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Everything posted by motion

  1. I'm not arguing against his outfit. I might laugh at him but that's not what my problem is.
  2. I think rokhed is a self-centred, egotistical, attention-craving, weirdo damaging his life on drugs who is becoming the laughing stock of N-E more and more every day. But he can be into whatever the fuck he wants to be into, I might find it weird, wussy and girly but if he doesn't then that's all that matters. My problem with him is that his photos (and what he says) have no place on this site. They'd be fine if it was maybe a one off every so often, but to hear "my arsehole is sore on the inside and the outside" every few days just gets boring and frankly has NO place on a Nintendo website, that is used and viewed by under-age kids. The fact that 99% of his posts are about how he's bought his 153425th pink accessory on ebay just goes to show that if that's all his life is about, it's a very sad life indeed. But I pity Fields even more for his attitude.
  3. Yeah I'm laughing as well. Fields would probably try and burn any non-straight blokes in the world. Fuckin loser
  4. Well Fields has every right to insult. Even if he is a close-minded tw@t. I get the feeling a hell of a lot of people are biting their tongue and not saying anything.
  5. No I agree they've done exceptional work with this game, but the fundamental point to remember is that technically, this game isn't any more graphics intensive than other Wii games. The number of polygons, objects are the same if not less than other games. What makes it work is the art direction, the colours, the lighting, mapping etc etc as you said.
  6. Because the levels themselves are contructed of very simple polygons in an empty space rather than a landscape like in the majority of Wii games (Sonic, Excite truck). That and the fact that it's got excellent texturing and lighting + obviously more time spent on it. But even so, it's still lovely. Will be even better with anti-aliasing.
  7. Anime (et al) Boobs Dance music Football Smash bros
  8. Mario or Zelda, or Metroid, or something with an 8-bit retro theme like emasher said. Something 'Nintendo', bit of colour, bit generic that everyone likes. You could change it every time there's a new game out. Phantom Hourglass theme now, Mario Galaxy in a few weeks, Metroid after that, etc... Also can you please change the grey gridline background? It doesn't line up with the background of the top banner if that makes sense?
  9. Very nice kit!
  10. Not chosen one yet, I'm thinking Diesel do some decent ones. Or I've been looking at 'Nixon' ones which seem quite cool. Good lovin'? I always give good lovin'
  11. yeah, everyone's been telling me to go for it but I guess I just worry like a bitch sometimes. Watches are quite personal, different design tastes etc but should be cool
  12. My fella's birthday soon, is a nice watch an acceptable first present do you lot reckon? Getting a bit freaked out cause not really done this that many times, not with someone this important to me anyway. (stop gagging)
  13. That's actually a really good idea
  14. Assault was awesome and very under-rated I feel.
  15. Umm, manga/anime?? Surely something a little less specific and 'liked by the designer' would be better? Perhaps something symbolic of Nintendo like Mario or Zelda. Smash bros or Metroid. Not some random crap that most people probably won't even know, be able to read or care about. I mean hey, nicely designed, I just think the concept is flawed.
  16. I'm confused, are we still looking for MEN?
  17. Your mate who's slapping you is gonna be very fit in a few years...
  18. Harribo have I ever told you you look quite fit in your pics. I'd do ya.
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