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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. Well I am now considered to be an 'ideal weight' on Wii-Fit :D though I must stress when I got the result it was on the line but still, the right side of the line so I'm still happy. ^^'


    I'm not gonna get complacent though and say 'Well that's it, my BMI says ideal so I'm done' far from it... I know that I need to be at least a fair bit into the ideal area in order to maintain a healthy weight; this new reading means that I've put on 2lbs since the weekend which is really good for me, especially considering that it was Tuesday yesterday - my longer day at work - and I would have burnt more calories than normal.


    It's a good start anyway and proves that I must be doing at least something right finally. :)


    I think a good BMI to aim for is 20-22, seems like this is a nice weight to maintian. Just be careful, if you put on alot of muscle it could make your BMI abnormally high.

  2. Primary school I can't remember, everyone seemed to get along with everyone...


    Secondary School I was a "Proper Greebo" and actively chased/hated by the chavs. All the greebo's were in the top sets though and most of the chavs are in jail/cleaning toilets for a living, justice! There were very, very few geeks (maybe 5?) in my year at school so I'd say we were near the bottom of the pile. Was an awesome time though, and while a few of us got cracked once in a while, as strange as it sounds it was all in the name of fun. I don't think there was ever any real malice, it's just what the kids did. The heirachy was like this kinda... Geeks -> Grebs -> Popular (liked by everyone) -> Popular Chavs -> Chavs. In the real world, now, it seen a full on role reversal though.


    Sixth form. Hated it, didn't make any friends except one guy and barely attended because of this. Bad, bad times.

  3. *high freakin five* - same height same weight!! lol!


    *returned* :)


    But what you lack in height, you make up for in awesome. Yeeeeeeees.[/Quote]


    If only my ex thought that... :bowdown:


    Anyway I've decided to go on a 2 month excerise and eating well bender. Cycling 8 miles a day and doing 200 reps of weights, and wrist cruncher things, and 100 sit ups and 100 press ups.


    Cutting out ALL Pizza, Kebabs, 'unnecessary' cheese, white bread, chocolate and crisps.


    Started yesterday and so far so good :)

  4. This thread... makes me... sighragelaugh.


    More people have died from knife crime in the UK in teh same period. You say you joined up to help your country? The majority of the country don't give a shit about any of these 'wars' that our armies are involved in. The 'peacekeeping' doesn't better serve us civilians directly at all. Join the fire brigade, drive an ambulance. Be a teacher. Just because you risk your lives for my country doesn't mean I have to be at all thankful for it. Because I'm not.





    How about we talk about risk and not death? You are wearing full body armour and you have a gun on you. There is a quantity of risk of bodily harm being caused to a party somewhere on the line. Sure, you don't wanna die, but frankly entering a warzone and not realising that death is a possible outcome makes you the fool.


    Or on roads, on the NHS, to schools, the police, charities, research, banks... The way I see it, the army takes a large chunk of money away from all these other sectors that would, frankly, better serve the country.


    But, of course, there's politics. Lots of black and white boxes, red tape and bullshit and ignorance around. One person says the world would work better this way, another laughs in their face.



    You may want to define 'moving the war forward'. Any government whose public is outraged at 10 deaths in a week is going to have a hard time with getting the public to accept a larger assault, a larger risk of bodies returning in bits and whatever.


    Our country is not a war machine. We do not have an economy simply to fund the front line. My priorities are different to yours, and that is why I'd rather give a fiver to the homeless then to the army. The homeless guy, if not on drugs, will be cost-efficient with his fiver. The army will spend it on 30 seconds worth of bandwidth.


    Post of the thread right there.

  5. Anyone can do it! :) I've weighed 12 stone for nearly 5 years and now I weigh 8st 9lbs after 6 months of eating better and doing more excerise, and a small daily dose of Wii Fit. My BMI is now at a healthy 21.55 and I haven't felt this good since I was at school. The hard work is worth it for the rewards of feeling great.

  6. Ha so true.


    Next time someone moans about a dodgy iPod i'm gonna tell them they have no right to moan about their equipment as some parts of Africa have it so much worse...


    Give our Service men and women some support for christ sakes.


    I think the main issue people are taking is with the huge uproar over 8 deaths. Sure, it's a tradgedy as they are more preventable in some cases, however, the same could be argued for every unjust death within socitey, British or otherwise. Often on a much, much greater scale. How much more tax payers money do we need spent on the army/defence when there are much so many other, often much greater problems to deal with?

  7. Thoroughly enjoyable race and I am IMMENSELY pleased for Mark Webber but absolutly GUTTED for Adrian Sutil.


    Great race from Webber, Rosberg and Massa. Hamilton was desperately unlucky and I actually wanted him to do really well today, what a great start! I really hope next season they sort out the technical regulations and ban the double deck diffuser because it should promote more overtaking and the cars should find it easier to follow one another.

  8. Here we go again... :indeed:


    I'm already sick of seeing this all over the news. No offecne to the people that have been killed and the families affected but millions and millions of people die everyday in 'avoidable' circumstances.


    As has already been previously mentioned: "Africa"


    I'm sure I share similar views to Nightwolf and Dyson and this time I will keep them to myself, instead I'll let Stewie do the talking... (sorry for the poor quality)


  9. Well seeing my backlog has brought me to decide to not buy anymore games until after my birthday (18th September). Hopefully I'll be able to stick to it as it's only just over 2 months, and hopefully I'll get a few games finished and prove to myself that I'm just addicted to gaming and NOT addicted to BUYING games, which would be pretty worrying tbh.


    See how it goes...

  10. Well I downloaded the trail and I'm so pissed off with it. Every 2 minutes it signs me out of PSN and I can't sustain any type of match. Is it the game or the connection? Never does this with the Wii or any other online PS3 games.

  11. fuck the conduit, bet this will piss all over in multiplayer and from what I've heard the single player isn't all that.


    I've already bought and paid for it, it just hasn't arrived. Plus I've never played online deathmatch with the Wii-mote / Nunchuck combi so I'm dying to try that...


    This does look epic though! Destructable environments?

  12. Just phoned Zavvi and they will be dispatching tomorrow, which means it will be next week for us lot. But at £17.95 I'm really not too fussed.


    Looking forward to reading everyones impressions!

  13. Thought I'd give this a try so I downloaded it from the Wii Shop and I must say I've been hugely surprised with how good it is. It's structured much more like an RPG and feels very different to other Zelda games but that is in no way a bad thing! My god it's difficult as well, you get three lives and whn you die, that's it, back to the very start! :o


    Has anyone else given this a shot? I've managed only one dungeon so far but I'm seriously addicted to the gameplay style and challenge the game presents, it definalty has that 'one more go' feeling without being frustrating.

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