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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Yep, you just put the USB dongle in your PC or Mac and it's plug and play wireless. The dongle is pretty small, too.
  2. It broke? You not get a free replacement under warranty?
  3. Wow, this is fucking hilarious. What do you think basically constituted the Wii U's first year? Yet do you ever complain about that? Nope, you make some pot shots about the other consoles, but absolutely NEVER have I heard you complain about that on the Wii U. And "plays better on PC". HA! What an extraordinarily dim-witted comment. Just about EVERY game plays better on PC! Don't you think people choose console because they prefer the social aspects, ease and longevity associated with them over whatever it is you're grasping at? Anyway, the first year has been great so far for me - Infamous, Watch Dogs, AC4, FFXIV: ARR, Resogun, remasters such as Oddworld and Tomb Raider and then other games that will release within the first year look amazing: Destiny, AC Unity, Dragon Age, TLOU Remastered (and no doubt GTA V will be as great). Compared to Wii U's first year it destroys it.
  4. So does this mean you accept my point? It's just that your post didn't actually have any comeback, so I'm guessing that's all you had to say. They're not comparable, and you know it. Hell, everyone here knows it. What promise has Sony broken this gen? They currently have the fastest selling console in the UK and the lineup is immense. Their first year will have had way more A+ content than the Wii U's...so, what was your point again?
  5. The fundamental difference there is that Microsoft have the means to fix their self-inflicted problems, Nintendo seemingly don't. And the PS4 has shown time and time again that it is the platform of choice for third party releases. Stop trying to justify Nintendo's disasters at every twist and turn.
  6. It would take something extraordinary for me to ever buy a console at D1 again. Early adopters usually end up getting shafted.
  7. Yeah, even better would be server sided saves as a backup option (a la MMORPGs). That way you don't lose any progress at all if you have a power cut or something (which I did, yesterday!). Luckily I was playing FFXIV online which server saves everything, though.
  8. To me, 'proper' has always meant relatively good. It's still inarguably an account, but like I said before, you wouldn't say 'that's a proper car' about a shit car, would you?
  9. Since the consumer decided it so. Good. Then now you see how it doesn't have a proper account system. Question: Do PS4 and X1 currently have this? If yes, then again, the Wii U account system isn't comparable.
  10. You forgot: Cloud saving Redownload your titles on another machine if your original breaks or you lose it or want to sell it (does NOT match competition). No fucking way do I want to buy download titles because of it. Party chat So no, it is not a proper account system that delivers what many gamers now take for granted.
  11. What previous requirements? It it has never matched any of my requirements. It is shit.
  12. No, it isn't. And this is something you need to get over, as you clearly have difficulty with this one - the informed customer decides what is 'proper'. I know how much more sophisticated the other account systems are, so to me the Wii U's account system is not 'proper'. If I were to say something like 'now that is a proper car', would you honestly be so naive to think I am plainly stating 'there is a machine 4 wheels and a motor'? Or do you think I'm saying 'that is a good car'?
  13. Well it's you versus nearly everyone else who has considerable experience with competitor accounts. The Wii U account system is a joke compared to the others.
  14. If you say it enough, it doesn't make it true.
  15. If still needed: C748-QFNG-2R9J
  16. Is it just me or does that random guy who joined in at ninja have really tight pants?
  17. That's a bit of a piss take given your gamepad is fine. You'd think in these times Nintendo would do it for free to keep you on side. :p
  18. @dwarf gourami and now you can play the game of 'match the lower res photo with these ones'
  19. Yeah, the quality is top notch. Really has changed the way I game. It might be a bit of a spend but it'll last you an awful long time (the last gen headset is still supported on PS4). So I thought I may as well get a good one. I had a pretty crappy bluetooth headset last gen and as a result I just never used it. Pretty sure some other people bought it too, maybe @drahkon?
  20. How about other regulars like @Shorty and @nightwolf, are you coming to this one?
  21. I'm still amazed more people are buying it; who doesn't already have it that wants it?
  22. Yeah, that's it, but the Amazon seller is ripping people off. When places actually get stock (more specifically, GameStop), they're about £60 for what is pretty much comparable to £120 headphones. Built in reachargable battery, great sound and mic, feel and look great. Plus they're natively supported by the PS4 app that has settings for specific games. For the price it's really good. Edit: They're about £69 here.
  23. Ooh just wondered, have you got a headset? Just thinking when Destiny hits, we should get more Destiny strike raids going, they're a lot of fun. I think the Sony 2.0 headset I got a few months back is really good if you can find it for a reasonable price. About £60 when I got it from GameStop.
  24. Not sure when the price went back up, but the link to that ShopTo eBay PS4 is £350 again, so good call for those getting the PS4 while it was 300. The beta is offline until the 23rd, so you won't be able to play Destiny til then.
  25. In that case why doesn't your profile list getting incensed by NeoGaf posts and masturbation? That alone shows that just because you do something a lot, doesn't mean you need to mention it right away. Or ever!
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