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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. Good one!


    Laguna Seca... this is Tilke we're talking about... come on it's gonna be him!


    I wish you were right, but hopefully as Gallge says he'll get some help.

    It should be mandatory for drivers to help design a circuit, it was a bunch of them that helped with Silverstone's new layout and it's getting plenty of praise!


    Tilke is actually an excellent designer, it's the FIA's rules and restrictions on design that seriously hamper his ability to have free reign over the design. Malaysia and Turkey are excellent tracks, they have just been in locations that suit the FIA's rules better. Places like China (flat swamp), Bahrain (boring desert), Abu Dhabi (boring desert) and Valencia (space restricted, characterless harbour) really had no hope.

  2. Yeah I don't see the big issue about this. And I don't understand the point of a "Quit Facebook day" if its not intended to make a point to them? If as you said its a personal thing, why not quit today, just in case they "make it impossible" to delete your account between now and then?


    Its all nonsense.


    To give people the opportunity to acquire your contact info without forcing it on them.

  3. As for privacy, we should probably be concerned with Google. Honestly though, I'm not sure if I care. I don't have personal information on there because it's not the place for it.


    Instead of quitting Facebook it would probably make sense to subvert your account so it did not reflect what you liked. People aren't going to commit to quitting, subversion is much easier.


    What's the point in putting false information on it. By 'subverting' your account surely you are just creating a persona that is not yourself, why don't you just put nothing at all?


    15,000? holy shit they must be shaking in their boots.


    Of course they aren't, no one is even remotely suggesting they will. But 15,000 is a lot more than 1, and it will affect them in some very, very minute way for about one hour...


    The point is not showing them what we think and destroying their networks and profitz!!!11one1. It's about personally standing up for basic privacy rights. Who's to say that it won't become impossible to delete your account in a few months/years? By putting your data and pictures on the site, you are in effect agreeing ownership of that data to Facebook, to use how they want. Is it acceptable that the vast majority of people who have no really knowledge of the world wide web have a host of private date, photos etc. available to the whole world with no simple, easy to understand method of changing the settings.


    Why don't you just leave today? Out of the 15,000 people who have said they're going to leave it on the 31st I bet only around 1-2% of them actually do.


    Anyone with an ounce of sense can just change their privacy options to not let it publish your information about the web. It's not hard, complicated or time-consuming. I don't see why everyone has such a big problem about the privacy options; for me they are absolutely perfect, extremely versatile and lets me share my information with exactly who I want to see it. I can even set it up so my mum can't see anything I do but she is still 'friends' with me on it.


    Like I said above, this is not exactly the case. Facebook, actively make it almost impossible for you permanently delete your account, and it is by no means simple to change your privacy settings for everything under to sun (including applications). Pictures, updates, employment data, education data, likes, groups and basic information etc. are all shared as a default and just because we are all mostly web literate 16-25 males, doesn't mean that everyone else will be and have the same grasp of the technology.


    The point of this topic wasn't to scrutinise and criticise the day or 'protest' itself, but instead to discuss whether there was a point to be made regarding Facebook's questionable stance on privacy. Of course the protest is probably a bit childish... 'ohhh look, they're making a let's quit facebook event, on Facebook. lol, how gay!' And yes, probably only 1 or 2% of people will actually do it...


    Do you want the Internet to be a place where your personal information is safe, secure and protected? Or do you not care if your data gets bid off to every company under the sun looking to sell you stuff in a personalised manner with every business, legitimate or no having access to something you wouldn't really display in public outside of the web?

  4. http://www.quitfacebookday.com/


    Check out some of the links on there, makes some pretty scary reading...


    I for one don't want my privacy freely banded around online, so I'm informing my friends of my email/skype/phone number and staying in contact via more conventional methods after I leave on 31st May.


    I seem to waste so much time pissing about on Facebook that I think it would actually improve my 'productivity' as an active member of society to leave. I will miss looking at my friends photos easily, and the convenience of things like events will be missed, though I guess that's what those mobile phone things are for. This all seems like a natural transition now my degree is finished and I no longer need to procrastinate. :P


    So, is this simply scaremongering or are there legitimate concerns here?



  5. 50% of people going to uni is something that really irked me about Labour. How can you differentiate between the most apt academic people when 1 in 2 has a degree? This means that getting a first or 2:1 becomes compulsory to lead to any success and even after that, doing a Masters is the only way to really separate yourself from the crowd, along with an extra £5-10K worth of debt.


    Made even worse by these fucking clowns (just like at my uni - Leeds Met) who say that they came to university for 'the nightlife' RAGE.

  6. I see- thanks. However I will give anyone who reads this some advice, security x -ray destroys game saves, happened to my pokemon red


    Strange, when my friend went through with Pokemon Blue this didn't happen... Is it possible that this only affects Pokemon Red?


    Please confirm soon as I go on holiday next week and would love to keep my save file, which I have had for 9 years.

  7. You call 2 or 3 new games a month a limited income? That's ridiculous. 3 games a month? Really?


    Limited income, yeah. £3,500 a year student loan. £75 a week part time job (in a game shop, so I get discounts :D.) I suppose I exaggerated a bit. I usually get 3 or 4 games a months, but probably only spend about £50 because I buy them all second hand.


    That leaves me at about £2-3,000 after cheap food, rent and bills to spend on what I want. About half of that goes on games. The rest on things I need like clothes. I am very tight with money.


    Though when I go back home in 2 weeks I will definitely be joining lovefilm, I hate waiting months to play the latest games.

  8. This subject really annoys me. Why can't media companies understand the concerns of consumers. It's the same with DVDs and Music as well. No one in there right mind would want to spend £15 on a film or CD, yet they complain when sales are low and people pirate stuff.


    It's the same with games. If a game is going to be available for £20, four weeks after the release, albeit second hand, of course people will buy it. Personally I despise the fact that I have to buy everything second hand. But punishing people is not the way to combat it.


    Here's an example - A Games Company releases a game which has been in development for 3 years, had a considerable budget of £15m and gets released to mixed reviews. It retails for £35-40 at a wholesale price of £20, and sells 300,000 copies in 10 weeks. Meaning the company gets £6m in this initial period. It came out against stronger releases and got lost in the charts to the better games.


    They had forecast first year sales of 1,500,000 which means they are falling way short of making their target gross sales of £30m by a massive £24m. Over the course of the year the game shows some legs and sells a further 350,000 copies, bringing the total sales up to £13m. Still less than halfway to their original target and operating at a loss of £2m.


    They can then reduce the wholesale price to £10, budget retailing at £20 to try and claw a few extra sales, but by now the interest in the game has waned and it's unlikely they will achieve anything close to their target maybe 100,000 extra sales at best. Figures suggest that 400,000 copies of the game were bought second hand in the space of one year and 250,000 copies were illegally downloaded, meaning the company has potentially missed out on 650,000 sales, which accounts for about 50% of the total sales and another possible £13m which would have seen them operate at a profit of £11m on this project...


    But... they didn't, they struggled to break even. Jobs are cut, creativity is stifled in favour of 'safer' projects and they decide in future to tack on expensive DLC, extra chapters or unlockable content as a way of clawing back money.


    So what's the solution? Well, someone suggests they sell the game at £10 wholesale with an RRP of £19.99 on release. With the same marketing budget, the game hits 1,000,000 sales in the first 10 weeks because of the low price point. Gaining the company £10m. Gamers see the game cheap in the store, and while it may not be brilliant, it's a little bit cheaper than the other new releases, which they can wait a little longer to play when they come down in price. The games sells a further 300,000 copies in the space of one year netting the company an extra £6m.


    So despite the game being potentially average, the low price point has boosted sales against other stronger titles and the game is now operating at a profit of £1m despite failing to hit sales targets of 1,500,000. They might not have made a huge profit, but they can credit the project some success, see it's potential and try and rework a better squeal with the engine they have built.


    Alternatively they could release the game as a download only title for £15 (the lowest price point for consumers) and still make more profit with 1,300,000 sales.


    It's simple. £40 for an average video game is too much. Yes, most people are prepared to pay that for a Mario Galaxy 2 or a new Final Fantasy, but new IPs that get mixed reviews are never going to achieve results at such a high price point. It's not a sound investment on our part. So until pricing structures match consumer demand, the second hand market will always prosper, as will illegal downloads. People only have a limited income, if they could buy 2 new games for £40 or one new game for £40 they will almost always go with the 'sure thing'. Inevitably we will see a move where those unique, different games are dropped in favour of ones that can make a profit and if the issue is not addressed soon, we will all lose.

  9. Oh no. I won't be able to buy any of their crap games.


    This is stupid. It would just encourage me to pirate tbh.


    Same. I have a limited income. I have been wrestling with my mind recently between the option of continuing to buy every game second hand for less than £15-20. Or buy 2 or 3 a month, brand new and pirate the rest. The latter option means the Video Games companies get much, much more of my hard earned student loan. Buying games second hand or just pirating them, they get nothing.

  10. Does Luigi's extra 120 stars in Galaxy 1 count as 'normal gameplay'?


    Hard to believe there's 240 unique levels.


    Game informer interview - http://gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2010/03/26/miyamoto-on-mario-galaxy-2-expanding-games-and-more.aspx


    Q. For players who are seeking that extra challenge, you have harder bonus levels. Can you talk about how they are made more difficult?


    Miyamoto. Well, ordinarily, just to go to the end you’re supposed to obtain 70 stars, which is already challenging but not very difficult. If you’re really trying to get all the stars, you’re supposed to go to someplace extra. Those extra places are very challenging. When I say challenging, I mean as long as you can conquer them it’s going to give you a great sense of satisfaction and entertainment. In the end, we are going to have more than 240 stars for you to obtain, and we think it’s going to be challenging for any and all gamers.


    Seems to suggest they are 240 unique ones and not a rehash of the first 120.

  11. yh i know but to publish this and risk the world cup, selfish scum dail mail


    I would so LOL if somewhere in Asia got the World Cup because of this, then the Daily Mail would be directly at fault for 'English Jobs' going to foreign workers and for once they wouldn't be able to scream.




    I wouldn't even wipe my arse with this rag.

  12. It is a bit unfair how the York supporters have to travel so much further and pay much more than the Oxford fans. I'm sure that if the final was at Old Trafford or St James' Park then the ratio of supporters wouldn't be so unbalanced! Last thing I heard was that Oxford were taking 35,000 and York were taking 10,000.


    Ha, if you dominate us then we'll just score two goals in the last five minutes again ;) May the best team win.


    Congratulations Zell, the better team on the day won. Good luck next season, I'm sure we'll need it when we return to Luton... :D

  13. I don't see how anyone can argue against [insert Zelda game here] being the best in the series, I mean, [insert Zelda game here] was the real deal. Incidentally I enjoyed it because of [reason and context] and thought it was better than the rest because of this. [insert Zelda game here] stood apart from the crowd at the time when it was released and has aged brilliantly, still standing as one of the best gaming experiences on any games console. At the time it was released it [insert Zelda game here] was gaming gold, and Nintendo once again reminded us with [insert Zelda game here] why they are the best games company in the world.

  14. Do we know what they were testing during the practice sessions? Could Nico have been on longer runs? I missed both sessions so I have no idea.


    I hope Schumacher can improve but until I see him do it in qualifying or the race I hold off judgement.


    I missed both as well, but lap data suggests Schumi was definitely on shorter runs, so I also think it's best to hold off judgement until at least Saturday afternoon.


    I'd love the Mercedes team to do well this weekend, and I hope Lotus' upgrade firmly establishes them as best of the new teams.

  15. lol, that's what I love about this forum. You can be on the verge of ripping someone's face off (hyperbololz) and then instantly realise you're being ridiculous and forget everything about it. N-E ftw.


    Random aside: my girlfriend has been in bed for the past 40 minutes. Screw you guys. :p


    In the words of Yul Brenner (Cool Runnings) "Hey, this doesn't mean that I like you"


    But I may, just may, kiss your lucky egg.

  16. Crikey, you must be really bad then. :p


    No, I just finished writing a 12,000 word dissertation last night and my mind needs a shed load of time to recover.


    Political banter is always worth a crack though, even if my mind and hands are running on empty. My index finger, that's another matter ;)


    Sheikah, I admire that you care about politics when nearly half the population doesn't. I admire the fact you will defend and justify your views, even if some of us don't agree. It's much better trying to explain stuff to people who know what you mean rather than the majority that prefer to watch Britain's got Talent or something else resembling 'entertainment.'


    Keep it real homeboy. :hug:


    Now I must go wipe the blue stains off my face... ;)

  17. Anyway, that's quite enough on this. Nick's doing some smashing post-thanking here.


    I could argue, but when Ashley says exactly what I want to say in a much better way, what's the point.


    I'm merely lending him my moral support.


    Oh, and I think he's pretty fit. I'd love to meet him in a B&B somewhere..

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