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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. I've watched loads of films recently...

    The Hangover: I went into this expecting a drab 'comedy' with poor jokes and a god awful storyline. However, the hook of the characters retracing their steps and slowly remembering the night before was played out very well with some memorable monents and some truly funny segments. A couple of times they resorted to cheap jokes and racial sterotyping which just wasn't that funny but apart from that I was pleasently surprised. Solidly good film, better than the average comedy



    Public Enemies: I thought this started off fairly slowly but as it went on, I was hooked. I went into the film not knowing anything and was truly astonished when Johnny Depp's name came up at the end. The man is a f-ing genius actor and the role was played sublimely. I loved this film! The direction, the music and atmosphere all blended together superbly well to create something in my mind, extremely memorable. As I mentioned the performace of Depp was astounding and Bale's supporting was equally good. Equally excellent to see Stephen Graham (This is England) in there who portrayed a wonderfully edgy character bringing an added sense of danger to the proceedings. Despite 2-hours of tense build up I did think the ending was a tad dissapointing, it seemed to end all to abruptly though on reflection I can see why this was (I won't spoil it).



    Inside Man: I have a huge adoration for a) Denzel Washington and b) edge of the seat thrillers, and this didn't dissapoint. The story keeps you guessing until the very end and is well thought out and equally well played. The performances all-round are excellent, matching the fast-paced frantic intensity of the on screen action. Highly recommended for fans of the genre.



    For Your Eyes Only (Bond Film :D): Just finished watching this an hour ago. This is the fourth Roger Moore fim I've seen (after Live & Let Die, Moonraker and Man With the Golden Gun) and out of those four, I thought it was the worst. Story wise, I felt it was quite weak. Although the action scenes were substantial, pleasently blending over the top comedy (the Dolly chase) with more serious action (ski chases). Classic Bond moments, supported by a few witty one liners to the backdrop of beatiful locations couldn't rescue what was otherwise a underwhelmingly poor plot. Too much importance was placed on the ATAC device, which looked a bit like a fisher-price toy and it's importance wasn't explored enough in my opinion. The ending however, was hilarious and brought a wry smile to my face capping off what was a good romp if you ignored the story.


  2. Hello everyone. Today, I'm going to show you a case of a fanboy coming onto a different console's website and trying to start arguments. This is a particularly rare case, in that the person in question seems at least moderately literate, and appears able to construct large sentences without the need to write profanities or l33t speak.


    However, that doesn't mean that one should be less vigilant. There are certain obvious things that we should be looking out for here. First of all, there is the way he refers to 'fanboys' and then shortly afterwards speaks to 'you guys'. He is not outwardly calling everyone on the board a fanboy, but instead simply putting the two groups into one larger group.


    Secondly, and most obviously here, his whole post is negative about the console which the board is aimed towards. He is not clearly saying that the console is bad (he at no point says 'the Wii is shit lolz'), but instead uses words such as 'mediocre' to provoke a defensive response from anyone he can.


    Finally, he is patronising in a way that will annoy or anger any reader who thinks the post is aimed towards them, a friend, or someone who holds the same opinion as them. This, he hopes, will be the final thing that provokes an angry reply, and the most important thing to ignore when reading the post.


    I hope this short lesson has shown you a few of the basic techniques that these fanboys can use, so that you yourself don't get caught out in similar situations. Be aware of these people on the internet, and remember guys and girls, people can be dicks.




    It's a games console, It's a video game. Who cares.

  3. So who'd like to pay £17.95 for The Conduit? :grin:


    Head over to Zavvi now!! Link


    And yes, I've ordered from them before and recived pre-orders on release date. I had it pre-ordered with Gameplay for £26.99 with a probable Wednesday/Thursday delivery, but I think I can sacrifice that for a tenner!


    Also, this could very well be a mis-price so get your order in quick. No excuses now!


    AWESOME find! Thank you!

  4. Major bump.


    Played this through in one sitting tonight, completed the entire game in 2hr 14 but I missed 3 statues...


    Really enjoyed the game, very unique with a great control scheme which is nice and simple yet surprisingly intuitive. For £7, yes the game is a little on the short side, however I think this is made up for by the truly inspiring art direction and music. The game is a joy to play and the puzzles gradually get tougher without getting frustrating. This final boss caps off the game nicely with the gameplay bookended by a nice little slides starting and 'ending' the story.


    I am very likely to purchase the sequal when it is eventually released, I only hope it is meatier experience than the prequal. Hopefully the developers will expand on the more elaborate puzzles found towards the end of the game and remain focused on the fun platforming elements which incorperate the use of the wind so well.


    Highly recommended as an introduction to what WiiWare represents, even if 1000 points is a tad expensive for the amount of game you get. All in all though it's a mainly positive experience and offers a unique take on platforming gaming which every fan of the genre should enjoy.

  5. The ban on refuelling is a good move in the sense that it will prevent what we saw today [Nakajimi, Kimi, Alonso getting screwed for getting through to Q3], happening next year.


    Also, seems the rules regarding rev limited V8 engines have gone too far... stupid FIA!

    Martin Brundle brought up the fact when on-board with Hamilton that in the slip-stream the engine was bouncing off the rev limiter and he couldn't make any progress.

    So much for changing all the aero regs to try and improve overtaking, how about firstly taking the rev limiters off!... and bring back V10's!


    Thinking about some of the changes, they really are stupid. I mean a rev limiter ffs. How else are you supposed to overtake..? No wonder there hasn't been any! Like I said before, they really need to scale back the aero again next year especially the double diffuser lark as well. I really hope next season is more intersting and we get more passing on the track because this season has seen soooo little. I've been watching a few videos on youtube and even less than 10 years ago it was so much more action packed. It really is a procession this season and, yes the battle between the Brawns and Red Bull is refresing but I'm hoping for more next year (which after hearing comments today, I think it will be one 'F1' championship and the breakaway threat will go away soon).

  6. Fiscis double overtake at the start was quite awesome as well.


    Yeah that was the best moment of the race for me today, similar to when Heidfeld did it a year ago. But yes, I strongly agree they need to sort out the qualifying weight issue. It's a joke. Nakajima had a great chance of points today and it seems the rules worked against him. The lack of overtaking was horrible today, they need to get rid of the aero grip, quickly.

  7. Well it's official, Max has lost his marbles. After repeatedly telling the teams to "go off an start their own series if they don't like the new rules." He's now suing them for bringing the sport into disrepute. What a Grade A knob end. Can't he just accept defeat and stand down. All he's doing here is poving what a dictatorly prick he is by instead of trying to compromise just suing the lot of them. Maxxx Mosely = FAIL!


    FIA to launch legal action against FOTA


    By Pablo Elizalde Friday, June 19th 2009, 14:44 GMT


    Max MosleyMotorsport's ruling body, the FIA, has announced it will be launching legal action against the Formula 1 teams trying to set up a breakaway championship.


    The Formula One Teams' Association (FOTA) announced on Thursday night that, after failing to reach an agreement with the FIA, will start its own series next year.


    But the governing body has responded to FOTA with a legal threat, saying the teams, and Ferrari in particular, have binding commitments that they cannot break.


    The FIA also said that it will delay the publication of the 2010 entry list, expected tomorrow.


    "The FIA's lawyers have now examined the FOTA threat to begin a breakaway series," said the FIA in a statement.


    "The actions of FOTA as a whole, and Ferrari in particular, amount to serious violations of law including wilful interference with contractual relations, direct breaches of Ferrari's legal obligations and a grave violation of competition law.


    "The FIA will be issuing legal proceedings without delay.


    "Preparations for the 2010 FIA Formula One World Championship continue but publication of the final 2010 entry list will be put on hold while the FIA asserts its legal rights."


    Also, as well as Lola another provisional new team has withdrawn and been masisvely critical of the FIA...


    N.Technology hits out at the FIA


    By Steven English and Matt Beer Friday, June 19th 2009, 15:24 GMT


    N.Technology's parent company, the MSC Organisation, has hit out at the FIA after announcing that it has withdrawn its application to join Formula 1 in 2010.


    The Italian team - best known for its touring car successes and running the International Formula Master series - had said earlier this week that it did not understand the FIA's decision not to accept its 2010 entry and to keep it on the reserve list.


    As AUTOSPORT revealed this morning, N.Technology pulled out of contention for a 2010 slot in the wake of the FOTA teams announcing their plan to set up a rival to Formula 1 next year, and MSC has now issued a statement strongly criticising the FIA's handling of the situation.


    "With much regret, taking into consideration the highly questionable process conducted by the FIA, which is affected by many irregularities, and the uncertainties regarding the 2010 FIA Formula 1 World Championship, the MSC board decided last night to withdraw its application, as Team N.Technology, under the new regulations allowing entry of 'capped budget' teams," said the statement.


    "MSC believes that through its wrong actions and objectionable management methods, the FIA severely hurt MSC's efforts to become a new team and undermined the Formula 1 sport, taken as a whole."


    The company did not rule out re-applying for an F1 place when the current controversy was settled.


    "MSC shall consider making a new application when the Formula 1 environment is stabilised and the conditions are met for a transparent and loyal contest, ensuring visibility and predictability to the candidate teams," it said.


    "MSC wishes to renew its warm acknowledgements to the sponsors, technical and business partners who support its efforts to become a new independent Formula 1 team."


    The MSC board is comprised of team boss Mauro Sipsz and former Eurosport CEO Angelo Codignoni.


    I seriously just wish Max would F-off.

  8. HOLY. F***ING. S**T!


    FOTA Formula One Teams Association Blvd du Theatre, 2 - 1211 Geneva (CH) Tel: +41.22.3108203 / Fax: +41.22.3108205 FOTA UNITED ON THE FUTURE Silverstone, 18 June 2009 - Since the formation of FOTA last September the teams have worked together and sought to engage the FIA and commercial rights holder, to develop and improve the sport. Unprecedented worldwide financial turmoil has inevitably placed great challenges before the F1 community. FOTA is proud that it has achieved the most substantial measures to reduce costs in the history of our sport. In particular the manufacturer teams have provided assistance to the independent teams, a number of which would probably not be in the sport today without the FOTA initiatives. The FOTA teams have further agreed upon a substantial voluntary cost reduction that provides a sustainable model for the future. Following these efforts all the teams have confirmed to the FIA and the commercial rights holder that they are willing to commit until the end of 2012. The FIA and the commercial rights holder have campaigned to divide FOTA. The wishes of the majority of the teams are ignored. Furthermore, tens of millions of dollars have been withheld from many teams by the commercial rights holder, going back as far as 2006. Despite this and the uncompromising environment, FOTA has genuinely sought compromise. It has become clear however, that the teams cannot continue to compromise on the fundamental values of the sport and have declined to alter their original conditional entries to the 2010 World Championship. These teams therefore have no alternative other than to commence the preparation for a new Championship which reflects the values of its participants and partners. This series will have transparent governance, one set of regulations, encourage more entrants and listen to the wishes of the fans, including offering lower prices for spectators worldwide, partners and other important stakeholders. The major drivers, stars, brands, sponsors, promoters and companies historically associated with the highest level of motorsport will all feature in this new series. Note to Eds: Statement issued by FOTA on behalf of BMW-Sauber, BrawnGP, Scuderia Ferrari, McLaren- Mercedes, Red Bull Racing, Renault, Scuderia Toro Rosso, Toyota.
    Source: Autosport.com


    I don't have words just this...




    :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay::bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy:

  9. In my entire life I've played 5 FPS's from start to finish. Ranked in awesome-ness order.



    Perfect Dark

    The World is not Enough (N64)

    Red Steel



    So obviously I'm looking forward to The Conduit massively! :D


    Anyway, I absolutly hate any game based on War simulation, part of me thinks it's just wrong which is why I refuse to play them. I've played COD4 and Halo online and hate both of them. I liked Perfect Dark Zero but only in multiplayer, single player was an abomination... I think, personally the genre is over cooked. Especially with most games getting re-hashes every year. They have also become too online focused and single player relies too heavily on STUPID recouperating health meters and checkpoints that destroy the sense of achievement and challenge.


    The structure to the N64 games mentioned above was perfect. 20 levels, 3-8 mission based objectives in each and 3 difficulty settings. That system provided and excellent challenge and truly rewarding gameplay which encouraged exploration and required skill in completeing objectives whilst dismantling enemiess, not just taking cover and popping out every 3 seconds to kill each member of a unit one by one. Circle strafing around a hapless drone... Ah the memories... :)


    Has the FPS genre gone stale? You bet it has! Year after year the same game with upgraded multiplayer is released and everyone goes nuts over it. Yet most of them forget that the 'campaign' only lasts 4-6 hours, something Luigi's Mansion was SLATED for less than 10 years ago. I hope the Conduit has it's own take on the old formula and adds something completely new to the genre.


    Edit!: I forgot Timesplitters 2. That game was epic. I'd rank it as my 3rd favourite. :)

  10. As for Super Mario Sunshine, I don't think I'd say it's terrible since the non-jetpack levels were outstanding. That saves it from being terrible...I'd say it's disappointing, though.


    I went through it 6 months ago from start to finish in 3 days (got around 103 shines or something). I found it to be a hugely enjoyable platformer. It diverts so much from the traditional 'Mario' path, but what it does provide is an excellent game. Sure it's not what everyone wanted but Nintendo dared enough to do something different, same with Cube Zelda and my feelings towards both of these games are that they definately pulled it off with great style and finesse!


    Anyway, I've never really got along with any of the Metroid games (2D and 3D) but to be fair I haven't given them a huge chance.


    I Absolutly hated Animal Crossing DS and thought it was a MASSIVE step backwards from the GC version which I think is the best game on the console. Purely because me and my ex played it for over 2 years and never got bored. The DS version just did so many things wrong after the awesome-ness of the Cube game.


    New Super Mario Bros. didn't do it for me either. Seemed very unispired and like Nintendo had lost their touch from the 2D days (could be nostalgia speaking here).


    Zack and Wiki is another game I just can't get along with. I have it but just can't be bothered to finish it and yes, Wiki is a pain in the arse.


    On the other hand, just to be a pain :)

    I thoroughly enjoyed Luigi's Mansion and Starfox Adventures despite the massive bashing both games got. They rank highly on my favourite games of all time! Wii Sports is also one of my favourite ever games, which I still play regularly today and surprisingly boxing is by far my favourite. My score is over 2000 on that :)

  11. Well done Caris! :) Here's my progress...


    Before (18 weeks ago) - I'm on the far right (complete with pitiful attempt at mohawk).



    Middle (8 weeks ago) - While I was in Russia



    Now (Last week) - I'm between Hogan and Billy 'Mr Ass' Gunn ;)



    Lost 41lbs and I'm very, very happy :)

  12. Yeh Formula 1 is over. Dunno if anyones read the FIA's comments about FOTA (it's over at Planetf1.com if you want a read) but yeah it's pretty much over now.


    The good news? Well Brawn said in an interview that a breakaway series would have similar rules and cars than what there is now; most likely we'll see a difference in the way the sport is run (the same set of stewards for every race, PLEASE!), different tracks (and tbh, i think the drivers will have a BIG say in this, I think Valencia, and Bahrain would be the first to go), Silverstone would be kept on and we'd see old imola make a return.


    Bye bye F1. Fota GP anyone? haha :D


    After being skeptical about this a few weeks ago I'm now hoping it goes fowards. So long Herman Tilke tracks, hello proper racing circuits. I hope they keep the ban on refueling for next year as well.


    Seriously though, I'm intrigued to see what will happen now and of course the new series will probably end up on Sky, which is a shame. The BBC have rights to whatever constitutes as 'Formula One' for the foseeable future. While this is a downside, hopefully the emphasis on big business will be sacrificed for a sport run by what will effectively be the fans. I'm excited! :D

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