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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. At the recommendation of @drahkon: God damn, this is addictive. Really enjoying it, no idea how you would get that trophy for doing the game in a few lives though.
  2. If you like the idea of an FF player, consider a Vita. At around £100 they're so worth it, especially for Indie and cross play titles (as well as all the stuff you accumulate on Plus).
  3. How is it not as good? It's essentially the same thing, except you accumulate platinum trophies for doing everything instead of an ever increasing number. I like the idea of a differentiator for doing it all.
  4. I get the feeling it was more of that "we want a small box that's out of the way, for families" mentality. Which probably means just plugging it in to the wall and connecting it to your Wifi too, n00b style.
  5. Nice one! Show 'em that online dating can work. :p
  6. This is old/standardised tech, you can pretty much expect these things to work, yeah.
  7. One of those is priced high, the other is just ridiculous. :p Really though, £15 for a port to slot an ethernet cable seems pretty steep to me. It's really old tech, and it's also compensating for something that should really be there to begin with. I guess I'm not surprised, but the price for goods still doesn't seem right. For instance: ^ £1.78.
  8. Woah, to be honest I wasn't expecting that to be more than a fiver..
  9. Ridiculous, until you consider how much there really is to properly play online. :p
  10. Ability to go invisible and have what is effectively the plasma grenade is making me want to stick with Hunter. Sounds like something you'd do if upgrading to another/more advanced class. Maybe planned future classes?
  11. You couldn't even get everywhere on the planets in the beta, so we've not even cleared one stage yet.
  12. At some point, few games will be made for last gen. Hence, upgrading is pretty much going to happen anyway, so you may as well do it and start enjoying games that look and run better despite costing around the same. Once you do it, the fact that games also release on the last gen is irrelevant. Most people will get one next gen console, because it's too expensive to get both. Once they do, you can pretty much look at the wealth of upcoming games as exclusives, because they pretty much will be. That's all I'm getting at - that we shouldn't boast about there being more exclusives on Wii U than any other console, because from a reality standpoint it just isn't true.
  13. No, but your argument was somewhat disingenuous because of the way you perceive exclusives. Technically speaking, any game that doesn't come to at least one format can be considered exclusive to the formats that it does come to. And given most people will just get one next gen console for at least a good while, the argument doesn't really hold much weight. Doesn't matter, fact is, if you DO have a next gen console then you'll probably only have one (due to costs and subscriptions), and if you DO have a next gen console then you will get Destiny/next gen games on that due to them being superior versions costing about the same. So for all intents and purposes, Destiny is the same as an exclusive to me, for my PS4! Again, it doesn't matter, because ultimately you do make a choice and once that choice is made you have so many more available 'exclusives'. Once you pick a PS4, for example, you have/will have so many more games to get for that console than the Wii U.
  14. Not this spin again! Like I said before, if you're only getting one out of PS4/XB1 with subscription (the case for most people), for all intents and purposes many of the games will be the same as exclusives. I don't have anywhere else to get Destiny. Most people aren't getting both consoles any time soon (or gaming PC equivalent).
  15. He doesn't want to pay a subscription to play videos that he already owns on DVD. I know from drahkon's other posts that he definitely loves Plus, from the number of games he has gotten out of it over the years.
  16. Damn, it looks like it'd take a near miracle for Wii U to even reach Gamecube.
  17. Well it's good we cleared that up, because that was basically the crux of my argument (that this beta/game is more fresh/exciting than anything Nintendo have put on Wii U so far). So long as you haven't played that, no matter how annoyed you might be by my comments you can't dispute this one.
  18. Hell yeah. Never seen my PS4 friend roster so strong, Sony have done a really good job of convincing people to get their console.
  19. Well that's fine. So what was the online PSN/XBL handle you used to play Destiny? It would say in your profile that you played it. It was online and invite only by the way, so don't expect a game store to have been running it. I only ask because I never saw you make any comment about it, like, at all in the Destiny thread. Given how vocal you are I would have expected you to at least say something about it.
  20. You can feel what you like, but without actually owning or having properly experienced those games/betas, we can probably guess why you're saying it.
  21. My 2 cents, but I wouldn't say it is. All big games are very derivative, there's nothing Nintendo have made for it yet that feels particularly new and exciting. Everything feels like something I've played before. Are some games great? Sure, but I wouldn't say the library is phenomenal. Just playing Destiny beta the other day, it felt like a new kind of experience to me because of the scope, online interaction and general MMO elements combined with an FPS. Even if the individual elements aren't all new, the combining of them results in something significantly fresher than I've yet experience from Nintendo on Wii U.
  22. It would be even cooler if you didn't know he was Ganondorf until close to the end, ie. he adopts the name. So you go through the game watching him slowly being corrupted, then later find out he becomes Ganondorf. Maybe he does a deal with Majora, Shadow of the Colossus style. Bottom line, anything is better than the standard Master Sword bollocks that we're used to.
  23. Seems like you're deliberately avoiding his point? That being, all home console sales are bad over there.
  24. Well Persona was a spin off to this, so maybe best hold off.
  25. Just one pot. :awesome:
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