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Everything posted by monkeyDluffy

  1. lets cross fingers for a european release!!!
  2. its probably a case of wii game disk production that is holding them back, their is a lot of disks to be produced for each separate region, then each region has separate packaging and with europe thats a particular nightmare, with launch games they will be going into production quite late as always happens so maybe they can't produce enough to launch to close together.
  3. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=147131 "We'll have loads more on Excite Truck before it hits streets along with the Wii on December 8. Like some more screens, please Nintendo." do they know something?? hopefully they do!!
  4. we were working off A4 sheets before we got the proper books, so 7 before you on the book then 20 on the sheets, you should be ok come launch!
  5. its seems to only work if you follow the link from the register your interest e-mail!
  6. we started taking pre-orders for Wii on monday and we've almost filled the 50 we can take at the moment, already! GAME will be getting the games pre-order info soon, hopefully in a couple of weeks, we're also doing a pre-order pack that will have a dvd and some info by mid to end of october.
  7. quick question, did they require you to fill in any paper work?
  8. i don't know how because at work we do have everything set up on the tills etc but head office wouldn't let them go through yet so it will be next week sometime and yes £20 down, but at the moment it doesn't gurantee a machine for launch as allocations haven't been sorted, but higher on the list means a better chance.
  9. for the DS lite launch at GAME we set aside the Pre-ordered units, it should be the same with Wii and then if any units are left over after pre-orders then they are sold on a first come first served basis.
  10. looks better in video form, plus looks like the contrast has been upped(whih makes stuff look bad) cause the game is very dark on the vids i've seen.
  11. its 4 million worldwide by the end of the year and 6 million by march 2007 i think, all though the 6 million sounds a bit low.
  12. problem with gamestation is they tend to take pre-orders without knowing how many they are getting, so the £20 down doesn't mean you will defenately get the machine on launch, does mean you can pre-order earlier though, as GAME will generally wait for more concrete details.
  13. GAME will probably wait for allocation numbers before starting pre-orders, so pre-orders will start soon if nintendo is forth coming with the info! (plus working their I'm hoping for my 10% discount!!)
  14. but to get the 360 with the same kind of stuff you would have to spend more than the £199 for the core pack. Memory card 64MB, add £22.99, wireless network adaptor, add £59.99, wireless controller, add £32.99 xbox live after 3 months, add £39.99, a game, add £24.99 - £49.99, it soon adds up, I still think the wii should have been £169.99 at the most but thinking about the above prices makes me think that its not too bad at all. EDIT: on a side note if you take VAT off the UK price you get £149.99, ish.
  15. where's it say its not a european launch title????
  16. sorry missed them out, everybody everywhere gets white:grin:
  17. its white only for europe, us and japan
  18. wii sports comes with the console, Wii play seems to be a separate game that comes with a controller, I might be wrong though.
  19. its not in the package, you get a remote with one of the games called Wii Play, or something like that.
  20. december 7th lanuch
  21. same here, goto gonintendo instead, they seem to be using the same feed, but its updating, when you refresh anyway!
  22. i work for GAME and we know nothing at the moment, doesn't mean the big big boss's don't, but not us slaves, any info I give out is based on press release's from nintendo I read on the net etc so nothing yet, might get something in the next couple of days maybe??? Only thing we did get the other day was a Wii-bag, that just had general GAME info sheets and some wii pub shots, also a dvd of the E3 trailers for running instore, seems to have increased interest alot though!!
  23. they might say something on september 15th, that will give them a month (at least) to sort the pod distribution out.
  24. i work for GAME and we haven't had any info yet, might be a big blow out tomorrow, with info, but pre-orders might take a week or so to come along, depends if nintendo sets up deals with GAME etc might take longer. EDIT: having said that just cause i don't know doesn't mean that all the prep isn't in place, i could go into work tomorrow and we could have loads of stuff come in the delivery? will have to wait and see!
  25. might make sense to do it in germany, as then their will have been big news announced, first in japan(TGS), second US(E3) and then third europe.
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