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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. At work And home I have wifi. For me it's all about travel, and 3G doesn't fare well on trains. 4G is meant to have better penetration so I imagine it'll be better for travelling. I'd imagine it'll be better/as good as 3G before long.
  2. To be honest I can't really think of anyone that's left that I really miss. If anything the forum has been refined.
  3. The fuck happened to you man? You used to be unflappable.
  4. Tbh this is the kind of game that I imagine will be free on PS Plus eventually.
  5. Another stellar performance from me, I think we can all agree.
  6. At the moment though only one company offers 4G, soon there'll be competition and maybe not long after better prices. True but likely 3G will be included alongside 4G just like 2G currently is with 3G. You wouldn't switch though?
  7. So if the pricing was similar, the speeds and reception better, you wouldn't switch?
  8. There'll probably be another version then in a year with 4G. When all the companies offer 4G in the UK next year I'm sure it'll become a pretty desired feature. I buy phones expecting them to last 3-4 years given their cost, so I'll pass on this. 3G is pretty poor compared to home broadband and next to no one ever gets those speeds. It is abysmal at penetrating most buildings and constantly drops when travelling via train/car.
  9. I looked up the Nexus 4, why doesn't it have 4G connectivity? In a couple of years I imagine 4G will be reasonably affordable...and 3G is pretty shit.
  10. Kinda redundant really. Any maximum speed limit for wireless (providing you're not miles from the router) would probably be faster than the speed your ISP delivers. We know it's not his setup anyway since he says he gets the speeds on other services. Most likely some port issue.
  11. Oh I see, we still have to respond. I am, of course, in.
  12. If we say he's legal three times then Charlie will appear. He's like Beetlejuice.
  13. You're legal now? Hmm...
  14. I've never had a problem with download speeds, they always go at max speed for me.
  15. Oh Platty I feel for you and can tell you right now that ultimately you're better off without people like this. I was in a somewhat similar situation a good few years back where my then girlfriend of 3 and a half years or so had cheated on me. The kicker was that she was also engaged to this person! Some people were either just not brought up properly or have no form of moral compass. Because really, there's just no way people can hurt others that they apparently love otherwise.
  16. What you mean the phone? The tablet is already being sold pretty cheap in shops like Carphone Warehouse.
  17. I think it was a really logical choice to get the Nexus 7 when you consider the ridiculous cost of iPads. I know Apple have made the mini now but it's still £100 more. People buying 7 inch tablets really want a good system at a good price.
  18. I've completed it all now too. I would say though you've spoiled the story of 999 since this game tells you who survived 999 and who the villain was. And let me say wow. The story to this game was great, makes most game stories seem like crud in comparison. So glad there'll be a sequel. The only improvement they could make is to crank up the budget for animations (a lot of stills used) and cut down the amount of 'semi-repeated' elements (conversations that play out in a very similar way to other storylines yet not identically, thus cannot be skipped). Cracking game.
  19. I don't know about you guys but around Christmas I have some time off work and could actually spare more time to Maf.
  20. My favourite returning theme is this one: When you hear this, you know things are going to get rapey.
  21. I'm in....
  22. I don't think that'd work here. The Mafia could just not post on D1, and apparently it's a crime here to lynch people based on lack of posting so they'd completely sail through. No one here would feel that not posting on D1 would be lynch-worthy anyway.
  23. I have nearly the same setup as Cube, ACIII runs smooth and slick. Blows the console versions out the water. You'll be impressed, it plays great. I've been using my dual shock 3 to play, feels like I'm playing a super PS3 version.
  24. I don't mind a lack of info but I do mind too many overly cryptic elements that can be huge distractions for town (e.g. coded stuff that turns out to be just a minor thing). Or themed games that rely on lots of knowledge of that games/series. Or worse, themed games with characters that mostly have the alignments you'd expect them to.
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