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Everything posted by motion

  1. MPT gone? Pathetic.
  2. Oh dear, enough with the bitterness please and can you all take the giant bags of King Edwards off your shoulders
  3. Tell me what
  4. Ant's getting unbanned soon right?
  5. Please keep the slating coming, that's all everyon's been doing since the Tonga game. People didn't think we'd win that, then they thought Aus would destroy us, then they thought France would 'be too good for us'. Bet the England lads are ecstatic to be written off again, just how they like it.
  6. Nice screenshot Fresh, post another will ya :P
  7. Yeah he's retiring from pro rugby completely, though he is playing for the Barbarians against South Africa in November as a one off game. Glaws are a good team to support. I agree that thumping South Africa next week would be fantastic, and reckon we can do it. Don't mind who we play in the final, whichever gets there will still be shitting themselves at the prospect of playing this England team. 6 agonisingly long days away. Getting better and better with every game since the Samoa match. You want expansive pansy arsed rugby with zero confrontation watch rugby league. I agree with you to some extent that flair and fast running rugby goes out the window in the knock out stages but who cares? Yesterday's game was one of the most exciting in the competition for sheer nerves. Of course it wasn't a great 'game' of rugby, in terms of tries, running rugby etc... but who cares, the amount of passion, determination, tension around the pitch was fantastic and made for a great spectacle. You honestly think this has been a boring world cup? Was the Fiji v Wales game boring? Or the fact that Georgia nearly (should have) beaten Ireland? Passion of the Portugese? The All Blacks choking? Tonga being one of the surprise packages of the tournament? The skill and ball handling of the Japanese? The upset in the opening game? ..... - This has been the best world cup so far. Seriously, watch league. You'll enjoy it more. I'll stick with the awesomeness that is union. And I disagree about the tri nations 'pissing all over the world cup', the tri nations is dull, boring and the same old, same old every year. They need Argentina in there to shake things up a bit. One thing for sure though... the Six Nations shits all over the Tri Nations.
  8. Yeah I've got no problems with straights either Growing a goatee for charity
  9. That's good to hear, I tend to call my fella cute or sexy as feck.
  10. What about using them for the same sex?
  11. Speechless. Thrilled. Proud. Was literally teary eyed when the final whistle went. The turn-around in fortunes for England this world cup has been astounding. After four years of utter SHITE, we get this. We're in a world cup final!!!! Fucking hell. Makes me wish I'd taken that 66/1 bet before the competition!! Far too drunk and emotionally drained to do an analysis, who cares we won. Come on Argentina tonight!!!!! Mate of mine, who is a HUGE football fan watched it with me, he's been watching a bit of the world cup and has been getting really into it. At the final whistle (well, a few minutes after it) he turned and said "Ok fine, this is more exciting than footy". Another soon to be converted You know it mate, you f-ing know it :P About 5 mini ones actually. Basically when you score a try, the position where you ground the ball past the try line dictates where the conversion kick takes place. So for example if you score the try underneath the goal posts, the conversion has to be taken right in front of the goal posts, in-line with where the try was scored. In last night's case, Lewsey scored on the very side of the French try line, hence why Wilko's kick was equally by the touchline. Does that make sense? That's why you'll see players do their best to touch the ball down as close to the middle of the pitch when they're in for a try.
  12. Jeez this dynastygirl is a bit tightly strung ain't she. As Ant says, lighten up darlin
  13. Feel sicker Swing low, sweet chariot, Comin' for to carry me home!!!! Swing low, sweet chariot, Comin' for to carry me home!!!!!!!!!
  14. Forwards are even with England possibly having the slight advantage in the scrums and lineouts. French backs are better but Traille at fullback is still v dodgy and Beauxis is inexperienced. Keep it tight, play 10 man rugby and I'll be happy.
  15. Nah there's a guinness premiership game that's recording that I'll watch in a little while.
  16. LOL Conzer. To be honest I won't mind TOOO much if France win, as long as they end up winning. Wouldn't be able to stand it if the Saffers win the thing! However, what Ant said. What a long day it's going to be............ :|
  18. No worries, I wank over your sexy words all the time anyway
  19. You guys are so ruining this game by watching all these vids
  20. I've done a few sexy things myself mate, but I don't have that empty a life that I choose to brag about them on a Nintendo board.
  21. I just think the fact that Rokhed finds pleasure in posting endless photos of him drugged up wearing a pansy dress on a Nintendo board pretty sad. The fact that he feels the need to tell us the state of his arsehole and how he takes it from the missus even more pathetic. You gotta laugh really.
  22. Not watching video, please no spoilers about powerups or levels cheers
  23. Hobbz gets banned for posting an image of a dildo (wasn't even on purpose) yet Rokhed has everyone jumping to his defence in an effort to prove they're open minded, even though he's posted god knows how many fetish images + sex toy pics? Considering the nature of this site, maybe it's something you should look into. But you're right, talking about how he gets shafted by a big strap on dildo and how his arse hole was sore inside and outside wasn't going into any detail at all.
  24. Yes you did say that once, the week before you talked about getting whipped, the week before that you spoke of (and illustrated) sex toys, the week before that it was all about you getting fucked by a strap on dildo, and before all that it was about enemas. and so on
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