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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. I'm enjoying this. Haven't played the GC version for 2 or so years and I skipped the DS one. This game really comes into its own if you play it with someone else in the house. Me and my girlfriend played the original almost every day for a year and a half!


    Friend code : 0731-8424-4681


    Let me know if you register me!

  2. In response to the original question, "has Wii lost the hardcore gamer?" My answer is, probably. I am by no means a hardcore gamer but I've turned to my 360 this year. I have thoroughly enjoyed what it's had on offer and haven't turned my wii on in months, bar getting Animal Crossing last week.


    Nintendo are pushing to much towards the casual gamer now. I hold little interest in many of thier games, same with my friends. They are leaving their original audience behind but the games industry is about money at the end of the day and let's face it the Wii prints it with the approach they have. Originality is slowly appearing on the PS3/360 with things like Mirrors Edge and BK: N&B and it's only a matter of time before Nintendo Fanboy's leave the Wii behind. Wii Fit, the new Animal Crossing and Wii Music have confirmed for me personally that I need to look elsewhere for gaming that suits my needs. All 3 were poor excuses for videogames in thier own ways. In my opinion nintendo are finished with me.

  3. Do £26 to cover postage and its a deal! : peace:


    I would sell the xbox for £140 but you would have to arrange your own courier to collect it as this generally means you decide what level of insurance/speed of ddelivery you would want. Also I have installed NXE on it already (perfectly legal) but Live and Avatars aren't available until 19th Nov when the official update comes out. I already have installed 5 games on the HD and it is almost silent!


    It is the HDMI version of the console and has the new lower power input (175w)

  4. Selling these xbox games as I have no money :(


    Fable 2 - £28inc postage

    PES2009 - £27inc postage

    Halo 3 - £11inc postage


    Thanks!: peace:


    Also have a 60gb 360 console if anyone's interested. Comes with a play and charge kit (elite) and San Andreas on the hard drive, roughly 2 months old.

  5. 1. Revitalised my love of gaming

    Was getting progressively bored with video games, and in 2004 I pretty much gave up with the exception of playing Animal Crossing GC with my girlfriend. But I still subscribed to NGamer out of habit and gradually liked what I saw from the wii. Launch day was amazing. I was purely blown away by Monkey Ball and Red Steel. Loved Wii Sports and Twilight Princess. Also got to play Sonic 1, Ristar and the original F-Zero for the 1st time. All classics. Since then I've fluctuated a bit but the Xbox/Sony offerings are so stale and many games just feel like "polished turds." Graphics and online based yearly updates of last gen franchises wore thin with me VERY quickly.


    2. Offered something wholly unique

    I have played some great games in the past 2 years, but I think many highlights have been those games exclusive to wii. Everytime something original came along I've loved it. I compared Red Steel to playing goldeneye for the first time. I loved that game to pieces, the controls, the story and the learing curve, not to mention the beautiful and stylised graphics. Games like MySims, Zack and Wiki and Boom Blox really strike a nostalgic point with me and IMO feel like modern day SNES games. Obviously not because of the technology, but because of the level of fun and accessible simplicity they offer which is cleverly disguised in a package that is progressively more diffucult yet addictively rewarding, similar to many games of the 16-bit era. The control scheme adds a huge amount of intrigue to many games with titles like The Godfather and Excitetruck which probably wouldn't have been as good with "classic" controls.


    3. The Virtual Console

    As mentioned by many others... The classics will never die, I have played all 3 sonics to death! Been through Zelda LTTP and Mario World and countless others that I love, whilst picking up new games like Mario RPG and S&P. Having never owned a Sega I am finally able to play what I missed out on and it's great. I also spend about 50% of my time on the VC. Fantastic addition for everyone, but particularly the hardcore gamers! But DAMMIT I want to play Plok and TopGear again! (2 of my SNES faves, aged 9)


    4. WiiWare

    In all honesty I think this has to be separate from the VC... Allows anyone to create a game, something which the up and coming world of goo demonstrates perfectly. 3 people made a game that IGN gave 9.5. Need I say more? Give this a year and it will have exploded. I just pray we get a Super Mario Word: The Lost Levels or Sonic 4, as honestly, that's what we all hoped WiiWare would provide.


    5. Nintendo

    Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Smash Bros, Wii Sports. The 5 best Games on Wii. /Discussion

  6. Well, I've ended up reporting it to the police. He's been allowed to read all the statements! :( and as I predicted he's coming back to work on Monday after I've left . I am so terribly annoyed and upset by all this. I'm considering ringing National Accident helpline as my face hurts and I was ASSURED that if I came into work tonight, nobody would talk about it, and unsurprisingly everyone did. :(

  7. CCTV hasnt worked for months, to be honest, I would much rather sue the company. The working conditions are atrocious and the only reason it all happened is because we were under so much stress because 2 of us had to do the work of 4 or 5. Labour cuts and all that jazz...

  8. Don't really know. I'm not very trusting of any of the management there because staff turnover is so high. i.e. problems are replaced with ease. Issues that I have raised in the past have been ignored or had minimum effort in resolving them.


    Sue his ass. If you're leaving anyway, make a claim, preferably now while you still have the marks. Take photos. Go to A&E if necessary to have your wounds checked out, so there's an official record for it. Contact the police and report assault at work. Don't let him get away with it, even if he is buddies with management.


    If you know any of the customers/witnesses, get their contact details and ask for their support in the likely case he & other management say it never happened.


    That's the problem there were no staff witnesses and I don't know any customers that saw it and it's likely that I'll never see them again :(

  9. So here's the deal, some guy (my colleauge) thought it would be a good idea to whack me across the face with some metal tongs tonight. Naturally he got sent home, and the incedent occured after a minor disagreement which he escaleted by saying if I din't shut up he would floor me, to which I responded "that will solve everything, hit me?" Obviously this guy has no conception of sarcasm.


    I work at a large UK chain of restuarants and basically I have no rights regarding sick pay etc. I have no specific contracted hours and I'm only contracted to "business needs" which basically means they can give me as little/much as they choose. Sick pay is not offered at all. I have a fairly large gash on my face and my aunties wedding this Friday :( I am pretty upset and it occured in front of customers!


    So what I want to know is, where do I stand legally. I am supposed to be leaving this Sunday and moving to a new restaurant so I find it likely that it will be swept under the carpet when I go. I am tempted to stay however to see this through but as the guy is best buddies with the Restaurant manager and the deputy manager, so I feel as though he may be made out to be the victim. What should I do, Should I walk away from my job? A part of me thinks that I need to see this through as it should not be allowed to happen in a place where I am supposed to be safe, especially from memebers of staf where a mutal respect is required to work together.



  10. I've had this since christmas (US Copy) and it is a very good game. Definatly worth picking up for under £20. Has a good story and is a great single player adventure style game. Lots of different elements (as with all rockstar games) stealth, action, shooting. Its failry well polished, and while the graphics are bad they don't at all detract from the overall experince. Has a failry short lifespan but there are 2 difficulty levels. It is a varied, challenging but overall immensly enjoyable game offering something quite unique compared to the Wii's game library and I highly recommend it.

  11. I game for stimulation. Games are one of the most stimulating forms of entertainment. Advancements in not just the graphics processing, but the central processing too, can genuinely show us new things and make us feel greater immersion.


    However, there is also gaming for compulsion, which I think explains you buying and not enjoying the games you list, Nicktendo. I can't pretend I'm immune to this either. I want the console for stimulation, but then feel compelled to try a huge amount of games for it.




    I feel exactly the same. The PS3 and Xbox 360 are both fantastic bits of hardware, and I keep saying I'm going to buy a 360, but I've bought neither so far because no games give me the "must have" feeling. I haven't had this feeling since the Dreamcast, when I wanted the new generation to start, but wasn't actually blown away with anything until the GameCube (Wind Waker and Mario Sunshine in particular).




    Maybe, but the better games late last generation were really pushing the hardware. I'm thinking of Shadow of the Colossus and Zelda: Twilight Princess. Both fantastic games, but both proof that we needed a new generation.



    The vast majority of people I know have a 360, lots have a PS3 and lots have the Wii. It doesn't bother me what they play, though, because I know what I like.




    As you imply, there's no little guy any more! The little guy was Sega with the Saturn and Dreamcast, and Nintendo with the GameCube (and maybe N64).


    I know it's sad, but I used to be pro-Sega, pro-Nintendo and anti-Sony, but recently I just thought "ah, stuff it!" Glad I scooped up a PS2, because it was very good after all.


    Basically, gaming is not the domain of the enthusiast or aficionado anymore. Sony took it into the mainstream, Nintendo even more so.


    I don't say the following to be controversial, but if you're anything like me, these are the reasons you're less than stimulated with gaming at the moment:


    1) You're a Nintendo fan.

    2) Nintendo aren't actually in the current generation.

    3) The current generation hasn't really got going, even for the 360 and PS3.


    Nintendo are keeping the quality of the games up, but it's impossible to show us genuine improvements without more powerful hardware. Mario, Metroid and Smash Bros are fine, but they're the equivalent of new GameCube games. The main improvement is better textures thanks to the DVD. You owned a GameCube, Nicktendo, so it's only natural that you feel you're still playing one.


    EXACTLY! This generation really hasn't got going, there isn't much NEW out there to play. Few upcoming Wii games are looking tasty though. I also respect EA for Mirror's Edge and Dead Space, two wholly original games that look really good, rather than Need For Speed 12. I think Nintendo is slowly getting there as well with Disaster Day or Crisis but I would like to see them put more cash into original games.


    Also I think Nintendo would do well to make SNES style games, try something new or fresh in that department. I think Wiiware has a lot of potential if Nintendo choose to use it.


    I have stopped checking news sites and haven't been into a games shop for a while and already I'm feeling the difference. I'm really concentrating on finishing Crackdown and Burnout Paradise and I'm immensly enjoying both of them! : peace:

  12. Sounds like you enjoy the anticipation more than the actual thing. Try buying fewer games and concentrate on the ones you have


    Maybe you are like this in life too? Let's use relationships as an example - do you prefer the chase, or the relationship? When you are in a relationship, do you long to be single, and vice versa?


    Maybe we should get a couch to lie on for this?


    LOL.. maybe...


    Why the fuck have you had 8 Xbox 360s?


    This is a good question, and one with many possible answers. The most obvious and likely one being that he's a fool. And he doesn't know when to quit! (my girlfriend wrote this... Funnily, I agree.)


    Yeah, so that was quite a strange rant but thanks for all your points and I'll take them all on board. Time to dig out the classics I thinks.

  13. I am 22 currently just starting the 2nd year of my degree. I'm seriously considering giving up gaming. I recently got an xbox 360 (my 8th and not through failures) in anticipation of FIFA 09, Fable 2 and Banjo Kazooie. Yet strangely I've found myself buying a lot of back catalogue games that I KNOW I'm not keen on, just because everyone else has them. i.e. Halo 3, GTAIV.


    I got FIFA last night and it's boring, I don't find it at all fun to play more of a chore, yet something always makes me have "one more go" even though I know I'm not having fun. Same on Halo online, I constantly come in the bottom 3 and don't find it fun yet I keep trying, despite eventually getting angry. All of these reasons lead me to want to sell my xbox, and have been ever since I first got one. Nothing on the xbox is fresh or new, except for online, which I quite evidently hate. But for some reason I'm always compelled to buy one when I don't have one because I'm blatantly dissatisfied with my Wii.


    I'm bloody fed up and confused about this... I buy an Xbox or PS3, play it religiously for 1 or 2 months and then get so fed up/bored so I decide to sell it at a huge loss because I would rather have cash than "a distraction from life." See, in a funny way that's how I see both the PS3 and Xbox360. A huge distraction from life, when I own one I want all the games, spend HUGE amounts of money I don't really have and then get bored when I realise that there is little new "ideas" in these games by way of gameplay and I'm sat playing the game constantly thinking, "this is boring, this is boring..."


    Don't get me wrong I think in terms of A.I, graphichs, physics etc. there have been improvements but not enough to warrent separation from the previous gen, of which I switched constantly between a Gamecube and an Xbox. I seem to bee incapable of owning more than one home console. I have always been a DIE HARD Nintendo fan-boy right from the age of 5. But I was hugely annoyed at the gamecube, only now have I discovered how great it actually was, and in reality I think being a "teenager" took over and I didn't see the gamecube as "cool." Which is why I was so reluctant not to play it.


    So now I have had the Wii and have since launch, but oddly nintendo's direction, while I fully applaud it has huge cracks in it, for me personally. The fact that all of my gaming friends don't own one and constantly discuss other consoles makes me feel like I'm missing out. I know it sounds stupid but if you've experienced it you'll understand. I think the gaming press has a huge part to blame, particularly with the way reviews seem hugely biased in favour of big money games, sequals and yearly franchised. I will always support the little guy, yet I can't seem to work out who that is. Is it Nintendo, who generally are ripped to shreds by the hardcore gaming media but are highly respected amoungst the MAJORITY of people, non-gamers.


    I don't even know what I'm trying to say here, just trying to make sense of it all. In essecne I feel nintendo are the only ones innovating, but clearly ripping off the consumers with ridiculous amounts of add-ons and new updated versions of consoles (DS). I know gaming is a business but when you hold strong anti-capitolism views it's hard not to be immensly unimpressed. Nintendo seem to be milking gaming for all it's worth and are losing my respect. A couple of things at the conference highlighted this. (Gamecube for wii etc...)


    However they damn sure know how to make a good game! It just doesn't hold my attention like it once used too, don't get me wrong I love Twilight princess, Mario Galaxy, metroid and SSBB but I haven't finished any of them and I've owned all of them since release (US release for SSBB). I just don't have the drive to finish them, in fact the only Wii games I have finished are Red Steel and Monkey Ball and I own 20, and 30 VC/WiiWare games. When I own a 360 my Wii remains off for the duration of the time I own it. Which to me is wierd and not something I have ever been aware of until now.


    In summery I guess the thing I "like best" about gaming now, is reading about them online for hours, buying them (sometimes more than once a year), thinking about buying and selling them BUT not actually putting them in the machine for more than a day. Im confused, someone share some light on my situation...or tell me to get over it... lol.

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