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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. I'm glad it's not just me.. I really do think this "power" idea is off... probably implemented to help out weaker players. The problem is that you still get ranked as a team. That means a strong player in an incredibly weak team will lose points because the team let them down, or a very weak player may win points just thanks to their team.


    Definitely felt like a chore... I looked how close I was to "King" but then realised it wasn't fun... and quit out.

    They need to work on the points to power up. maybe introduce a 1000p and 1800p point to gain an extra +2p... so getting 400 = +2, 1000 = +4 and 1800 = +6. would make being placed in a crap team much less of an issue, and would reflect your contribution more.


    I also hate this new system. Ended up at just over 1410 but lost so many games because of a weak team.

  2. How does it differ from Harvest Moon? Or is it a full on tribute?



    It's essentially Harvest Moon 2.0. Everything that was great about the 8 / 16-bit era games returns, only much, much more fleshed out. There is level progression for each of the skills (farming, mining, fishing etc) which really adds to the sense of progression. Minecraft style crafting of materials is also a great way to expand the tools at your disposal.


    The best part is though, you are completely free to do what you want, without heavy financial penalty, so if you want to fish all day and neglect the farm, you can do it. You can explore the caves, expand your farm, improve the town, find artefacts for the museum or work on relationships with the inhabitants for rewards, you can focus on one or more of these aspects and still find a deep and interesting game.

  3. Lovers of the Harvest Moon series, I urge you to pick up Stardew Valley now! Absolutely charming game and unbelievably faithful to the early games in the series. I've been playing it on Steam all day, and will probably continue to do so all night :D

  4. Feel kind of silly avoiding reading some of you guys' posts incase of spoilers, even though I've played the game before!


    It's felt a little too much like hard work up until now but I just finished the 3rd temple and everything is starting to click now, which has got me in the mood where I don't want to stop playing it but Pokemon Blue is taking my attention too.


    A couple of sour notes though, I don't think this is a very good conversion. The frame rate drops, although tolerable, are happening far more frequently than I had expected and there seems to be an issue when centring the camera behind Link with 'ZL' where Link gets stuck walking in one direction for a split second. It's not something that has caused me any gameplay issues so far, but I can see it getting irritating during a strenuous boss battle.


    Was Tantalus entirely responsible for the remaster, or did EAD have a hand in it? They seem like that kind of problems that Nintendo would usually iron out of one of their AAA titles, but weren't willing to devote the time or resources when it's just a remaster and not a completely fresh game (especially when they're hopefully working on a tonne of NX titles in addition to Zelda U) but I don't recall having any problems with Wind Waker.


    Let me know if anyone else has voiced these issues, like I said I've avoided reading posts in this thread incase of spoilers.


    So far I've only experience framerate drops in off-tv mode, and they were actually quite frequent. Playing on the big screen, I haven't experienced any problems. As for the second problem, I've noticed this as well, but I'm absolutely sure this was a present in the previous versions and is not something new to the HD upgrade when centring the camera behind Link.


    As for anyone having issues controlling Epona, I find it best to zoom the camera out all the way using the right stick. Doesn't solve the issue completely bit certainly makes things a bit easier.

  5. Name: Nintendo iHome and Nintendo iMove (Handheld), yes the i is for Iwata.


    Graphical capability: iHome outputs at 1080p with graphical and processing power on a par with PS4 / Xbone. iMove outputs in 540p and is twice as powerful as PS Vita. Both consoles use the cloud or each other in close proxomity to increase processing power, games are scaled accordingly depending on how the respective device is connected.


    Controller style: iHome comes with the iController, a replica of the GameCube controller (yes, that means analogue triggers) as well as a small 4.5 inch 540p touch display, analogue sticks and triggers feature haptic feedback. Motion enabled. The device can also either be connected to the Wii U gamepad, Wii Remote or iMove. The second screen acts like the DS touch screen and does not replicate what is on the TV screen, though can be used for "off TV" play a la Wii U.


    The iMove is similar in style to the iController (same button layout, features), but shaped more like a smaller 2DS for ease of portability. There is one screen and it's touch enabled, so is the rear (just like the Vita :laughing:). Fully motion enabled, gyrometers baby. Can be used as a replacement for the iController.


    The gimmick: Every game works across all platforms, and is scaled accordingly. Unified "my nintendo" account stores saves in the cloud to be played at home or on the move. Games are cartridge based, but Nintendo offers 20% discount on all download titles during year one to encourage digital sales.


    VC games offered for free to early adopters. Wii or Wii U users can upgrade for 20p for all NES / SNES / GB / GBA games, 50p per game for anything else. Catalogue of over 200 games on launch day including GameCube. Runs Wii U discs natively.


    Multitude of apps avaibale on Android based operating system "NintendOS". Heavy social media integration, Miiverse returns. Sharing to social media earns platinum points, which can be used on rewards such as themes, wallpapers etc.


    Easy to develop for, multitude of PS4/Xbone ports available around launch. Packed in HDMI dongle enables "on TV" play which allows iMove games to be streamed to the big screen without the need for purchasing the iHome console. iMove is not compatible with Wii U games for obvious reasons.


    Hard drive size: 240GB expandable (Console), 128GB expandable (Handheld)


    Launch lineup: Zelda U, Pikmin 4, Animal Crossing i, Super Smash Bros i (GOTY edition of 4 with all DLC), Nintendo World (technology showcase game in the same vain as Nintendo Land - Pilotwings, WaveRace and F-Zero mini-games all make an appearence and then are never spoken of again), new exclusive by Platinum Games, host of 3rd party games / ports.


    Price: £300 (Home Console), £200 (Handheld)


    Release date Dec 2016 iHome, Apr 2017 iMove.

  6. Picked this up today, such a joy to go through this again. Already put 5 hours in and absolutely loving it. The graphics really are amazing, even if I do kind of miss the blurryness of the Wii version, I feel it added an extra something to the atmosphere. Nevertheless, so hyped for Zelda U and would love to see a Skyward Sword remake in the same vain as this.

  7. I'm gonna tell you what I told @Dcubed, you're mental if you think they're gonna show that before E3 time.

    After all, that's when they revealed Earthbound Beginnings last year and the reaction was immense!

    And revealing Mother 3 a year later would be very nice.


    After all the rumours, I thought we'd hear something, but I guess you're right though, not too long to wait ;)

  8. Pretty decent direct. Paper Mario looks gorgeous, but it seems to play a bit like Sticker Star, so naturally, the internet will hate it. I don't mind, I enjoyed Sticker Star.


    SNES games are also nice I will happily pay for portable Earthbound and Super Metroid.


    Forgot to mention Paper Mario! Regardless of how it plays at this moment in time, that game look gorgeous!

  9. I thought it was a fairly decent Direct overall. Remember this only covers the games until the end of Summer, and there seems to be more than enough to play. Starfox is looking good, as is Sharp FE. New Kirby was a surpirse and looks decent. I loved Triple Deluxe. Glad we're getting Fire Emblem pretty soon. Indie line-up is looking strong, plenty of interesting games there. Super Meat Boy, anyone? (at last). 3DS line-up is also fairly solid.


    I've also held off buying VC games on the Wii U after my Wii failed and I lost my games, all 30 of them :hmm:. I'm hoping the Nintendo Account will allow for cross platform buys. I do actually own Earthbound though, so I'm gonna be a bit annoyed if I can't download it on the 3DS for free considering I already paid for the Wii U version... They need to rectify this, until they do, I'm not buying a single VC game.


    No Mother 3 though... :sad:

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