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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. Free speech doesn't mean people have to let you in their country if they don't want to, no. It doesn't mean you can start giving a political speech in the midde of a movie. It doesn't mean you can sing Day Light Come and I Wanna go Home in a library. It doesn't mean you must be allowed on the six o'clock news to give your opinion on Exitebots. The government of a country have the freedom speech to say "You're not welcome" and they have the right to say who can and cannot enter their country. If I knock on your door and say "Hi, you're a cunt and your mum's fat. Can I come in?" you're not infringing my right to free speech by telling me to fuck off. There's a huge portion of the world not allowed to enter Britain, is their free speech all being oppressed?


    Excellent post, and I agree with you even if this does seem to contridict my earlier post. The point I was trying to make is that the media seem to blow stories like this out of proportion to construct an opinion so the public don't have to. What would be better would be to provide a neutral platform (abroad if neccessary) for these people to speak and be challenged appropriatly rather than being mis-represneted in a false light whether it is more or less damaging to the individual in question.


    Yes, the goverment should ban them. What they shouldn't do, in my opinion is release lists to the media so that (like an unwanted forum member) they can blert "ZOMG l00k at dis razist cock!!!111," before blerting a load of 'facts' about them shrouded in the own political agenda and create a hysteria about somthing which could possibly affect racial tensions.

  2. Though I'd post this in here instead of creating a new thread...


    Wii Owners to Upgrade to PS3?

    Sony's House sees Nintendo's console as stepping stone for new gamers.

    by Martin Robinson, IGN UK


    UK, June 9, 2009 - A significant number of Wii users will eventually upgrade to a PlayStation 3, according to recent comments from Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's newly appointed President Andrew House.


    'If you look back at previous lifecycles, like PS2 versus N64, we have lots of data that suggests that lots of people bought into N64 as their entry level gaming device, and were happy to upgrade to a more powerful machine later in the life cycle when the price point was right for them,' said House in an interview with Edge Online.


    'I think we're going to see this later on PS3, and the fact that it's a Blu-ray player as well and that there's a [greater] wealth of network based experiences than are perhaps available on the device they already have will add to the proposition. I think that will definitely be a factor in the marketplace.'


    Elsewhere in the interview, House remained coy about the possibility of a price cut for the PlayStation 3 in Europe, despite mounting speculation that the console will see a $100 reduction in the US later this year. 'The great thing for me is that European consumers have understood the total value proposition that you get with PS3, not focused solely on pricing' said House, 'We will have to constantly monitor that and make adjustments when all the factors come into play and make the right decisions at the right time.'


    Well, I'm considering a PS3 as a Wii successor at the moment...


    I must say I was amazed by the Motion demo they did and in my opinion it seemed more advanced than what the Wii offers. But then again I'm yet to experience Wii motion plus so I'm in no position to really comment.


    The game line-up on the PS3 has me much more excited than the Wii currently and the oppertunity to play games like GTA 4 and serious racers (which I am a massive fan of) is drawing me to the PS3. As well as that I didn't experience a PS2, but heard about games like SotC, God of War and Ico, so potentail sequals or PSN downloads of these games is something I'm looking out for. As well as FFVII on PSN, a game I've NEVER played... In fact I've already set aside £35 a week to get one hopefully. I just wish they'd announce a damn slim version which is cheaper.



  3. Spot on, the guy isn't a criminal, so he has views some people don;t like - that's life. If the people who don't like what he has to say react in a violent way it is them who should be punished.


    What's ironic is that if the UK hadn't banned him and he recieved no media attention if and when he came then no-one would have batted an eyelid. Yet it's the media dictating where and when the public need to direct their hatred and outrage with their over the top coverage on matters such as this.


    All the while the governemnt is subtly censoring society by banning certain individuals from entering the country and taking away their right to freedom of speech, no matter how outlandish and out of date their views may be.


    Instead of having a balanced public discussion with the man in question, the government and the media would rather kick up a hysterical fuss because a few ethnic minorities might kick off and start rioting. When surely if this man would allowed to speak in an unbiased atmosphere, the minute he opened his mouth everyone would be able to dismiss and laugh at his barbaric views and challenege him to defend them, which he probably wouldn't be able to do very eloquently.

  4. I've managed to come across this Russell Brand programme someone mentioned earlier about him with Mark Collett. I thought that Brand looked like a prick before, I have been amazed. I cannot believe I prefer his present appearance.


    I absolutley despised Russell Brand before I watched that. Now I have a sort of semi-respect for him but still think he's a weirdo. And yes, he dresses like a tool.


    This is a bit of a lolworthy slip and slice of Sky News ownage...



    The fact that 2.21% of the entire electorate voted for the BNP actually makes me feel a bit more at ease about this. If only people would actually get out and vote then there would be much more chance of them being stopped.

  5. By "I think we should join" I take it you mean "en-mass troll/forum rape"?


    If anyone decides to do that be very, very careful I've heard stories of IP's being traced and people being hunted down and attacked. These people are dangerous, violent thugs.

  6. So you complain that people don't vote under the excuse that "No one represents me", because they don't do the legwork [Note: Still agree], but when these people vote for who they believe represents them that's not right either?


    People are entitled to vote for the BNP if they so chose. If they feel represented by them, that is their choice. But when on a NATIONAL scale they get 2.21% of the electorate, yet win 2 out of 69 seats in European Parliament, something is wrong.


    As I said, I firmly believe that anyone who wanted to vote for the BNP did. People who chose not to vote could have countered this vastly minorty party's success by going to the polls. Voter apathy is what has allowed these norrow-minded idiots into power, what's really needed is compulsey voting like Australia has which would prevent 'mistakes' like this from happenening.

  7. What effect do you think the BNP having a seat will have on things?


    Everyone's crying about it, but is TWO seats going to swing things that much?


    (Both genuine questions, because I don't know how the european parliament thing works).


    Yes, it can affect things greatly. I'm not going to pretend I understand European Parliament because I don't but...


    - The British National Party have some power and influence on a LEGITIMATE scale and platform.

    - They will recieve funding for being part of the European Parilament

    - They will be able to construct and distribute propaganda more easily dude to an increase in funds and power.

    - They will be able to easily and readily align themselves with other extremist right-wing parties in Europe.

    - The media is less likely to ignore them.

  8. I just wrote this on a facebook note and thought I'd share...


    I can’t even find the words to describe how I’m feeling right now. Unsettled may be appropriate. Maybe. Angry? Pissed off? I am, at lots and lots of people. I struggle to find how the BNP actually got a seat in MY region, good old Yorkshire and t'Humber. Yet looking at the figures it’s pretty obvious what the problem is.


    So basically, the European Elections run on a system of proportional representation with 6 seats eligible to Yorkshire and the Humber.


    The method runs on this system: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%27Hondt_method explained nice and easily under the headings ‘Allocation’ and ‘Example.’


    In the region there are 3,792,415 people eligible to vote. Only 1,226,180 people voted. 32% of people voted. ONLY 32%. Of that 32% - 120,139 people voted for the BNP. So the BNP got 9.8% vote of the 32% of people who voted and subsequently a seat in our European Parliament. Out of the 3,792,145 people who could have voted, the BNP amassed only 3.16%, a tiny amount. They still got a seat. ONE of SIX parliamentary seats with 3.16% of people in the region voting for them!! Yet for some reason 68% of people chose not to vote at all... This fact angers me much more than the BNP achieving a seat. Sorry for all of these ‘boring’ facts, but I need to highlight the flaws in the voting system of proportional representation (not that I’m suggesting a better system). The general apathy of the public is what annoys me the most because it is simply so dangerous.


    People often say to me, “I don’t vote, they’re all the same.†“It’s a waste of time.†“No one represents me.†Well, quite frankly all of that is wrong. It’s downright ignorant to think that. It’s up to you, the individual to do the leg work, seek out information and cast your vote - something you are oblivious to just how lucky you are to have that. Many people who inhabit this world don’t have that basic right. Yet so many people in this country are too self-involved to walk 5 minutes down the road to put a cross on a piece of paper. They would rather sit at home and leave the door to Fascism wide open, a door which was firmly shut by millions and millions of people who died in the Second World War. Do you think your grandparents would have stood up for their freedom if they knew 68% of people would throw it away?!


    On that point, it’s a fairly obvious fact that all the people who WANTED to vote for the BNP, DID vote for the BNP because of the nature of far-right politics. This is why such a low voter turnout opens the door to these sorts of groups and it is how the Nazi’s began in Germany in the 1930’s. It’s highly unlikely that any of the people who chose not to vote would have chosen to vote for such a vulgar outfit and it is in these low turnout conditions where the BNP can thrive, evidently. People who believe in the BNP’s policies are the people who will take action and cast their vote. So this highlights why it is important for everyone to use their right to vote to stop this marginal group of racists and thugs having a much greater standing and say than they are actually entitled too.


    For those who don’t know who or what the British National Party are; they are a racist, homophobic extremist, right-wing political party who want to ‘protect’ the British identity. By the British identity, they actually mean white people who inhabit the island. Everyone knows that all the white people here are a mix of Anglo-Saxon, Roman, Norman, and Celtic... everything. Britain has been invaded more times over the past 2000 years than I’ve had hot dinners. And I’ve had one every day since I can remember... Seriously though there are no ETHNICALLY 'British' people and the white make-up of this country is based on immigration and invasion. I, for example descendant of a Celt and a Nord. Hence my blonde hair, sensitive skin and large nose :) but that doesn’t mean I’m Danish or Irish...


    If the British National Party came to power they would forcibly remove the rights of all illegal immigrants (people who often are escaping war and dictatorships), sending them back there. Also, they would remove all people of non-white ethnicity including fourth, fifth, sixth generation and upwards people of mixed race. They claim they will offer ‘settled’ people of mixed race or other ethnicities, who hold a British passport, £50,000 of tax-payers money to return to their ‘home’ country and give up their British passport. Yet to many of these people, Britain is their home. It is no secret that they wish to remove all non-white from this country by force should they choose not to leave. If you think about this, your friends, neighbours, doctors, nurses, policemen, postmen, bankers, estate agents... all kinds of people who contribute to the wonderfully diverse British culture would be gone. People who you see every day and share the best aspects of your life with would be gone because their skin wasn’t light enough. This is the sort of thing that Hitler believed. Seriously. This is 2009 and people still hold these astonishing views.


    What you might not know as well, is that the BNP would ban all homosexual activity, mixed-race relationships and re-install Christian values into our society. Are you a Christian..? They would also reinstate the death penalty. Stepping back in time a bit, eh? There are plenty of ethical issues with the death penalty which I won’t go into... All I’ll say is: which human has the right to take another’s life? And what if someone was put to death and new evidence suggested they were innocent... A bit late, isn’t it? This is the kind of backwards and barbaric thinking that embodies the BNP’s politics: Outdated and unwelcome in a progressive and forward moving society. Perhaps, one of the most shocking things of all of course, is that they would “exterminate†people with disabilities, to create a ‘pure’ white race. Obviously they don’t advertise this openly but if you read between the lines on their website all becomes clear. Utterly disgusting.


    So, that’s just a few of their policies. Ever wanted to join the army? No, I haven’t either but under a BNP government all males will be FORCED to join the army for one year’s service. If you don’t, you go to jail, simple. It might have worked in the 1950’s but now; again, it’s an outdated and backwards idea. This doesn’t really fit with their idea of ‘Freedom’ when they force you to do something against your will. On top of this they will encourage all families to possess a rifle and live ammunition in their home in the interests of security and protection. We all know how much of a severe problem gun crime is in America and bringing it over here would surely yield similar results. Guns are not the democratic way to solve disputes or uphold the law, by anyone, including the law enforcers.


    “A Woman’s place is in the home.†At least according to the BNP it is. Not only will they racially divide the nation but apparently they think women are inferior too. ‘Sexist bunch of pigs’ is a polite way to describe the members of the British National Party and I’ve met the leader of the Young BNP. What a pleasant chap (!) He told my ex-girlfriend she was wasting her time being a feminist and going to University. I wonder if he thinks that only women can be feminists. I think, well I hope that reading the past few paragraphs has informed you just how ill-educated the BNP and its supporters actually are. I don’t think that anyone I know would agree with the sick ideas that are mentioned above and if they do they should go back to school and learn some morals.


    The important (hopefully) non-boring bit.


    All I’m trying to do here is highlight what kind of beast people are unleashing by not voting. The simple fact is, the BNP has such a small number of supporters that if more people who didn’t vote, voted: they wouldn’t have a hope of getting in. But sadly they have and will continue to get in. Once they are in they will have an input and an influence and it will directly affect YOUR life. Do you want that? Do you want any of the shocking things mentioned above to be present in YOUR society and community?


    Obviously in a democracy everyone has a vote. Always, some of those votes will go to the ‘extreme’ parties. But when only 32% of people vote these minority parties get such a greater share of the percentage that they can have an influence. It is SO important that EVERYONE takes part in democracy. PLEASE EDUCATE yourself on politics, don’t ignore such a vital and important aspect of everyone’s life.


    ...And as I write this Nick Griffin has just won the BNP’s second seat in the EU. People, this is a very real threat now. They are earning money for being in government. Their propaganda will get stronger, their influence will be greater. He is a LEGITIMATE politician now, something the National Front never achieved. All of the text I have written above is now represented in Europe by Britain. Do you want to stand for that as a nation? Is THAT what you believe in? It is time to stand up and be counted against such a fundamentally wrong organisation. The BBC is reporting that the vote for the BNP is DOWN on last time. Yet because fewer people voted they have such a greater share. This is why your vote matters. No matter how insignificant you feel. Go on Wikipedia of all places and look at the policies of Labour, The Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Green Party... whoever, just go and see which one you agree with most. It will take FIVE MINUTES and will go a LONG way to STOPING fascism. The democratic vote is YOUR way to shape YOUR world and YOU have to use it to stop these sick people taking over.


    I don’t care if you’re politically apathetic, a diehard liberal, a socialist, a dirty Tory ;-) or even a commie bastard. It’s up to you to VOTE against the BNP, whoever you decide to choose. Find a political party. Use your voice. Stop Fascism.


    X x Peace out Y’all x X





    Here are some starting points that expose the BNP for who they are.


    Nick Griffin – LEADER of the BNP and representing YOU in Europe...



    – Shocking! You MUST watch this.


    * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsnSZnhygQY – His views on Barack Obama



    – Holocaust denier




    Mark Collett. Failed Leeds Uni student now Young BNP leader...


    * http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=5D9E2CAD25BE740C&search_query=Nazi+Boy


    The above is with Russell Brand and it’s very good and exposes what a little slimy coward Collett is.


    - Speech he got arrested for.




    Of course there is plenty of content on YouTube which expose the BNP for who they are. There are other websites which are more obvious. I.e...


    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_National_Party


    * http://bnp.org.uk/ - make sure you read between the lines on this one, propaganda in its rawest form.




    And if those of you are feeling particularly adventurous... (and I mean really adventurous) then read some of the sickening things on this pro-BNP website which expose the supporters for who they really are. I’m sorry if this upsets or offends you because it’s really, really sick and defiantly not for the faint hearted but it does highlight just WHY IT’S SO IMPORTANT TO STOP THESE RACIST THUGS!


    * http://www.stormfront.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=91


    What amazes me is how Nick Griffin has adapted his speech to the mass public. I can see him catching a few more people if he gives speeches of that nature again. It's disgusting the way he disgueses his true feeling and manipulates language and ideas to represent himself and his party. Truly, truly sickening. He is selling 'freedom' and pushing for a dictatorship. What a truly dark day in British politics. His passion truly frightens me.

  9. Whenever I see a thread like this I can't help but think I should stop trying to ignite and inspire peoples intellect and just become a troll. The word "console wars" was coined by games companies back in the 80's early 90's as a means to generate interest in their respective consoles. It's nothing more than a media operation.


    The fact that this 'war' and 'winner' argument still applies to something you are meant to gain enjoyment over through your own investment of time and money is a sad reflection on how we materialise our possessions as something far more important than the things in our lives which should mean more.




    QFT. Such a pointless waste of time and effort arguing who's winning the 'war.'


    Just enjoy what ever console(s) you have and appreciate each game and console on it's own merit!

  10. :cry: I'd miss Spa.


    On the plus side like Goron said, we'd likely get Silverstone, Canada, Indy/American tracks, A1 Ring etc...

    And then there are a fair few tracks who struggle to meet Bernies money demands like Fuji, and we might get Old Hockenheim back as it was Bernie who wanted that changed to fit in with advertising or something wasn't it?

    Plus a load of the current test tracks are pretty decent.


    The old Hockenheim doesn't exist anymore. The tarmac has been dug up and it's been re-planted as part of the forest. :cry:

  11. I wrangled with Lib Dem and Greens for a couple of weeks before today and ended up going for Lib Dems because the Greens are a bit too Euroskeptic for my liking and I generally see Europe as a massively positive thing to be a part of.

  12. i really like the look of that racer from the makers of LBP so could well have a ps3 (prob get one for myself for xmas)


    That was the game that got my attention too. I might get one for Xmas but I much prefer the online infrastructure of a 360. Home is just gay and much of the current catalogue doesn't impress me much.


    I'll decide at xmas whether to go 360 or PS3 but I've got nearly 20 games I'm yet to finish on the Wii first, so I'll be busy with that. Plus it's my final year of uni next year so I doubt I'll have much gaming time.


    There's no way I'd get both, Crackdown 2 looked amazing and the 1st one is mint, I'd love to own that. Rare are on 360 including Banjo Tooie and PROBABLY Perfect Dark and Jet Force Gemini... But then the PS3 has FF14 and R* exclusives as well as Mod Racers Nation. This s going to be a tough choice.


    In short: Yes, it made me want a new console.

  13. Doesn't look like this is going to make it to the EU after all. In the General Wii Discussion thread, the Summer release list courtesy of Nintendo is up and there is no mention of this game anywhere.


    I don't know whether I'm going to bother picking this up on import now, I've heard a lot of mixed reviews and I doubt I'll get it cheap enough to warrent a full purchase. Shame on Nintendo. I'm sure even i the sold 4,000 copies it would pay for the localisation.

  14. After seeing this at E3 I must say I've been put off a bit. I think I might wait until the reviews are in but I can see myself going for Virtua Tennis instead now. Somthing about this just doens't seem to feel right. It doesn't flow very well and there seems to be a slight lag when hitting a shot.

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