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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. Got all my Wii games for sale open to offers, not set pricing, will do deals on more than 1 purchase...


    Will Sell the games below for £5 + P&P each or all of them for £33inc postage.


    Boom Blox

    Manhunt 2



    No More Heroes

    Trauma Center New Blood

    Zack and Wiki



    Provisionally sold to Fubar, pending payment.

    Super Mario Galaxy

    Metroid Prime 3

    Resident Evil 4

  2. I have to say, living life like this is pointless. I'm not trying to be offensive, but...


    Plus, because bad experience makes me dislike veganism. For every animal dynastygal chose not to eat, I ate three. ;)


    As soon as I saw Sheikah had posted, I knew it would be a negative opinion...

  3. I just got Seasons 1, 2 and 3 after watching the first 3 episodes on a plane about 2 years ago. I fully loved it and can't believe it's taken me this long to get round to getting it, I'll be watching it all oiver the next few weeks, ideally before Series 5 of Dexter starts :grin:

  4. My old car was a VW Golf which was in a sorry state, in desperate need of repair and had seen me through nearly 100,000 miles in 7 years. Repairing it with X amount of new parts in my opinion was not as viable as scrapping it now, after all, the recycleable parts will be able to be used in constructing a new car or go towards something else, taking it off the road. I could have kept it for longer, but it was a fairly big polluter and would have needed a hell of a lot of work doing it. I plan on doing the same amount of milage in this car, so hopefully I've made the right decision :p

  5. With Hollywood movie explosions and the many lightbulbs you'll find in Las Vegas, I doubt you'll do much difference. Sorry.[/Quote]


    :-/ perspective.... *sigh* But you're right, I'll probably save money, so that's a positive for me. ;)


    I daresay the branches were closed by people like yourself who switch banks. Just a guess.[/Quote]


    Halifax was taken over by Lloyds which is owned by the government after they were taken over because they were facing bankruptcy. I'm guessing it has something to do with cost cutting. Still, a lot of the elderly people are mighty, mighty pissed off, and rightly so.


    Also, even though you're abdicating from Virgin/Sky - Gonna get Freeview?[/Quote]


    With the digital switch off, I think I'll have too. I don't want to cut TV out altogether, I just want to cut down on my viewing. e.g. I cannot miss MOTD every week and I'm a big fan of the BBC, I don't resent paying a license fee one bit, as I think they're playing a vital role in a world where privately owned media, with a certain agenda has a hell of a lot of control and power. (Fox News, anyone?) What I don't agree with is this subscription based TV where you pay a company up to £700 a year (full package Sky with HD) for what in reality isn't all that much, and I do believe they abuse their dominant market position and are the reason many young footballers seem to have more money than sense and the prawn sandwich brigade are stopping most fans going to see the big clubs because of price increases. I'm sure there are arguments against this opinion but this is how I see it.


    All in all, if you're going to do this and it does seem like a mammoth task - Take it slowly. Don't pile all this all on in one go. Who knows? Maybe it will make a difference. If so, power to you mate.


    I think taking it slow is a good idea, I'll cut out red meat now and slowly cut chicken and fish out of my diet while learning good veggie meals and cooking techniques. I think Aimless had the right idea. As for my life now I love to travel, so I plan to drive round Europe in the next year, as I've been most other places, Korea, China, Australia, Thailand, The US so I'd like to see some places closer to home.


    With all your lifestyle changes, what is your direction now? You mention completing your course (Congrats) but what are you planning on doing?


    As for a career, I have no idea. I'll just continue working as a waiter until I figure it out but I have one requirement from myself to fulfil and that is that my job makes a positive difference to someone and I enjoy it. Salary, pensions and bonuses are not a factor. I'd rather be dirt poor and enjoy everyday, than have too much money and hate my job or do something pointless.

  6. After spending 3 years of my life studying Human Geography, I am about to embark on my adult life adventure, and with that the freedom to live the way I choose to live. My course has had an enormous impact on my outlook and perspective towards the world and I am now at a place where I can put everything I have read, studied and learned into some form of practice until I snuff it.


    To sum up, Human Geography is the study of the world from a human perspective, notably in various contexts of Social, Economic, Political and Cultural, almost always intertwining. We don't care about the physical attributes of the world, ocean ridges, earthquakes etc. etc. We deal in the people, their impact, their relationships and their purpose.


    During this time I have become very passionate about environmental issues and politics but since leaving Uni I have become incredibly sceptical of my role in the world. Despite my middle class upbringing and heavily conservative family I consider myself the polar opposite of this. Class and upbringing has nothing to do with it though, personally it's about my affirmation for humanism, love and equality. Everything I have read over the past 3 years, and everything I see or hear in the news depresses the hell out of me, simply because the world it the way it is and I now have a better understanding of the (human) Geographical systems in place which have made it this way. However, I do also understand that this will probably never change but, to refer to the thread title, can one person make a difference?


    I see the world as an incredibly unjust place where the individual takes precedent over anything and everything on the planet. What other animals do this? How the hell is this sustainable? Remember that bit in the Matrix where the Agents capture Morpheus and describe human beings as a Virus on the planet? Well I can totally see that. At this moment I'm typing and the deleting the beginnings of a rant where I list everything that is wrong with the world, so I'll swiftly move on...


    Anyway the point of this topic was to explain some of the thing's I'm hoping to do before, during and after my move on September 10th to my new home as my contribution, if you will, to making the world a better place. As I mentioned, I come from a well off family - Well after graduating I was told I would be getting a new car as a part present from my parents, grandparents, sale of my old car and a bit of my savings. So I opted for a Ford Fiesta Econetic - only 98 g/km emissions. Not only will driving this car save me money in fuel and road tax, it will cut my emissions massively. I have also toned down my aggressive driving style and stopped using the car in the city, I only cycle or walk. The point I'm trying to make here was I could have gone for something a bit racey, a bit cooler etc. something that didn't make me into a bit of a joke in my circle of friends... Though I ended up deciding on something where I put practicality and my beliefs before my material desires. Pretty much a first for me...


    To continue this trend, I'll be signing up to a green energy company when I move. For my gas and electric I'll be with Ebico which seems to be the best one available in my area. They only use 10% of renewable emissions, but the deciding factor was that they were a not-for-profit organisation which strives to reduce fuel poverty by offering fairer tariffs by having no share holders to satisfy. They also strive to increase awareness in renewable energy and are committed to expanding the proportion of energy the provide from renewable sources.


    As of yesterday, I opened a Co-operative bank account and will be closing down my Nationwide and Halifax accounts. Again, they have no share-holders (if you bank with them, you own a 'say' in what the bank does) to satisfy and only invest money into sustainable and environmentally friendly projects. Halifax have just shut down 250 local branches, resulting in about 16,000 job losses which is frankly disgusting. I had a letter essentially telling me to do all my banking via the post office! What's the point of the bank then?! I also discovered a Co-op store just around the corner from my new house as well so I've made a pledge to do all my grocery shopping there and not resort to going to the big Tesco Extra which is just over a mile away. For those that don't know the Co-op (same as the bank) are champions of local produce and only sell ethical products. So these are just a few more areas where I'm hoping a change can make a difference.


    I'm also making a lot of very small changes, for example I'm not planning on getting Sky or Virgin, even if I may be in a position to afford it. I spend too much time at home sat in front of the TV and I'm hoping that this means I read more and get out and do more productive things, living instead of existing if you will. I also dislike the way Sky operate, especially with Premier League football and their monopoly on the rights, so I'm hoping in some small way that I will taking a stand and be voting against this with my wallet, despite having had it in my home since 1991.


    I'll install energy efficient bulbs in every light and lamp, turn down my heating by a few degrees. I'll be recycling or composting EVERYTHING and by that I mean I will refuse to use my black bin unless it's truly and utterly unavoidable. It's shocking how much waste gets sent to landfill or simply burned up into the atmosphere, so I'm determined to make sure I don't send anything down that route as the end results (which we almost never see) is not pretty...


    The biggest change I'm thinking of incorporating into my life, and without a doubt the most challenging, is becoming a vegetarian. While I'm sure there are many veggies out there reading this, I am someone who eats meat at least every day, sometimes twice a day and the task of becoming one is frankly massive. I have no idea what I will replace it with, but I cannot justify being a consumer of meat when the environmental and ethical costs are weighed up. I don't want to go into too much detail, but I think modern meat consumption is so far past anything resembling natural. The amount of strain it places on the environment through intensive farming, transportation etc, is not something I want to be associated with any more, which is why I am going to work my damn hardest to cut it out of my life. I'm still at a cross-roads though... I will definitely cut out red meat, without a doubt, and most probably chicken, but what about fish, tuna...? And more than that, eggs? milk? these are still products of the farmed animals... Is going VEGAN the only way to fully combat this problem or should I check out the Free range, locally sourced dairy products at my local Co-op? :grin:


    I'm sure many people will get to this page and think TL;DR, but the point I'm trying to make is will this actually make a difference? Is there something that makes millions of people consider elements of this and then think, "f**k it, what's the point?" Can one person make a difference when they try? What do you do to make a difference?


    The world is an overwhelmingly big place and choices like this can seem very, very insignificant in the grand scheme of things but if you don't fight by what you believe in, does that make you someone who simply exists in the world, like a virus, or someone who lives in it with a hope for making it a better place for everyone?


    So I suppose now, to actually make the difference at a national scale I have to join Labour and make them socialist again, or join the Green party and try and convince the public that they are not doped up hippies...

  7. So is anyone going to any of the Renault factory tours this week?...


    Yes I could do with not spending the money atm, but I've just thought sod it, I really want to go, so have booked a place for Friday!


    I'm working all week :(

  8. They have the potential, Kameo is one of my favourite games with gen.


    Microsoft just give them stupid, piss-poor casual games to make.


    Fixed.. :wink: Kameo is pretty good (even if it was in development pre-Gamecube), PDZ was ok, but not terrible, VP wasn't to bad either... Can't comment on Banjo-Kazooie but I don't think they have any 'new' games lined up in the future, it's all stuff for Kinect and Avatar related bollocks...

  9. Rare quite officially suck nowadays.

    Even Microsoft are fed up with their stupid crap. I mean, come on! It took them FIVE fucking years to make Perfect Dark Zero.

    In fact MS are so fed up with them, they're now forcing them to make strictly casual games. Because Viva Pinata is the best game they've released for a DECADE!


    I used to love Rare. When I was a kid, that logo was in itself a seal of quality. I was devastated when Nintendo sold Rare.


    Many of the staff at RARE left around the time of Starfox Adventures (IMO the first average game they released). They formed a new studio (Free Radical Design) which made the excellent Timesplitters games and then the multi-platfrom game 'Second Sight' which was actually pretty good.


    They went into Administration in 2008, the real day that Rare died :weep:

  10. I have played up to the first boss on this on my US Wii and can safely say it's an excellent game! Plays and looks just like a NES game but the control is so tight, making it a real pleasure to play, I was actually surprised by how much I enjoyed it even though I haven't seen or read much on it. The music is awesome, the retro graphics are very nice and certainly add to the charm of the game. Anyone looking for a well presented, solid experience at a budget price? Look no further. Up there with the best the service has to offer.

  11. I'm not trying to be a tool or cause any kind of fanboy type argument; BUT.


    If I were looking for a music device that also offered video and games... I would probably be looking at an iPod Touch...


    Yeah but, Final Fantasy VII, VIII and IX. Yeah... :p


    Plus I REALLY f***ing hate Apple. I accept many, many people appreciate what they've contributed to the technology industry and I have lots of apple fans as friends. But on a personal note as an early adopter of the 30gb (4th gen) iPod, I was unimpressed. It broke 5 times in a year and eventually my warranty ran out and I was left with nothing :( Since then I've had a troublesome iPod video and iPhone 2.5g and in the end I just gave up. For me they release over-priced, (generally) low quality, unreliable goods. They seem to appeal well to the gadget geek demographic well and while I commend them for how they've pushed boundaries, the way the operate in terms of a business strategy pisses me off. 13 suicides in 6 months within their Chinese workforce to provide the West with overpriced goods. I'd rather just leave them and their products. No company is perfect, but for me, Apple are not a company I would like to have any of my money.

  12. Well I've been looking at getting a new music player recently, so with this offer and a nice collection of videos and PSOne games on my PS3, I think it would be silly not to get one!


    Is £199.99 on Amazon the regular price for a new machine, or are there better deals to be had?


    Or £194.99 on Play marketplace with a £20 PSN card???

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