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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. Half the battle is waiting for half an hour!


    No need to battle when information is easily available to me elsewhere, though. Had another quick crack on it just now waiting for something to d/l, is there anyone else here who has actually played it that much?


    According to my 3DS, I've played for 40 hours, and my girlfriend has played 25. Neither of us has put a single penny into the game, but we both love it. Usually have a couple of games before work and in the evening, but it all adds up. I actually love this game, it's really addictive and actually got me back into pokemon again. Got Pokemon X about a month ago, it's the first pokemon game I've owned since Gold and it's absolutely amazing. Can't believe I ignored the series for 15 odd years.

  2. All of the hosts of Radio Free Nintendo, as well as the forum/website community, voted to play through this game over the past couple of months. This event has now finished and on this weeks podcast episode they discuss the highs and lows of this entry of the series.


    It was a great episode and I now have the urge to play through the game again. @Goron_3 & @dazzybee, have you guys listened to it yet?


    I listened to it. Probably their best retroactive so far. I have the urge to play it again too, but I did so only a couple of years ago. Would absolutley love a 3DS or HD port of this game, one of my favourites in the 3D series.

  3. Just looked at my bank balance now, though the details of the 2 purchases aren't up yet but it has been deducted. It appears to have cost exactly €8.60 for the 2 games I purchased above whereas on the European eShop the price is €17. The price I paid is in line with the exchange rate and what I expected to pay.


    That's fair enough, then you have bank charges as well for paying in a different currency. Small I know, but it adds up. It's not so bad when you're paying for cheap eshop releases but I'd worry about being locked out if it was a full retail release. Sure half price sounds good, but with the way Nintendo seem to be heading with a unified and more integrated account system, you could end up losing that £25 bargain.

  4. I'd be very careful if I were you guys. I currently live in Russia and can promise you that your UK bank won't be charging you the current exchange rate you think you may be paying. Because of the volatility of the rouble some banks are giving an awful exchange rate, so while you think you may be getting 100 roubles to the pound, in reality it's probably closer to 75 or 80. Wii U games have doubled in price here in the past few months and the EShop is due to follow suit soon. There is such a low number of people playing Wii U here that I'm sure Nintendo will have noticed increased activity in the Russian EShop and are probably already taking measures to close the loophole, and the future of those games you own may well be uncertain if you created a new account to get them and are based outside Russia.


    I still get paid 70,000 rub a month, but Wii U games, at least in the store have gone up from 1,800 to 3,500. Truly depressing.

  5. Wii U

    Super Smash Bros: 24.54

    Mario Kart 8: 22.30

    Rayman Legends: 18.55

    Wii Sports Club: 17.02

    Need For Speed Underground: 16.18

    Super Mario 3D World: 12.55

    Bayonetta: 8.14

    NES Remix 2: 7.02

    New Super Mario Bros U: 6.55

    Hyrule Warriors: 6.51

    Trine 2: 6.45

    Earthbound: 6.22

    Legend of Zelda WW HD: 5.59

    Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze: 5.44

    Pikmin 3: 4.59

    Child of Light: 4.55

    Nintendo Land: 4.53

    Zombie U: 3.44

    Toki Tori 2: 3.39

    Sonic Lost World: 0.46



    Tomodachi Life: 61.24

    Animal Crossing New Leaf: 54.07

    Super Smash Bros: 22.18

    Legend of Zelda Ocarina 3D: 19.52

    StreetPass Mii Plaza: 9.28

    Mario Kart 7: 7.45

    Zelda ALBW: 5.24

    Luigi's Mansion 2: 4.10

    Super Mario 3D Land: 4.01

    Pilotwings Resort: 3.22


    Steps: 1,019,733. (Proud that I managed to hit 1,000,000 for the year on December 29th.)


    Good year for gaming. Haven't stopped playing the Wii U since getting it in July.

  6. It's a different adapter, I'm afraid. Basically like the Wii but flipped round so you can't accidentally put one in the other, I imagine it's because they take different amounts of power in.


    Yeah, I had a look online and found out. Now I need to go out and find one because the beautiful people at GAME charged me just £2.95 to ship the Mario Kart bundle out to Latvia!! Incredible. It may well take a month, but it's on its way!! Parents are coming to my graduation in a couple of weeks so I've been busy getting enough games to fill a warehouse sent to them. Hopefully soon I'll be enjoying the 6th generation of Nintendo home consoles!


    Just an idea for an alternative to the UK, is there a country near by you could visit that does sell the Wii U? Just thinking if you would be interested in visiting said country, and it is close enough... obviously "close enough" is totally dependent on you, I doubt Estonia or Lithuania will be selling Wii U it Latvia isn't.. but maybe Russia/Finland/Poland???Belarus? (I do appreciate they are very far away... but still a little closer than the UK)


    Actually it's pretty weird. In Estonia and Lithuania it's the same as here. You can get one, but it's expensive as hell. Funnily enough I had a course in Poland in March and in both Krakow and Warsaw it's almost impossible to find anything Nintendo related, even DS stuff. My guess is just that Nintendo never took off in the East because of communism and now that games are a serious business, people are happy enough with Sony and Microsoft, which are huge in Poland. Really highlights an element of the nostalgia effect Nintendo seems to rely on in the West.


    Another thing, in the Baltics they don't have specialist games shops. There is just no market, there are only 2 shops in a city of 700,000 which sell consoles and a few games. My housemate explained that because they have always had really fast and reliable internet here during the broadband age, people just pirate PC games. The concept of paying for software here is completely alien.

  7. Amazon won't ship here. Even Amazon.de. Most places charge extortionate shipping fees or won't send at all :/ my only real option is to get one here, but this one is in really bad nick. They say it's tested and fully working, but still.. Also I'd have to pay extra to buy an EU AC adapter if I imported from the UK, and they aren't cheap. Another 30-40 Euros.


    Edit: Does anyone know if the console the AC socket to the Wii and Wii U are the same, as I have an EU AC plug for the original Wii.

  8. Wondering if any of you guys could give me some advice.. I've been living in Latvia for the past year and been desperate to pick up a WiiU. The only problem is, it isn't officially on sale here, and the places where it is sold have hugely inflated prices, we're talking 350 Euros +1 game. Importing one is just as pricey, and going back to the UK just to pick one up, then paying the excess on a flight to bring it back just seems silly..


    Today I found a second hand Wii with 5 (admittedly sucky) games - Nintendo Land, Black Ops 2, FIFA 13, Rayman Rabbids and 007 something or other. None of those interest me except Nintendo Land, but the guy isn't willing to sell lower without the other 4. The price is a cool 200 Euros. It is however, a launch machine and in pretty bad condition. The console is pretty scratched up. There is no box, and obviously no warrenty. I don't know whether I'd be wasting my money and wondered what you guys thought. I would much rather buy new, but there's no way I can justify 350 Euros... This seems like a once in a blue moon kind of deal for Latvia, like I said, I've been searching for over a year.

  9. Can anyone of you lovely Monster Hunter 3 gamers please help me claim a copy of Monster Hunter 3?

    If you know someone who has registered a copy of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Nintendo 3DS version) before 22:59 (UK time) on 31st July 2013, they're entitled to claim a Recomendation Code. If they send this to you, you can claim a Download Code for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Nintendo 3DS version).


    Simply enter the Recommendation Code you received from your friend below, and soon you'll be able to enjoy all the action of multiplayer Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on Nintendo 3DS together!


    Just hit me with a PM if you have a registered copy.

    Eternally grateful !!

  10. Can anyone of you lovely 3DS gamers help me claim a copy of Monster Hunter 3?

    If you know someone who has registered a copy of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Nintendo 3DS version) before 22:59 (UK time) on 31st July 2013, they're entitled to claim a Recomendation Code. If they send this to you, you can claim a Download Code for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Nintendo 3DS version).


    Simply enter the Recommendation Code you received from your friend below, and soon you'll be able to enjoy all the action of multiplayer Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on Nintendo 3DS together!


    Just hit me with a PM if you have a registered copy.

    Eternally grateful :) !!

  11. It cowers in the shadow of season 4.


    Are you kidding?! I think these 8 episodes have been spectacular. Yes it started a bit slowly, each season usually does, but they've really hit their stride now. The episode with the train was incredible and it's just got better and better since then. I honestly didn't think they'd be able to top season four (just like they couldn't with Dexter). The dialogue, music and the camera work in particular has been jawdrapping, the charachters have continued to develop in an interesting manner without becoming far-fetched or unbelievable. I really cannot praise this show enough, there simply is nothing else like it on television.

  12. Now I remember why normal folk typically stay out of the Wii boards. Fanboy, trollol cesspit. ;-)


    Don't worry, I won't be revisiting this place unless ordered to at gunpoint. lulz.


    Must be a real highlight of your day, coming into a thread you have no interest in other than to act superior.


    Well done you. :)

  13. Why on Earth would you rate poor graphics to be good because the console can't do any better? I'm sorry, that logic is baffling.


    And why are game reviewers even including graphics as a breakdown that must be marked? I've played games that have had crap graphics, but have been great; simply put, they don't even need to give this a score. But if they really wanted to score Wii games, well...I certainly wouldn't be giving anything a 10 for graphics. Not as a multiformat review site anyway.




    All of which are very valid reasons to release your game on the Wii. But if somebody (can't remember who now) starts flapping that their favourite Wii game hasn't scored highly on graphics, don't expect any sympathy! There are pros, and certainly cons, to releasing a game on the Wii as opposed to a HD console.




    No, no. This was a comment directed at the person complaining about the graphic review score. Nothing more.



    Absolute bollocks and you know it. I have no idea why we can't rate games between platforms; if we didn't, console manufacturers would have no reason to improve their console capabilities.


    Not only that, people do it all the time. Take Final Fantasy XIII. When it came out for PS3 and 360, people were annoyed because the 360 version wasn't actually in HD and this was somewhat noticeable. Of course they are comparable, they are both games consoles intended to do similar things, and based on the sum of their positives consumers make their choice of console to purchase.


    Cool story, bro. Why don't you 'f-off' back to your HD consoles so we can get on with dicussing the game in question, instead of amusing you as childishly pick fights over a 6-year old argument?

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