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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. Good. Sweeney is pure garbage.
  2. $599 is a great price considering the hardware. As you mentioned though, @Julius there's nothing to really entice people to it at the moment with Halo being delayed. I'm pretty sure the contract option will be available in the US, hopefully in Western Europe too and I can see many people going for it that way, especially if GamePass and Live are thrown in for cheap (or free!). I wonder what Sony will do if this is the price. They already had the PS3 launch at $599 which proved to be a colossal mistake. Yes, technically a $599 PS5 would be cheaper adjusted for inflation, but I wonder if they'll split the Xbox SX price by going $549 Digital Only and $599/$649 for the disc-based consoles. Interesting times ahead. I'm stocked up on popcorn.
  3. Hopefully some news about Sports Story and Hollow Knight: Silksong!
  4. Finished The Messenger over the weekend. Managed to hit 100% after about 14 or so hours. I won’t share any opinions on it until the podcast but I will say that I enjoyed it more than Ori 😂 Just started the DLC.
  5. The one about Google is also on his channel and it seems Epic have a slightly better case against Google, but still an extremely long shot. Worth a watch if you have time. It’s also revealed in that video (according to Epic) that Apple phones constitute less than 25% of the global phone market. So it is in no way the “monopoly” they are trying to present it as. It’s clearer now why the Epic Game Store charges 12.5% compared to 30% across the industry. It was all part of the plan. Ironically, games are not cheaper on the EGS, and outside the “free” games Epic pays for to give away to people, the consumer doesn’t win. This is all ridiculously shady.
  6. All payments made in the App Store go through Apple directly. My point in this discussion is that having a second store or third-party payments would upset that balance and pose a risk to how secure their systems are. That's why I don't think they should allow other companies access at an OS level. Touch ID and Face ID are security systems implemented at OS level, via both hardware (Apple's processors) and software (iOS) to prevent other companies having access to your CC information, and also keep your data extremely safe - the safest in the entire industry. By allowing others access, those systems are immediately at risk. It's central to the design philosophy of iOS, and one which I appreciate massively as an end-user. So it's really not as simple as just allowing more competition. What you're asking them to do is basically give up what they've spent billions of dollars and many millions man-hours investing in. People have more freedom (including different stores and the ability to sideload whatever app they want) on Android. So if that's what they want, they should buy an Android phone, but that obviously makes you more vulnerable to hacks and other nasty stuff. People had a choice for years with different OSs, and the world moved to Android and iOS. Competition existed and people made a choice. Windows didn't push their OS enough and it was missing too many apps to make a dent in the success of Android and iOS. I remember Instagram wasn't there for years and people got annoyed by it, and this certainly wasn't limited to Insta. The difference with Macs is that the hardware is not always developed in-house (yet). They still use Intel chips in a variety of products. Though that is slowly changing with Face / Touch ID being implemented in MacBooks and iMacs and the new MacBooks using Apple's own A12/A13 processors which have the security implemented in the chip. I expect that stuff will really change once MacOS and iOS gradually merge into one, which is likely the plan. In 5-10 years, I would say you probably won't be able to install third party apps on Mac outside of the App Store. The iPad Pro is already essentially a fast decent MacBook and it doesn't allow third party stores. Even though I don't own a Mac, I expect over the next few years that will become a more valuable to the security-concerned end-user, and I would be interested in getting one down the line for work. Apple could be more consumer friendly, of course they could, but I don't think allowing others access to their security is the way to do it. I think Epic understands that, which is why we're seeing this lawsuit, and why it was unquestionably planned with their marketing video ready to go minutes after they announced the lawsuit.
  7. “Upset” is not what I said. I said I would reconsider. It’s 2020 and China exists. Anyone who offers me good security and privacy for my data is going to get my money. As I’ve already mention, the way an Apple device is designed, both software and hardware, is done with this in mind. Allowing other companies access via a store is counter to this philosophy. Why the hell would they allow something that fundamentally goes against everything they’ve invested their money and R&D into? Do you think Epic don’t know that? This has nothing to do with Fortnite, it’s about forcing a fundamental change in their security or forcing them to lower their (industry standard) 30% cut. And this is why it’s not similar to having IE pre-installed on Windows. You’ve said Apple’s design philosophy is why they are so amazing and why they are so rich. Companies that do things well and create things that people want get to the top. I don’t see how punishing Apple in a way that forces them to alter their security is going to be good for them or the consumer who uses their products. I moved from Android to Apple a year and a half ago and there is absolutely no real difficulty in making such a move. There are even options to transfer all your pictures and contacts across with the click of a button. It’s as smooth a transfer as it needs to be for those two things. Also, it’s a one time move. Once it’s done, it’s done. But again, staying in an ecosystem is only convenience, it’s not a prison sentence. If you want out, you’re going to have to put in a little bit of work into redownloading apps and signing in to them all again. Anyone who wants to leave ANY ecosystem, will have to wrestle with that themselves and weigh up whether it’s worth it. If it’s not, then your principles aren’t strong enough. Competition, I believe, should not come inside Apple’s store or within iOS, it should come in the form of another OS. Vertical integration is why many people buy an iOS device. It is nowhere near as widely used as Android, but Apple don’t sell your data to make their phones cheaper. They are offering a product which is increasingly rare these days and actually values your data and security as something that’s not a money spinner. Android is the competition and the vast majority of the world’s smartphones are Android. There’s a reason a lot of people hate Apple, and use the “too much profit” and “too big” argument as an excuse. It is no coincidence in my view that China, the biggest abuser of personal data and privacy in the world, would try to launch such an attack on Apple. How is consumer freedom limited, given that people have a choice between Apple and Android? Given that for people that have concerns about either of these companies, they can buy a phone with a different OS (they do exist) or not buy a smartphone at all? A smartphone is not a right. No one has to have one, even if having one makes life much easier. Choice still exists in terms of price and OS. I’ve already agreed that it would be better to have more choice in terms of OS, but that it shouldn’t be done by cutting down the big two or creating inconveniences for their existing happy customers.
  8. Apple stifle competition on their own devices, and why wouldn't they, it's their device! If companies don't like it, they should build their own OS. Apple didn't become powerful overnight, they did it by having a product that people wanted. The only reason Epic is butthurt is because they want more money. There isn't one shop in town, there's Android, which I've already said, is more open to this sort of stuff. I don't see how people don't have a choice. People say they are "locked in to the ecosystem", but this is a myth. The can go to Android or another OS or a non-smartphone, if they want. But they won't get the same user experience. That's up to them. Convenience or a cheaper product (with many stores or no store at all, Nokia 3310, baby). I don't see why Apple need to change anything. It's their platform and people are free to choose whether they use it having considered all other options. I personally, wouldn't like Apple to have a secondary or third party store on their OS. I trust Apple with my data and credit card information (yeah, probably stupid, but better than 100s of companies having it) and if they made a move away from this, I'd personally reconsider owning their products. But that's just me. I see other people's point of view on this, and I don't think having a "duopoly" is necessarily a good thing, but I would argue that someone else needs to offer something better, rather than trying to break those that did it the best.
  9. But why would Apple allow other companies to have a store on their own software and hardware? I see the argument compared to PCs all the time, but MS doesn't build PC hardware, only software. There's a reason Apple does the whole package - because it works better that way and they can guarantee security. If other companies want a slice of Apple's 1.4 billion customers, they need to be prepared to pay the Troll Toll. Try to get any Android phone (who are certainly much less restrictive than Apple, though also not great) to last for more than 18 months. Garbage battery life, slow OS and glitch after glitch, crash after crash are just some of the things you can look forward too. The simplest metaphor I can think of this: Epic Games (Tencent (The CCP)) are unhappy that they have to pay 30% to sell their goods in Apple's store. Even though they signed a contract and agreed to those terms when they started out, which is important, now they've decided that since they have a hot product, they can make even more money by demanding that Apple reduce their 30% cut or allow them to open their own store in Apple's store without paying Apple a penny. Apple, who own the biggest store in the centre of the city, which also happens to have the biggest foot-traffic, have said no, obviously. If you want access to our good location and our huge market, you need to pay your commission. Epic have thrown a hissy fit and decided to... sue Apple?? Ok. For what exactly? They knew the rules when they signed up. It's beyond stupid and is blatantly a power play designed at turning people against Apple and painting themselves as some sort of good guy company. Imagine going in to a real shop and telling the owner that you want to sell your products in it but the owner can't have any commission. Idiocy and an arrogance only a company backed by the world's most corrupting force would have. I see iPads with Fortnite are already being sold for massively inflated prices on eBay because of all this, which is hilarious. The game is absolute cancer, and so are it's financiers. Apple won't even notice the difference not having Fortnite on iOS. If Apple are so evil, why are MS, Sony and Nintendo charging 30% too? Should they allow other stores on their platforms? This is a load of bollocks and that stupid propaga promotional video that Epic released is just to rally up hate for Apple and turn the young generation against them, maybe until the new CHINA OS comes along in the future. Privacy not included. Apple is not a perfect company, far from it. They are just as vile and nefarious with regards to their tax payments. But their store policy is their store policy and was designed with the hardware and software in mind. 1.4 billion people apparently don't have enough of a problem with it for Apple to change their ways, and if they do, they can go buy an Android phone and hit Apple where it hurts. I find it even more funny that V-Bucks were $9.99 on iOS with Apple taking a 30% slice of the pie. So Epic's pricing to undercut them, was it $6.99? Naaaaah. It was $7.99 of course, so they were planning on making even more money. It's all about the consumer, ain't that right, Epic? I admit the mobile situation sucks quite hard overall, but I think that's looking at it through the lens of tech enthusiasts. I think most people are happy to make their choice between Google and Apple. Of course more freedom and choice would be better, but that came and went in the form of Windows Phone (RIP, my love) and other OSs that have disappeared over the past 10-15 years. A crowdfunded, completely open OS, would absolutely be a good thing for a small section of the phone market, but I think most people just want their phones to work correctly and function in a way they understand - Mr. A.V.E. Consumer doesn't care about how much money Apple and Android take from their stores. Epic could easily fund and build their own OS if they were actually interested in making more money, rather than just trying to get Apple and Google broken up. Instead the goal is to keep throwing Tencent's money at imaginary problems so they can get even more power in the tech space.
  10. If Epic Games want to forego Apple's cut for selling in their store, then good luck to them I say, they aren't going to win this one. Apple's store - play by the rules or go play somewhere else. Apple users value the security the company provides in their store and with how transactions are handled. If Epic wants to circumvent that, they can either build their own OS or encourage users to sideload on Android without the Play Store. I'm sure mums around the world are rejoicing at this news. I think it's pretty funny how big Epic's ego has become after the Tencent buy-in. All, of course, part of the plan of their Chinese paymasters I'm sure, try to and break up US big tech. Worth mentioning that Sony, MS and Nintendo also take 30% from Fortnite, but that's where a lot of Epic's V-bucks bread is buttered so you won't see them pulling this nonsense here. Mobile users are a tiny percentage of the overall PC / Console player base. This is a power play, and a pathetically obvious one at that. Fuck Epic and fuck Tencent. The CCP never plays by the rules and I hope they're told where to go in this lawsuit.
  11. Never rely on me for "education"
  12. That would be my guess. You’re getting the 480p version of the game without the additional story stuff. The Switch one is supposed to be definitive after all. I know Pikmin 3 DX has some new content, but I can’t see how it’s going to control better without a resistive touch screen / pointer controls.
  13. The point I was making was that everyone who wanted it on Wii U (when it released) had already bought it. The sales weren't anything to write home about, despite it arguably being the best game on the system. Of course no one is going to go out and buy a Wii U just to play it, that would be a little bit insane What I was getting at was that there could be some people who own a Wii U and didn't get it, who might have picked it up upon seeing the Switch remaster. But that number would have been absolutely tiny. Easily < 1000. So why remove it from the shop? The touch screen controls on the Wii U are amazing, and while you can't play the game outside, you can still play handheld in the home, and will be miles better than the switch version because of the stylus. Not HD, but it still looks great on the gamepad. I checked this morning and it's still on the e-shop. Wii games did come to the Wii U digitally and XC1 hasn't been removed. It's £17.99. Animal Crossing is just like Splatoon 2 and Mario Maker 2. Perhaps even worse. Some new content (the building stuff is nice, if a little cumbersome), but it's essentially the same game it was before on the DS, Wii and 3DS with crappy online and with some stables of the franchise having been removed / held back from launch. Yes, it's an original game (and a very pretty one at that!), but it's more of the same
  14. Nope, nor Wii Fit Plus or Wii Fit tracker 😂
  15. Right ballpark but it’s not Wii Fit.
  16. I've spent about an hour with this and it is great fun. I much prefer the obstacle courses to the football or other games but it's still fantastic. Definitely up for getting a few games together on N-E. I'm playing on Steam.
  17. Pole: Hamilton 1st: Hamilton 2nd: Verstappen 3rd: HULK 4th: Ricciardo 5th: Leclerc FL: Verstappen
  18. Definitely think all of these great games deserve a second chance, especially Pikmin 3. Hell, give me decent controls and I'd give StarFox Zero a second chance. The problem is the complete and total lack of new games, not helped by the complete lack of any news. It's always ports of relatively recent games or 1.5 sequels. Disappointing doesn't cover it. The Switch has so much promise in 2017... So much I know I sound like a broken record at this point, but I'm fed up. Hello, my name is Nick. I am a proud member of the (paid) Nintendo Switch beta test community circa 2012-2016. This is me, on the left, addressing Nintendo (right) on the question of what (paid) Switch beta testers can look forward to from Nintendo in future Nintendo Switch releases: No...?
  19. 2020 and Nintendo's attitude to stuff like moblie gaming, the Joy-Cons and now this is really starting to turn me off. They simply don't give a shit about the 14 million people who actually supported them during the worst period in their history with the Wii U. They had some great games during that period and it was a great little console, but the fact they are using these remakes, not as tentpoles, but as major releases is dumb af. Their pricing is also hilarious and completely disrespectful to the consumer who has continued to support them. They are living in a dream world if they think I'm going to continue to fund this idiocy. I'm voting with my wallet, won't make a difference, but Nintendo have seriously dropped the ball after an amazing start with the Switch. Is Brain Training (for £30 ) really what Switch owners want? I hope they get eaten alive in the next gen and that their arrogance and complacency comes back to bite them hard.
  20. Pikmin 3 has been de-listed on the Wii U eShop. Nintendo are having a laugh.
  21. Very sleek. Love the separate compartments.
  22. At that price I hope it is a somewhat exotic material or has a unique hand-crafted shape. Maybe it's a smart bin? Otherwise, I think you've been had Pics please!
  23. Jealous of you not having played this AMAZING game. I'll definitely be skipping though. Bought it for Wii U along with everyone else who stuck with Nintendo during that console. Now being faced with dropping another 50 bones on a game I already own, no doubt with worse controls. Coming out in October and up for preload already. Big warning sign that Nintendo has nothing big for this year. More ports rumoured, direct still absent... With every full price port Nintendo release, they push me further away 2017 is never going to be replicated until it's time for Nintendo to actually make an effort. The new consoles can't come soon enough.
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