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Everything posted by motion

  1. I can admit to being wrong just as well as you. I had commented on the extent of stuff you were buying and the likelihood that you bought a van full of stuff every day from ebay. Having seen photos of you before I never disputed the fact that you were into such things. My argument with you is primarily for your apparent need for everyone to be fully aware of your sexual life. You want people to know you sell porn films of yourself, you want people to know for a surprise you planned a night of torture and pain with your missus, you want people to know you buy pink mobile phone shells for 6 year old phones. I don't give a flying fuck about your fantasies, you can be into whatever you choose. Everyone has sexual fetishes, but not everyone chooses to remind the hundreds of nintendo fans on a message board every day about them.
  2. Sigh, thanks for reading. The irony is of course, is you telling me how man enough 'I' am.
  3. Apologise for what exactly? You're still an attention seeking whore, even more so now that you bring up issues about how you cause yourself physical harm and now your latest little nugget of info is how you were abused as a kid. You call it being open and honest, but quite frankly, there's no need to be that honest and as Hobbz says, it just shouts mid life crisis. The fact that you feel the need to publicise your private life, and your sexual fantasies on a nintendo forum, one that is frequented by under-age kids, baffles me. I'm all for swearing and telling rude jokes but you take it too far. There's just no need. You may get one or two people backing you up calling you a 'legend' etc, but the quieter members who resist the urge to post may not be feeling quite as ok as you think. I'm sure many of us here are into strange and "odd" fantasies as part of their sex life, but we don't go into details and keep it just what it is, private. I'm not saying don't share a couple of tidbits every so often but when every single one of your posts is relating to your fetish, it gets a bit much. Again, considering this is a nintendo message board. Grow up.
  4. Did you also get raised by a pack of 3 legged lesbian wolves?
  5. So you need to click a button that says sync, whoop-dee-doo. What a hardship. It's still an awesome idea that $teve Jobs will no do doubt copy for the next ipod. I still think that the Zune's interface is gorgeous with some really nice graphics. The trackpad thing looks fantastic to use as well.
  6. wow, that's a boo-tiful interface. Gorgeous menu graphics. And the trackpad looks like it works really well. Like the big portrait screen, works well for UI functions and you just have to flip it for a nice widescreen for movies. Nice to hear it's got a glass screen and what's that?? It actually WORKS with all past accessories? You listening Apple? Horrible shade of green though lol. Definitely very tempted.
  7. I don't need the internet on my mp3 player. Certainly not crappy wifi internet. But the wifi features on the zune sound cool!
  8. I've given back my faulty nano so might just do that as well actually. I think the new Zunes look gorgeous, especially that huge screen. Hmm, and wifi mmmmmm
  9. Oh dear, Rokhed's getting jealous that he's not the talk of the town. *laugh*
  10. I can see this getting old pretty quick
  11. I'd sooner spend a night buried in some girl's fish smelling nether regions.
  12. Sorry I got to 'tanktop' and nearly fell off my chair laughing!
  13. Am I not a real man then
  14. I don't like the Classic's looks much to be honest. I think the previous gen white/black iPod is far nicer.The Zune 2 though looks gorgeous and that trackpad thingy seems pretty handy. Lovely lovely visuals on the screen as well, that's something that was stunning from Zune 1.
  15. No way .
  16. I don't judge celebrities on who they prefer to shag in bed, but Graham Norton is quite a good larf.
  17. ^^^ WOW 40 minutes, you're getting slow Takeo, that's at least double the amount of time I thought you'd take to predictably slate the Zune announcement. Personally I think it's an awesome product and should do very well. Lovely to look at as well.
  18. Yeah I know what you mean, I hate straights who are bitchy, two faced arrogant little fucks as well.
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