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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. Good man! I tried again this morning but all 3 times I got stug :( How did you go about catching them? Is it just me or is it slightly harder to catch them in this version compared to the other two?


    I shook a tree, when the bees dropped I ran a way, pressed left on the D-Pad to get my net, which luckily was the first item selected. Then I turned around and swung for it with the Wii-mote. They fell right into my trap... HA HA *rubs hands*


    On another note, Tom Nook, the robbing squirell, is only taking 80 bells for my turninps. That's a 20 bell loss on yesterday :shakehead So I can't pay off my house just yet...

  2. Fable 2 can be bought for £20 new, Smackdown £20 new, PES 09 £20 new and halo 3 £10 new.


    GoW1 will cost £10 new, GoW2 £30 new, you can have Fable 2 in there with the deal, Far Cry 2 £20 new, Lego indy £20 new, Kung Fu Panda £10 new. And you get a £25 wireless controller with it...


    Thats about £135 worth of extras which makes the console only about £85..... and you can get a year of live for under £35. Still think the gamestation deal is much better tbh....


    I know Fable is £20 until today in gamestation but you cant get S|D and PES for £20 new as far as I'm aware unless you have link's to back it up?


    Also the console comes with GTA San Andreas on the Hard Drive, I really would rather just swap the console for a UK Wii and sell the games separately

  3. I'd really like to sell this for £130 all in BEFORE xmas if anyone has one. All the games have sold but I still have the HDMI cable and GTA San Andreas on the HDD. All in pristine condition!


    Receipt comes with console (10/09/08 - Gamestation)


    Please!! (Yes I'm aware they're £7 more on shop-to but mine comes with extras! and will be packaged with love, care and joy!)

  4. Yeah my town is like Pure Magics, its sunny most of the day. Nick can you add me, your name still doesnt have a little heart next to it in my AC friends book :(


    Maybe I've done it wrong let me check, although mine has an empty heart next to your name. My Friend code is : 0731-8424-4681 Albion : Nicky.


    It won't let me edit your code so I'm guessing it's right...

  5. I am sure if you visit another town you can get a new song, although while I was in Pure Magic's town I tried to enter the museum and the game crashed. You should be able to get one song per friend though, that's how it worked on the gamecube. I had 5 memory cards and 5 towns...


    Anyway, I'm amazed at how different the towns are. Like I say, I visited Pure Magic's town and there were barely any clouds and it hadnt snowed at all, the layout was completely different and his cliffs were infinately cooler than mine!:indeed: But anyway I'm liking this, need to get a USB keyboard or Wii Speak. Will be online again tonight.


    Edit: Also, did anyone notice my town tune...? ;)

  6. Not to mention the fact it's basically just the GC game enhanced a little bit, with terrible compatibility issues/bugs as demonstrated by the whole AUS WW to CF problem. I actually can't believe you've all been suckered into this by Nintendo, again. I really want this title too, I really really kind of do, simply because people I know will have it, but you know what? Fuck Nintendo and their half arsed shoddy rehash of a game, I'm taking a totally ineffective one man stand and refusing to buy this game!


    Buy it second hand (or steal it), then Nintendo won't get a penny.

  7. After not even looking at this twice upon release after reading everything in here I am seriously considering getting this. As I have a US Wii I've been watching videos about the game on the Nintendo Channel and I must say it seems to have so much depth. I really want to try this now. I wish I could rent it but I might just take the plunge after xmas.


    How many nintendo songs are on the game?

  8. Just had a look on VGChartz.com and it's an absolute crime that this game has only just managed 100,000 sales WORLDWIDE! :( Where as Carnival Games has sold 2.5 million....

  9. I don't care nintendo have been lazy about this. At heart its a great, fun communication game. From what I can tell small elements have been expanded, such as the depth of conversations with the residents.


    It's still great fun to play, run errands, fish, chop trees down... the list goes on. The music and the atmosphere are still magical. It's just the same great game that it was. "If it aint broke, don't fix it." I can see me and my housemate playing this all year. In my humble opinion Animal Crossing is the best thing to come out of Nintendo in the last 10 years and I'm looking forward to enjoying what I know will prove to be a cracking game.

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