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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. That's because PS3 is on the way out with most top charting games for PS systems being on PS4 now, while PS4 is too new to start giving games away on it yet. Everyone knew it would happen, but that doesn't mean the stuff on it isn't great. Pretty damn awesome if you have a Vita, in my opinion. Also games like Strider and Resogun are pretty sweet giveaways, too.
  2. Anyone up for nightfall and/or weekly heroic shenanigans tonight? 8:30PM?
  3. Extra strike, not raid, unfortunately. I am happy with the content actually. Mostly because I get the next 2 expansions at no extra cost and I got a killer deal on the limited edition. But also because I know this will probably be at least 30+ hours of extra content for me (probably more).
  4. @Daft not sure about tonight, Sunday would be preferable for me for a hard raid. Would prefer to scoop up Nightfall and Weekly Heroics during the week in anticipation of Xur (plus they're easier). To be honest, I would be more up for one of us grabbing an Atheon final boss checkpoint from someone on Destiny Tracker and inviting everyone else rather than suffering through the garbage that is the gatekeeper again. Mythoclast/helmet only drops from the end boss anyway. :p
  5. I think Demon's Souls had it down perfectly. For the first game in the series it had never been heard of and wasn't initially even released over here. Word of mouth and praise got it an EU release, but only on PS3. Dark Souls was its sequel and that went to every format bar Wii, and was universally renowned and reached many people for the first time. Dark Souls 2 basically carried on from Dark Souls, more of the same, but it hadn't outstayed its welcome yet. And now they go to Bloodborne before the format got stale (unless they plan to do another DS at some point, but doesn't seem too likely I guess). Assassin's Creed has a story element that people want to follow, but at the same time they went with ships with AC4 and have now really ramped up the AI and scope of the world by the looks of things for Unity. To me, it looks like a very welcome boost which makes it seem a lot more fresh (fresher than, say, the Pikmin 2 to 3 transition or any NSMB titles).
  6. To be honest Microsoft have been getting these sorts of deals out because they know their console is faring worse than the competition and they need to sell units. For me, the ability to play with people online is more important than saving a few quid. Like you noticed, the PS4 is far more widely adopted on here, with only a few people having X1s, so you're going to find matches a heck of a lot easier. As far as I know there is next to no Destiny raid organising going on here for X1 users yet just this week we have run two full separate sets of raids (12 forumers total) on PS4. As for the PSN downtime, it's not so much absolute downtime (although there has been some), rather there is a delay with sending and receiving messages and invites. It's annoying but I'd still rather have the system that people are actually playing on. I can't think what the cause of this is other than far more people adopted/are now using PS4 than they anticipated. Exclusive wise as well, we have no idea what the future holds but PlayStation has historically had great Japanese dev support, so if you're into your RPGs then this will be another plus point. And most of your games will also run better on the system compared to X1.
  7. Maybe you can find it on eBay or somewhere else? Just trying to think of other places but nothing comes to mind. Would love that PS4 though...
  8. Let's all get to L32 and go back to Vault of Glass normal mode. Dat no death trophy. Anyone fancy nightfall tonight @ 8:30PM?
  9. I definitely felt the same when it came to gamecube...less so when it came to Wii, now even less so on Wii U. I find it really quite hard to get excited over Smash these days, given it's the fourth time we've seen near enough the same kind of game in 15 years. I'd be super bored with Assassin's Creed as well if it carried on in the same way as AC2. Going with the ship and exploration in AC4 was a great change.
  10. Different strokes, I guess. For me I could very easily live without the new Mario Kart, Smash and Pikmin, on account of them being highly derivative. More so than most other new generation titles on other consoles (AC Unity looks like a rather big jump, Dark Souls has now moved onto Bloodborne, Destiny was likely the first true console shooter MMO). That's just the beginning, too. About the biggest Nintendo jump so far looks like it's taking place with Zelda and its open world.
  11. Is that the Dragon Quest PS4?
  12. It's not just that small selection though, it'll be the vast majority of quality games you can think of that are coming out that aren't made by Nintendo. There are always brilliant new titles every generation released from someone...what are the chances they'll be coming from one company versus almost every other games company there is? It's inevitable that having access to the overwhelming majority of developers vs one company's portfolio is going to give you the diversity, quality and selection in the long run.
  13. Had to reset my PS4 as it did that glitch where it said I didn't have PS Plus. Coming back on, everyone ready?
  14. Just got an error trying to log on. Will try again. Tonight isn't out @Shorty, keep trying! I want to do it tonight. :p Still says server down for me, maybe login is being overloaded right now. @Daft says downloading update in Destiny. You guys done this?
  15. I find the best way to be comfortable is to simply not imagine ludicrous things like that in the first place. That's fine, but saying that people who cuss at games have an anger management problem is just wack. Surely you must realise that? :p
  16. You really think Nintendo only fans have a better deal with the games from just one overarching company they'll be getting from now on relative to pretty much all the other games, visions and ideas that come from everyone else? Come on man, Nintendo just aren't that good.
  17. lol, the hell he is. Don't encourage him! First, he said that the 'Nintendo difference' is that their games don't cause you to cuss when in fact they do (at least for many). At the very least you could argue that getting hit by blue shells is just as annoying as game mechanics in other games, which is goes against what he said. That last line - "that's the Nintendo difference" sounded like something lifted from a Nintendo promotional speech. Did nobody else wince a little like me when they read that? Nasty stuff. Second, I also think that a small amount of cussing at a reasonable volume isn't indicative of an anger management problem. Something like the blue shell is designed to severely disrupt in such a random way for maximum annoyance, so it's pretty understandable. To me, anger management issues would be breaking things in rage, or screaming the house down over it. Basically to the point that you are affecting those around you or your own things/wellbeing. Not everyone who expresses anger automatically has an anger management problem!
  18. This almost broke me... reading Serebii's post, then immediately Ashley's, which was ridiculous levels of true. ^ I don't get it. People cussing at non-Nintendo games = fine, people cussing at incredibly infuriating moments in Nintendo games = anger management problem? Why not just admit you were wrong rather than flip something back at Ashley? I know you're probably trying to 'lol jk' your way out of it, but day-um.
  19. No I did it yesterday, a day after Daft. The stage before the final boss is really hard, so that's where I left when I was with Daft the day before. I ended up using Destiny Tracker to join a random group one stage later at the final boss who cheesed the last boss. It's all about getting lucky and finding a group that know what they're doing (basically warlocks are best for cheesing so I wasn't much use).
  20. I am so glad I tried hard raid again today. Also got a pretty cool hard mode only ship. Aww, fuck yeah.
  21. I heartily recommend both this and the previous 1.5 remix if you ever get chance (the first can be got for around a tenner). I'm not really a fan of the handheld spin offs as it seemed like they were dragging the side stories out too much, but the first two games are amazing. If you like Disney and video games they are basically must haves. A fast paced, fluid battle system combined with Disney worlds, and some of the best music in games there is. Can't recommend them enough.
  22. Hnng. The DK64 style minecart levels. That would be awesome sauce. Nah, I wouldn't. In fact, I'd rather this went to either 3DS or tablet, and they made something more grandiose for Wii U in its place. Something epic like Zelda, but a new franchise entirely.
  23. Well yeah, but they've chosen to go for a home console for some reason, so on the current situation alone I was basically making my point. I was thinking if they wanted to, this would be a decent fit (with some modifications) for a tablet. To me, this just doesn't seem like the kind of game that will sell buckets if it is released at full RRP on Wii U. Unless there are some massive changes to it that I'm not aware of that make it somewhat more epic.
  24. Why are people using such irrelevant stats like these? Time and time again? It's such a ridiculously easy argument to topple. These stats include anyone who makes an app. Even amateurs like you and I. But also the one in a million amateurs like the Flappy Birds Dev. Back to the point: Nintendo are not 'anyone'. They are arguably the most well recognised gaming brand in the world, with established and well advertised brands. Let's do a likewise comparison to this argument - Nintendo should not release any games on consoles since thousands of games are being made all the time (in the form of newly started Indie gaming companies who don't know whether what they're doing will be successful or not). It could still be a fiver (as some games on the app store are). I think the potential audience on iPad/Android willing to pay a fiver would be much, much higher than those wanting to buy it at £40 or whatever with a Wii U. And they're getting their games to the so called 'lost generation'. Some part of me thought he could, not sure why. It was a while back when I played it...but even so, that just makes it even easier to go to tablets.
  25. Yeah? I own the game and have completed all the levels. Come on, give me credit, I wouldn't say the gameplay wouldn't suit a device if I didn't know what the gameplay was. It would be ridiculous levels of easy to control; in fact I think it would even benefit from being more easily able to finger swipe the camera. They could make Toad auto walk in a given direction (or even have it so you can hold down one side to move along in 2D across the typically one block thick platforms), and you could jump with a tap. Thinks like blowing aren't really needed. It's really not a precision game at all! Edit: I just remembered now, you're the one who thought fruit ninja would work better on the multitouch-lacking 3DS using a stylus than a tablet.
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