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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. Oh come on, Kimi has underperformed for the last 2 seasons.


    Hakkinen never properly retired, he took a 'sabatical' which he never returned from....


    A rematch between him and Schumi IN THE SAME TEAM would contain so much win and awesome that the world would self destruct and no-one would see it.

  2. He might have lost a few fractions of a second in his reaction time, but he was a few fractions better than anyone else anyway so...


    :o Shamelessly stolen from James Allen ;)


    I can't wait to see him back in F1 and I really hope he manages to pick up a victory at Monza it would be unbeliveable!

  3. I could go on but I don't feel the need to, all I can say is while this generation has provided me with a lot of excellent games, it has

    still failed to 'wow' me in the same way that previous generations did. :)


    I think this sums up the entire threads and the sentiments of the OP, myself and Sheikah. None of us are denying that there have been some great games this gen, but nothing has really wowed us. Nothing has had that groundbreaking feeling to it and that's perhaps why were becoming a little tired of gaming in this generation. With developer constantly focusing on features that the vast majority simply don't care about or heck, even can't afford to enjoy they've created a glass ceiling in the industry and many people, particulalry kids can't get the full enoyment out of a game. For example...


    Can't afford a HDTV,

    Can't afford a 5.1 sound system,

    Can't afford the crazy amount of peripherals this generation has produced,

    Don't have a broadband internet connection, or have limited access to DLC,

    Xbox 360 has a yearly/monthly online subscription charge.


    That's a hell of a lot of extras needed to enjoy something like Halo 3 or Burnout Paradise to it's fullest potential. Why would anyone who has no access to online even consider buying Call of Duty?


    This generation (strictly PS3 and Xbox here...) has been to focused on the middle class gamers who have all the money, spending power and fancy kit. The Wii is guilty of the peripheral arms race too and the gamers don't seem focused on giving us the best possible gaming experience. It's all about entertainment and apparently to be entertained people need to have all the above boxes ticked.

  4. Do you guys still play Wii Fit? I am thinking about investing in it but not sure if it's worth it. I'm hoping it would ease me back into doing regular exercise before I join the gym. Or even should I wait for Wii Fit Plus?


    It's definately worth it in my opinion, helped me lose over 3 stone and I've never been to a gym in my life, all it costs is the equivilent of 2 months membership which is awesome. Wii Fit plus probably won't be out until around xmas so I'd pick it up while you can it's a cracking device, just don't expect much 'game.' It's more of an elaborate fitness calender/planner but still worth the cash if you use if properly.

  5. The iranian regime is hardline islamist- and want to destroy israel at any cost


    Any all my points are well thought through


    Just to be clear my 'THANKS' was for the final statement, not the first one. And it was done ironically... purely for the unbelievable amount of lols it provided.

  6. BMW just announced they are quitting f1 at the end of this season.


    Wow. :/


    Not surprised to be honest, they've been awful this season and since they took over Sauber they had '3 years to win the championship.' I just hope that it doesn't mean Renualt and Toyota follows suit.


    I think the real questions now are, who will replace them and where will Heidfeld and Kubica go, because they're both excellent F1 drivers and they definately deserve a drive next year. I hope Prodrive are brought in as a replacement as Dave Richards is something of a legend.

  7. I have to agree 100% with Sheikah. This generation really hasn't done it for me and I hark back to the days where the N64 consumed my life (although as Dyson pointed out, it had a lot to do with growing up with the machine).


    I think Sheikah raises plenty of interesting points that I would have to agree with. Mario 64 (or Banjo-Kazooie - which ever you played first :P) will always be the definition of platform gaming. It offered something comletely new to gaming and revolutionised how games were both made and played. To this day 3D platformers are loosly based on the framework set out by Mario 64. Mario Galaxy innovated with spherical planets etc. but essentially, it followed exactly the same design as the plumber's first 3D outing. Central-hub world (which sucked), individual themed worlds, complete task in each to unlock more, repeat, boss battle. The main draw of the game was messing around with gravity and engaging in the 'space' atomosphere.


    Indeed, Galaxy however was much more linear than Mario 64, more simplified and was heavily reliant on nostalgia. Had they both been released under the same circumstances on the N64 though, and Galaxy would be most people's choice, including mine. Do I think it's the better game though? No. Strictly in the context of playing Mario 64 in 1997 and Mario Galaxy in 2007, 64 did so much more in terms of innovation and 'freshness' which ultimatly led to, for me, a more fun experience. It could be argued that too much of Mario Galaxy feels like re-tracing the same old tired steps (despite it's obvious elements of innovation) depending on how much time you've spent playing the genre since 1997.


    The same could be said of Goldeneye. As someone who had never experience PC games (along with probably the majority of N64 owners) never before had I played a product similar to this game. It. Blew. My. 12. Year. Old. Mind. This game was the shit, I re-played every level countless times with cheats on and off, just because it was absolutely pure CLASS. Then what happened? Rare essentially made a Goldeneye Fan Service game set in the future with cooler weapons, REAL TIME LIGHTING!? (I couldn't believe how awesome it was to shoot out lights) and a ranking based single player / multi-player mode. Everything was Goldeneye 2.0, exactly how to do a sequal. Goldeneye laid the groundwork and Perfect Dark bulit New York f'n City on top of it. And why was it so good? If anyone remembers N64 Magazine used to run a feature where readers could ask for things to be made in the game and Rare did their level best to include it.


    So why is it that the Genre has come to such a standstill? In my opinion it's because Perfect Dark was perfect. There were no flaws (in 1999) with that game. Everything since has had better tech and still hasn't surpassed it because nothing has innnovated (strictly in FPS, not necessarily FPA) in the way the double-punch combo of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark has, nothing has brought the sheer amount of freshness and innovation to the genre that those 2 games did. Timesplitters copied the formula exactly, and while it was fun, it was the second time round and still felt a bit lacking. Red Faction was the next great challeneger introducing the Geo-Mod physics which never truly took off but damn it was fun blowing up walls. This gen has focused so heavily on Online Multiplayer that a boring, linear, archaicly structured 5-hour single player snooze-fests is all we get now. That or a shit load of World War 2 bollocks.


    Zelda and Majora's Mask gave us essentially the same situation. MM to a much lesser extent than Perfect Dark but it copied the basic premise of Ocarina of Time and took it to the next level and still innovated massively. Never has a video game presented a story as deep, dark and heart-felt as MM. Never has a game connected the gamer with a virtual world in such a symbolic and memorable way (through a simple diary none-the-less).


    All of gaming's crowning moments of the past 10 years take us back to that very first time we did it. They also explain why games are lacking today. The innovation is not there, most developers seem content to push an element of a genre but not explore new, uncharted ground. Pokemon Red/Blue - Ocarina of Time - Mario 64 - GTA 3 -Goldeneye - these are the games that have innovated like no others before them. They are the reason the Fable's and Halo's of this world come under such heavy criticism because they don't do ENOUGH new and borrow too heavily from already existing genres, titles and ideas.


    A final word before I go, my most played/favourite game on the Wii: Wii Sports. The first moment I hit that tennis ball I was in awe. My most played/favourite game on the Gamecube: Animal Crossing. Me and my ex-girlfriend played that game solidly for 2 whole years and still talk about all the crazy and funny stuff that happened in the town of Woody. My favourite game on the N64: Tie between Zelda 64 (reasons above) and Banjo-Kazooie. I played and finished it before I played Mario 64. All of those games offered something I'd never experienced before and that is why I love them so. :yay:


    Sure I can appreciate when a game does something well and I can go back and play great games from the past few generations, especially the 16-bit era. But at the end of the day when a game does something new, it shifts the expectations so much higher and I'm yet to see that from the 360, the PS3 or the Wii (except Wii Sports ;)).

  8. Overall a great race... just a shame there's a 6 week gap now ;)


    ;) indeed...


    Quite surprised Renualt have been chucked out of the next race. A fine would have been a better punishment imo. All that means is less cars, less chance for drama and less chance of Piquet getting fired, unless he's already gone by then. Today's race was really, really good but I agree towards the end it dropped off a bit, and so did I. Woke up just in time for Lewis to cross the line and as much as I hated him last year, I'm really pleased he won today, he drove a well deserved and flawless victory and I cannot deny that he is a supreme talent (unlike his misses).


    Roll on Belgium.

  9. This thread highlights exactly why I'm constantly nursing a semi when watching Red Dwarf.

    Space is beyond epic and I hope humans explore it more to get a better understanding of how insignificant we all are.

  10. On Sunday listing I will be listing the remaining games on ebay. Pick up a bargain while they're still going..


    All Games listed below are UK PAL versions and in excellent condition!


    Bully: Scholarship Edition - £6

    De Blob - £8

    House of the Dead: Overkill - £10

    Little King's Story (new, unsealed) - £13

    MadWorld - £10

    Super Paper Mario - £9

    WarioWare Smooth Moves - £8

    Wii Play - £7


    Resistance: Fall of Man for PS3 - £6

    Gamecube Freeloader - £3

    007 Nightfire (GC) - £2.50


    Looking for a trade for Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City. (UK Pal Version)



    Battalion Wars 2 - £7

    Disaster: Day of Crisis - £12

    Fire Emblem: Radient Dawn - £15

    Mario Kart Wii w/Wheel - £21

    PES2009 - £10

    Punch Out!! - £16

    Wii Fit (No Balance Board) - £15

  11. I'm on the 4th Chapter after an hour and a half and it's a great little game. Definately recommend it to any platform fans! Love the art style and the simplicity of the controls.


    I just can't help but think it would have been better suited to a WiiWare release. I'm sure if it was released for 1000 points with the awful English voice acting cut it would have sold so much better. Never mind though, I'm just glad I picked a copy up. :)

  12. Not strictly F1 news but racing news none the less. Truly sad day for the sport, Henry Surtees (Son of John - 1964 WDC) was killed in a horrific freak accident in Formula 2 at Brands Hatch today when a stray wheel from another crash hit him as he drove into it at 150+ k/mh. It's thought part of the suspension still attached to the wheel penetrated his helmet but details are very scarce.


    Some information can be found on Autosport.com


    My thoughts are with the Surtees family and people closly linked with him in the sport. A tragic day, which reminds us just how brutal motor racing can be. Despite the massive efforts to increase safety it hits home hard when you bear witness to a loss of human life in something both you, as a viewer, and the unfortunate victim are so deeply passionate about.


    RIP Henry.

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