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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. I'm Nick, born in York Hospital in September 1986 with an 'upside-down heart.' Appernetly for the 1st year and a half of my life it was touch and go. But I don't remember it... :heh: I just have a scar down my chest and have to go for check-ups every 18 months which I don't mind. I lived in a Suburb of York with my parents and 2 brothers, one 3 years younger and one 4 years younger. We fought a lot. It was fun being the oldest/cleverest/strongest/meanest until I realised 5 foot 3 was all I would amount too. Left school at 16 with pretty good grades a few A's and B's. Went to college for 2 years and slacked off, messed around and ended up with a B in Media Studies and a C in Geography. Failed ICT and English Language, re-took English and got a C at AS level.


    Started working at Pizza Hut once I could drive where I met my girlfriend after about a year we went out. She was 2 school years older than me but only 13 months in reality. She'd had 2 years out and convined me to take one so we went travelling to Thailand (Amazing), Australia (Equally so), Fiji (Very scary, but beautiful) and West Coast USA (A mix of incredible and shit). Was excellent overall though and I learnt a hell of a lot about myself and the world. Did it all on our own as well with no prior planning except the flights. I was only 18 at the time and it's by far the bravest thing I've ever done. After 2 months we came into Heathrow and it was very emotional to see everyone but it was the best experience of my life! Also showed me that England is by no means that great, but I find it strangely endearing.


    Stupidly, aged 19 (and 20 for her) we decided to try and buy a house and go to uni in Leeds which was close to home (for the missus' horse) and our families but far enough away to get the 'uni experience.' The reason we could afford a house (albeit in what turned out to be a VERY nasty council estate, hence it was very cheap) was her Granny died and left her £13,000 from her estate. Added on to a bit we had saved up that was our deposit. I started a Media course at Leeds Met and it was awful, full of horrible, trendy c**ts. Dropped out after 3 months. In this time I worked full time and hated it (I transferred to a new pizza hut). I applied to do a Human Geography course and got accepted which was a massive relief as full time was very dull...


    Before I started my course again we rescued a dog from the dog's trust who is AMAZING! He's become my best friend in a geeky kind of way because I was so far away from home, and incidently the city centre of Leeds. So I very rarely saw my friends, home or course mates. I'm currently in the second year of my course and I love it, it's exteremly interesting and has re-ignited my desire to explore every inch of the world. I'm going to Russia 2 weeks today :).


    Last July me and the missus broke up after a very difficult period of dishonesty and arguements and considered it best to go our separate ways. Of course with the house we still live together which has been a huge pain in the arse even though we've maintained a friendship we still rip each other to pieces sometimes. So kindly her dad has offered to buy my half (not a lot) of the house and she's renting our 2 spare rooms to her mates when I'm gone. I'll be glad to get out of this isolated shit hole to be honest and get back home (which kinda sucks, but it's so much cheaper!) with my friends and commute to uni next year. Then as soon as I'm done I'm hitting the road again, hopefully to South America, Northern Africa and the Med provided I have enough cash.


    So while this past year has been difficult I've got out of a rut I was in after 2 disasterous attempts at new relationships, I've decided I'm happy single at the moment and I'm content on waiting on the right girl, hopefully after an intense 3 and a half year relationship I'll be in a better position to make it work. After promising myself I'd concentrate on me, I've lost 2 stone, spent a hell of a lot less on things I really don't need (home cinema stuff and gaming :D) and become hugely interested in politics and punk rawk so I'm on the up again and enjoying life. In six weeks I'll move back home which will be strange but I'm slightly looking forward to a massive change but I'll miss my dog like crazy!


    Life advice: Don't buy a house with someone until you've lived with them.


    I'm aged 22 now and my major interests are music - punk, ska, reggae and a bit of old school rap, travelling and politics, my dog and animals in general and of course gaming. Although I only own a Wii now and dedicate much less of my time to it. I like to watch Red Dwarf, Scrubs, Buffy the Vampire Slayer :), American Dad, South Park and LOTS of doucmentries. As I kid I loved football, now I hate it as it's become too much about the money. The only sport I love is Formula One have done since 1992 (hypocrite? :D). I like to think of myself a bit of an anti-establishment kid, I don't have any clothes with a high street label on, I despise fashion and wear things that symbalise what I stand for ("this aint a T-shirt man, this is me heart" - King Blues). I enjoy Marxist theory so I'm a bit of an anti-capitalist. I do believe Communism can work, people despise me for it. Maybe I'm naive?? I hate everything that Britain stands for as a nation. Thus I call myself a world citizen and not British. Despite this I'm half Scottish/English and I LOVE visiting Scotland. I think it's beautiful. I hate the BNP and will do anything to stop them :) I hate wasting anything and I am a massive environmentalist. I suppose I'm really just a hippy, but i don't have long hair and I shower every morning :p

  2. I have it, but I think I'm going to region free patch the US version when it comes. The temptation to have a nearly 20% faster framerate and no borders is too much!


    I'm hoping it comes out on Monday in the US. I would rather get the NTSC version :p

  3. Maybe it's just me, I can't seem to stomach any wrestling at the moment and the storyines in WWE and TNA just bore me to death. Perhaps I should give up, it's too much of a soap opera now, not that it wasn't before but at least there was some high quality wrestling and not just people who could play a good character.

  4. This is the first time since Wresltemania 16 I won't be watching. The build up (IMO) has been dreadful, the matches look poorly put together and the Vickie storyline is atrocious, especially for a main event WM. The Orton/HHH storyline is also stupid. Attacking women and breaking into people's home on a program rated PG. WWE have lost all sight of what used to make them good. Fail.

  5. Shame, doesn't bode well for future new ip's or games that aren't mini game waggle fests. I hope i'm wrong as i want to see more games on Wii like resi 4, NMH, red steel, zack & wiki etc but they seem to get lost amongst the mountains of shovelware filling the shelves. Maybe having a console that's cheap to develop for is a bad thing eh! or maybe it's a lack of quality control on nintendo's part allowing any old sh@te on their console.


    A lot of my friends who have had every nintendo console & missed out on getting a wii on launch couldn't be bothered getting one when they became available no matter how many times i told them about or shown them games such as metroid, mario galaxy, mariokart, nmh, pro evo, etc etc so maybe there aren't as many so called hardcore or informed gamers out there who have a Wii as we on these forums seem to think there are.


    I think Nintendo need to bring back the Seal of Quality and push it so consumers know what it means, maybe have it represented in an obvious manner on the front cover.

  6. Connecting to server...

    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

    Stranger: hi

    You: 'Sup

    Stranger: Where are you from?

    You: Compton, CA

    You: u?

    Stranger: no

    Stranger: you are gangster?

    You: yeah homie

    Stranger: I am a cop

    You: I'm reppin from the east si-ede

    You: holy fuck

    Stranger: ha ha ha

    You: Shut yo bitch ass, yo aint no cop

    You: you a sucka

    Stranger: lie

    Stranger: hhahahahahhahaa

    Stranger: you know gremio?

    You: why you frontin, g?

    Stranger: football , brazil , porto alegre

    You: wuz that shit, bitch?

    Stranger: fyou are homosexual

    Stranger: football soccer

    Stranger: brazil

    You: MAN, shut the fuck up

    You: I ain't no homosexual, am a playa

    Stranger: hahahaha

    Stranger: you like football soccer?

    You: yo gonna fell my gad on yo neck

    You: what's that shit, David pussy beckham/

    You: HELL NO

    Stranger: ronaldo

    You: football is American football

    You: Ronaldo can suck ma dick, beyatch

    You: (in a non-gay way)

    Stranger: American football is so necking

    You: wtf? necking?

    Stranger: i dont speak inglish

    Stranger: i speak portuguese

    Stranger: sorry

    You: Hola, que tal?

    You: oh wait that's spanish

    Stranger: spanish speak pokito

    Stranger: hahahahahahaha

    You: como t'apelle tu?

    You: DONDE ESTA LA PISCINA? (where is the swimming pool)

    You: Bi-lingual beyatch

    Stranger: piscina?

    You: swimming pool, sunshine

    Stranger: no no

    Stranger: sea

    You: Eu não quero morrer sozinho (I don't want to die alone)

    Stranger: ha ha ha

    Stranger: ?

    You: eu te amo (I love you)

    Stranger: hahahuahahhahaa

    Stranger: you speak portuguese?

    You: That's Portuguese remtard

    Stranger: how old are you?

    You: 9

    You: you?

    Stranger: 18

    You: are you male, yes?

    Stranger: you is kid

    Stranger: male

    You: AHHHHHHHHH Don't touch me!

    Stranger: ahhahahaha

    Stranger: go studies child!

    You: você me dá nojo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (You make me sick!)

    Stranger: uhaeuheauhaehuehueauea

    Stranger: you speak portuguese?

    You: farewell, SUCKKKKKKKKKKA!


  7. Your wish is my command...


    So here he's saying he didn't allow the Toyota through and therefore it illegally overtook him under a safety car and thus Trulli should get a penalty. When infact...


    He had let the Toyota through.


    Oh dear. Silly Hamilton. Penalty is deserved and he's lost what little respect I actually had for him. *facepalm*

  8. Resi 5 isn't awful, far from it... t'is one of the better games of this generation - on the 360 - it's only real faults are that it strays even further from the series roots than Resi 4 did, basically they could right the series by simply making it mostly fixed camera again but with the over the shoulder view - I don't know how but it must be possible - then just stick a decent amount of puzzles in, lessen the action game aspect but keep enough action to...


    Yeah it needs a complete fucking overhaul, just as well that's what Capcom is planning, I must admit though it would be nice if for Resi 6 they chose to devlop a Wii version as well at some point, it wouldn't matter about the graphics being downgraded, just having it on the console in some playable form would be enough.


    OK I exaggerated a bit, it doesn't look awful but it does look like a step backwards from Resi Evil 4. Especially the Wii version, not that that can be helped on the 360/PS3, due to the controls. To me it seems too focused on action elements and seems to have strayed too far from what the series was about, even though I'm all for series advancements. The puzzles and different enemies were great in the early games and since Resi 4 it seems to be going more in a Dead Rising esque direction with masses of zombies, too much emphasis on the survival and not enough on the horror. Just my two cents but I haven't played it so I can't really comment.

  9. Yeah I'm a bit nervous tbh. Since Litvinenko got murdered in London in 2006, Russian & British relations soured a bit and citizens of the UK now have to pay £75 for a Russian tourist visa. We've been advised not to drink outside of the hotel or really leave it after 10pm... Hmmmm.

  10. I'm off to Russia and Lithuania with uni at the end of this month and I have absolutly no idea what to expect. I'm going to Kaunas (Lithuania) and Kaliningrad (Russia) Which is in the far west of the country (near Finland). So has anyone been to this region of the world before and is there anything I can expect to encounter good or bad. Going there with no knowledge at all makes me a bit apprehensive but from the pictures it looks like a weird contrast of military grey buildings with massive amounts of green open space.



  11. According to Wii Fit I'm down to 9st 11lbs this morning which means since mid-January I've lost exactly 2 stone. This pleases me :D Just 10lbs more to go to my target of 9st 1lb (58kg), which hopefully I can achieve in about 5-7 weeks. I lifted weights of 16kg this morning as well to see just how much weight I've lost and I'm shocked at how heavy it is (and I was). I can feel bones again for the 1st time in 5 years hips, ribs, chest, it's bloody great. I'm really starting to feel the health benefits as well now, at uni I have 3 lectures a week on the 4th floor of my building and I can conquer the stairs quicker than all my buddies go in the lift, which is awesome because before I couldn't pass the 1st floor without being out of breath. Onward... destiny.

  12. Yeah it turns out that it was McLaren and Hamilton that gave misleading information and as a result the whole team have been disqualified from the race including Hekkei Kovalianen (not that it made a massive difference to him...). Pretty stupid of them really but in retrospect it's pretty fair.

  13. They changed his nose at the first pit-stop, and frankly he shouldn't have kept stickin his car in anyways!


    Also heard some teams may be protesting the KERS of two teams, saying they are using too many extra horsepower.


    Honestly it's getting rediculous!

    The FIA are fcuking F1 right up, by not clarifying regulations, leading to confusion for the teams over legal/illegal cars, leading to appeals, uncertain race results, imbalances across the grid, KERS and no KERS, its a joke!


    I think the KERS story was a really bad April fools 'joke'. At least that's what I gathered from the DigitalSpy forums.

  14. Had Wii fit for a month and a half. Started in the middle of a weight loss programme at 11st 3lbs, now 9st 12lbs. I find it really useful for maintaining targets and doing a light workout instead of weights or a run. Plus the muscle excersices and Hula hooping mini game are really good for targeting specific areas.

  15. After playing for a lot longer today I think I'm going to change my opinion slightly. I've revisited the earlier levels and found a great deal more enjoyment trying to get the higher rankings for the kills where as before I was just trying to get to the boss and going all out with the chainsaw. The strategy element is quite rewarding, there's nothing like watching 3 guys each with 2 signposts embedded in their skulls and stuck in a barrel being decapitated by the waste bin lid. I think I was a bit quick in overlooking many of the more strategic elements and don't think it's as shallow as I first imagined.


    After spending more time with it I'm convinced Madworld is a rip off / tribute to No More Heroes. The OTT violence, hordes of goons, bosses and anti-mainstream art style are very similar in both games and I'm sure NMH had a fair amount to do with inspiring Madword. I maintain what I previously said about the art style and the music being excellent. It's such a pleasure to see the presentation pulled off so beautifully. The visuals are awe-inspiring and ooze an immense amount of charachter and individuality that fit wonderfully with the context of the content of the game. I acquired the soundtrack earlier today and alongside the visuals it's wonderfully unique and original, again fitting extremely well within the context of the game. Presentation wise this is one of the best games on the Wii by an absolute mile. Developers please take note.


    I'm still finding the controls a bit clunky and unresponsive at times which is my main disapointment. Overall though I actually think this game is worthy of an 8 though it isn't quite as good as NMH :D I'm only around half way through but i can't see the game getting any better, though it's still very good. Even if the story blows me away and the later levels are amazing the controls do hamper the experience slighlty and I'm a bit surprised IGN thought it was worthy of a 9 with some of the issues people have mentioned here. At the end of the day though it's a very fun game that most gamers should have in their collections. I recommend it highly and it stands out amongst the other titles on the market at the moment, even if it isn't perfect.

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