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Everything posted by monkeyDluffy

  1. even though i wouldn't like to think 2007, I could see the rev going the same way as the DS, but an earlier japan launch, US christmas, europe march 07. We can only hope its more like mario kart release dates and not animal crossing release dates. EDIT: I think it depends what they mean by spring, is that Q1(jan-Mar) or Q2(Apr-June), cause that leaves Q3(july-sept) for US and Q4(Oct-Dec) for europe, which would work out nicely if you ask me, but nintendo europe have always had a funny way with working out release dates, look at the DS drought over Q3 then meteos, nintendogs, fifa, castlevania, advance wars all within a couple of weeks, who knows how they worked that out????? EDIT2: Was read the ign mailbag and the spring 2006 thing is bull apparently, the report just says 2006, not spring 2006 sorry guys another rumor!
  2. I remember reading an article(can't rememeber where) about how microsoft and sony are just trying to sell consoles and games to the hardcore fan base, because its easy, reliable money, make a game you know most hardcore fans like and the $$$$ come rolling in any time you like. We're seeing this happening with the next generation, the consoles and games are being priced to pray on this hardcore gaming money pot, that they know will pay whatever they want them too, to get hold of certain game titles. The problem with this is at a point this hardcore sector is gonna get board of the same old shit that looks nicer (how many bows can you put on a turd before people realise its just shit?) and then their in trouble, sorry about the rant but this is the point, I think nintendo realise this and are going in the right direction, but they need to price the games to make more people think, "well it's cheap enough might as well give it a try" which is what they need and want with rev and that is not gonna happen if the price goes over £40! Just my point of view.
  3. Its a good point, the range for DS was meant to be £20-£30 and how many games have been at the £20 end, 1, as far as i know polarium thats it, so is this what nintendo classify as a dynamic price range, i hope not!
  4. I'm not sure its confirmed at £50 but play.com/gameplay.com/GAMEUK online stores are taking pre-orders at £40-£50, play.com says down from the £50 rrp to £40 price, gameplay.com says £45 ssp?? down to £40 and GAMEUK is just £45-£50. Maybe nintendo could go the route of the DS, cheaper software to shift more units, I think cheaper software might bring in more people, I'd prefer to have a more expensive rev and pay less for software in the long run!
  5. well if res 4 had higher res textures it would probably look next gen anyway and with even better lighting it would look mightly nice:)
  6. Anybody else concerned about this? cause the 360 games are going to be £50 rrp each, will the rev games follow suit? cause I can't afford £50 rrp or even £40 per game, in fact £30's pushing it at the moment. Please nintendo stick with £40 rrp, so you can sell shit loads
  7. off topic a bit, but i'm more concerned about the next gen game prices, cause the 360 games are going to be £50 each, will the rev games follow suit? cause I can't afford £50 or even £40 per game, in fact £30's pushing it at the moment. Please nintendo stick with £40 rrp, so you can sell shit loads:)
  8. I've done a bit of testing and I think all three GC etc bring up a message when the controller is unplugged, this is a requirement for the game to be passed by nintendo's testing teams before the game can be published. So in the end it will be upto the nintendo to write the rules for the system, but it will probably pause it if the battery goes or gets low, because microsoft, sony and nintendo have ruffly the same rules about their systems so if the 360 does it chances are the rev will to.
  9. but as nintendo said the DS isn't after the PSP, the next gameboy will be, the DS is a new thing all togeather. Plus put GC graphics in a DS and the battery would last 5 minutes.
  10. In the nintendo minute on IGN they have reggie this week: This week's question: Fantastic Revolution controller, but we're never content. When will you announce the real name of Revolution so that we can launch our channel? Could it be this October when Iwata talks Wi-Fi? Nintendo of America's executive vice president of sales and marketing, Reginald Fils-Aime: Thanks for your feedback on the controller, Matt. The response has been incredible. People embrace innovation! We're taking a bold direction with Revolution and making sure people understand what this revolutionary controller can and will do has been paramount. We're the only company showing true innovation. The competition even complimented us! Since our product is so innovative, for us it's too early to reveal all Revolution details. I certainly understand you're anxious to see more. Giving the controller the singular attention it deserved was the right way to go at TGS. In our view, you first need to understand the experience the controller promises to provide... then the games will breathe life into the promise. It's about the experience, not just the games. And the controller will give players a whole new experience! We will continue to pull the curtain back over the next few months and we expect you'll be there. Until then, you should go ahead and unveil a Revolution (still the code-name) IGN channel. As a huge fan of the online community, I can't wait for you to have a dedicated channel. I promise we'll populate it with information the entire gaming community will love! lots of stuff coming soon then!
  11. thats quite funny and it speaks the truth.
  12. just to lower the tone way way down, the rev could be used for dodgy sex games if you so wished the controller lends itself well to many interaction possibilties shall we say, I'll leave the rest to your dirty minds:)
  13. I didn't mean it to sound like they were money grabbing, just that each console controller was very different and the games for the systems were designed with the controller in mind and therefore it would be best to play the games with the appropriate controller. Plus hori are making money off selling snes layout gamecube controllers so nintnedo should get in on the action.
  14. i wouldn't be suprised if nintendo release a snes controller shell and an n64 shell ie a shell for each console.
  15. just thought how cool would super monkey ball be on the new rev controller hold it sides ways as if you're gonna use the nes part of it then you've got control of the game and you play it like you would before but it will be a lot easier to get into it.
  16. 24014 votes so far and 50.20% HIT and 49.80% MISS, just thought I'd update it. EDIT: also noticed another poll for the next gen consoles: 56495 votes 51.69 PS3, 30.42% 360 and 17.89 for rev, only the bbc though.
  17. could even have foot pedals for the steering wheel, so no need to buy big gaint steering wheels ever again, another storage problem solved.
  18. most normal games will work with the controller anyway in someway, in the industry/developer feed back one of them makes a comment about wanting to play splinter cell with a normal controller but it would work just as well with the new controller, cause the 3rd person action game has the same controls more or less as a FPS. Move old sam around using the stick, look around using the remote just like normal, wiggle the remote around to pick locks etc, twist the controller towards a wall to stand against it, twist the opposite way to get off again, move the controller down to crouch etc would work well and lack of buttons won't be a problem plus i think it would make the game better with little or no extra development time so ports are easier, most of the time it might be just replacing the right stick with the controller movements etc so third parties have nothing to complain about really they don't have to re-invent the wheel with every game, but they can if they want or just provide a didn't experience with the same old kind of game and isn't having the option to be able to do something different if you want to or experience something new for an old genre also a mini revolution in itself. I've just thought how cool would a super monkey ball be, hold the controller as if you're gonna use the nes part and then just just controll the game like normal.
  19. they might actually do it this time to screw with the 360 launch, tee hee! I also get the feeling that their is something major that they haven't shown yet cause most nintendo spokes persons are saying sort of 'hold on we're not finished yet' kind of thing.
  20. was just reading the 'nintendo uncovered part 6' about the marketing department and at the bottom are these paragraphs: “Revolution is coming,†said Jim “and we are working on the software and hardware campaigns in parallel with the software and hardware development. There’s not much I can tell you about it because there are some major things that haven’t been revealed about Revolution, and when they are, you’ll understand that the marketing has to reflect those. “But there is actually a lot of work happening on Revolution and there’s going to be more and more information coming in the next few months.†link: http://www.nintendo-europe.com/NOE/en/GB/editorial/article.do?elementId=o5PmNsROjU4zILBLj1jgVqSmSgeTDxga interesting, what else is their? EDIT: I just noticed that the date for the article was the 9/9/05 and the date for the controller announcement was 16/9/05 so don't know whether their is more, however he does say "there are some major things that haven’t been revealed about Revolution" so maybe their is more? EDIT2: http://www.revo-europe.com/news.php?nid=8247 Is the freehand-style controller your trump card, or have we got more exciting stuff to look forward to? Jim Merrick's said in reply: "Let's just say we have more surprises in store."
  21. most normal games will work with the controller anyway in someway, one of them makes a comment about wanting to play splinter cell with a normal controller but it would work just as well with the new controller, cause the 3rd person action game has the same controls more or less as a FPS. Move old sam around using the stick, look around using the remote just like normal, wiggle the remote around to pick locks etc, twist the controller towards a wall to stand against it, twist the opposite way to get off again, move the controller down to crouch etc would work well and lack of buttons won't be a problem plus i think it would make the game better with little or no extra development time so ports are easier, most of the time it might be just replacing the right stick with the controller movements etc so third parties have nothing to complain about really they don't have to re-invent the wheel with every game, but they can if they want or just provide a didn't experience with the same old kind of game and isn't having the option to be able to do something different if you want to or experience something new for an old genre also a mini revolution in itself.
  22. I don't know what he's moaning about cause the 360/PS3 controllers are set in stone, at least with the rev controller you can add stuff on, making it the most flexiable controller out there.
  23. i think that nintendo could do a lot worse than taking ideas from apples ipod advertising, I mean its not the best product on the market, tech wise their are better players out their, but ipods still sell like hot cakes. Lets hope nintendo can do a ipod!
  24. i like red but white if i had to choose between black or white
  25. nintendo are meant to be bringing out a USB adaptor to enable a wifi connection to a PC for the DS so it should work for the rev as well.
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