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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. Well in the end I opted not to go homebrew. Instead I got a UK wii with 2 wiimotes and nunchucks giving me a total of 4 each! :). Got Mario Kart and Wii Play with it all for a fairly decent price. Gonna go out on Monday and buy House of the Dead, Wii Music and WarioLand: Shake it. Thanks for all your advice but I just figured risking my VC games just wasnt worth it and US machines are pretty tricky to get a hold of at the moment.

  2. Youtube genius Brentalfloss - creator of Tetris with Lyrics has posted 3 side-splittingly hilarious videos of mega man with lyrics.


    I kid you not, these are some of the funniest things I have EVER seen.


    Mega Man 2 intro -


    Mega Man 2: Dr. Wiley's castle theme -


    Mega Man 3: Extended version -


    Enjoy! : peace:

  3. Yeah cheers RedShell, I've just managed to get a cheap UK wii and after reading what you said I might pick this up cheap. Need to buy a shell for the wiimote as well though as I know it will suck with just the 'mote.


    Haven't played a Light Gun game since Time Crisis on the PS1 in 1998. Could be interesting... :p

  4. Anything higher up than Glasgow is awe inspiring. Went to the Isle of Skye for new year 2008 and the drive up there was through the most breathtaking scenery I've ever seen and I've been round the globe twice.


    Some very nice places in Australia, espcially the Blue mountains and Tasmania is quite nice. Fiji is a tropical paradise and simply stunning. Southern France is very picturesque and Singapore and Sydney are scenes of unnatural beauty, especially at night!

  5. You can always download the HBC, get the Region Free Loader working and buy UK games etc, but if you do and they have any updates, you're gonna have to make sure you never update from the UK games since it'll brick your Wii.


    You can have the HBC, update your firmware with an application via HBC to the latest firmware just now, use Wii Shop Channel, then downgrade your Wii firmware back to 3.3 or something so you don't get automatic updates. Then for each stealth firmware update, you'll need to wait and see what it does to the HBC. If it gets removed, you'll need to wait for a work around to be released, and as Tellyn said, they could eventually entirely block out any Twilight Hacks from working.


    Hmmm I see them blocking out the Twilight hack fairly soon. So undecided... If someone could give me a UK machine, no pads or cables for £80 I'd bite their hands off... Life's never that simple though. Somehow being able to play Manhunt 2 / Trauma Center a year early and VC games in their original form doesn't seem worth it anymore *sigh*

  6. Not really a good idea if you're planning on using the Wii Shop Channel at all in the future, or if you buy anything from the UK which contains a firmware update capable of deleting the Homebrew Channel. If you have the latest firmware, I don't think you can download it anyway, but Nintendo are doing stealth WC24 updates now to catch out hackers.


    Hmmm I use the shop a fair amount as I often splash out on VC and Wiiware games although they've become pretty pricey recently. I just dont wanna fork out for a UK wii...

  7. *I will not be carrying out or discussing illeagal activity, just so you know;)*


    I have an American Wii and I'm finding it incredibly expensive to import games of late, with ye old credit crunch and all associated rubbishness. So, I've read there's a glitch in Zelda which you can run this homebrew channel malarky meaning you can play games from different regions. Now, my Wii is nearly 2 years old but I have an immense collection of VC games which I would rather not lose due to crashes etc. Is it worth it? Pros and Cons, etc...


    I really want to play Wii Music, Mario Kart and a few games from the Wii's back catalogue I can't find cheap from the US / ebay. Plus the upcoming games look rather tasty to say the least and don't really want to be spending £30+ on them when I'm on a budget tighter than a nun.


    Ideas, thought, experiences?

  8. My regimé has hit a snag and I've gone up by a couple of lbs :( It sucks


    I'm often a victim of this. Just disregard it and continue on... to destiny!


    Don't let it get you down, otherwise it'll be much easier to give up. I had chocolate (2 MEASLY SQUARES) for the first time in a month and it was incredible lol. Things always taste sweeter when you're not allowed them :(

  9. Maybe you'd prefer being a North Korean, Tibetan or a Jew in a German concentration camp, not a free person because hippies are just would be slaves protected by people with big guns. Being all cuddly and nice is a universe away from being wise. If it wasnt for our military, our country would have been destroyed so many countless times in our history.


    It wouldn't have if there were no armed forces.


    *I am fully aware that this a completely romantic idea and would never reach fruition*

  10. Main jipe with your rant - you start off demanding we 'rise up' and 'revolt' against the 'bigots', and burn flags and queens. You've contradicted yourself by demanding violence then stating that it is not the right answer. Your essay is your part of a dialogue between you and the people you want to convince are wrong, and you have to focus on who you are trying to convince in order to use the best method. You're mostly preaching to the choir, here.


    But! I do like your anger, your focus. The subject matter is an interesting one (or an interesting several) that is made of grey middle ground. I agree with you on several points but not all - the role of nation is more than just queen or army - nations are a sense of identity, of belonging that you don't get from accepting true equality with everyone. If there was equality then why have competitions to see who is the best? If there's equality, then which language should we all learn and why? So much rubble to sift through with the equality mess, so avoid that.


    Pride. What you are really asking for is for us to accept other cultures, other races, other creeds and colours without prejudice or patronising reason. This is indeed done with words by convincing/informing/educating people, but not of how equal we are but of how other people are different. Understanding that there really is difference is the first step towards acceptance.


    Nations, media control, xenophobia, beurocracy, class... you packed a lot in!


    I am 100% anti-violence. What I am suggesting is not to physically burn the queen, but burn everything she stands for. A ruler of all classes. An elite. I am suggesting burning British flags not as an act of violence but as a political statement, saying that what I believe is that this country should not stand for what it has done in the past. Anyone who resorts to violence, or promotes it loses my respect instantly and anything they have to say I will generally disregard, especially if acts of violence come before they open their mouths.


    I am very passionate about this topic and do not believe nationalism is healthy. Having a national identity is improtant to many people, and you are right that there are differences between many people in the places they come from and the cultures they have lived through and experinced. What I am against is people thinking their culture / way of life is superior or it needs "protecting" from being destroyed. I think cultures naturally evolve and change as they become richer. I wonder how many BNP members have a curry or a kebab after a night out? Stupid example, but it has been come part of the "British" culture.


    I know there is no focus as I was off my tits an just listed the things that annoyed me and I have little or no experience with writing. lol. I'm just getting fed up with the way the world seems to be turning out and the importance placed on financial gain. It really pisses me off because I know money is not needed for people to have rich, fulfilling lives, it just seems to get in the way of everything and be the underlying cause of all the global issues and grievances.


    By the way, the BBC isn't inherently racist. The right-wing newspapers are always accusing them of being left-wing, if anything. We're getting hysterical about racism, to the point of not caring about actual cruelty.


    I like the BBC and do beleive it to be pretty impartial, I was just annoyed that the chose to voice these opinions on the news when they clearly were subtly, quite racist. But freedom of speech is something that is very important as well. So i guess these people need to have a platform to voice their own opinions even if they make me cringe.

  11. In 2 and a half weeks I've dropped about 6-8lbs and I'm feeling great! Cut down completely on the intake of shit, chocolate, takeaways and eating at work (Pizza hut). Ate more salads, 3 meals a day and no snacks. Plus I've been doing more consisitant and regular excersice, just need to keep it up now :)

  12. I wrote this at 6am on Wednesday morning after a night out. Dunno why. Never "creatively wrote" before, so yeah...


    British Jobs for British workers

    If I hear any more racist twats say that fucking statement one more time I'm going to scream. I'm so sick of people in this country saying they're being robbed by foreign labour. What the fuck is foreign anyway? Aren't we all one? It's called globalisation, sunshine. Just because someone comes from Poland doesn't mean they won't do a decent job that the majority of the whiny bastards here aren't willing to do. All these dole scrounging cunts who fucking piss and moan that their jobs are being stolen need to fucking wake up and realise that we live in a competitive world and if someone comes along that is better than them then it's just tough shit. Don't play the old 'they get paid lower than minimum wage' card. Put some fucking effort into your approach to life instead of wasting it being pissed off at everyone else.


    For the last week all we've fucking heard is how these idiots are striking because 'immigrants' are stealing their jobs. Well here's some news for ya, this ain't Britain, it's the world, mate. There ain't no such thing as Britain, it should be buried. Burn the fucking flag and the fucking Queen. They stand for fuck all now except a tarnished history of barbarianism and rape. No one should be proud to be British after all the atrocities this country has committed across the globe. It's a fucking disgrace. Sure we might be 'free,' but at what cost? Think of all the innocent Iraqi's our soldiers have raped and slaughtered. All the families killed and separated during the partition of India and Pakistan, and countless other acts of evil this stained empire has committed. This country is a pile of shit. To be British is to be a piece of scum. Why can't we all just be one? Everyone differentiates between skin colour, race and creed. What happened to just being human? Living in peace and harmony? All I fucking see is hate. A sordid fear of the unknown. Overcome it, reach out and replace that fear with acceptance and friendship before the fear corrosively eats away at us and tears us all apart.


    Rise up and revolt against the bigots. Respect a person’s right to freedom of speech, no-one should ever be silenced, but everyone should be educated. Use your own mind to influence and change someone's narrow minded views. If we work together we can create a better society, one without an irrational fear of the unknown. This is the world, not Britain. Everyone has a right to be here, Leeds, York, Harrogate, anywhere. No matter what your background. Everyone has a right to work here if they want to. Just like anyone has a right to work in Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia or wherever they choose, freedom. It's just names. Lucasz. Anjali. Susan. Paul.


    Reject the flag, reject the monarchy. They simply symbolise everything wrong with the world, the underlying cause that unsettles the masses when the dynamic shifts less than a mere millimetre. Nationalism is dead. Britannia rules the graves. So put it in its place, burn the fucking union jack and all its affiliated atrocities, but never forget. Burn it to pile of dust to be swept away by an ever flowing breeze of righteousness. There is no place for patriotism. Tell me, what have we got to be patriotic about? Prince cuntface Harry and the fucking British army? Well, Fuck the Armed forces. Why not Force them to lay down their arms and open their hearts? And you do the same. The most powerful 'weapon' is initiative, not some complex piece of metal. Use it. Conversation can solve quarrels, not a co-alition.


    So while these wastes of space are being aired on the BBC, expressing their coherently racist views, no matter what pretty garment they dress it up in. Don't fall for it. Don't sympathise. See it for what it is. Undress it and glare at the naked, nationalistic, narcissistic undertones laid bare before your eyes. Don't be brainwashed by the media. Question everything that's presented to you from David fucking Dimbleby to a Cadburys advert with stupid fucking eyebrows. Think for yourself, think, think for yourself.


    We are all equal. Men, women and children. We are all equal. We are all one. One world, one love. Unity. Peace and unity. Just ONE life - Anarchy.


    Alcohol-fuelled rant. Over.


  13. got my raw houston tickets now w00p :) should be getting HOF, Midday madness, fan excess, hotel, flight tickets and of course WM tickets in bout a month now yey!! cant wait coming so quick now


    How much is all that costing you?


    Caught the rumble today. Jeff and Edge was good, so was the Matt swerve. The rest, including the rumble was average at best. I'm glad Orton won though he's an awesome character. Does anyone remember his failed face turn when he beat Benoit for the title? That was lollerific. But seriously, I think Orton is the best bad guy this decade hands down!

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