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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. I don't think Season 5 has been as awwwwesome as season 4, however it's been a slow burner and shit is really starting to hit the fan. The last 4 episodes are sure to be incredible.


    I read somewhere (can't remember where) that they were going to end the show on a bang and not drag it out over multiple seasons. Could this finally be the end? I hope they go for one more.

  2. That was confusing, but I understand... after reading it a few times.


    So still 12 teams for next year then?


    and currently no drive for Hulkenberg.


    Hulkenberg's manager Willi Weber has said he will definitely be on the grid next year. My guess is alongside De La Rosa in a HRT. Very small possibility he could be in a Renault if they do get rid of Petrov.

  3. Yep, he's lost his seat at Williams, but he will be on the grid in 2011.




    No new teams next year. USF1 were fined and banned from entering F1 after the farce at the start of the year. The FIA decided in August (I think) that none of the applicants were up to scratch so we'll have a 24-car grid next year provided no-one drops out. Lotus, Virgin and Hispania have all made positive developments for 2011, all 3 have funding and the technical side in place as well so it's very unlikely any of them will leave.

  4. Wow. What a fantastic climax to one of the greatest F1 seasons of all time. Despite many people labelling the race as dull and boring I was on the edge of my seat all afternoon, truly sensational viewing. The way it all played out, while not action packed was one of the most strategic races we've seen in years. I really enjoyed the fact that it turned into an intense battle of lap times and pit stops as the racing, sadly, was always destined to disappoint on the Abu Dhabi track.


    I felt a huge sense of panic at the Schumacher incident, I truly thought Liuzzi had taken his head off! So it was a massive relief when he started moving around. It was a horrifying incident, in a way much worse than Webber's in Valencia, if he hadn't accelerated after his spin, and inched forward the results could have been disastrous. Shows how dangerous the sport can be but I'm glad Michael was OK and I hope he sticks around next year and gets a competitive car.


    Great strategies by Rosberg, Petrov and Alguesuari pitting and then going a whole race on the primes. That was the move that swung the race, coupled with bad strategies from Ferrari and Red Bull (Webber) which ruined their chances at the title, and from that moment it was a formality. As a big fan of Petrov since GP2, (my girlfriend is Russian :grin:) I'm pleased he showed his ability today. He was quicker than Kubica all weekend (except for the latter part of the race) and was sensational in holding off the world champion elect. I really hope he keeps his seat next year as he is still learning and definitely has the raw talent. Despite being beaten to the GP2 championship by Hulkenburg last year, he managed to beat him in F1 which is a positive for him. Alonso's reactions at the end were disgusting. I can however understand his frustrations (also glad he complimented Petrov's excellent drive later on), and after today, I'm feeling less sceptical about the changes next year to the regulations. Time will tell if they actually improve the racing.


    Good performances by both McLaren's, excellent way to end a difficult season. Great to see Jenson not getting hammered by Hamilton as many predicted he would be. I think they will both be very strong next year.


    A word must go to Nico Rosberg as well, he's been quick all season and has beaten a racing legend soundly. Schumacher really came back strong at the end and I'm really excited for this team next year I hope each driver can manage at least one win and they are serious contenders for both titles.


    Renault have also been very strong this year, Kubica has been dominant. Again, I look forward to them having a stronger car next year and am excited about both drivers, a good car will give Kubica a chance to fight for wins and possibly the championship and hopefully if they can retain Petrov he can use his experience from this year to demonstrate just how good he really is.


    Williams have improved again this season and were lucky to beat Force India who fell away a bit at the end of the season. I'm a big fan of both teams and enjoy it when they score big points. The little battle they've had all season has been interesting and I was convinced Force India had the upper hand but lost it right at the end. Still, a positive season for both team and lots to build on for next year. I did read today the Hulkenburg's manager has confirmed he won't be at Williams next year, which is incredibly disappointing. He's an exciting talent and would benefit from being in a midfield team with Barrichello as a team mate, it seems they've opted for the cash Maldonado brings. So I hope force India can better them next year :p especially if they upgrade Di Resta to a race seat.


    Sauber were poor this year, well, the car was. Understandable given the circumstance they stared under. I hope they revert to the classic blue and green livery next season. Kobayashi cemented his status as a great F1 driver this year, couple him with Sergio Perez and it's the most exciting Rookie line-up of all time! I'm hoping for and big things in 2011, whether they garner results will be irrelevant, they will be the most exciting team for sure.


    Quiet season from Toro Rosso, they've suffered from not having greater Red Bull support - Alguesuari has improved massively as the season progressed and is a very exciting driver, who seems to have genuine pace. I'm not a massive fan of Buemi, I don't think he'll be replaced, but I also don't think he'd be missed if he was. He started strongly but hasn't really improved.


    I don my cap in the direction of the new teams! I'm very pleased they all managed to survive, especially HRT. The battle between Lotus and Virgin was a highlight of the season for me, glad to see some rear of the grid competition back in F1. I can't wait to see how they all do next year and if Lotus will come out on top again. I've got a soft spot for Virgin (being a Yorkshireman), so I'd like to see them succeed and beat Lotus next year. Well done to HRT for securing 11th despite having the slowest car by a mile - an astonishing achievement considering they never upgraded the car once, they also had exceptional reliability which must be heavily applauded. Please get Karun Chandhok back in the car...!



    So then, Sebastian Vettel is world champion. I have been forced to eat my words from earlier in the week as he's done it in an Adrian Newey car :p Regardless of what I said, he was completely faultless all weekend, and in Brazil for that matter. For such a young man he handled the pressure exceptionally well, much, much better than his more experienced team mate, which I must admit was a big surprise. Webber really disappointed me this weekend, and since Korea I guess. Vettel's seemed to have the upper hand since then and even though the margin was tiny, he's done it on pure pace, so respect must go to him. Kudos to Red Bull giving them both a chance this weekend. I have no option but to commend their decision and they have earned a massive amount of respect from myself, who was adamant that Webber must win at all costs.


    I'll admit I was egging on an engine blow up during the race, but with hindsight I'm glad it didn't. Myself and many others on here have criticised his ability heavily, and while he does lack the racecraft compared with many of his competitors, over 19 races he has scored more points than anyone else. His Saturday performances have been almost flawless, and while Sunday has often been difficult, at times it's been dominant. It's acceptable to attribute this dominance to the car, but at the end of the day he's done his job the best he can and beaten his team mate, which of course is half the battle.


    Without a doubt he is a quick driver and I hope in the future he can develop and hone his skills as a racer, because he is sure to provide some exceptional fights with the likes of Hamilton, Rosberg and Kubica over the next decade.


    It was such an emotional moment when his team radio was broadcast, he is 23 years old (younger than me... :angry::grin:) and has beaten Michael Schumacher, Fernando Alonso, Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button to the world championship. I'm not ashamed to say that despite my general dislike of the guy I could feel myself welling up. I think I got caught up with so badly not wanting him to win that I was in some way detracting from what has truly been an exceptional performance for most of the season. When he stood on that podium and the German anthem was sounding, the only thoughts that came into my head were "you deserve that, kid" - because when it's all said and done and we're out of the intensity of the season, I believe he does.


    His ability to perform under pressure is actually a quality that Hamilton really, really lacked in his rookie seasons and Webber has lacked towards the climax of this one. So whatever skills he lacks elsewhere, this truly made up for it when it came to the critical moment and is a real testament to his character, hell even Schumacher cracked in 1994 and 1997. So my congratulations and respect to Sebastian Vettel, the youngest F1 world champion of all time. I now know that some degree of my hatred towards him was because if he became champion, he would be the first younger than me, which would mean my chances were probably over.... :grin:


    2011 is only 16 weeks away then! "The finger waver" will have a number that matches his finger on his car and the title fight promises to be even better than this year if Renault and Mercedes can get in the mix.


    Hopefully the BBC will finally get rid of Legard, and we're on for the perfect season of F1. :grin:

  5. I'm playing through DKC2 at the minute. It's a great game no doubt. It's a lot of fun. It is very, very difficult to 100%. It has amazing atmosphere and great music. It is the best DKC game. But for me, it is not better than Link to the Past or Super Metroid.


    I actually don't think DKC Returns looks as good as the three SNES titles, but I guess I'll see for sure when I play it. Nostalgia can be so awesome, yet so cruel at the same time.

  6. I have no sympathy for Vettel and his 'mechanical failures' and I'm sick of people (on other forums, not this one) saying 'Vettel would be winning without all his mechanical failures...'


    Well, I'm sorry but if Adrian Newey wants to build the fastest car, as he often has done, he has to compromise somewhere, and that's where reliability plays into it. Look at his 2005 McLaren. Fastest car by a mile, but it was unreliable as hell and Raikkonen missed out on the WDC despite having arguably his greatest season.


    Also, to me it's no surprise that Vettel has so many car failures and Webber has had none. Because Vettel is just not an intelligent racer. He pushes the limits of the car too far and rightly gets punished for it. In Bahrain, Australia and Korea he retired from the lead with mechanical failures, simply because he was pushing too hard. Sorry Sebastian but there are no points for fastest laps. To finish first, first you have to finish. If you want to hit the kerbs too hard and overdrive your fragile machine, then don't whine when it lets you down.


    I notice how Alonso was quoted as saying after Singapore that he could have gone faster if he wanted too, but did he? No. He understands HOW to win a race, it is about management of all the various factors, not just sprinting to the finish line.


    This is why I refuse to accept that Vettel is the second coming of Schumacher. He has had easily the most dominant car since the Ferrari years, yet he hasn't managed to do anything with it. He's desperately struggled to beat Webber, who even on his day is not really in the same league as Alonso and Hamilton, yet what he lacks in raw speed, he makes up for with mature driving.


    So while the finger waver is still a young lad, I don't think the maturity he needs will come with Red Bull's and Dr. Helmut Marko's arms wrapping him up in cotton wool telling him it's ok and he's unlucky when what they need to do is tell him to change his approach.


    Last year Button, another driver rarely grouped with Alonso and Hamilton in terms of outright pace was able to take advantage of his dominant care and maturely drive to a healthy enough lead in the championship, while still maintaining the requisite pace to beat his team mate in the process.


    Vettel's move on Button (Spa) in particular showed me just how far he has to come to be anything close to WDC material, it was just over-ambitious and idiotic to attempt such an overtake and ended up costing Button a podium position - compare this move with Button's 2009 Brazil drive and you'll get my point. I know everyone makes mistakes but Vettel has made one at almost every passing attempt he's made this year, costing himself or his opponent part of their car.


    I know maturity may come with Vettel's age, however, I think he lacks more than maturity, but the general understanding of what it is to 'race' - I also think under the blanket of Red Bull where nothing is his fault he'll continue to not learn from his mistakes. I am also confident that the combination of Adrian Newey and Sebastian Vettel will never win a WDC because it is just not a match that is well suited.




    tl;dr - I'll be pissed off if Vettel wins the WDC

  7. Surely the number of poles shows how crap he's been in the races?


    QFT. It will be a shame if Vettel wins as he has never passed anyone for the lead and has only won from Pole (except Malaysia & Brazil where he got by at the start, before the first corner).


    He simply cannot overtake as he proved on numerous occasions in Turkey (Webber), Silverstone (Sutil) and Spa (Button & Liuzzi). Having the fastest car and doing a good qually lap, in my book does not make him a good world champion. Look at the perfromances Alonso has put in despite having a weaker car. Definitely worth of a world champion, even more so than Webber who also hasn't made the best of his car with the exception of his pure dominance in Spain, Monaco and Britain.


    I'd LIKE Webber to win it but I think Alonso would be 'most deserving' if that makes sense. Even when he had a nightmare at the start of the year he was able to fight back up into the points.

  8. Fucking Vettel. What a fucking wanker, thought Alonso had pole and BAM there he goes to the top of the timelist. Twat.



    I hope someone takes the knob out on the first corner. I really can't stand the prick, he can't overtake and he is not WDC material. Just because he's quick over one lap doesn't mean he deserves the title, he's had the best car by a country mile all season and hasn't made the most of it.


    ABV - Anyone but Vettel


    EDIT: It's absolutely chucking it down in Korea according to Karun Chandhok's Twitter! :bouncy: - Should clear up before the race, may last into the first few laps but one thing is certain, the track will be very green. Canada V2 anyone?

  9. So terribly glad I didn't vote Lib Dem now, they've completely let down the students they claimed to represent.


    Complete sell-outs.


    How the government can possibly imagine that this will 'bridge the gap' between inequality and allow people from poorer homes to get to uni is a complete joke. All it's going to do is make choice come down to a cheap or expensive uni, and the richest will have the most choice in this situation.


    Typical Conservative policy with no regard for actually addressing the systematic problems with the current system. I would hate to be 16 right now.

  10. Nationalism doesn't always entail what you're thinking about. Ghandi's whole political agenda was one of nationalist overtones, which did not in anyway mean that he thought they were superior or better... boiled down to it's bare essentials, nationalism is merely an ideology which defends the notion that any one nation should belong (and therefore be harnessed by) to those who hail from it. All ethnocentric beliefs came later, afterbirth, if you will.


    But I agree, yes, most nationalist ideologies aren't like that and tend to be, well... biased. :wink:


    Nationalism focuses on difference, usually prescribing to the belief that some people are 'better' than others. Granted, Ghandi was an exception, generally it's an ugly point of view held by people with a closed mind who are frightened of difference and change.

  11. "Where's Goldeneye on Wii?"

    "I haven't seen Goldeneye on Wii, I wonder if it was supposed to be here?"

    "I'm surprised Goldeneye isn't here, I'm sure it's going to get a big marketing push"

    "Goldeneye on Wii looks shit compared to a 360 game"

    "I bet they pulled it, because it's so crap"

    "Wii graphics, lol"


    "Did you hear about Goldeneye on Wii, it was supposed to be here, but it was so crap they decided not to bring it and pulled out at the last minute"


    Xbox fanboys. They start rumours.

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