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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. My copy arrived from Play Asia. Prepare for disappointment. I'm only 4 levels in and this comes no where close to the past DKC games, in fact, it's unbelievably average. I had much more fun with NSMB and Kirby's Epic Yarn... There's just something missing. Will play a bit more tomorrow and see if there's much improvement.



  2. Also, selling my PS3 before Xmas to raise a little extra cash. Machine is in excellent condition, will format the HDD prior to postage meaning there is around 465gb of formatted free space for anything you so desire, such as movies, music, photos and of course the GT5 install ;)


    Will be selling boxed with all correct accessories (Dualshock 3, AV lead, power supply & charge cable). Will also throw in HDMI lead for High Def out of the box as well as a Wireless headset and charge cable.


    Will make a great Xmas present for yourself.


    Priced at £225 with buyer to collect or arrange a courier of their choice.


    Machine is just under a year old, originally purchased just after Xmas last year. I don't have the original 160gb HDD, but changing this does NOT void the manufactures warrenty.

  3. This series is starting to rival 4 as the best. So much intensity in the last few episodes.


    What I love most about this series is when...


    Dexter first discovered Lumen and me and my gf agreed that he pretty much had to kill her to stay alive, or at least out of jail. HOW WRONG WE WERE. I actually feel ashamed that that thought crossed my mind!


    Since then Lumen has become awesome, and Dexter has developed as a character so bloody well. I really hope they do another series with them as a team, but I am very worried in 2 weeks Lumen will be dead, just like Rita and Dexter will be cast asunder, alas, to quest alone, in the shadows of society once again.


    The next 2 episodes are going to be amazing, Jordan Chase knows they are coming, Liddy knows their dark secret and will probably tell Deb. Can't wait for the fireworks.



    Non-spoliers: Stuff happened.

  4. My copy arrived from Play Asia. Prepare for disappointment. I'm only 4 levels in and this comes no where close to the past DKC games, in fact, it's unbelievably average. I had much more fun with NSMB and Kirby's Epic Yarn... There's just something missing. Will play a bit more tomorrow and see if there's much improvement.

  5. Not particularly. I have no idea how much any of it is worth. Especially the N64. The Home cinema kit, I'd like to get at least £100 for, ideally more. The Wii games I've tried selling for about a fiver each (even though I'd like more) and had no luck, so obviously they're not worth that much. The red dwarf DVDs, again, no idea - same with the Zelda one. The 8gb Card I'd let go for about a tenner.

  6. Oh, and what is morally good is ultimately dependant of the individual making the judgement. I dare say (mainly because I know people like this) that there are people out there who think Saudi Arabia is morally perfect, and yet it still has things it wants to hide.


    I'm glad you mentioned Saudi Arabia. One of the most oppressive and non-democratic countries in the world, just 6 places above North Korea - yet it's one of the United States closet allys?


    How does that work, I thought the US promoted freedom for all world citizens..?


    Personally, the only thing I find truly rammed home is, ironically, the idea of the virtuous nature of our society allowing freedom of thought and expression more than pretty much all others.


    And there in lies the beauty. We're allowed all this freedom, we even get put a cross in a box every 4 years. Although, in reality it's only a choice between blue and red, with maybe a hit of yellow. There isn't even a tint of yellow in America, it's great - There's right wing or even more right wing. If I go there an start a conversation by saying, "Hi, I'm a communist, would you like to discuss politics?" I wonder how many people will tell me where to go. But I'm free to think what I want, and so are they. I wonder if I could get on TV to air my viewpoint.


    Despite graduating I even thought about joining these student protests but then I thought, what's the point, if they don't listen to 1 million+ saying don't invade Iraq, why would 200,000 make them change their minds on tuition fees?


    The right to protest is great in theory, kind of like something else we discussed in this thread.

  7. I've read them before, and I don't recall the passage stating how the atomic bombing of NYC would prevent otherwise unavoidable deaths. The IMF may not be the most ethical people in the world, but I can't see how that could in any way be rectified by bombing NYC.


    It can't, it's a completely ridiculous concept. But it would be a show of strength to the US, that many people in the world don't agree with their point of view. Except unlike Japan, they wouldn't be deterred, if anything they would fight back harder because they are in such a dominant position as a result of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


    9/11 resulted in 3,000+ innocent deaths and the resulting 'war on terror' resulted in 65,000+ innocent deaths.


    That's not a good ratio to place a bet on.

  8. How will that free those people, or prevent deaths?


    Read my posts on the first few pages. Or alternatively, have a look at how IMF loans are socially and economically influencing South America and more recently Vietnam.


    Well I assumed you weren't stupid enough to trust everything you read in the media, so unless you feel your parents are trying to indoctrinate you, school is the only real other contender.


    See: Society.


    Replace the country loosing that volume of documents with any other reasonably major world player and the fear of damage to relations would be identical.


    If they're a force for moral good, what have they got to hide?

  9. I'll just leave this here...




    Wikileaks release to damage foreign relations, US says


    Wikileaks plans to release seven times as many documents as it did in October

    Continue reading the main story


    A spokesman said: "These revelations are harmful to the United States and our interests."


    He added: "They are going to create tension in relationships between our diplomats and our friends around the world."


    The whistleblower website says it will publish nearly three million documents.


    The spokesman, PJ Crowley, said the state department had known for some time that Wikileaks had obtained some of its classified documents. He said congress had been warned of the impending leak.


    He added that US diplomatic missions around the world had begun notifying other governments that the documents may be released within days.


    "We wish this would not happen, but we are obviously prepared for the possibility that it will," he said.


    Military information

    A Pentagon spokesman, Col David Lapan, said the defence department had also notified congressional committees of the expected Wikileaks release.


    He said that although the files were believed to be state department documents, they could contain information about military tactics or reveal the identities of sources.


    Wikileaks said on Monday that it planned to release seven times as many documents as it released in October, when it posted some 400,000 documents about the Iraq war on its site.


    In a message on its Twitter feed, it said: "Next release is 7x the size of the Iraq War Logs. intense pressure over it for months. Keep us strong."


    It would be Wikileaks' third mass release of classified documents after it published 77,000 secret US files on the Afghan conflict in July.


    Wikileaks argues the release of the documents has shed light on the wars, including allegations of torture and reports that suggest 15,000 additional civilian deaths in Iraq.


    Says it all really.



    And as for WW2, if killing millions of innocent civilians is a necessary evil, to stop a greater evil, give me an atomic bomb now, I'll be happy to drop it on New York in an attempt to stop the Americanisation of the world, and free 2 billion people from economic oppression and slavery.


    All of this is subjective. It's only a necessary evil if you agree with the Western point of view. Was it worse than global fascism? Of course not. Is it worse than anything else? Of course it is, but that would mean the people in power were removed from this position of power.


    Since we're taught that Westernised life is the way forward from birth and everything else is evil, oppressive and/or wrong yada yada, I doubt many people in the West would gladly support a movement to bring an end to this way of life, everyone else can be labelled terrorists. Of course in their regime, where their 'way of life' was drilled into you from birth it would be labelled propaganda, but no, we shall call our version freedom, and people who are 'free' to not agree with it are stupid/insane.

  10. And NK is a threat because the leadership is absolute nuts. They know they can near enough do anything bar full out attack and have basically no repurcussions.


    As yet, North Korean govt. hasn't used an Atomic Bomb, Chemical Weapons or generally caused mass destruction on innocent civilians of another nation to suit it's own ends. So we can safely assume it's not quite as nuts as the ones previously mentioned....


    Nor has it invaded a Middle Eastern nation for utterly pathetic reasons which underneath the 'real reasons' contained unprecedented lucrative defence contracts to it's national construction companies, allowed billions and billions of dollars to be diverted to fund this at the expense of its own poorest citizens needs, and allowed the localised occupation and control of the 1/3rd of the world's most expensive and important fuel source, because it consumes far, far more than what it actually has.


    So when they do something along those lines, I'll label them nuts.

  11. Look I'm sorry if I come across as a massive c*** but I am so fed up of people focusing on certain ills of the world while ignoring others, which are arguably much worse.


    Over 65,000 innocent people are DEAD in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    How many millions of innocent people died and are STILL dying in Vitenam after the use of chemical weapons?

    How many innocent people died in Japan after the use of Atomic bombs, how the hell were the even morally justified?

    Why were the Taliban supplied with US money and weapons in the Seventies?

    Why are we fighting a war on Terror? What the hell is terror? How can we defeat it? Will we ever defeat it, or are we actually making things WORSE?

    Why is the US spending more than the ENTIRE world combined on defence when people are still going hungry in many countries?


    Why are we still doing and listening to what this supposedly 'great nation' tells us to do? Why must we 'remove the threat' of North Korea, when we are the ones antagonising them by cutting them off from the world, just because Washington doesn't agree with the regime and why does it see itself as some sort of moral force for good for the entire world?


    I'm in no way condoning what goes on in North Korea and have made that point numerous times in this thread, but seriously, what the fuck are we doing? We are surely making the situation a hell of a lot worse by continuing these actions. We are just as bad as the regime by not allowing them food and aid, by not engaging in positive talks and actually taking an equal approach instead of a dominant "here's what you must do" if you want what we have. It's ridiculous, it's just encouraging them to stand up for themselves. Just because America wants access to every human and every economy on the planet to suit it's own ends. It's absurd.


    And don't separate what goes on in North Korea from Guantanamo Bay. People suspected of terrorism, tortured, denied basic human rights. How the hell is it any different? How can the US honestly expect people to buy into the bullshit it promotes when it acts in such a morally corrupt and hypocritical way.


    You should lead by example, not because you have the biggest weapons and the biggest economy and can force people to do what you want.

  12. Lots of things for sale. I need to go abroad in January to visit family and scout out a uni for a week and at the moment can't afford it, so I'm selling all my wonderful goods to you beautiful people, if you want them of course... And if they price is right :D


    First up Panasonic SC-PT460EB- iPod Dock Home Cinema System As seen here...

    click here...


    Comes with everything mentioned in description, so that's left, right, centre, rear left, rear right speakers and necessary cabling. Sub Woofer. Remote control. And the DVD / Amp unit itself of course.


    Very well equipped system with optical input, AUX input and scart input. RGB Scart output and 1080p upscaling HDMI output.


    Also includes iPod dock (supports all types except iPhone) and USB input to use system as 5.1 music centre, which sounds fantastic!


    In great condition but does not include box. Will also throw in the following accessories...


    1x HDMI Cable

    1x Scart Cable

    1x 1M Optical cable

    1x AUX extender (for use with Wii etc.)


    Not really wanting to post due to weight and lack of a box. However, if anyone is interested in arranging and paying for a courier I'm sure I could sort something out.




    Secondly, N64 Console!

    Come with the following awesome,


    4 controllers - 3 grey, 1 red, all in good working order

    2 rumble paks - both need batteries

    1 memory pak

    1 Expansion pak


    The following 24 games...


    Perfect Dark


    Jet Force Gemini

    Blast Corps

    Diddy Kong Racing

    Donkey Kong 64



    Turok 2


    Body Harvest


    F-Zero X

    Excitebike 64

    Pokemon Snap

    Star Wars Racer

    Top Gear Rally

    Top Gear Rally 2

    Beetle Adventure Racing

    Mission Impossible

    World Driver Championship

    F1 WGP II

    Mission: Impossible


    and the best 'til last....

    Rocket: Robot on Wheels (Those that have played it will know :wink:)


    Also not really wanting to split this package but if anyone was really interested in a couple of games and would give a good price, I may be swayed.




    I Also have the following US Wii games still available...


    No More Heroes (gore version)

    The Godfather

    Manhunt 2 (non fag version)

    Red Steel

    Zack & Wiki

    Boom Blox




    Few DVDs as well for you...

    Red Dwarf series 1-8 (individual series)

    The Legend of Zelda - Complete animated series




    Finally, I have a Sony Ericsson 8GB M2 Memory Card as well.


    Thanks for looking :)

  13. Oh my god! That episode was brilliant.


    This is my favourite season I think. I mean/....Trinity was amazing last season...but the side stories were slightly lacking. This time, the whole package is utterly amazing. God. So good. Literally too good. And I love the hell out of Lumen.


    I nearly came when I saw the 'next week on Dexter' snippet. Fuck. I can't see him getting out of this one.

  14. It is possible that (as they say) they were provoked.


    The BBC said that the South were conducting "Military drills close to the border" prior to the attack... so not really the;




    Headline that most news agencies are going with is pretty unrepresentative. But the real question is, are we surprised?

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