would need a bit of a rework to make his "floatiness" shine.
  20. Couldn't sleep much last night, so I decided to finish Shovel of Hope. Think it was my third time now after playing it on PS4 and PSVita. Still a wonderful 2D platformer. Yacht Club Games really put a lot of love and polish into their game and it shows Also started Plague of Shadows for the very first time. Not sure what I think of it, yet. I don't like that Plague Knight moves as if he's always on ice.
  21. The normal one. Standard PT, or whatever it's called.
  22. My diary continues Nothing has changed. It's fun, but still nothing really special. t's obvious the game wants you to revisit previous files to discover areas with new abilities, but I can't be arsed I think this is just a "complete the story"-affair for me and I'm fine with it
  23. Might want to go for Skull & Co. Jumpgate For Nintendo SWITCH. I've only read good things about it. I'll most likely order one next year and sell the original dock. I'll also get their GripCase
  24. The Time Eater is so easy with strength scaling.
  25. Mummified Hand + Power Cards is an awesome combination. Demon Form+ is just insane, if you have the energy to play it. Edit: Such a weird run. Started off really slow, but I got some nice strength scaling later on. Lizard Tail was crucial during the Act 3 boss fight.
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