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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. It sout now in North America and I have just bought a copy from videogamesplus.ca I heard that the wii version got put back til late September/October. Dunno if this is true or not because this applied for the US version. Anyway, mine hasn't been dispatched and it officially came out on the 28th. I would assume if it did get released then that it'll be out in Europe within a couple of weeks.


    Hearing some good things about it though. Apparently it "looks gret in motion," runs at 60fps and is visually, much better than GT4 on the PS2. Not heard anything about the controls yet though....

  2. Do you think we see one soon. Launch games like Twilight Princess and Red Steel that have sold over 1m. have been out for almost 2 years. Do you see nintendo releasing a budget price series similar to the gamecube and N64 in the near future?

  3. Excellent article. For me personally the internet has all but ruined gaming. That, coupled with the way the current industry penalises creativity and innovation with poor sales, instead churning out "sure thing" yearly updates. Obviously the Wii has strived someway towards changing that, but comapered to the 90's my hobby feels somewhat shallow. I have little desire to play a game for more than 30 minutes.


    Maybe the fact that being a kid with lots of time in the 90's made gaming what it was, I had a SNES with 25 games by 1995 and I loved all of them, even the ones I've discovered to be "shit" according to internet based reviews. Super Troll Island, Mickey Mania and Krusty's Super Fun House were 3 of my favourite games when I was a kid, along side the Marios and Zeldas for handhelds and 16-bit consoles. I didn't start buying magazines until '97 when I got NOM and eventually N64 Magazine. While the N64 was awesome and the magazine really complemented it and introduced me to some spectacular games, World Driver Champ, Jet Force Gemini at the turn of the century with the emergence of the Internet it started to go downhill.


    IGN was a revolution to me, limitless amounts of information and message boards dedicated to my favourite hobby. Eventually I began working and managed to afford 3-4 different magazines a month and since then for me gaming has become more of a dissapointment. While all the gamecube games were great, Sunshine, Wind Waker and even Melee didn't entise me like there N64 counterparts. Eternal Darkness, I would say would be the last game I was in Awe of from start to finish. I found myself enjoying games on the PS2 even though i didn't own one, GTA3 was particularly stunning as it was new and I'd never heard of it in development until I had it in my hand.


    This also is a testement to GTA4, 2 years I've been waiting for that game. I even spent £250 on a PS3 the day before it came out and it was the biggest load of overhyped shit I've ever layed my hands on. In essecne I saw it as a really bad mish-mash compilation of every genre going. Yet I was so excited thanks to the Internet and the hype, that I was only going to be dissapointed and this, for me, is where gaming has gone wrong. I think over-indulgence and limitless information is to blame and personally in my opinion the Internet has almost killed gaming. Also online voice chat is a JOKE unless it's with friends and nothing can ever compare to in the flesh multiplayer all-night fests. For the Year I had my 360 not a day would go by when I got abused and called a n****r by some stupid little American 'tard.


    Sometimes I stick Kid Icarus on the VC and it makes me smile for 10 minutes but then I get bored with the ridiculous difficulty. Yet, Ironically I'm playing this game for the 1st time thanks to the Internet.

  4. FY*       Sony**        Nintendo        Microsoft
    1998    974,000,000    629,000,000
    1999   1,130,000,000   645,000,000
    2000    730,000,000    421,000,000
    2001    -409,000,000   726,000,000
    2002    623,000,000    800,000,000     -750,000,000
    2003    939,000,000    560,000,000     -1,191,000,000
    2004    650,000,000    316,000,000     -1,215,000,000
    2005    404,000,000    777,000,000     -485,000,000
    2006    75,000,00      894,000,000     -1,262,000,000
    2007   -1,969,000,000  1,489,000,000   -1,892,000,000
    2008   -965,000,000    2,480,000,000   532,000,000      
    Totals  2,182,000,000  9,737,000,000   -6,263,000,000


    Micro$oft drop out of the console race already [/hint]

  5. Okay, so the game is pretty much confirmed as KID ICARUS 99% certain. So......


    - WHo is making it?

    - How will the game be played?

    - Will it be hardcore epic or fun and flighty?

    - And how excited are people?


    - In house Nintendo (Zelda Team) ?

    - I'm very unsure of this and consequently have no idea, I would like it to be sort of 2D/3D with huge, spectacular landscapes

    - I'd like it to be a massive hardcore game, I really can't see nintendo giving it a more casual makeover

    - Immensly

  6. Got the US version this morning and first thing I notice, YES! NO PETER BRACKLEY! Clive Tildsley and Lawro! I'm finding it quite difficult but I'm really enjoying it, need to get to grips with defending and shooting and keep trying to select my player by pressing "c" like "LB" on xbox 360. The graphics arent to great but the amount of Stadia and weather options is impressive. Can't wait to sink my teeth into it!

  7. In January some of you may know apple introduced an update to the iPod that prevented it being recognised by an Xbox 360. I was pretty displeased about it as I used to run my custom soundtracks off it and had some killer playlists. It got me thinking though, what do you think the possibility of apple and nintendo linking the two most popular and most recognised brands in the tech industry today, the iPod and the Wii - making a unified force in home and on the go entertainment. It seems a bit far-fetched I know... but will it ever be possible?


    Maybe for example, there could be some sort of deal where Nintendo gets iTunes as a channel with a % cut of the download price, custom soundtacks direct from the iPod and most importantly loses the need to run the risky business of trying to sell the *majority* of Wii owners a potentially expensive hard drive. Apple in return get a few 8 and 16-bit era games to run on the iPod and the iPod as the exclusive wii hard drive.



  8. Got it yesterday, really enjoying it so far. It has a really cool retro feel to it and excellent presentation. The amount of jaggies in the graphics is horrendous but the art style is so beautiful it's easy to forgive. Feels alot like a 16-Bit game in a way, like those 2D action brawlers such as Turtles and Gunstar Heroes. Kill, Kill, Kill, Boss, Next level. repeat. It's great fun though and I highly reccomend picking it up when its out on friday.

  9. I hope all you people who ordered this from Canada or Play-Asia realise that you're going to have to pay both £4-5 VAT and an £8 Royal Mail "robbing c**ts" handling fee before you can play this game.


    If like me you ordered from yesasia.com, import duties have already been paid. I got stung this morning and had to pay £12.49 to pick up my US copy of No More Heroes from play-asia

  10. I still love Wii sports and always play it when I have a few mates round! I do think it's a "game" rather than a demo because in actaul fact I find it to be fairly deep. It takes a long time and a huge amount of skill to beat (become the champion, not just a pro) at all 5 sports and get a gold medal on all the training games.


    As far as chavs having 360's and PS3's that couldn't be further from the truth. The real demographic of poeple playing 360's is 18-30's not little chavs, sure there's a few but they're most definately in the minority. I think most people that own PS3's have bought it for the Blu-Ray player as it's far to expensive for Joe Average let alone Kayden Chav. It's the PS2's and PSP's the chavs own with their Need for Speeds, Juiced and "innit" yearly update 2007.


    The wii has been fairly dissapointing since launch, that's no secret but the next few months should settle everyones worries becuase it will pick up just like the DS did. Remember, patience is a virtue!

  11. I think the original xbox was the outstanding console of the last generation. Had a very diverse library of games, some outstanding classics and some very original hits which really established Microsoft as a major played VERY quickly in the games business. I think this trend has definately continued onto the 360 which has some great games, however I feel that it hasn't yet reached its potential as many of the games are too similar to the previous gen and haven't progressed enough. I think the same can be said about the Wii. Many of the games have been fairly similar to the previous gen or PS2 ports. But I think devs are really getting to grips with it now and I'm highly anticipating games such as Zack and Wiki. I think this christmas will be immensly good!


    When I look back though I don't hold the gamecube in a brilliant light. I got it on launch day and the 1st year was AMAZING! Rogue leader, Smash Bros, Eternal Darkness, Sunshine. But then it sort of trickled away with long periods of time with no good games. Zelda was great but kind of dissapointing. There were NO racers or decent FPS bar Timesplitters which was out on PS2/Xbox. There was just a real lack of everything on the Gamecube but what we did get was incredible. Such as Animal Crossing, Resi 4 etc. At times it just felt quite confined though like there wasn't much outside of Nintendo's own games. Compare this to the N64 and SNES days though which had hugely diverse librarys of excellent games and the gamecube was a let down.


    Obviously though, this is what has inspired the Wii and I genuinely believe this will be the best games console of all time! I think the doubters will be stronly silenced in the coming months. It is not "wasted" potential, it just hasn't reached it yet. It's easy to see that if you look back in time at previous console releases. How many of a consoles best games are released in the 1st year! Almost none! In the next 12 months the Wii is going to explode into life and Nintendo will be back on top again. Now I just wish people would shut up about "is it hardcore" and "oooh it's casual." IF IT LOOKS GOOD THEN PLAY IT. IF NOT, DON'T! Who cares if its "hardcore" or not it's a GAME for christ's sake!


    Rant over!


    P.S. I have owned all 3 console and the PS3 is terrible. 12 days it lasted before I lost all hope. Sony need to look at Microsoft for a lesson in next gen gaming.

  12. I agree, there is something magical about the Wii! I've had 3 360's (one of each lol) and a PS3 and the games just feel dull and pointless compared to Wii games. Haven't checked out Halo 3 yet though ;)


    I'm really looking forward to Mario Galaxy I just know its going to push so many boundries. Nintendo are geniuses when it comes to games and they always offer something very new and very different with every release. I'm more excited for Smash Bros though. I think Melee is the game I've played most in my entire life! There are just so many quality games to look forward too over the next 6 months and it's no wonder Wii's are STILL out of stock everywhere.

  13. Hi everyone, my PC has started to run really slow. I want to upgrade the ram by 512mb but I'm unsure where it would go (PCI slot)? Also I want to put 4 USB 2.0 ports on it for my iPod/camera/printer. They are about a fiver on ebay and go in the PCI slot. Would this do the job? thanks everyone.

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