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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. Totally agree, and even more backwards compared to Wind Waker's lovely animation. That's what has me most worried about Zelda U, it looked to be using the same engine as TP/SS.


    Zelda U is using the Xenoblade X engine if I remember correctly.


    Jesus.. This game is 4,000 roubles in Russia and 4,500 for the special edition. Granted with the current exchange rate it's only £40 but by the old one it's more than £80! Used to be a stable 45-50 roubles to the pound when I arrived and my wages haven't increased since then! Still, tempted to buy it tomorrow! Special edition :D It's been a good 8 years since I last played through it and can't wait to go through it again after Wind Waker last year.

  2. I'd quite like a 5 a side mode added. Throwing mario and Little mac in EA sports games worked on cube. Same with Soul Calibur. So maybe this is better than Miii's.... a 5 a side indoor mode with mario characters exclusive to NX sounds good to me to be honest



    At the expense of other features? No thanks. The audience for this kind of stuff is minimal and it'd be a waste of everyone's time and effort to include it as experience has shown it doesn't increase sales. Maybe in the GC era, but not anymore. Nintendo are better off making their own sports game if they want to throw Mario in there.

  3. The only thing I'd ask of Nintendo when it comes to EA is not to be Nintendo and not try to do something different, particuarly with the sports titles. Nobody wants Mii intergration in FIFA or a cartoon mode, or a 5 vs 5 mini-game mode at the expense of other features. Just straight up FIFA, Madden or whatever the other consoles are offering. A version parallel to what everyone else is playing. Then they might actually sell.

  4. This game is unplayable tonight. Almost every game I've played has had a dropout in it, from either team (mostly from mine, which has completely killed my streak :angry:) I noticed a couple during the day, but now it's really bad, Nintendo need to sort something out quickly.

  5. I'm playing on the Blue Team (also what I owned as a kid) and we went on an 11 game unbeaten streak this afternoon. Absolutely loving this Splatfest, even if the level choices aren't the greatest.

  6. I'm with Sheikah on Sunshine. It was ridiculously ambitious if we compare it to other Mario games, not only for FLUDD and clearing up mechanic (Splatoon, anyone?) but they took Mario into a completely different setting and moved away from the traditional feel of the Mario universe. This is evident in the way the fan base reacted to it. Some loved it, some hated it. I was in the former camp.


    When I said they were on the top of the game I was trying to point out that every major Nintendo release on the Wii U has been the best we've seen for many, many years. In this respect, no, Nintendo haven't been overly ambitious. However, if we look at Splatoon, their approach to DLC and their farming of 2nd parties (Hyrule Warriors, Platinum Games etc), then they have been incredibly ambitious this generation. Smash Bros being the peak of the ambition. That roster will never, ever be recreated. The music, the fan service. It's not only a love letter to Nintendo, but to gaming in general.

  7. W101 and the Bayonetta games aren't Nintendo but people cite them.



    I agree to an extent, but Nintendo have been very successful as of late in bringing second parties to the fold and overseeing development. Granted more so on the 3DS than the WiiU, but they do deserve some credit in that regard. Metroid Prime would arguably fall into the same category as W101 or a Level-5 RPG. Maybe with just a bit more of a hands-on approach.

  8. This is a good point. If you don't know what you're missing out on or don't care what the competition is doing then the Wii U will probably look like a fine piece of kit.



    I think this may have a lot to do with the fact that I'm not in the UK anymore and haven't been for so long. When you're not as exposed to console gaming as a popular mainstream hobby, or when your aren't chatting with your mates about it down at the pub, seeing adverts on TV etc. it's like living in a bubble. My gaming time is a completely isolated experience these. I've never even played, or could probably name off the top of my head, a great story driven game (Something like the Last of Us, right? :D). Missing the launch undoubtedly contributed to my feelings as well. Maybe @Kounan can relate being in Eastern Europe, but I do indeed think the Wii U is a mighty fine piece of kit, even if my perspective is somewhat skewed.

  9. Interesting to read the various opinions on here about how people's relationship to Nintendo changes. I can relate to what most of you are saying and I'm sure for everyone in this forum there is a strange love / hate relationship with the company. Towards the end of the Wii's lifetime I took a two year break from gaming completely, during the GameCube / Wii era I'd mostly been playing Xbox or PlayStation. My love of Nintendo had been dwindling for almost 10 years before I finally gave up and the 3DS and Wii U were the first Nintendo consoles since the 64 that I didn't buy at launch.


    I got my Wii U shortly after Mario Kart 8 released and the 3DS a couple of months later. For me, they are the best home console and handheld respectively Nintendo has ever released. I'm having a great time with both consoles and the games have kept me entertained and challenged for hours, which had been happening less and less with each previous generation. I appreciate some genres are severely lacking on Nintendo consoles (particularly racers, sports games and shooters), but on the other hand many genres are very, very well covered. Perhaps it was the break that's made me feel this way, or maybe even the lack of time / desire to even know about what's happening with Xbox / PS, let alone play anything on them.


    I understand 100% why Nintendo is turning many people away, but as a 'back-to-basics' console without all the online, connected whistles and bells of a modern console, the really stellar library of fun and imaginative games has been more than enough for me on both consoles. Had the Wii U released 15 years earlier, I think more of us'd be in agreement :wink:... But this is 2016, and for many Nintendo's traditionally conservative approach just doesn't cut it anymore. It's a shame, because gameplay wise I strongly believe Nintendo are at the very top of their game right now.

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