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Everything posted by monkeyDluffy

  1. well samba del amigo would be taken care of.
  2. looking nice!
  3. how about for animal crossings name: Wii 'heart'(love) Animal Crossing!
  4. yeah, something like that. 360 has its circles/X, PS3 will have that strange PS logo that has been their since ps1, gamecube had the cube logo, so I assume their will be something.
  5. well we've all got 6 months ish before its released so theirs plenty of time!
  6. I still think their will be more of a logo to it than just the name, even if its just adding in a couple of circles or something.
  7. I suppose that people are interested now by what machine is behind the name, how could you not be! Wii whats that? game console!
  8. its in the kapplin interview sort of, seems everyone missed it in the out cry: "the Wii does stand for that whole worldwide inclusion of players" http://revolution.ign.com/articles/703/703593p1.html sort of an explanation. Actually when I read it again it's not really an explanation?!
  9. quote from interview : "They're maximizing the power of the machine: the control, the Wi-Fi. What makes the Revolution unique is what our focus is for our Revolution group and the titles they're working on." Online? are we gonna see most xbox live games get nintendo 'live' this gen?
  10. their fan made I think.
  11. I'm thinking maybe he means that its not gonna be the NWii just the Wii
  12. well if you hear something enough it becomes normal.
  13. most nintendo consoles have a name style as well as a logo, they need a logo to wack on box's that has a bit more meat to it than just the name. Like the ipod name is simple but they still use the apple image as well.
  14. i'm slightly interested by what the logo's gonna look like, I assume that it will have one and won't be just the name?!
  15. the DS can handle cell shading alot better, the scans are a bit on the low quality side as well, animal crossing uses 2D objects, so I'd expect animal crossing graphics but with final fantasy style.
  16. I would like it more if they dropped the W and just had "ii"
  17. its just when they were coming up with it you would have thought someone would have pointed out the conations(bad spelling?)
  18. but if you do pronounce it "why", what could the reason be behind the name then?
  19. they'll probably just call it Wii"why" in UK etc, the news here is very good at doing stuff like that with slightly dodgy names.
  20. some more shots http://www.jeux-france.com/news15503_final-fantasy-iii-prend-la-pose.html
  21. Its a good point does anywhere else in the world call taking a piss a "wee"? I though it might be in the general english language but it would seem its just a UK slang word! With that in mind it doesn't seem so bad, plus the meaning of taking a piss and the word "wee" will soon leave your mind.
  22. and if the younger people are put off by asking for Wii what are the older people ganna be like!
  23. I can see what their trying to do (sort of) but I think any name that needs an indepth explaination is stupid! I read kaplin saying that people don't see ipod/yahoo/napster as silly names but ipod doesn't mean to go to the toilet does it! I know I'm gonna get acid tongues for this but it has almost put me off getting one. I showed the vid to my mum just for an opinion and she was confused then laughed, is that what nintendo really wants when people see it? to be laughed at? I'll just call it "why":)
  24. If I remember correctly the GDC model was the same as at TGS so they might not have implemented it into the design at that point, as the press would be getting their hands on it.
  25. well in the Game Informer interview didn't Harrison say that nintendo were looking to cherry pick the best bits of live.
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