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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. I've asked this before.... but what do you do in this game?!! Just make stuff? Is there a "game" to it or more of a playbox?



    Without spoiling too much, there is a quest and a final boss, but most people either never get to it or simply aren't interested in it. It's not like Zelda for example where you are shown what you need to do and where to go, in minecraft you have to figure it all out for yourself. Wikis and guides can be helpful in this respect.

  2. Most likely due to specs the Wii U version worlds will be like those in the PS3/360 version, which were very small. The PS4/X1 versions are something like 30 times bigger. For that reason I don't see why anyone with a PC or other next gen console would bother to pick this up.


    I mainly got it for off TV play while the missus is watching TV and the fact that I don't have to hook my laptop up to the PC to play on the big screen every time. Updates are coming though, there's a few bugs and glitches which tells me they rushed this for xmas, so who knows what they'll add in the future.

  3. How much of a cut do Nintendo take from eShop sales? At 15 Euros a pop and >25,000 games sold I guess that's about 375,000 euros minus whatever Nintendo's cut is. For a game that's been in development, for what, 2 years, I guess that's already not so bad.


    Really enjoying this game by the way. Obviously it's not a patch on F-Zero, but for a £10 eShop game, it's great! Hypersonic is hard as nails.

  4. Very surprised at the overall negativity in this thread. I've finished both games, the second one just last week and I was hugely impressed by both. The gameplay and indeed the story were excellent and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The second game is on the short side, I defeated the final boss after about 12 hours, but the gameplay is so good I'm more than willing to go for all the pure platinum trophies.


    To anyone who hasn't played them yet, I'd definitely recommend playing through the original before the sequel. Firstly for the continuation of the story, and secondly because it makes the more tricky second game a lot easier. I finished almost every chapter with at least a silver or gold trophy on the first run through. Of course the controls and gameplay take some getting used to, but once mastered you will struggle to find a more satisfying experience on the WiiU.


    The inclusion of Bayonetta in Smash is a masterstroke and I for one cannot wait.

  5. My top 5. (I've only played Nintendo based stuff this year)


    5. Box Boy (3DS)

    4. Pokemon Shuffle (3DS... sorry!)

    3. Majora's Mask (3DS)

    2. Triforce Heroes (3DS)

    1. Splatoon (Wii U)


    Haven't played many of the 2015 Wii U releases as I've been busy on the 3DS. Mario Maker was a disappointment though, didn't enjoy that at all.

  6. I've been outwitted for most of the evening by an IKEA bedside table...however just logging on now if you're still about?


    If not apologies for not getting on or in touch sooner!


    Sorry mate, just saw this now. I'm all done for the night, so maybe another time :D


    Thanks for the games, @Ike and @Nicktendo!


    Great fun!


    Really good fun tonight! It's so much more different to play with people who know what they're actually doing ;)


    I actually held off buying this at launch because it didn't appeal to me at all, but then I saw it for the equivalent of £18 last week and decided to take the plunge. I'm very, very impressed. The overall level design, music and mechanic of using all three Links in different ways is something only Nintendo could manage. One of my favourite 3DS games of 2015.

  8. To celebrate being the best multiplayer game of the year/decade/our life time's, Does anyone fancy getting a game of this in tomorrow evening?


    I've found myself with a rare Saturday evening of a) no work and b) no Mrs so the living room is all mine?


    I'd class myself as being very casual (started getting good but haven't played it for months, literally fired it up now to get back on it!) so I don't want to get shouted at on Skype (can do that if people are keen!)


    So yeah, anyone about tomorrow night? I could be on from about 6pm :)


    I'd be well up for a couple of games tomorrow! I haven't even played this game with friends yet, so I'd be happy to test my skills against non-ranked opponents!

  9. The update for this is out now.


    So with that, anyone up for some games tonight?

    It doesn't have to be in the new Den of Trials, I'm more than willing to help someone out.


    Oh, and maybe you no-friend players can finally help me find out what the hell the Tri Suit does!


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    I do like how the kid outside the castle refuses to acknowledge bought Friendly Tokens though. Good way of proving you got it legit.


    I got this the other day, only played for 5 hours and done the first 4 worlds, but I'd be up for some games tonight after 6pm.

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