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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. They don't make FPSs like they used to. As you said modern day FPSs just guide you through what you're meant to do next and if you die you pretty much respawn where you died. It's a bitch starting the whole level over if you die but makes it so much more important to save your health! And another thing is your shields don't recharge like all new FPS!


    I still maintain that this and Goldeneye have never been close to being topped by modern FPS's. The whole nature of the genre has changed to something that's just not as enjoyable to play through.

  2. Yawn. But to be fair, Bahrain is a bag of shit. If it doesn't improve in Australia, we have a big problem.


    Why they didn't ban the double diffuser is beyond me, watch Australia '09 then watch this bore-fest. I wish they would just drop all the races in Asia and the Middle East because they literally offer nothing.

  3. I dunno about that Emerald, Bahrain isn't the most interesting of races unfortunately. It won't be until Melbourne until we'll know what to expect.


    As for the win, I'm saying Massa as he's always been strong here.


    Yeah I think it will all really kick off in Australia, however, Bahrain is very, very hard on the tyres. Bridgestone are bringing the mediums and Super-softs which means the super-softs will be great for qualifying but get destroyed very quickly. Who ever qualifies on them will be very brave, going for pole but having to pit early. I think who ever manages the super-softs well will stand a good chance, people like Button and Alonso, who are smooth with the tyres. Hamilton has to be careful as he is known to wreck them. However, Ayrton Senna once pitted 7 times in a race for new tyres and won. I hope it's a good race, I hope the big 4 are very closely matched and I hope Sauber, Force India, Renualt and Williams are right up there as well. It really should be a fantastic weekend.


    I have £20 on Massa at 11/1 for the WDC so hopefully he can win me £240 come november. Of all the drivers on the field, he deserves it the most. He was desperately unlucky in 2008, completely out-classed Kimi and while I rate Alonso, I don't think he is better than Massa.

  4. Here's a thought - If they really, really want a second Italian GP, who in their right mind would spend all that cash buying then building a Rome GP when you could just rebuild Imola?


    Because the spectacle of a Rome GP would make Bernie more cash. Simple economics, ignore what everyone, even the teams and drivers want in order to make more money. Hopefully he will 'come of age' before 2013.

  5. I just don't see what they bring to F1 other than numbers.


    True, they don't bring an awful lot. Apparently the car that Toyota was working on was good though. I'll be excited to see Villeneuve back, but apart from numbers they don't have a lot to offer. Yes, while they make up more numbers this also gives more chance for overtaking, incidents etc...


    The whole thing with USF1 has turned into a mess. Speculation is that the 2 guys who run the thing are incompetent control freaks who've already had drastically unsuccessful F1 teams in the past. Apparently they operated a system where everything had to be run by and approved by them which ended up taking up too much time and everything fell way behind schedule. USF1 were one of the first teams to sign up for next year AND did it before the budget cap, it just highlights how incompetent they've been and the sooner they disappear the better.


    I bet Dave Richards is kicking himself after all this. The guy took Jenson Button to third in the world championship in a bloody BAR and now he has to watch they fools make a mockery of the sport.


    In the meantime though, I'd just give the spot to Stefan GP and let the American's concentrate on Indy Racing despite already f-ing that up spectacularly.

  6. GPUpdate.net are reporting that USF1 have offered the FIA a "seven figure sum" of compensation to miss the entire season and keep their entry for 2011.


    Absolute joke. Get rid of these idiots now.

  7. 11 days to go. Anticipation is beginning to go up!


    What's everyone's prediction for Bahrain?


    I'd love to see Schumacher win, I also think Force India, Sauber and Williams will surprise a few people.

  8. I also got this this morning.


    First impressions: It's no Mario Kart. The framerate is the main difference for me, it just doesn't have the smoothness and fluidity of Mario Kart Wii which really detracts from the overall experience. Graphically it's not on the same level either; though the colourful, creative and varied tracks stand up well against the ones seen in MK.


    The controls are good (I'm using the wheel), the boosting system is integrated well and it's really rewarding when you nail a top powerslide and boost! It's a shame it's limited to 8 instead of 12 characters per race but it does seem genuinely more difficult than Mario Kart (except when Mario Kart is unfair on purpose - Blue Shell, Blue Shell, Blue Shell... Die!!). Weapons again, are similar to MK but don't really have the same appeal, they seem weaker and less effective, except the Special weapon which is different for every character and also very cool!


    Other than that it's a great kart style racer which seems very deep, has an excellent roster and lots of unlockables. As I mentioned the track design is good and there are plenty of varied locations. It doesn't stand up as strongly as Mario Kart but it's still a great game if you can ignore the slower framerate. Very fun in single (challenging) and multi-player and holds up well online.


    If you're on the fence, go for it just don't expect the class and production values seen in Mario Kart, often referred to as 'the Nintendo Touch' TM

  9. In other news...Gamers can finally play Goldeneye and Perfect Dark on Wii!

    With the N64 emulator only available via the Homebrew channel.

    46 seconds in...


    Still not running to well, tried Goldeneye and PD last night and they ran, but the framerate was really choppy and they suffered from slowdown, still a massive improvement though!


    Tried a couple of racers: Crusin' Exotica, Beetle Adventure Racing and TGR2 and they were all unplayable...

  10. Hm, I doubt I would feel the same way if it was the PS3. When I'm buying a HD console, I might as well buy the one with free online and a blu-ray player. Even though it's alot more expensive. I've always thought the PS3 was the better choice.


    Anyways, I've decided - I will save my money for the PS3. Already looking forward to the online! Oh, one more thing. Should I buy the 250GB or the 120GB? I mean, do I really need all the space of the 250GB?


    Now if i could just get a job..


    You don't need a 250gb consonle. 120gb is more than enough, you can always upgrade yourself to much more. I put in a 500gb HDD for £60 which was £20 more than buying the 250gb console. It will take you an age to fill up 120gb but if and when you do, you can upgrade yourself to whatever you want.

  11. The cheapest PS3(120GB) you get in norway is 2587 NKR, or 315 Euro.. I wasn't even considering buying it from norway. I always assumed it was way cheaper in England, and as i see now, it costs 249.99 Euro, or 2045 NKR from Game.co.uk!


    I went to Norway last year and thought the country was a complete rip off! I spent (equivilant of) £117 on 2 bottles of wine, a large pizza and a desert. The petrol worked out at £1.32 a litre and the whole place was generally damn expensive!


    Then I realised the minimum wage (or basic unskilled wage) is almost double that of the UK and suddenly it didn't seem so bad...


    What ever you're paying in Norway, divide it by 1.8 or so and then compare it to the price in the UK and you probably get a similar, if not better deal than we do.

  12. Id say that 50 million did exactly what MS wanted which was showing the giant PS2 userbase that their biggest franchise is a priority on the 360.


    What Microsoft did is bought up creativity.


    It pisses me off no end that Microsoft design god awful consoles which break, charge ridiculous amounts for online gaming and DLC, accessories which should have been included (optical out, wireless functionality and charge cables for the pad) so they can extract even more money from the hapless gamer.


    They go around throwing money at games instead of making original good ones and then release them bug-ridden and half complete (Fable 2 anyone?). Forcing me to buy their stupid machine so I can play 'exclusives' that used to appear on other consoles (RARE games / GTA DLC) annoys me. Luckily, for me, most of the studios that they collaborate with have made games that are of no interest such as GoW, Halo and ironically the new games from Rare.


    Their whole business philosophy towards the games industry is this snooty, unpopular, rich-kid 'me too' attitude where they chuck stupid amounts of money at everything just to attract some attention is more than irritating. And now they're trying to jump on the Nintendo bandwagon with their family-friendly game series which so far has just flopped - Yet in the background you can hear them cry "don't worry, we're still hardcore!"



  13. Seems amazingly stupid when Microsoft could have made a completely new game with that money. It's a Hell of a lot of money.


    Microsoft are a) twats, b) uncreative and c) incredibly stupid.


    Paying someone $50 million was perfect to ensuring that all 3 company policies were upheld.

  14. I bought an Xbox on a tight budget with a few decent games and soon realised that I'd made a mistake, I spent money on the console and wireless network adapter... Soon my batteries had run out and my 1 month of free live had expired and I was faced with the prospect of paying another £30-40 on batteries/cables and subscriptions, so I bit the bullet and sold it on principal to buy a PS3 instead.


    Personally, I prefer the PS3, the overall experience it offers better suits my needs. For example, I found streaming to the 360 very unreliable as I like to watch TV series and movies streamed from my laptop to my TV via the games console, in my experience the PS3 is better eqiupped to handle this task and performs more reliably without juddering and stalling. Another advantage I've seen with the PS3 is the console's optical out port which allows an optical cable to run from the machine to a 5.1 soundsystem (or 7.1 if you're loaded). I can stream my music through this now and it sounds incredible. On the xbox not only do you have to buy the cable, but also a stupid (and very expensive) adapter to make the thing work. Though I accept not everyone is interested in streamiung and surround sound.


    From a gaming perspective, I would side with the 360 - but it's marginal. Generally, games do run smoother on 360 with Bayonetta being the latest example. Though in recent times this gap has closed considerably and it's common that multi-platform games run equally well with only nit-picky differences. Also, by a whisker, the 360 library is more comprehensive, more varied and at a price-point, slightly cheaper (second hand market especially, I work in CeX and 360 games are almost always £2-5 cheaper). I personally find more exclusives that appeal to me on PS3 with this trend set to continue in 2010, however, both console have strong exclusives often matching up to each other. i.e Killzone & Halo / GT5 and Forza. Both consoles have very good downloadable game selections. PS3 has PS1 classics and Xbox has a few N64 games on there from rare as well as some excellent new I.Ps such as Shadow Complex and Trials HD.


    The additional Blu-ray playback is a nice addition to the PS3 and if you're an avid movie fan it's a must. The sound and visual quality is incredible, particularly on CGI movies or high-production movies like The Dark Knight. While Xbox has a more rounded and in-depth online service, you have to pay for it and in my experience it's not £30 better than PSN by any stretch of the imagination. PS3 offers Home which is fun and always improving and still has huge potential, but I can accept that 'potential' isn't really grounds for selling a console.


    Finally, I would suggest you do some research and decide for yourself, because at the end of the day they are both incredible machines which will more than meet your demands. Whichever one you choose you won't be disappointed - just make sure you make the right decision unlike me or you'll be forking out a lot more. See which one suits your needs and tastes the most and spend accordingly. : peace:

  15. I'm staying neutral, as always, this season. I haven't supported a driver and team since Damon Hill and Williams when I was younger, I even remember crying when Schumi ran him off the road in '94 (I was only 8 though, lol). I do like Schumacher and think he's a living legend but after being a Hill fan in my younger days I find it impossible to support him.


    I do like to back the underdog though so I would like to see Lotus and Virgin do well this year. I've always been keen to see Williams and Force India (formerly Jordan) succeed. Although, I don't know who I 'want' to win the title this year, but if I had to choose, I would probably back Massa, purely because he is an awesome talent, a very nice chap and is worthy of the title in his career. He was SO unlucky in 2008 with all the team f-ups.

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