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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. Hamilton is an idiot. That was a ridiculous interview. He needs to get over himself. If he's the best, he needs to prove it. Everyone has their share of bad luck but driving like THAT and then blaming everyone else is not the way to do it.

  2. I've been to,


    Russia (Kaliningrad Oblast, not the mainland)


    South Korea







    USA (East and West Coast)





    Going to study in Estonia for 1 year next September and I'm going to drive there in July to check out the Uni, so I'll be able to add Holland, Germany and Poland to the list :D


    Travelling is AWESOME!

  3. I'm definitely loving Fernando at Ferrari for the next few years. Hopefully he can nab a few titles :)


    Massa is so undeserving of his Ferrari seat, one of the slowest drivers I've watched over the last few years. Get Koba in a top seat!


    Felipe Massa, the guy who regularly beat Schumacher in the same equiqment, who beat his team mate world champion in his title defence year, whilst simultaneously missing out on becoming champion by one corner?


    I'll admit he's been a little shaky since his life-threatening crash but he is not slow by any stretch of the imagination. I don't think Alonso's personality and attitude help with his confidence, seeing as how he isn't exactly a team player, and constantly whines when he's behind Felipe.

  4. I will be voting for AV, though I doubt too much'll change.


    If it manages to keep the Conservatives out for a few years, it's all good in my book. Though I do think it will lead to all the parties running to the middle ground to attract as many second and third votes as possible.


    Seems they conveniently ignored the part in the consumer information leaflet that recommends the user to "take a 15 minute break every half an hour..."


    Or the fact that handheld gaming or reading in a car is enough to enduce nausea in many people after 2 minutes let alone 2 hours.


    LOL, 'journalism'

  6. What a horrid race that was, did they race in the USA after that embarrassment or did Bernie and his cronies decide not to show their faces any more is the USA.


    They had a race in 2006 and 2007 until the contract ran out. In 2006 many of the fans who went in 2005 got in for free.

  7. Definitely think the circuit has potential, lots of beautiful, high-speed, flowing corners, definitely better than the likes of Bahrain and Yas Marina.


    I agree with Retro though, they must not wreck it with lots of run off.. I want to see people pushing the limits of the circuit and getting punished if they push too hard.

  8. I have a HTC HD2 which originally ran windows 6.5, I have flashed the NAND so that it's now running Android 2.3.3... much better OS :p It also has the potential to run another OS (such as Windows 7), either on the NAND or via a dual boot on the SD card.


    The phone, which is in excellent condition (screen is mint, and protected with a screen cover) with the exception of a minor dent in the back battery cover, comes with the box, a leather slipcase, USB cable and wall charger and a spare high-capacity battery. Selling due to getting a new contract :awesome:


    Would be looking for £210 including insured courier postage or RMSD. I don't have paypal so would only be able to sell via BT. I've been an active member for over 4 years and sold many things here before, including an Xbox elite (check the feedback thread).


    Let me know if you're interested and I'll try and upload some pictures at some point.


    Cheers, Nicktendo.

  9. What are the odds on Hispania out-qualifying Virgin? They've worked wonders on that thing, Narain was within 107% at the end of FP2 without even attempting a qualifying run. If Liuzzi splits or even qualifies infront of the Virgins tomorrow, surely they [Virgin] may have to re-think their whole CFD-only philosophy.


    I'm getting behind Hispania this season as the cool underdogs. The livery is beautiful, Liuzzi is talented, they have cut clever deals with Mercedes (such as the use of their factory and wind-tunnel) and they have upgrades in the pipeline for Turkey (race 4). I hope they make a bit of an impact this year. The new Minardi has arrived... ;)

  10. Goldeneye is a epic. Tomorrow Never Dies is... far-fetched, but still pretty good, relevant in some ways even. The World is not Enough is also an excellent, excellent film but starts to blur the boundaries between fiction and simply ridiculous. Die Another Day is pure shit. Not even close to being a good film. Just unbelievable in it's 'trying so hard to be cool' shitness.


    I haven't seen the Daniel Craig ones, but I already know they're better than Die Another Day.


    I welcome a third.

  11. I also saw the episode and thought it was horrendous, but I would never, ever complain to ofcom. I did the right thing: lol'd, shook my head and switched off.


    I don't mind Eastenders very occasionally, but as previously mentioned this particular storyline is FUCKING RETARDED. Such an ill-conceived concept that is so embedded in complete and utter fiction it makes a mockery of basic premise of a soap opera to depict real life.


    Also, it's just been Christmas for fuck sake, we're about to be financially arse raided by the government, it's been -9 degrees for 2 fucking weeks and they can't even put something merry on the television during the festive period to cheer up the depressed, poverty stricken population - no, instead we're treated to a bit of cot death and baby snatching and then prompted to call "if we've been affected by tonight's storyline."


    They should just cancel all TV programmes and show repeats of Red Dwarf all day, every day for the next 40 years - because no one can ever tire of that.

  12. Sounds like a plan. My one biggy is restricted internet access. I know I could probably cope without Facebook for 6 months, but the relationship between Google Images and making lesson materials is strong indeed.


    All you need is a chalkboard and a big imagination! :p


    I'm wondering if the fact that my Uncle's wife is in the Chinese government has anything to do with it, or the fact that he's been a senior lecturer for 20 years, and that book he wrote... Korea since 1850 - it's on Amazon! I'm sure it would be worth a try though! I know I'd love to do it.


    I will try and get some pictures scanned and uploaded but it's unlikely.

  13. To revive this thread (again)...


    I caught up with my Uncle last week. He comes back to the UK every Xmas as he is a professor of Japanese Social History at ADFA University in Canberra, Australia and they're currently in the middle of their summer break. On his way here, he stopped for 2 weeks in North Korea.


    Amazingly after expressing an interest to return to the country to the North Korean embassy in Australia, he'd managed to secure a role teaching at an all boys school in Pyongyang for 2 weeks. They said they were desperate for English teachers and he snapped up at the chance!


    The pictures are truly amazing, the classrooms are not to dissimilar from our own, with all kinds of colours and pictures lining the walls. He showed them how to play cricket, and they played on the banks of the river in centre Pyonyang on their dinner break - quite possibly the first time ever the country has even seen or heard of cricket. He said they boys were constantly asking questions and he had never in all his life seen such a passion for learning.


    What was most striking though, was how horribly wrong the West's misconceptions of North Korea are. The country is no where near as poor as we are lead to believe, he remarked that all the information we have about North Korea seems to be 10 years out of date (a time which he admitted the country was bitterly struggling). He told me that even in the short time since he was last there, there are more cars in the city, everyone has a mobile phone and the city itself is vibrant, busy and clean (the cleanest in the world, he said) - the streets are lined with continental (mainly Italian) style bistros and cafes and the population of Pyongyang seems prosperous and happy.


    Admittedly he didn't venture far out of Pyongyang, but he was free to go wherever he chose, he was not ordered around and chaperoned by guards, he had a female translator with him at all times, but outside of that he had no restrictions. He also said the 'worship' of Kim Il-Jong is at nowhere near the levels it's represented across the globe, people respect him and what he has done for them, but the God-like status is a huge exaggeration.


    There are 3 TV stations which operate between 11am and about 11pm - showing a whole manner of programmes but mostly Sport and Cartoons, which of course the kids love.


    I must say, even I, a staunch supporter of North Korea's right to exist was shocked at just how wrong my pre-conceptions of the country were. Of course none of you are inclined to take my word for it, but what was just as surprising was the fact that my Uncle sent a huge letter to the Guardian outlining everything he had discovered in North Korea, a long with pictures to try and create a little more balance in the Westernised view of the place - they didn't reply and/or simply weren't interested, which is a shame.


    Perhaps the most stunning thing of all though (well for me it was anyway) was the fact that almost every boy at the school was literally obsessed with "Messi" and "Ronaldo" and spent nearly all their free time playing FIFA. My Uncle didn't know what console it was on...


    But I'm willing to bet not many people thought North Korea, was quite like THAT, eh?

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