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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. I'm with Daft- particularly in the point that technology is going to push gaming forward- not the wii. Wii fans seem quick to decry 360/ps3 owners as shallow graphics whores, but that's total bullshit. I got my 360 because it offers cutting edge online support, a fantastic library of games and the power to actually support games that push the boundaries of what we can expect from the medium in the future. I don't have a ps3 but the same applies. Look a Heavy Rain- potentially capable of rewriting the rule book on what we want from the medium, and utterly impossible on a wii. The raw horsepower of proper next gen machines isn't just about graphics- it's about animation, sound, physics, AI and all the rest that makes a cohesive gaming experience. The wii can't provide any of these things and THAT is why I don't have one.


    oh and the controller is a gimmicky piece of crap. Roffle.


    But, the Wii is at the cutting edge of technology, Wii motion plus and the even the remote itself provides a completely different input method. One that delivers a much more immersive user experience. Pressing buttons is so 1995. And while your points are entirely valid in regards to sound, physics and AI. More often than not the emphasis is on realism. Gaming is clearly splitting off into 2 different directions and I'm much happier with where the Wii is going.


    A few examples: PES 2009/FIFA 09 - The 'next gen' version offers greater opponant AI, better ball physics, a wealth of online modes, enough options for the gamer to play for weeks on end but B is still shoot, A is still pass and R is still sprint, similar in design to the days of the Mega Drive/SNES era.

    Where as the Wii version of the game offers IR control of the whole team, not just individual players. In depth tactical movement on-the-fly. Easily cutomised direction of passes/shots. To me, the Wii version clearly is the more immersive version because the other stuff just doesn't matter as much. It's a videogame, I don't care if the Graphics are "realistic" or the sound is authentic, if the ball moves in a way that simulates a real football, or if Rio Ferdinand makes decisions like his real life counterpart. If I wanted a realsitic game of football, I'd get some friends together and go outside. If I wanted a fun game of football, I'd boot up my wii, which I find to be much more 'immersive' than the next gen counterpart.


    The same applies to shoot 'em ups you can have all the AI, sound, realism, graphics and technology in the world but if you don't have the fullest possible control over what your doing, is that innovation? Is that pushing technology? No that's improving every aspect the hardware constraints allow. So while enemies may be smarter and there's more explodable stuff in the environment which reacts realistically, it's still just a similar FPS but with a massive online mode, replacing the need for any AI anyway. Essentialy the same skills are still involved in mastering it than in 1999.


    Not everyone has 40inch HDTV's with 7.1 Dolby surround sytems. Infact I'd bet that less than 20% of PS3/XBOX's userbase have this or the equivilent, yet they're the ones who moan about the Wii not pushing technology. They are simply looking at the fact that the Wii looks a bit naff on their expensive TV's, sounds crappy and isn't stiving towards a realistic immersive experience, when in fact, it is...


    Ultimatly, I'd take any FPS or Sports Game (2 of the main driving forces behind the 'next gen' consoles) on a Wii anyday before a Xbox or PS3 because they provide a much more immersive and fun experience, in my opinion of course. :wink:


    Edit: Also, is it just me, or is the majority of online gaming a little bit pointless? Oh, look at me I'm ranked 171 in the world on COD5, I'd better play for 2 hours everyday to keep and/or improve my ranking. Where's the sense of achievement? I find online gaming so dull, unless it's with friends of course. But nothing compares to having 4 people in the same room. I can understand co-op games online but everything else is just a little well, futile, if you ask me...

  2. Throwing money randonmly and bribing development to get exclusives is hardly innovative. It is archaic, expensive, and proven to have no effect on console performance, although butthurt fanboys want to think otherwise. They think that pissing 6 billion dollars a'la Sony into air is innovative and sustainable.


    That Nintendo has been able to create strategy where its competition doesn't practically matter, that is innovative. With few well placed maneuvers, they have turned market upside down, and made people who thought they knew the market look and act like fools. Nintendo's strategy is already used as a case in better universities, and it will be studied for years to come.


    Uhm, This. Excellent point.


    The Wii has been out 2 years. It has had 4 BLOCKBUSTER games from Nintendo, all of which have been in development for 2+ years, some longer (Smash Bros, Galaxy, Zelda, Prime 3). Then there's the likes of Mario Kart and Animal Crossing ('bridge' titles) which may seem a little 'cheap' but still provide a lot of quality gaming time. And of course your casual hits, Wii Music, Fit and Sports which are all very good 'games' ;).


    Now will someone please tell me when, in the first 2 years of a home console Nintendo has released this many quality games, let alone 4 blockbusters. Everyone needs to stop complaining. Original IP's, resurrections of 'dead franchises' (Punch Out/Sin and Punishment, Kid Icarus?), Sequals to Zelda, Pikmin et al are all almost guarenteed to be in development. The 2nd party support is consistantly good, if a little under appreciated by Nintendo themselves and there is a 3rd Party library already out which is very respectable (Godfather, NMH, Zack and Wiki, HotD:OK, need I go on?). And then you've got a 3rd party 2009 line-up that will knock the socks off the Cube and N64's entire 3rd party library. Capping it all off; Wii motionplus, anyone? Take a look at the developer diary videos on IGN from EA.


    Stop complaining. Start gaming.

  3. Bump. Down to 10st 2lbs now. Loss of 23lbs in just around 2 months. My target is 9 Stone and I've given myself until June to do it. I have never felt this fit in my life. I can run, and climb hills without breaking a sweat now, it's great. I also can't believe how well I've stuck at it. Onward...

  4. Tuesdays Final Testing Times:


    and with BrawnGP continuing to impress on the testing times sheets, it seems their confindent of being extremely competitive:


    This is really, really great stuff. I hope Brawn GP are fighting for points, maybe even the odd podium this year. They have 3 of the most likeable men in Formula 1 on their team and they deserve some mild success after what must have been a horrible winter.

  5. I'm going to pick this up as soon as my student loan comes through, which should be at the start of the next month. (I have about 20 quid to last me til then...fuck)


    I feel it would be an insult to all of the hard work that has been put into this game, to follow it's progress for so long and to not purchase it as soon as I get the chance. This game looks to have been a tremendous effort from the developers, and I'd like to see it sell well. If ever we needed gamers to put their hands into their pockets, to buy this and send out a message to third parties, this would be that time.


    :) Roll on.


    I 100% agree and while I'm also desperate for my loan this and the conduit are getting brand new purchases from me as soon as I have the cash. Both developers deserve the sales. Madworld especially.

  6. Nintendo Power has reviewed a few games this month:


    Madworld: 9.0

    Rune Factory Frontier: 7.5

    Kororinpa 2: 7.5

    Final Fantasy CC 6.0


    DS version of CC got 6.5'd


    Glad to see madworld hit the 9's, great story, excellent controls and a huge amount of replay value were a few of the positives. The commentators are said to be annoying after a while but this is customary with any game featuring commentators. I also had huge expectations for Rune Factory so I'm a little disappointed to see it scoring in the 7's. They cited advancedment through the story as being slow and a bit clueless as to why they gave it a low score.

  7. There's a great deal of new stuff on the BBC F1 website including videos & blogs etc: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsport/formula_one/default.stm


    Look's like they're going all out in an effort to at least match itv's fairly good online coverage.





    At the FOTA meeting held on Wednesday it was announced that there will be a new scoring system for 2009 - (Source: gpupdate.net)




    I think this is excellent news as there wasn't enough distinction between 1st and 2nd places before and now hopefully it will encourage drivers to get the extra point awarded for 1st place. I really liked the system before when it was 10-6-4-3-2-1 as it really made the winners stand out more. While I wish the gap between 1st and 2nd was 4 or even 5 points; 3 points is better than 2, hopefully it improve the racing.

  8. Great sales...





    THQ has reported strong success with the well-received Wii-exclusive de Blob, Big Beach Sports and licensed titles.


    Company CEO Brian Farrell revealed last week that the unique de Blob has sold over 700k units worldwide, and even during troubled economic times has managed to retain its original $49.99 price point after 5 months on the market. Farrell discussed a "three prong" strategy for approaching the Wii - including "high production" games like de Blob; value titles for example Beach Sports, and finally licensed products.


    There was also hints of an unannounced Wii title that's "very focused?niche", but is expected to do well. The main competition THQ feel is Nintendo themselves: "The people, who buy Nintendo games, [we want to] get them to buy things like de Blob."


    On the portable front THQ is looking to bring key franchises to the DSi/DS.


    I got this today as well and ended up playing for over an hour! I love it, although I'm yet to get to grips fully with the controls. It's a great game, I'm not sure if I prefer it to boom blox as I really enjoyed that, but I can see myself playing it right through to the end which is a rare thing for me.


    With regrads to sales - I had a look on vgchartz.com today and was really pleased to see how well this has sold. Same with Boom Blox, both should easily surpass 1 million by the summer which will be great. House of the Dead: Overkill is selling really well in it's first few weeks and No More Heroes is apporoaching 500,000, which again I think is a fairly good acheivement. Okami has surpassed 200,000 sales, when despite a strong start the PS2 version only managed 150,000. Again great news as the title had no marketing what so ever.


    I think the amount of 'install bases' the Wii has now is going to do wonders for sales. With nearly 50m Wii consoles in peoples homes now there's no reason why decent 3rd party games made specifically for the system, with a good amount of effort can reach the magic million mark (backed by a decent advertising campaign of course). Hopefully we'll see more games like De Blob and HotD:OK on Wii in the future.

  9. Got this today with a nyko perfect shot, I love how true to the arcade style it is. A complete breath of fresh air on the Wii. March is going to be an expensive month for me. Got Madworld pre-ordered as well as Kororinpa 2 and Rune Factory comeing out in the US in 2-3 weeks which I can't wait to buy. I'm sure this will keep me more than entertained until then. Highly recommened game!

  10. I don't think remakes of 2D games into 3D is a good idea personally. They were going to do it with Zelda before it turned into Ocarina of Time. The made a 3D version of the original NES game before deciding to create a new one. I just wouldn't like to run through the same game from a different perspective.


    Wii makes of Gamecube games on the other hand, especially rarer ones or FPS's make more sense to me.

  11. 3. Didn't like the green bands when they ran them at Fugi '08, as part of that naff 'Green F1' campaign. They clash/clashed with pretty much every car colour scheme. Would rather they'd carried on with white bands.


    Plus you could barely see them. Bad move FIA.


    Glad Honda are testing next week, hope they go with Rubens as well as he deserves a proper send off.

  12. I'm joining the local gym to get myself more fit and to tone up as it were. There is only so much weight that can come off on a diet before the body goes into starvation mode and prevents more weight coming off.


    I think I've hit that point. I've dropped a stone and a half since january and in the last couple of weeks I've seen very little change. I haven't really exercised excessively so I guess it's time to start running and doing weights and stuff at home, screw the gym! Never been, never will.


    Can't believe how many of my old T-Shirts I fit in to! I think I'm around 10st 6lbs now, that's on my scales at home, my parents' say I'm more but they're electronic... so I'm ignoring them! Plus on my scales at home i was 11'11" which is what I'm going by. I really want to get Wii Fit now because I think it will help me focus and give me weekly targets which are easier to manage with the information on the screen.

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