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Everything posted by monkeyDluffy

  1. the other socket must be for the sensor you place on the TV for the controller! the AV connector is very similar to the GC's but not quite the same. Plus thats one big looking expansion port on the bottom.
  2. is it not possible that some other information could come later today/tomorrow? BigTac, what were the little new details? from IGN: he said and suggested that he brought the hardware with him. "We have the capability to show it to people here during the next two days if those opportunities come up." interesting!
  3. I've just looked at the gamestation website and they have it on pre-order for £49.99 and free postage!!!!!!!!! PS. Has anybody pre-ordered from them before? cause i've got stuff from them before, but never pre-ordered, are they any good?
  4. theirs been another similar thread about this, check it out! Reggie is speaking at 5:30pm UK. http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4072&page=2&pp=25
  5. it should make a great multiplayer game, as the gamecube version was, i'm really looking forward to this, hopefully, launch title:)
  6. really disapointed with the price hike:( might try to get my mate that works at GAME to get it with staff discount!
  7. cheers! well i'm hoping that with the RRP price being £50, gameplay might be able to do it for £40-45, but with the low production numbers that probably isn't possible, will have to wait and see, just hope it comes up for pre-order soon!
  8. does anyone know anywhere else that has it for pre-order other than GAME? Cause I can't find one, i've checked play.com, amazon, gameplay, cdwow, maybe more and can't find it, does anyone know if gameplay is ever gonna have a pre-order for it?
  9. well we don't even know anything about the download service, they might offer new games etc.
  10. well if their is anything big ish then nintendo should have a feed on their sites like they did with TGS. If not then IGN will probably have a vid shortly after.
  11. so does that mean you've seen it BigTac? Does it look good?
  12. if you read the link to the forum in the first post then the guy how posted it has admitted it is FAKE, so we can all rest now!
  13. 10:30am on the west coast of US is about 6:30pm in the UK. well if the 'No End soon' blog is too be believed somethings going to happen. http://revolutiondevelopment.blogspot.com/ February 9: Blog becomes active again. February 11: Summary of Mr.Reggie will be given with explanations about several announced things. February 10 – 17: Exclusive interview with revogaming.net with exclusive details about No End Soon. We know what Mr.Reggie will announce and all I can tell you is; Look forward to it, don’t expect an E3-a-like announcement, but a nice solid amount of new information which will keep the community busy for a while!. We’ve already received a new policy ( included with the new development kits ), which will become active right after his announcements. You should look forward to his speech and check this blog right after his speech. Within a few hours after Mr.Reggie his speech we’ll update with lots of news. This new policy allows us to reveal many more things, so you can expect a very long read and .... maybe even more. also in the future: March 21: Nintendo conference, second Revolutionary aspect will be fully revealed, including list of games which can be downloaded from day one. No End Soon backward compatibility game for exclusive features will be included in this list. Look for more information about this right after the announced at this blog. I hope at least the name is revealed!
  14. sorry but screw black or white, I want a red one! just loving red at the moment:)
  15. its on pre order on the GAME website for £60.
  16. Where are you BigTac? Pleeeaaase share some info! PLeeeaaasssee with sugar and a cherry on top!
  17. http://community.nintendo-europe.com/communities/thread.jspa?forumID=154&threadID=403801&start=0 Before I start this is not my info, I saw this on the nintendo uk forums, probably a load of shit, just thought I'd post them anyway. "America= 1.10.06 Japan= 25.10.06 Europe= 21.11.06 Australia= 21.11.06 All between 2 months, i was shocked when he told me aswell. To you non believers, just wait till E3 2006 and you will hear the same dates being read out!" And "Now Official download prices... NES games = £2.49 each SNES games = £4.99 each N64 games = £9.99 each Unlimited NES downloads for a year card = £19.99 Unlimited SNES downloads for a year card = £39.99 Ulimited N64 downloads for a year cad = £79.99 Ulimited all games downloads for a year card = £124.99 Quite pricey if you ask me, since i think SNES & NES games should be free, but they are the official prices. If you don't beleive me wait till E3 2006 to hear the same prices read out! I also happen to know that the Revolution will cost =164.99 And the PS3 will cost =399.99 I promise all this is official, my source is too official to lie. " "Forgot to mention Revolution games = £39.99 PS3 games = £59.99 If you want the PS3 release date, it's 8.10.06, in USA designed to destroy Revo's launch, fingers crossed it doesn't. " their ya go, fake i'd guess?!
  18. well if what they say is true and 'No End Soon' release's in USA, Oz and europe for 2006, then that means the rev itself must launch in europe in 2006
  19. if i remember correctly Iwata or Reggie said that rev would launch in the US at LEAST in time for thanksgiving and Merrick said that they were aiming for a same quarter release for all regions, which means that if the US has a november release, that must mean that japan and europe fall in the same quarter as the US. November is in Q3(oct, nov, dec) of nintendo's financial year, so if the number of units they require to launch is available, then all 3 regions should see a launch by xmas 2006, however the units might not be available and could therefore push the last region to launch into 2007, which history would point to being europe. But anything could happen and alot will still depend on the PS3 launch I think as to which regions get the launch first, whether nintendo see them as competition or not.
  20. Did you click on the links? cause the scans aren't screen shots they are just concept art with some descriptions of possible ideas, its doesn't really matter if its real or fake cause all this really provides us with is an idea of where developers ideas maybe going.
  21. well they said RE4 was GC exclusive, so hopefully they might do the same with RE5, not that i'm holding my breath though, doesn't seem to work the other way around.
  22. from the scans it just looks like concept art and general design ideas, this is the kind of stuff that would go into the pitch/design document of a developer trying to find a publisher for the game, so it's quite likely that it maybe a rev game concept, but it may never get a publisher and therefore never get released, its just a concept doc.
  23. well using XE.com, it works out about £170, but add in slightly inflated UK prices compared to US and you get About £200.
  24. the only thing we can hope for is a shock europe first release, otherwise 2007 here we come, or the import shop either way and with US games being cheaper anyway importing might be my way this time around?!
  25. I'm looking forward to feb and the new team/publisher launch issue, hopefully it will be like edge in design and its articles, as its from the same publisher!
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