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Everything posted by motion

  1. And sure enough, that's what the papers seem to be doing today. I agree though, I think that our boys show far more passion than the England football team at the moment. Big football mate of mine watched the semi final with us last week and commented that it was good to see English sportsmen actually singing/belting out the national anthem with a bit of passion and pride, rather than the footballers sort of staring blankly mumbling along, some trying to remember the words, others no doubt wondering how they'll be spending their new £10K that week. Obviously there are exceptions. England may well lose on Saturday, the odds say so anyway, but at least they'll come back heroes for getting that far when everyone had written them off. And you can believe they would have gone down fighting and not backing down an inch until the final whistle.
  2. Daft, have a birthday hug...!
  3. Shame England lost
  4. Lovely trailer.
  5. Tut, last again. Oh well, don't mind if I do...
  6. Or in Scotland's case, against Italy and New Zealand + only scoring one try against Argentina when they were down to 13 men. If Patterson and Parks weren't 100% with their kicking boots, Scotland wouldn't even have made the QFs.
  7. Have to admit, this whole GTFO thing is pretty much pathetic bollocks.
  8. google .
  9. Fair enough, and when 'certain' mods act like idiots then we're allowed to look down on them. And speling was never my strong soot.
  10. What's wrong with 'lolzzz 101010101110' nah but seriously, fair enough, sounds good.
  11. No I meant... you guys are talking behind closed doors about how to bring the MPT back whilst saying you'd like us members to get involved... so why not ask us about the MPT and what we like/don't like about it.
  12. Difference is, we can actually score tries.
  13. One final moan if you will, directed at Moria. Since yet another topic was locked I'll have to post it here: And you're forgetting that being a mod is a privelege, not a right. It doesn't make you better than anyone else. Certainly not us lowly members which you seem to see as somehow 'beneath you'. Rant over.
  14. No we can just talk about how Scotland are an even more boring rugby team than England at the moment
  15. I must have missed that McPhee but quite frankly I thought we WERE disussing changes to the forum that would improve it. That's what I've been doing anyway. You say meaningless post will be back and that you guys will be 'discussing what changes will be involved' and that you'll let us know what you decide. Then in the next sentence talk about how you welcome our suggestions, feedback and like us to get involved... surely the MPT discussion is the perfect way to do that? I'll back down cause I like you as a mod, but I do despair sometimes about this place.
  16. Not just you, but yes you're one of the main culprits. The admins could do far worse than get rid of you. And by the way, MPT is coming back apparently, sorry and all. Next time don't act like an arse when I ask you a polite and reasonable question.
  17. What were we all saying about arrogance, patronising behaviour and members actually being treated with respect for a change?
  18. Oh for god sake, grow up will you? You come onto the forum, start a billion topics and start arguing with people from day 1 because they don't agree with your views. You get offended when people are sarcastic to you. Seriously, grow some thicker skin ffs. Oooooooo his attitude was 'uncalled' for. Reason enough for you to get him banned? No. You should sort your issues out with him in PRIVATE. Hence the "PRIVATE" part of PRIVATE messaging. Whining and screaming to the nearest mod won't gain you any respect, just the opposite. Had he insulted you on the public board fair enough, but aren't you able to stand up for yourself? So since neither of them had any final warnings, does that mean they'll be re-instated once the new rules are in place? Exactly conz. And she complains about other forums being worse than this for attitude and arguments! You really are desparate to be a mod aren't you. exactly. Yes that's a good idea.
  19. Personally, the single biggest change that is required is to do with the attitudes of some of the mods/admins. A little less 'god-like' 'holier than though' 'Forum God' would be a start. Oh for **** sake dynastygal, grow some thicker skin. Jesus. Someone should probably tell Moria that so that he doesn't feel the need to act like an arrogant arse in this topic. That too.
  20. Agreed Ashmat. Hobbz was banned because of a pm conversation with dynasty_girl. He asked for her msn, she said 'you're not getting it, I've had bad experiences in the past', he said 'you're not all that love'. And boom, banned. Pretty pathetic don't you think
  21. Course it was a quick lockage, god forbid the mods keep a controversial topic open so that the nasty forum members will have a chance to reply! More censorship, not sure what I was expecting to be honest.
  22. Ant's asked me to relay this little message for you all... -------------------------- The past few weeks has shown me how these forums have gone to hell. First off before I get into this I would like to say this following argument excludes Tellyn 100% The past few weeks has shown me how these forums have gone to hell. Veterans who claim to be ‘Forum God’s coming back onto the forum once every blue moon and post nothing but insane ramblings of whose the bad posters, whose the good posters and what’s right and what’s wrong. To be honest to those that have been here from the start and just come back for a little ego stroke A lot of us really don’t care how long you have been here Forum Drones, People who don’t swing either way in a discussion, instead sit on the fence discourage arguments and look at the Mods and Admins with a glisten in their eye as if to say, ‘Look at me Daddy, I’ve been a good boy’, What’s so good about that? Why don’t you get involved in discussion, ¾’s of the forum are paranoid whinge bags start screaming ‘Bloody Argument’ when a disagreement starts in a thread, Jesus Christ you only had to look at a few recent threads and we where getting called Sexist when we where quite clearly not?! Nothing but little do-gooders who think the world is made out of kittens and rainbows furthermore expect to be rewarded for practically discouraging argument In every single fucking thread where a discussion arises , granted if it gets abusive, but seriously half the time it doesn’t and you get the Mods becoming power hungry and tooting their horn, and the little ‘MP’s (Mod Pets) start looking for some sweets for saying . ‘STOP ARGUING EVERYONE’ When 99.9% of the time no one is arguing, they are just discussing, and whoever does actually say that has no clue what the argument is about FACT! You have mods that have no respect for the common poster, I really don’t care how long you have been their, or if you are a mod, you treat us the same as you would like to be treated which you always fail to do. No respect is coming from the Mods, so how on earth do they expect trust to come from the common poster?! Not to mention PM’s being looked into for fun! You will not listen to the forum members, you censorship threads and posts like theirs no tomorrow, Lock After Lock, Ban After Ban, Deletion after Fucking Deletion. http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=17328 This thread shows, you will just not listen to your members. And No Offence to Mr Odwin why was he made mod? Upon what basis, Relationship with the Mods and Admins, because he certainly wasn’t a regular poster, or regular as you should be to gain such a post. New Members who come to the forum aren’t even shown the rails? No offence to dynstany girl but when I did that stuff when I joined they got locked faster than ‘gtfomorias’ threads. Why weren’t her threads locked? Wheres the fucking consistency? This isn’t about me and harribo anymore, this is about the moderators policy and admin policy because quite frankly it’s destroying the forums, members being banned, Mods and Admins going power hungry, and certain ‘Un-Touchable’ members getting away with the strictest of rules. Sort the fucking forum out…. -------------------------- That's it... the message ends there.......
  23. If that's the case I hope change means: - Less arrogance from mods/admins - Less patronising and insulting from mods/admins - Removal of certain mods/admins who clearly aren't fit to a job properly. - Bringing back Fierce_Link - Getting rid of all this fecking censorship So in short, actually running a forum properly. (not you McPhee, you're one of the few cool mods)
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