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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. Great fun tonight guys. @drahkon going down before I could even hit him with the net.
  2. I'll throw a vote to either Axiom Verge and Ori and the blind Forest
  3. Ah that explains it then. Only set up the tent about half an hour ago.
  4. Well I've hit the wall and done everything I can. Airport won't open until tomorrow, can't really craft any more tools (I can't get a shovel for some reason...), I'm trapped on a small island, a forked river cuts 2/3 of my island off from me and I can't find a recipe for / buy the tool to get across. Still, managed to get over three hours of playtime out of it. Graphics are really impressive, I love the way everything changes in the sunset. This is the perfect game for isolation, couldn't have come at a better time. I hope I'll be able to venture out tomorrow and visit some of your islands. I have apples by the way. Picked a map and stuck with it, haven't bothered resetting and probably won't bother now, I like my island's layout.
  5. Pro tip: craft numerous leaf umbrellas from weeds and sell each one for double the price the 15 weeds give you.
  6. I don’t have the city tripper... any alternative?
  7. As I understand the reaction to the conference has been largely negative. "WHERE AR THE GAEMZZ?!?!1!?" People are stupid. Fanboys are worse. I thought it was a really interesting talk, Cerny did a fantastic job of making complex ideas easy to understand. Also, I'm really pleased that both Sony and MS seem to be taking wildly different approaches to the next gen. It's great that they're both not focusing solely on making graphics better, but trying to cut down on load times, incorporating ray-tracing (which I am a BIG fan of, those Doom 2 and Minecraft demos are INSANE), and include as much cross-gen compatibility as they can. I think the idea of having one MS machine or one Sony machine and being able to access a really wide catalogue of games is what we need. I have games in my Steam library from 2010, all of them work on my current PC, yet I can't play Wii Sports without having a heap of different equipment. Sure BC might not be the "most important" feature, but it's one I'd always prefer to have for convenience. I'd like the industry to be in a position where if you have a modern Playstation or a modern Xbox and ALL your games from all generations work. Something I feel, sadly, Nintendo will ever get close to. Given that the PC market has become much simpler for the average Joe to jump into and the costs (while still high) are not at the crazy levels of 10-15 years ago, the home console market has to stay relevant. I think exclusives will play a big role in that as well as being involved in the "eco-system". For now, outright power isn't really that important I think, and when it's all said and done, I think they'll be close. The games will win out in the end. Hopefully gamers will too.
  8. This is very interesting. Mark Cerny has an incredibly soothing voice. I think MS got under their skin with all that "yeah but it's not just teraflops" talk.
  9. You're close to the end, finish Xenoblade 2...? Nah. Maybe start Fire Emblem: Three houses then? Nah. Dragon Quest XI, perfect time to sink 100 hours into an apparently amazing RPG! Nah. OH LOOK, Final Fantasy VIII is on sale! Quick! "Fiiiiiithooos. Luuuuusec. Weeeeecos. Vinosec." The opening 3 hours of this game > Opening of FFVII. I'm having a great time. The junction system is way less complicated when you're not 12 years old.
  10. Fair play to the WWE for carrying on. People need entertainment. I'm going to subscribe to the Network for Wrestlemania. Will certainly be weird.
  11. Tell us about Taiwan @londragon. Latvia passed a couple of laws yesterday. Breaking quarantine (not confirmed infected): 350 euro fine. Breaking quarantine (confirmed infected): Up to 3 years in jail Not keeping at least 2 metres from others in public places: Administrative penalty (probably a smaller fine).
  12. A few of us might get together at 8pm tomorrow night, shortly after the Nindie Direct. No games settled on, so post a few suggestions. Splatoon 2 might be good as that can accommodate 8 people. Smash, as usual. Anything else?
  13. The man to ask is @Glen-i, I'm sure he has lots of hours in this game. It's a good Musou. I preferred Hyrule Warriors, but I don't have much of a connection with Fire Emblem. Definitely worth giving it a go at 2 euros though!
  14. Quiet. I have barely been outside since Friday. My boss said the centre is a ghost town when she called me today. I'm glad people are staying at home. We're only at 34 confirmed cases so far. Went to the supermarket yesterday, nothing out of stock, shelves full. Nothing out of the ordinary. +30 moons on Odyssey. That's about it so far. Tempted to start Fire Emblem or Dragon Quest XI. (no, finish Xenoblade...).
  15. Love Animal Crossing, hate Coronovirus. Day 1. FFS, Nintendo. I'm beyond caring about your arbitrary save system. Just let me listen to K.K. strum his guitar.
  16. General Direct next week, amirite? Looking forward to not seeing Hollow Knight: Silksong
  17. Our borders are closing on Monday. Supermarkets and chemists will still be working. Shopping malls will be open for a limited number of hours and only let in a certain amount of people. Told to stay at home for all non-essential trips. I'm curious to see how this approach will compare with the U.K. in the long-run. My holiday to Berlin in May is most likely cancelled... more money for games though I feel it's a good move as the cases here have tripled in the last 2 days (though that's probably down to testing being more widespread). 15 confirmed cases in my city, which is just under 1 million. Still, feels weird now that it's confirmed. The panic buying started yesterday. Long life foods and toilet roll are gone from the shelves (I really don't get the latter). Supermarkets are promising the warehouses are full, so I'm going to go down to my local one tomorrow and get enough for a week. Even though goods are still freely moving in and out, I think this will show how self-sufficient EU nations are. I don't have a lot of hope for Latvia... Almost everything I buy in the Supermarket outside dairy (amazing), meat (high quality) and a few veg is imported. Edit: Forgot the beer. The local beer is some of the best in the world. Found it hard to concentrate on work yesterday and today, kept checking the news and NeoGaf. Think that's a bad idea. I should probably figure out some kind of regime for myself. On the upside, I have 6 weeks worth of AEW to watch, the new series of Better Call Saul and about 70 games in my Switch backlog. Expect more experimental bullshit in the podcast I should probably actually start using Ring-Fit as well...Let's get this party started!
  18. It's not feasible long term. But if we don't want the old dying needlessly and our health services overrun, it's absolutely necessary for the next few weeks. China has a lot to answer for as far as I'm concerned. They tried to hide it, punished those who talked about it and only came forward when it was too late. If it was up to me, we would be cutting all economic ties with them and getting our production out of there as quickly as possible. It won't happen, but it should. They cannot be trusted and should be boycotted by all free and open economies.
  19. I think this is the best move for the time being. Cancel all flights for a month and get the situation under control before deciding on the next step. I'm hoping Latvia closes the border soon. We still have flights going to and from Western Europe, which seems crazy given how much it's blowing up over there.
  20. On Patreon he said he’s simply moving on. Not to something new. Assume he’s stepping away from the gaming industry. Let me see if I can copy paste. Ok so I don’t read it properly. Don’t know what Main Thing means...?
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