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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. Matt v Jeff v Edge v Christian ladder match for the title at WM25!


    come on you know you want it!


    I would happily pay £15 just to watch that match. Haven't seen the rumble as I was away at a funeral but I might try and get hold of a copy.

  2. So who's going to win the rumble then?


    Before Raw I would have said Orton hands down but I think he will end up fighting McMahon at Wrestlemania in some kind of "Ultimate Legend Killer" storyline. Now I can only see 2 possible winners..


    Shawn Michaels: If JBL beats Cena, then Micheals will win the rumble, I'd put my house on it.


    Christian: Returns and wins, revealing himself as the attacker of Jeff Hardy and setting up a match at Mania with either Hardy or Edge, depending on who wins in their match.


    What do you guys think?

  3. The Wrestler.


    Epic film about something I have loved since I was 6. Opened up a whole new side of the business I knew existed but ignored, all the paralells with the stripper were highlighted immaculately. Excellent camerawork and an oscar deserving performance from Rourke. I thought the ending was handled spectacularly. Best film I've seen in years.



  4. Ditch him, he's clearly not into it. It will get worse and it will continue. Speaking from experince here just draw a line under it and try to be friends. It will make things easier in the long run. If you forgive him and move on he will know he can get away with it. Sorry if it's upsetting but I don't think you can ever make up for cheating, the relationship will forever lack a fundamental respect. My ex-gf did it to me twice, then I did it to her and it just went back and forth until we ended, with lots of hurt, anger and tears. Be the bigger man and walk away, then you'll still have your pride.

  5. Bioshock says hi... I didn't like it and don't really class it as FPS, more like metroid.


    and Half life 2. Got very bored, very quickly


    And Halo 1 :/. - I.M.O good, but VASTLY overated and over-hyped. 1 was excellent, in parts, 2 and 3 were atrocious.

    And lots more, er yeah.


    Red Steel was a good game with horrible horrible flaws. Each to their own I suppose. I thought technically, while obviously rushed, it was very good. Destructable environments? Excellent lighting? Awesome bump mapping? As mentioned above an excellent effort for a launch title:D

  6. Not meaning to bring a whole debate up but...

    Does anyone else still think the first Red Steel was 'OK' (in hindsight). I think it took too much of a bashing. I really enjoyed the first level (it felt like I was playing Die hard 1) but after a while it certainly lost its way. I certainly thought we would have seen RS2 by now. Seems lik Ubi are dangling a carrot to Wii owners whilst shitting all over them from behind.


    I think Red Steel got better towards the end! Funhouse, anyone? It is easily in the top 3 games that I've played on Wii, beaten only by SMG and Zelda. Quality game and the best SINGLE PLAYER FPS since Perfect Dark on the N64. Love it.

  7. I'm starting a diet and fitness routine today. I'm 11st 11lbs, when considering I'm only 5"3' it makes me a chunky monkey. My BMI is 28.5, which really shocked me because I never thought I was that big. I do no excerise apart from when I walk my dog for 30-45 minutes everday so I'm going to extend that to an hour and add some hills into the mix. I have some weights and I'm going to eat better, I'll post results when I get time. :)

  8. Well I finally got my PS3 today with LBP, GTA and TNA iMPACT! which I got for a fiver! First impressions are it's a lot slower than 360. Everything seems to load and take a while to do move, 360 is a much more streamilned experience. However the amount of content on offer here really makes up for it and I much prefer the playstation store to Marketplace. I had a little blast on Home, played chess and pool. Very nice and basic, but a bit pointless at the moment however the potential is huge and it boggles the mind to think about it! Not bad for a beta.


    My PSN i.d is "nick-tendo" so please add me. I'm looking forward to sharing levels on LBP and deathmatches on GTA. One thing I did notice is how silent the machine is! Unbelievable after the 360. I've got a wirelss keyboard and headset and it all feels very hi-tec and while I am, in reality, slightly underwhelmed. (I just think the 360 does a few of the basics better.) It doesn't at all feel as "generic" as the 360 and I can see the potential eveywhere, I just hope Sony fulfill it! So overall I'm pleased and when I've finished GTA I'm gonna pick up Metal Gear and pick up where I left off in 1999 with the PSOne original! :)

  9. Where mate? My dad wants one. : peace:


    Got the console and the pads for £190 off avforums.com then GTA was a tenner and LBP from playtrade for just over £15.


    Can't wait to try it out and the xbox is packed away and for sale in the paper and on gumtree! :)


    Also Fable 2 was a MASSIVE dissapointment for me. I finished it though and enjoyed it somewhat but it wasn't great. Then I put in a 4 hour session, completing loads of quests to try and get some achievements before my save file corrupted, I was so pissed off I sold it. Moleneaux: Don't release bugged games to meet deadlines...

  10. Just got myself a PS3 with LittleBigPlanet and GTA IV and 2 pads for £215 :) can't wait to get on it. Few Q's


    What can I expect / how awesome is it?

    How does it compere to an xbox 360?

    What's 'Home' like?

    What PSN games are good, how are they priced? (i.e are they a rip off?)

    Should I just get rid of my xbox now? (I hate gears, halo and fable 2...)


    Cheers! : peace:

  11. I know this is a bit of a long shot but my stepdown transformer is louder than a 360 at the moment and I'm worried its going to blow. I really need a new one or if anyone has one an official UK Wii power supply. It must be official, I don't trust 3rd party stuff on this kind of thing.


    Let me know what you have cheers.

  12. Taker is crap and hasn't had a good match since Wrestlemania X7 with HHH. He should never have come back at Mania 20. His gimmick is laughable and should have died with the 90's. At least "The American Badass" had some redeeming features now he's a fat, old, joke who........




    can't wrestle.

  13. So if it does end up Taker vs Shelton I guess it won't be a major loss that I miss this one... unless by some stroke of insanity they decide to put Shelton in the history books, which I doubt will happen... least not by beating Taker at Mania


    If Undertaker ever loses at Wrestlemania I will eat my hat. If he loses to Shelton Benjomin I will chop off my manhood and eat that. For Realz...

  14. It didn't really start as a story, just that WWE didn't want a huge fight between 2 top stars, but it turned into a good story in the end. It was a real relationship between Matt and Lita, and she cheated on him for Edge. Watch the Twist of Fate DVD to find out more, or go on Youtube.


    I don't think Matt was ever officially fired though was he, he was just kept off TV for a while as Edge was on a huge main event title push. It was made public the fact that WWE had "fired" Matt but was this for real or was it a work? Just while they thought of what to do because he was just off the back of the momentum from the V1 gimmick and surely actually firing him for real would have given him a HUGE legal case against WWE. I still love what the WWE did with this storyline and I have a truly massive amount of respect for Hardy for actually going through with it and still going to work while they were both there.

  15. I'm still not sure where it started being a storyline, but I think Matt "invading" Raw was probably part of it. I dunno if he's still mad with them, though.

    As for Edge...I don't think he's with Lita or Vickie :heh:


    I don't think Matt was fired for real, I think it was to try an convince the internet fans that the story was real. i.e. he took independant bookings. He first appeared on WWE Byte This as a caller when Lita was a guest on the show and it was all re-ignited from there, but if you ask me it was all a (very, very good) work. Best storyline since the attitude era.

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