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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. Invade Iran? Youve lost me

    Really, that surprises me.


    I still earn enough money to be able to buy CDs should i wish to. Which is more than you can by the sounds of it.

    Thanks for reminding me.... :/


    Going on the above comments and what you said to Dannyboy, the "awww" comment. I'm coming to the conclusion that you are not a very nice person and because of that, the fact that illegal downloads piss you off amuses me no end.

  2. My bold your not playing by the rules thats the point. The rules are simple what you are doing is illegal dont kid yourself its anything else.


    So if, for example let's say 10% even 5% of the population break these rules (3 million UK citizens). Are they ALL going to get fined/locked up? Who is going to enforce that on so many people... The army?


    Your posts make me laugh to so filled with hope for the wide world.

    Sorry for being a positive person. Maybe we should just invade Iran to shut them up and make them go away? You agree..?


    You just havent had it crushed out of you yet. There is time though.

    Well I'm in my mid 20's now and I'm yet to meet a person intelligent enough to persuade me otherwise. (It doesn't help when people like yourself regularly make spelling and grammar errors. Like, really regularly.) But then, ironically, the nature of capitalism is to crush the spirit of the person, forcing them to submit and fit the mould.


    Capitalism isnt imposed on you. You are free to go to a non capitalist country thats one of the perks of this freedom you are talking about.

    I was born here, therefore for at least 18 years capitalism has been enforced on me. There are no countries on this earth that promote non-totalitarian, non-corrupt, non-capitalist regimes. But as soon as one pops up I'll be sure to look it up, thanks. I'm sure they would let me access music in the way that was best for the artist.

  3. I am without a doubt that this logic would stand up in court. I'm off to steal a Ferrari.



    On a side note: Welcome to capitalism. I believe that answers your question.


    Excuse me for playing by the rules of a system which has been forced upon me and in which I am tricked into thinking I am free. I'd better stop thinking for myself and play by the rules before the 'man' comes and locks me up... Of course I'm not going to steal a Ferrari, mainly because I don't want or need a Ferrari (neither do I want to defeat the object of a vehichle, a box with wheels that gets the subject from A to B, to double-up as status symbol to make up for my lack of personality/manhood). I just choose to distribute my limited income fairly to the people I feel deserve it more. If you actually read what I said previously- I give the bands that I like MORE support buy not buying their CD and cutting out the useless middle-man, another 'great' effect of capitalism.


    In esscene I do not believe it is stealing, and there is nothing you can say to convince me otherwise. Without the Internet I wouldn't have discovered 90% of the bands I enjoy listening to (a great deal of whom promote illegal downloads), hence not attending their shows, buying their products and financially supporting them. Freedom of information is one of the greatest things the Internet has brought us and typical right-wing types with thier assortment of censorship and greed hats on want to take that away from the vast majority so that John P. Middleman who works in advertising for a large record company gets a 'fair deal' instead of contributing something productive to society. All he does is thinks of ways to sell the masses the next James Blunt record.


    It's this simple: There is a music revolution going on right now. There are far too many people illegally downloading music for anyone to stop them all, and if they do the people will simply find another way. It's up to the music industry to embrace it. Music has been overpriced for far too long so that needless profits can line the pockets of the people who don't care and don't matter. Sure, capitalism has been imposed on me and countless other people, but when people realise how flawed it is, they change it from the ground up and there is nothing that the people at the top can do, because the people at the bottom are to many.

  4. Pardon?

    Theres no need to start name calling espessialy from someone who dosent even have a birth certificate just a written appology from durex.


    You sir, are an absolute cunt. I'm going to stop posting on these forums because I can't be arsed dealing with backwards thinking, narrow minded haters like yourself.

  5. Button is the jammiest bugger alive.


    Did anything ever come of Sutil and Heidfelds crash? Sutil should really be punished for it. He had no right to accelerate his spin right round while on the racing line.


    Sutil was fined $20,000

  6. Well if your poor go without.




    I'm 'poor' by many standards. Why the fuck should I 'go without' because I don't happen to have as much disposable income as Tom, Dick and Harry down the street. To me, music is more important than anything else in my life and For the past 7 or 8 years I have been buying large quantities of CD's off Amazon imported from the US and other regions of the world or at gigs, but never from HMV and the like because I'm 'too poor' to justify spending £10+ on a cd.


    One day a few months ago this debate began to rage. I sat down and had a bit of an epiphany. When illegal downloading first came to the forefront with Napster and Audiogalaxy etc. (1998) I took part on my shitty 56k connection in downloading as many songs as my bandwith would allow (maybe one song a day) for about 6 months. After my dad eventually stopped me... I started buying second hand albums cheap off of Amazon of my new favourite bands whom before I'd had no access too. This act shaped my interest in music and got me into the genres I most enjoy. I started doing the usual thing of going to gigs regularly and taking part in the music in person as well as listening at home.


    About 3 months ago I stopped buying cheap second hand CDs because I realised that I was wasting my money. The artists get fuck all from my purchase anyway and that £4-6 that I spent on a CD could alternatively be spent on a gig or a t-shirt. I must have spent about £2000 in 8 years on the 500+ CDs I own and my music collection fills up over 40gb of my ipod and it's growing now quicker than it ever was. I'm discovering new and exciting bands almost daily and it is re-invigorating my love of music more than ever. These last 3 months have been mental, I've been to some amazing gigs all over the country and even met a few of my heroes along the way while nicely expanding my collection of band t-shirts, patches, posters, stickers and badges. I think it's clear to see how my favourite artists get a fairer share of my money, or in fact any of my money because they get nothing from a second hand purchase, which was all I was able to afford.


    But because I'm 'poor' I shouldn't be able to live like this. Fuck you. Bigot.

  7. Wow. What an average game... :/


    Everything about it is purely average, gameplay, handling & controls (I'm using classic controller), graphics. It's not BAD, it's just blatantly obvious that very, very little effort has gone into it. I'd say get it though if you NEED a racer on the Wii though, because out of everything the console has to offer that's not 'excite...' or 'mario kart' this is the best.


    On another note: Excitebots is pure awesome!

  8. 23 Years old. Birthday's aren't quite as special when you pass 19, just been sat at home with the dog all day... Having a big party in town tonight though :P


    Treated myself to a few new games and a trip to New York 2 weeks ago. Now I just need my loan!


    Cheers guys! :)

  9. There is absolutly no chance ever of Alonso going back to McLaren ever.


    His issues were with Ron Dennis who has now cleared off. Whitmarsh was interviewed on the BBC over the weekend refusing to rule out Alonso, also Davidson and Crofty said during practice that if he can't get a drive at Ferrari there is no other team with the capicity to give him a seat - Brawn will be unlikely to afford him, they and Red Bull have only had 1 season close to the top and it's probably that with extra dev time for next season McLaren and Ferrari will be back up at the front while the other two battle out the title.


    All the other teams are out of the question. He will be in a Ferrari or a McLaren next year and Kimi will probably be in the opposite team.

  10. I have a feeling it's going to remain as Kimi and Massa. The only chance Alonso really has is if Kimi leaves the sport all together or gets a ridiculous payoff (which I can't see him going for) or if Massa is declared unfit to race in Open Wheel ever again (which there is a miniscule possibility).


    I think he may end up at McLaren again. However this new scandal involving Renault/Piquet/Alonso/Briatore could see Renault kicked out of F1 next year and have disasterous consequences for Alonso and Briatore, deservedly so as well in my opinion, if of course it's true, which I am pretty skeptical about at the moment. Seems to have the makings of pissed off Piquet Snr. all over it.


    Source: http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/78195

    FIA to launch probe on '08 Singapore GP


    The FIA is to launch an investigation into the events at last year's Singapore Grand Prix, where Renault's Fernando Alonso claimed victory on the back of a crash by his team-mate Nelson Piquet.


    Alonso's success was sealed by the timing of a safety car in the early stages of the inaugural event - which had been called out when Piquet crashed into the wall shortly after his team-mate stopped for fuel.


    The timing of Piquet's crash prompted wild conspiracy theories that the Brazilian had been ordered to deliberately spin to help Renault take its first victory of the year. Piquet himself insisted at the time that the accident had been caused by him simply trying too hard.


    "It was my mistake," said Piquet. "We tried two extreme strategies with Fernando quite short and me quite long in the hope of getting a safety car. If I hadn't crashed I would have been lucky with the safety car later in the race because I was very happy.


    "We're always scraping the walls, and once you've touched the wall a little too much and lose control that's it."


    It is understood, however, that fresh evidence about the events that took place in the race have now come to light - which has prompted the FIA to step in.


    Piquet was dropped by Renault after this year's Hungarian Grand Prix, and has been outspoken in his criticisms of the outfit - and in particular team principal Flavio Briatore. It is not clear if the Brazilian himself has been a catalyst for the investigation, or if the evidence has come from elsewhere.


    The FIA has not elaborated on the details of its inquiry, but a spokesperson confirmed to AUTOSPORT that an investigation was under way.


    "The FIA can confirm that an investigation is underway regarding alleged events at a previous world championship race," said the spokesperson.


    Should the FIA investigation suggest there is any evidence of foul play involved, then the governing body could call a hearing of the World Motor Sport Council to discuss the matter.

  11. Can't wait to see what quali & race conditions are like - current forecast is for sunny spells, but I'm pretty that's been changing every hour.


    I'd really like some rain in Qualy to maybe mix up the grid a bit then even if it's a dry race there's an interesting starting order. As we all know, passing at Spa is possible. Looking forward to a good race this weekend and I'm hoping for a Raikkonen or Webber win.

  12. I'm not sure if they are are they?...


    I've gone over the 2010 rules (admittedly on wikipedia :p) and it doesn't seem to suggest there will be such a change... Also can't find any info on Autosport or other F1 websites. I think that once strategic pitstops are removed we could end up seeing a small number of races deicided by the end of the 1st lap (Valencia, anyone?). Doesn't exactly bode well for the sport IMO.

  13. Haha! I'd totally forgotton about that. My team was always the Shigsy army. Such joyous memories.


    I really, really hope they keep all the glitches and random secrets in, it was so much fun messing around and trying to work them out. Maybe they could make them have a purpose this time... Now THAT would make me buy an Xbox.

  14. Didn't the Dragon let you... throw it and make it blow up as the secondary fire? Something cool like that.


    It acted in the same way as a proximity mine. You could chuck it on the ground and then when unsuspecting victims approached.




  15. If I was God...


    I would make it so that Stuwii could never be banned from n-europe. Comedy that golden only comes once in a lifetime. I would also keep his identity a well guarded secret in order to drive up conspiracy theories as to whether he was a troll or for realz.

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