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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. The problem with TNA is that too many matches are gimmick matches.

    I agree, it's most annoying and really hurts the company


    Isn't Christian supposed to be coming back to WWE?

    He's already signed a deal that will place him in the main event, apparently.


    The plan is to have him run over Jeff Hardy and his missus. Hardy escapes scott free but his missus is almost killed, this sets up the Smackdown main-event match for WrestleMania 25, with the rumble winner facing the Raw champ.


    I think this storyline is GAY! Hit and run is a CRIME, as is attempted murder. Rikishi never got punished, lol. One rule for the world, one rule for WWE. Much like necrophilia/rape, I do wish they would bring back they Katie Vick storyline... /rant on why I don't watch WWE


  2. I agree about the troops stuff, but i just dont watch those specials that they do. Easy enough to avoid. As for the girls, i have to disagree. Yes they are scantily clad, but they are portrayed as fighters more so now than ever. Most divas are now required to get in the ring and at least try to compete. Yes they have some silly matches, but its just for fun and, lets face it, they are hot! Its entertainment at the end of the day, just like dancers in a music video. But on the other hand, when they do have proper matches it sends a good message as they are standing up for themselves.


    It's not just that, it's the fact that they all look the same and are required to have an exaggerated chest in order to get anywhere. There's no personality in it, watch the women in TNA and then you'll see what I mean. I'd even go as far as saying the women wrestling is the best thing about TNA. The in ring standards are high, there is a varied mix of performers and the storylines are consistantly very good. I can't quote on the matches in WWE because I haven't watched it for so long but when I last tuned in it was pretty poor and most of them couldn't wrestle. Nothing compared to the glory days of Trish, Lita and Victoria.


    I miss Gail Kim though, where did she go? Is she on TNA now? WAs awesome to see Trish at Christmas. I was so hoping she would be back but it was one time only :(


    She's just signed a new contract with WWE and will debut in a few weeks. It's a shame she's gone from TNA becuase she was a good champion and had an amazing fued with Awesome Kong.

  3. I stopped watching WWE about a year ago. I hate the way it's aimed at kids, its stupid conservative political messages (ESPECIALLY the bloody "troops"). It's obsession with image in terms of wrestlers (I find it degrading and apaulling how the women are portrayed and represented) and corporate branding. It's not wrestling anymore, its a joke. Also, John Cena pisses me off big time. :shakehead


    Started watching TNA in April last year and while it's pretty hit and miss it's definatly better than the WWE. I've seen some outstanding matches in the past year, some great talent and Kurt Angle is still the best in the world, even if the storylines are a little poor.Going to see it in Manchester a week on Tuesday and I can't wait. Seeing the likes of Samoa Joe, AJ Styles and all the X-Division contenders in person will be amazing and TNA apparently put on an amazing live show. Plus Mick Foley will be there! :bowdown:

  4. Played this for the first time yesterday at a friends house (I don't have a PS3.).


    Absolutly loved it, have heard nothing about this game but we did a couple of races and a mirrors edge level! There was also an extremely long level based on Zelda which was incredible. I can't believe I hadn't heard of this I want a PS3 so badly now just for this game. Does the novelty wear off? And actually how hard is it to make a decent level?

  5. All I'll sat from past experience is the grass is always greener on the otherside. Me and my girlfriend hit a massive rut. I effectivly told her where to go and went off with someone else. Only took me a week to realise it was a mistake and I would do anything to get her back now but it's too late. Think long and hard about it before you do anything and my advice is definately try and sort out any problems with your current gf now because you never know what could happen. An attraction is just that, it could be that you have very little in common and if you've been with your girlfriend for 3 years there's obviously something special there. Relationships go up and down and 3 years is about the time they hit their lowest point (apparently)... If you love her ride it through and see where you are at the end of it. If you're unsure, have a talk with her about your feelings. Hope that helps.

  6. Saw this headline and thought great news!!... then I read on...


    All the way through it was sounding positive, but then the last paragraph pretty much confirms the likes of GTA just aint gonna happen on Wii... no matter how successful the console it would seem!!


    I thought maybe these financially troubling times had finally forced them to consider the Wii for all their franchises, either new or cheap cash-in ports; which FYI Take-Two would make you ALOT of easy money amidst the recession! How stupid do they need to be!!


    Go on then, bring on Carnival Games 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9....!!!


    Idiots. It's their loss as much as ours though.

  7. The Best Visuals In A Game - Okami

    The Best Online Game Of The Year - Animal Crossing - City Folk

    Best Use Of Wii Controls In A Game - PES 2008

    Best Soundtrack In A Game - Smash Bros Brawl

    Best Multiplayer Game Of The Year - Mario Kart Wii

    Most Underrated Game Of The Year - No More Heroes

    Suprise Game Of The Year - Boom Blox

    WiiWare Game Of The Year - Lostwinds

    Virtual Console Game Of The Year - Super Mario Bros 3

    Best Wii Game Of The Year - Super Smash Bros Brawl

    Best DS Game Of The Year - N/A

    Best Nintendo Related Moment Of The Year - Super Smash Bros. Brawl, purely for the nostalgia

    Most Anticipated Game Of 2009 - The Conduit

    Most Innovative Wii Game - Boom Blox

    Most Innovative DS Game - N/A

    Best Single-Player Experience - No More Heroes

    Worst Game of the Year I haven't played anything poor on Wii this year so can't comment

  8. RedSteel is a really good response, can't believe I didn't think of it. Alot of people like to slate it, but I'm one of the more forgiving bunch who likes it and I think its really good, if you remember its a launch title. I think its laid some really solid foundations for the sequel.


    It's one of my favourite Wii games. I loved it at launch and I still do, yes the controls can be poor but it felt original, had awesome levels and style. The graphics were brilliant coupled with the destructable environments. The music and atmosphere was awesome too. A big surprise when I played through it after hearing all the negatvity. I think NGamer magazines score of 90% was justified, if a tad too high maybe 85%

  9. Simply put, no. I've been silently fighting the stereotype that you need more than one home console to enjoy a good, balanced gaming experience. My personal year has seen a decent and consistent slew of games that I bought: Zack and Wiki, BWii (online destroyed my life for 3 months), Boom Blox, Brawl, Okami, No More Heroes, Call of Duty 5. I'm also probably going to succumb to Animal Crossing and Mario Kart Wii before long too. The DS front has been awesome as well. I experimented with Shiren and found the most hardcore game of the year, Advance Wars: Dark Conflict continued the greatest ever strategy series and The World Ends With You became easily my GotY, and crept dangerously close to challenging Tales Of Symphonia as my fav game of all time.


    I'm also one of the only people I know who goes back often to games I may have had for between a year and five years. Lately, my thing has been going through Metroid Prime 3 on Hyper Mode and also Wind Waker. I'll finally finish Viewtiful Joe soon too :D


    I think the reason that negativity will always become the dominant mentality on internet forums is because most people who are happy are too busy playing the damn games (lol).


    I salute you for this mentality, sir. More is not always better! I just lost my job so I'll be going back down to one console soon.

  10. I just could not get into it for some odd reason. It felt like I was going through the motions rather than having fun.


    Exactly how I felt, it was a total chore to play, and a lot of the fun (albeit unrealistic) things from the fantastic San Andreas were removed.


    I think GTA IV highlights exactly why realism should not be a driving force in game creation. People play games to escape realism and have fun.


    I dunno, maybe I'm biased, after all what would I know, I'm just a Nintendo Fanboy :heh:

  11. I think it's been an average year. I played the hell out of Brawl for a good few months but the online sucked. Huge mention goes out to No More Heores, fresh, innovative and such a bold personality! I loved manhunt 2 as well!


    I've enjoyed a few things on 360, mainly fable 2 but once I finished it, it seemed a bit non-eventful and I haven't been back since. Grid was OK for a while. I'm getting fed up of sequals and have very little cash so I haven't played many of the newer games but half the 360 library I won't touch because I'm sick to death of the shooter and the 3rd person action adventure.


    GTA IV was the biggest dissapointment for me, the biggest load of crap I have ever played. I honesty don't know where the $100million went into this because it's a step BACKWARDS from San Andreas. Horrible, horrible game.


    Is it just me or are many of the big budget sequals on 360/PS3 just becoming "interactive movies" where cutscenes and graphics get so much attention while everything else is less than last gen or more of the same? Sort it out, innovate.


    On a happy note, since getting it in the post from the US last week, I've spent close to 30 hours on Animal Crossing Wii, second most played game of the year and I'm loving it! I think I need to get a DS, that seems to be where a lot of the action is now. Although I cannot wait for next years Wii line up. Conduit? Yes please, Voice chat? Yes please, NMH2? Yes please, Expanded WiiWare and VC? yes please, Madworld? Yes Please! :P

  12. You have to go to the city and see a show.


    I have a question regarding photos. My PC was made back when the wheel was invited and people discovered fire so it doesnt have an SD slot. So do I just need to buy an SD reader so I can upload photos? Any idea where to get a cheap one at?


    Amazon marketplace... or if you have a Tesco Extra near you they sometimes have cheap ones

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