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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. Just for Goafer,



    Wow, that's pretty impressive. Perhaps not threadworthy but let's not detract from the achievement. Sometimes it's nice to fill a slow news day with some alternative joy.


    How low can you limbo?

    Do you limbo often?

    What techniques do you use?





    Personally, my limboing days are a rare, nay, freak occurance. Not since the age of 7 have I limboed. Amusingly it was at an event that also featured a clown, blow up animals, cake and 'the birdie song.' To limbo I used a running and sliding technique, which I later found out was not an acceptable form of limboing. Since then I have maintained my argument that knee sliding is acceptable and as a result I have been banned by the BLC (British Limboing Commision) from entering any official events.

  2. My race prediction for the European GP 2009:


    Luca Badoer is injured in Practice after tripping over a wire in the garage, thus paving the way for 2007 European GP leading driver Markus Winkelhock to return to the cockpit, only this time in a Ferrari.


    He goes on to win by 2 whole minutes because he chose the right tyres through unprecedented usage of his extraordinary ability to predict rain.


    That, or I reckon Raikkonen will win.

  3. I've put 9lbs on since I moved back into my parents house at the start of June. Bad, bad times.


    I hate how awful food is so readily available in this house, both my parents are ma-hoosive... :(


    Moving back to Leeds in a week and a bit to live in a Student house so I can restrict what I buy properly again.


    If I didn't have my bike, I'd be a right porker again now. :sad:

  4. with mediaplayer CE you can also watch Internet TV. The family guy/American dad and futurama channels are great. It takes about 2mins to cache then it's perfect. You can then change the aspect ratio to full screen and it looks great. -No pixellated images at all. Media CE is brilliant.


    I have a few videos on my PC and just wondered if there was a decent streaming app so I can watch 'em on't tele??

  5. ..hmm.. am I the only one hoping for Wii Wheel support for this game?


    The way I see it, there are plenty of racing games from previous generations that can be played in a traditional way so I would personally like them to make it so that I can tilt my way to victory through the dirt :heh:


    If it was implemented well and was responsive, this game could certainly be worth looking into :smile:


    They support all control schemes in the game, as far as I'm aware. Wii mote, Nunchuck combo, classic and Wii Wheel.

  6. Watched these this morning. Actually looks quite good in motion, if a little sedate. Interested to see the control options. Hopefully, no motion control.


    I read on IGN UK that the Formula 1 game on the Wii will use the classic controller with the Analogue L and R buttons being used for acceleration and brakes. Hopefully, they will used this control scheme on this game too. Maybe, maybe even Gamecube pad support... one can dream.

  7. I think it was the J-Pop-ish music that made me happy too!


    But I do agree about the feel-good factor of actually owning a Nintendo home console with great exclusives. Yet I still feel that I need a few more mature-themed adventure games in the vein of Zelda. They are coming though. Monster Hunter 3 in particular looks sublime, yet without titles in that genre I can safely say that Wii has brought me the closest to the diversity of the SNES era and as close as possible to the 'uniqueness' of the N64 era. This is why Wii is great to me.


    Having the opportunity to play typical "never thought of that before!" Nintendo ideas like Wii Sports (& Resort), Wii Music/Fit alongside such bonafide classics like Super Mario Galaxy/Brawl/Twilight Princess alongside innovative titles from a multitude of 3rd parties has been great!


    I've enjoyed loads of 3rd party games and have instantly gained pleasure from titles such as Let's Tap, Kororinpa, Boom Blox, HoTD: Overkill alongside brilliant re-births like Punch Out!!, Samba De Amigo, Bully, Klonoa, Tiger Woods, Mario Kart, Excite'trucks' and that's whilst missing out on a plethora of titles like De Blob, No More Heroes, Deadly Creatures and more!


    In this generation where online, 'competitive' gaming takes the fore I really enjoy the social, relaxed (almost laid-back) landscape of gaming that Wii has carved out for itself.


    Couldn't have put it better myself. I personally, really don't like the direction the Xbox and PS3 are taking with online gaming. It's always been a solitary experience for me, similar to reading. I also find multiplayer is so much more of a blast when everyone's in the same room.


    Can't believe you missed out on de Blob and NMH though, Tapedeck! Those games are classics! You can get them for about £8 if you look in the right places.


    But yeah the line up looks awesome for the end of the Year / 2010 and that video doesn't even include Pikmin 3 or the new Zelda.


    Plus Genki Rockets are amazing! :D

  8. NO NO NO!!! Hold your horses. I once thought like you and I hate a stretched picture. But then I gave it a second thought and found that I was terribly wrong, just like you are now.


    The Wii's 16:9 mode is anamorphic, which means it's outputting the same resolution as 4:3 and your TV stretches the picture. In this way, if the Wii would include the black bars by software means, the game would really display in 4:3 BUT with a big loss in horizontal resolution, which means your VC game would look all messed up because it would miss a lot of pixels.


    The correct way is this: Change your TV to 4:3 letterbox (or whatever it is called the mode with the 2 vertical black bars) mode each time you play Wii and you will have 100% of the resolution with a non-stretched picture.

    So it's really beyond Nintendo to make it better than it is now.


    Someone correct me if I'm wrong please.


    That's what the Emulators do for you, so you don't have to change it yourself everytime. Picture looks fine to me.

  9. Yesterday was a good day. First time ever, amazing night out in Manchester. Pulled a fat bird. Win.


    Today was better. I came online to find out that Blender was FINALLY in another castle!!! :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:


    What surprises will tomorrow bring? ::shrug:;)

  10. If a part on your system breaks or something they will refuse to fix it if you have home-brew installed. Even outside of warranty.


    CeX usually will fix Wiis for a fee as do many other indy retailers. Plus, a 2nd hand one is only about £100 now so it's not THAT pricey to replace it.


    I know I shouldn't discuss the legality of emulation, so I won't. But seriously a few, simple options built into the emulaters DRASTICALLY improves the quality, especially on an HDTV. Why the hell can't Nintendo sort this out. Do they think casuals would be so confused by a 'bi-lateral filtering' option that it would cause them to explode? It's so bloody simple to implement and makes games like Donkey Kong Counrty (which let's face it, look like ass on an HDTV) look amazing! It's made me realise just how little intention of delivery a high quality service Nintendo have with their idiotic release patterns and even crazier pricing structure for what is, essentially, a below quality ROM file. I'm so angry that I've spent over £100 on the VC now. Really pissed off...




    But anyway, yeah, Homebrew good, Nintendo bad :P


    I've been bombing through Little King's Story, my UK copy! What a game (Stop reading, start buying). Downloaded a neat little tool that does your weight and centre of gravity using the balance board, take that Wii Fit. I'm so amazed with the quality of the stuff on here, I never knew there was such a thriving scene.


    I think the lesson Nintendo should take from the Homebrew scene is that complacency breed contempt, and it will continue to until they sort themselves out.

  11. Been messing around with it last night and I've got my head around everything now. This. Is. Awesome. I can play all my region free games and I've (legally) downloaded all the roms of games I own for the SNES and Mega Drive and there's loads of options to run them in 480p with filtering so they don't look blocky and awful on a HDTV. I'd recommend this to everyone, there's so much more stuff you can do with your Wii and it's a big middle finger to Nintendo and all the idiotic things they're not doing or ignoring with the Wii, and it's 100% legal!! :yay:


    No warrenty? No reason not to.

  12. He said neutral and put a picture of Sweden.


    I noticed that, what a fail.


    I am sad enough to have seen all 26 episodes and I think he's excellent though. There was one about nintendo and why it's so great (episode 6 or 7) that was 10 minutes of some of the best stuff I've ever seen online. Well worth checking out.

  13. I need some help...


    I am rubbish with technology. :indeed: I've just downloaded the HBC and something called Bootmii, which I don't understand... :)


    First of all, can I still load my Wii Shop downloaded games from the SD card? I have them on my PC at the moment and I don't know where to put them when I reload them on to it, or how I should arrange all the files.


    Is there an app that allows you to boot any region games and DOESN'T change the system menu region?


    I don't understand all this Jargon and stuff ::shrug::wtf:

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