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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. Not an April fools joke as such, but N64 magazine had an 'exclusive preview' of next years April cover one April (maybe 1999) and it had "Super ultimate swearing brothers" on the faux front cover after Shigsy stated that mario would grow up in the next installment. Banjo-Sixie was "previewed" and Jes Bickham was giving a hands on playtest to "Porta 64" which was an N64 machine that was portable (except it had no buttons or a screen...) Can't remember anything else but it was at the height of N64's comedy and it's a testament to how good it was that I still remember that much.

  2. Had it about a year ago and I loved it. For me it was one of the local multiplayer highlights on Wii. Online was prone to cheaters but was OK and good for the time when it first came out. It's a great game though, extremely fun, tight controls and fairly challenging later on into the single player. Well worth the £15 I paid.

  3. I've played this for about 2 hours and have just done the first motorbike mission. I'm on the fence at the moment, the game really doesn't quite have the wow factor I was expecting and there doesn't seem to be a whole host of variety. I am in love with the unique graphics and music though and atmospherically the game is amazing, really sucks you in to the style. I'm just not sure if there's going to be enough "game" to justify the £25 I paid. Certainly not a patch on NMH. Bosses so far are OK but nothing spectaculer. Motion is a bit hit and miss and the PAL conversion is DREADFUL. What were Platinum games thinking?! :angry: Is it really too much to ask for a full screen game without black borders?? It's 2009 not 1989.


    So far 6.5-7/10.

  4. Turns out that the protests against the diffusers have been rejected, appeals will be heard by the FIA after Malaysia (Gpupdate.net).


    It seems likely now that the results from the first 2 races won't be overturned but instead the teams will be asked to change their designs, or maybe not if the appeal is rejected. A good result in my opinion, and I really can't see them changing the standings of 2 races, especially after Charlie Whiting and a bunch of stewards threw out the inital objection. Time to get on with the racing now I think!


    Practice 1 is live on BBCi at 1:25am tonight. I will be watching! :D can't wait now!

  5. WDC: Difficult to say now but I'm going for Massa or Alonso

    WCC: Ferrari

    Number of Points Force India Score: 2

    Good Year For: BMW / Brawn / Toyota

    Bad Year For: Hamilton

    Mclaren's Year: Hamilton finishes 6th / Kovi finishes 10th in the WDC

    This Years Controversy: Diffusers. Bernie tries to create tension amongst the teams.

    Hamilton Penalised For: No one notices him, so he isn't.

  6. Yeah that Diffuser row has been kicking around ever since the cars launched. The FIA really should have clarified the difser rules weeks ago, so either the teams with the 'illegal' ones could adapt it to being legal, or if it's deemed legal, then the other teams could have produced their own version.

    The diffuser can give such an advantage, and other teams have been saying even up to 0.5 of a second a lap on the Brawn car.


    But now this row is going to be made aware to the public at Melbourne and once again F1 is gonna be made to look stupid!


    Oh and about the 26 cars story...

    Don't see it happening for next season at all, maybe 1 more team [uSF1 or Prodrive maybe].

    And I honestly think Bernie is fucking mental, he's still insistant on putting medals in place, despite no one wanting them, and people keen to see FOTA's 12-9-7 season in place! It's simply because it's FOTA that he isn't listening to it.


    The diffuser row is ridiculous. I can see Brawn, Williams and Toyota being disqualified in Australia, and IF Brawn win or get a podium that will be, well... shit.


    I think ProDrive and USGP will definatly be on the grid next year so there will be at least 24 cars.

  7. After seeing the new Zelda on the DS, natural progression says that Nintendo will probably make Zelda Wii;


    An on-rails shooter.




    Seriously though, I would love a steampunk Zelda and the train in the DS version is a small hint that it could go that way. I would prefer another cel shaded affair though as TP's graphical style just didnt seem to suit the series anymore. Don't get me wrong the art direction was amazing, especially in the Twilight Realm, but generally I think they've gone as far as they can with a 'realistic' approach.

  8. LOL, well done! I read a letter on GameCentral recently very much along the same lines. What was it about this game that took you that amount of time?


    Well as a kid it was just too hard, I think the furthest I managed (on about 4 seperate occasions) was the 5th dungeon the Dark World, before I sold my SNES to help pay for a Gamecube. On the GBA version, I got to roughly the same place before it got nicked on holiday. Then I had the master quest disc which came with Mario Kart: Double Dash and finished Ocarina and Majora's Mask for the 2nd time each but never finished Link To The Past before flogging it on ebay for £30 when it was a hot item. Finally I downloaded it on VC last year but I'm always pre-occupied with Wii games but this past week I've been really ill (bed ridden) for the first time in about 10 years. I could barely move my arms so that ruled out pretty much every Wii game. So since Saturday I've just been playing Zelda and F-Zero. I was absolutly powering through Zelda and I just though right I'm going to finish it. Took me about 6 hours to get to the 5th dungeon and another 6 to finish the rest of it. Apparently I died 47 times, but my reaction were somewhat hampered :heh:.


    Great game, but I think the Handheld versions are better (Link's Awakening and Oracles).


    Edit: here's the rest of the list I've still got to finish...


    Boom Blox


    de Blob

    Disaster: DoC


    Twilight Princess

    Manhunt 2

    Prime 3

    No More Heroes


    Resi Evil 4

    Trauma Centre: NB

    Zack and Wiki



    Homestar Runner

    World Of Goo

    F-Zero GX

    Star Wars Rebel Strike


    Secret of Mana

    Super Mario RPG

    Paper Mario

    Sin and Punishment

    Gunstar Heroes


    Sonic 2

    Sonic 3

    Kid Icarus

    Mega Man



  9. Well I'm not amused at these changes and I was hoping that 2009 would be the best season for a long time. I think however, I'll reserve judgement until after the 3rd or 4th race and if there is no positive change then I think it will be best to revert to a broader points system. I am pretty puzzled at this decision though and I hate to say it but it smacks of Bernie and Max being annoyed that Massa didn't win last year.


    Perhaps they should have waited until next year to introduce this becuase I think it would have had a much greater effect in corrolation with the refuelling ban. i.e. drivers risking staying out or losing time changing tyres. Time will tell though, as always. But for now I am skeptical.

  10. World Sport Competition - (TGX-16)

    On the VC for a measly 600 points. One of the most fun party games ever. Made waaaaay back in 1990 this is one of the best button bashing olympic games of all time. Lots of games to choose from, cheesy graphics and music but oh so much gameplay.


    ToeJam and Earl - (Mega Drive)

    Excellent 2 player game and very, very difficult. Fairly unique game that you cant really class in a genre. It's rare you'll come across something so original and funky. Classic co-op experience!


    Viewtiful Joe - (Cube)

    Quirky platformer/beat 'em up hybrid from Capcom. Beautiful art style, phenomenal gameplay and extremely difficult (but oh so rewarding). A highlight of the gamecube and (in my opinion :wink:) the best of 'the capcom 5' including Resi Evil 4.


    Kid Icarus - (NES)

    Thought the Mega Man games were hard? This is one of Nintendo's finest moments on the NES. Brutal, but quite possibly the most rewarding game I've ever played. Music, atomosphere and qulity old school platforming proved that Nintendo could do something drastically different to Mario and pull it off with ease.


    Honarable mentions, not on the Wii (yet).

    Beetle Adventure Racing, Rocket Robot on Wheels, Pilotwings and World Driver Championship (N64). Aladdin and Super Mario Kart. (SNES). Battletoads (NES).

  11. Test was a pretty cool wrestler, if only he was given more of a chance in WWE probably would of made a good World Champ to be fair.


    33 years, crumbs and such a young age as well. But, thats drugs for ya i guess. RIP.


    To be fair I didn't think he was all that great. His stint in T&A was good but as a singles wrestler, particularly in the beginning he was only near the top because Vince had a hard-on for big muscle-bound guys. In-ring and on the mic he was never above average really.


    It's still a real shame to see someone die so young though, especially after he'd retired from wrestling, it really does show the other guys in the lockeroom just what steroids do to you and hopefully some of them may start to realise that.

  12. Damn I really want to see WM XXV live, or any WM, I have seen RAW "live", when they came to Dublin that was pretty sweet, even got my photo take and was on the WWE site, well it was half my head, and I didn't notice the photo been taken. [=


    Also I know this is a small bit of topic but off topic but I have seen TNA "live" as well, and I'm going to see them again this October up in the o2(used to be the point), and there is a meet and greet before (ticket got a bit more but, its well worth it) I'll do the N-europe sign for that event. If I remember


    Back on topic there is rumours going around that taker will lose at, this year WM. What do you think of it? True or False?


    Mr. A


    I'd put my house on Taker winning.

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