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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Well tonight's show was comparatively bollocks. What shite acts.
  2. giffgaff are clearly the best then, that's me sold. Thanks.
  3. My Tesco iPhone tariff that I got a year ago is due to end very soon, so I've basically been searching for the best tariff with good data. It seems to me that most companies have now cottoned on to the usefulness of data, and the cheapness of texts, and these days data seems to be capped while texts are handed out in the thousands without question. With data anyway you can do most of the other things, like text or VOIP (not that I use it, but still). I apparently use over 1GB data per month, perhaps not much more though, so ideally I'd want an all you can eat data package (like Three's). I use around 200ish minutes per month, and maybe around that many texts too. Three seem to have some insanely good value tariffs, particularly this 12-month one, £10 a month: 300 Minutes 3000 texts 1GB internet Although strangely, they have a Pay as you go option to pay £15 a month and have: 300 minutes 3000 texts All-you-can-eat data I wouldn't mind paying the fiver extra because in the long run, going over 1GB Tesco have told me incurs a 40p charge per MB. I'm in as central London as you can get so I'm guessing the coverage would be good with whoever I went with. Just wondering if you guys have come up with any decent tariffs recently.
  4. Places I've been to abroad are France, Spain (mainland plus a number of islands), Greece, Cyrpus, USA (Florida), Gibraltar and Monaco. And Jersey if that counts. In a week I'll have just arrived in Rome, then be going onto Florence and Pisa. Should be brill.
  5. 1. Dark Souls 2. Skyrim 3. Uncharted 3 4. Assassin's Creed Revelations 5. Mass Effect 3 6. Mario Kart 3DS 7. Starhawk Maybe the new Zelda and Bioshock belong there somewhere at the bottom. Dark Souls will reign, I've no doubt. It's the freshest franchise at least.
  6. I'm also buying it for the cheapest price. The last few pages were because someone was BSing, something I always find hard to let go. :p
  7. As I pointed out Ike, most 3DS titles out are launch titles so that's no reason to judge the average selling price yet. Also, using the price of other games on there to justify this one reeks of assumption, this is definitely the biggest title so far so they would without doubt be trying to secure sales with attractive offers. Why do you think they seured any promo stuff at all? And Burny, learn to read what you typed. You said that the preorder bonuses were included in the price and therefore had no value. Not that they have no value because they are cheap. It's there in plain text, no twisting required.
  8. No, you definitely said it: The preorder stuff is why they aren't matching the competition, they know that online buyers know of places like Amazon and so they'd definitely lose a lot of sales if they didn't have the preorder bonuses. People are willing to pay a fiver for that stuff, sad but true.
  9. And my point is that what they 'normally' sell 3DS games at (don't know how you can state such a claim given the console has been out two minutes) is irrelevant, GAME themselves choose to vary prices and I know they have done in the past for many titles. They don't simply sell every game at a fixed price. Launch shovelware is likely what you are basing this on, but really the prices for these games were so high because they could be, as people needed something to play on their new consoles. For proof, OoT was first priced at £40, then reduced, so clearly a £40 tag would not have apeared if £35 was the standard price. They know what they are doing, and to you as a consumer there is clearly a £5 additional cost to obtain the same game but with the bonuses.
  10. They are because other places are selling it cheaper, and they know that. Just because something is given an 'official' or typical price, it doesn't mean that's the price online retailers will sell at (games very rarely retail at £39.99 or such at the most popular online game retailers), nor does it mean any price below that is profitable. £30 is clearly returning profit, as demonstrated by many online sellers, but they've certainly no need to lower their price when they have preorder content. Again, I was merely pointing out that the fact they are charging more gives that preorder content physical value, which is counter to your original claim. If you want that stuff, you are essentially paying £5 for it, because for £30 you will receive everything else but the promos. As for preorder content that is 'included in the price' has no value, not true at all. The Dark Souls preorder content is awesome, and included in the price (it's the price of a standard PS3 game): It is obviously costing them money, they are just taking a hit by making less profit (or speculating they will sell more copies as a result).
  11. This would purely depend on the definition of war. Technically since life existed there was a war for nutrients, or at least competition. I guess when there was the first lifeform, and before there were two, you could realistically say there was no war. I doubt that would be a year though..
  12. Yeah, I won't be buying the extra crap, I honestly couldn't care less about it. It was just your insistence that preorder bonuses have no value that miffed me, as it is ridiculously untrue, and shops clearly go out on a limb to secure preorder bonuses to both get more sales and get away with higher prices.
  13. £5, not bucks, but this still proves your point wrong about the extra stuff not having value. GAME online have valued it at £5.
  14. Online it's the same price, and people who order games online are much more likely to know more than one place they can buy from. Face it, they're charging more because they secured the exclusive promotional items, and people are willing to pay more to get them.
  15. Apparently you can get it fixed for 40 quid on some websites (around London). I'd get it fixed then sell it immediately at somewhere like gamestation, then pick up a slim. Unlucky man.
  16. Um, no. They are obviously charging more because they know they can, because die hard collectors will pay the extra dosh for the promos. That itself gives them value.
  17. GAME are charging a tenner more than other places last I checked so you can see UK promo stuff (which is fuck all) being valued at that much if you like.
  18. Ocarinas are fairly simple, I'm sure it'll play a note fine despite it not being painted by an artisan. It's still a far better promo than a tin box.
  19. Yes...look at it. What really is the point? It's not original in any way, every other game does it. How often do I look at my tin boxes? Never, at least not in any other sense than to take the game out. It's not a thing of beauty that I like to hold out in front of me while sipping red wine. I could quite easily imagine the ocarina being a fun toy with a novelty side to it, the kind of thing that a friend might pick up off the side and embarass himself with by trying to play a note. You know, it at least has something interesting and original about it, if it entertains someone for a minute then that's a minute more than a tin box.
  20. I would much rather have an interesting, unique and relevant gift with the game than the overused tin box. Tin boxes are such a cop out, most cheap limited editions have one. At least the ocarina has some charm to it, and may actually entertain you for a short while as you try to produce a coherent tune from it. The tin box would sit on your shelf gathering dust, like all your other game boxes, and only make a brief appearance as you switch games.
  21. Don't be silly, no one bought these PSP games in the first place.
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