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Everything posted by motion

  1. Yeah very cool Going crazy with nerves. Been reading up on bbc site with all the updates. Latest one: "Gare du Nord - a man in an England shirt has just rifled a drop kick straight in the face of an enormous passing South African. After a slight look of befuddlement, the Bok fan smiled, hugged the Englishman and planted a kiss on his forehead. That's why rugby is better than football - Fact."
  2. Well said. You put all this effort and work into making these and I'm sure its much appreciated by all.
  3. You can get it from here: http://www.notwithoutafight.co.uk/ Or just click here: http://www.notwithoutafight.co.uk/Downloads/Wallpapers/dover1280.jpg
  4. Says the girl who went running and whining to a mod about an argument between her and another poster by PRIVATE message?
  5. Yes, we get it. We get it because you tell us a billion times a day. We get that you don't find men attractive, so do millions of straight guys. We get it and we don't care. Hope you're feeling better, you seemed a bit down a while ago
  6. I bow before both these men and congratulate them. FTW
  7. I accept who you are, I don't give a fuck what you're into, its your life and your decision. I just find posting details of your sex life on this forum sick and wrong.
  8. He seems to lead a pathetic life, what do you expect?
  9. In order for me to kiss a girl, I'd have to be drunk, stoned, on crack, and would need to be paid at least a few thousand quid. Just the thought of it makes me feel sick. @mcj: LOL!
  10. Fair enough about bumping old topics, but... Try not to be too condescending in your posts. Cheers!
  11. YEAH! No more arguing! Back on topic!!!
  12. It doesn't but never mind. Rules are rules.
  13. 42 hours... (I may just collapse before then)
  14. Ok so the guy who posted should have just started a new topic then right?
  15. Why are we not allowed to bump old threads? Mr Odwin seems to think it's 'not done'. Who cares if a thread is bumped, if the new content is relevant and appropriate to the old topic what's wrong with posting it there?
  16. It just seems that temporary bans do happen a fair bit?
  17. People argue, it's part of life. Good times, bad times. Get on with some people, don't get on with others. So they spammed a topic or two, so what? As UK said, they were respected members of the forum and shouldn't be castrated just because they argued a bit. What Hobbz said to dynastygal is pathetic in the sense that she had no reason to complain. If he was banned for that and past indiscretions fair enough, but to judge it solely on that is wrong I think. Ant's record is pretty much clean I believe and even if it's not, did he really deserve to get banned for life? And correct me if I'm wrong, Shorty... you say bans are "FUCKING FINAL"... I'm assuming you mean all bans except temporary 2 week bans eg: Hobbz a while back? Or Ashley banning himself (why again??) for a day etc...
  18. Sounds like an awesome idea! Erm, can I have a generic pic on mine please? height = 6" weight = 16 stone (and no it's not fat!!) Interests = ruggerby, computer games, photography, drinking, lazy fuck, laughing, taking the piss, shagging
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