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About drahkon

  • Birthday 11/29/1989

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  1. GLÜCKSBÄRCHIS!!!!!! Ich möcht' doch bloß ein Glücksbärchi sein Loved it as a kid
  2. Yeah, I remember you loving it because you went for the Platinum There's no way I'm going back to the game. I mentioned it before, but it's the only game that I've played so far in my entire life that gave me trouble with depth perception.
  3. I played halfway through the first game's campaign and just thought it was bland. Didn't really care for anything that was happening. Maybe now I'm more into the violence, though. Seems like a good outlet given my intense aversion to what's happening in the world these days
  4. You don't know my friends, though There's a reason why I was mainly using Hunting Horn in Rise when hunting with friends
  5. Watched the episode with my new flatmate. She's seen it before and was basically just watching my reactions. I think mine were similar to yours Did not expect to get where we're at with the show this "early". We still have three episodes to go...what the hell will happen next?
  6. I remember playing/trying Gears of War back in the days and hated it. Maybe co-op with a mate might be the way to go. Don't care about PvP
  7. Only finished two games in February: Sayonara Wild Hearts, which I sadly did not enjoy. Slay the Spire Downfall with The Guardian. Man, these extra characters are a joy to play. Currently working my way through Ascensions with The Hexaghost. This month I've played and Platinum'ed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection. Yes, I cheesed some of the trophies because holy cow, some of those old games are terrible
  8. Perfect, so I won't have to carry my stupid noob friends yet again My copy should arrive tomorrow, but I won't have time to play for a while. Looking forward to it, though.
  9. Which is why my friends and I are waiting. I was considering getting it day-one, but given my weekend plans I decided against it. And now with the reviews pointing out some issues, I'm glad with my decision
  10. Got a relatively cheap key for early access
  11. For now, it's just to play CoD with a friend and maybe SaGa Frontier Remastered
  12. Basically only played this during February, albeit "only" for 15 hours Managed to deal with a lot of Act 1 a lot faster than during my first, abandoned playthrough. Just reached Grymforge and if I remember correctly, there will be a very difficult boss fight soon. Got a few more things to take care of outside, though. The Goblin Camp still awaits and I should destroy handle it diplomatically and then destroy it before moving on within Grymforge. My ranger is in good companion with Karlach the Barbarian Thrower, Gale the Sorcerer and Shadowheart the Cleric. As always, the early game is pretty tough on Tactician but once you reach level 4 it gets much easier. At level 5, most normal fights in Act 1 have been a cakewalk.
  13. The schedule is pretty terrible for me. Not sure if I can get some playtime during the network test
  14. With the sale going on and getting 100€ PSN credit for 82€, this was a no-brainer
  15. Watched the current episode again last night. The acting on display is impeccable. Britt Lower and John Turturro are too good.
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