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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. 9 it is! That good with you @Map ?
  2. Yep, that's how a load of people suddenly got L30 recently. :p
  3. The one thing I do hate is that we spent all that time getting raid gear from VoG and now it's actually worse than the stuff being sold at the shop! That's actually outrageous. The missions are way too short too. However, I didn't pay anywhere close to £20 either and I really, really enjoyed the raid (what we've done so far), and it'd be nice to have even more powerful weapons. I reckon once we hit L32 guys we organise a normal VoG raid for the perfect raider trophy.
  4. I saw that and I thought...RNGJesus fucking Christ. They really are trolling the locks. Think I'm going to buy a couple of helmet engrams and hope for the best (and probably buy the hunter exotic headgear too).
  5. I don't exactly find it easy to find a film I want to watch every 2-3 months, let alone 3 a month. :p
  6. It's one of those things where people don't really know for sure, with conflicting evidence on either side. Most people that drink regularly probably drink more than many studies would define as a 'healthy' amount anyway. Very recently though, a scientific article in the BMJ (which is one of the top biomedical journals) concluded that reducing alcohol intake at any level is good for you, with benefits to your heart, BMI and blood pressure. This was also done with 261,991 participants, which certainly lends strength to the side that any alcohol is actually bad for you.
  7. Xur shiz: For sale: Ruin Wings (Titan DLC Gauntlets) – 13 Strange Coins Achylophase Symbiote (Hunter Helmet) – 13 Strange Coins Voidfang Vestments (Warlock Chest Armor) – 13 Strange Coins Truth (Rocket Launcher) – 17 Strange Coins Exotic Shard – 7 Strange Coins Exotic Helmet Engram – 23 Motes of Light Exotics that can be upgraded: Mask of the Third Man Young Ahamkara’s Spine The Armamentarium No Backup Plans Light Beyond Nemesis Sunbreakers Suros Regime Red Death The Last Word Thorn Icebreaker Thunderlord TL;DR version: Upgrade your ice breakers, motherfuckers. Edit: But only after we do nightfall. :p
  8. Well there goes any reason to join that network. :p
  9. Wahey, so shall we say 8:00 PM (possibly 8:15 PM if people can't make it that soon?)
  10. Would anyone like to nightfall tonight? Say around 8:00 - 8:15? @Zell @Map @lostmario or whoever is welcome to join.
  11. There's lots of places that have it online for cheap, like Zavvi. I got mine from Tesco Direct.
  12. Thanks again for the raid (we got pretty far) and sorry @Zell that your internet was spacking. I got the raid boots (Light 36) which have the heavy ammo capacity and also make you run faster while holding swords. Nice!
  13. Just today a girl at my work was saying she was going to buy a Wii game for one of her young relatives/cousin/whatever and said she hadn't realised there was this "other Wii" which has now complicated matters for her. Them casuals, they just don't know!
  14. I'll take it. PayPal?
  15. The next main title is confirmed as home console, here's hoping PS4. I loved the music in DQVIII, not sure about Theatrhythm though with it being a rhythm game. Never particularly enjoyed Guitar Hero or the like.
  16. The new raid is pretty darn amazing, although tricky in places. @Zell @Daft @Shorty are you guys able to carry on again tonight, say from 8PM?
  17. That phone sounds amazing, especially for the price. I'd buy it but I have a thing about wanting to keep phones for ages to get my money out of them. My Nexus 4 still seems pretty decent.
  18. The thing I was replying to was pretty much your initial post which appeared to suggest this topic was a pretty poor idea and we should all be using reddit instead (yeah, that's how it reads). You've since said that people should go to reddit instead of 9gag to pull the images to post here, which seems pretty reasonable, and I have no beef with that...
  19. Basically I think the PS4 you give to your kids needs to be the PS4 you assign as your "primary PS4" to your PSN account. This means any other PSN accounts on it that are logged in can play the content of your PSN account. Then the PS4 that's yours you don't assign as your PS4 account, but sign in with your PSN. Because you're signed in with your PSN, you can play any of your content even though the PS4 isn't registered as your primary console for your account.
  20. I've not read anything about it other than it's meant to be extremely difficult without one L31. But we'll see. So that big load of work that was supposed to hit yesterday/today in fact got divided up between more people than originally planned. So basically I will be free much earlier than half 8 today (prob more like half 7) so if everyone happened to be around a bit earlier we could start early. No worries if not though.
  21. Reminder Crota's End raid tonight @ 8:30PM Sheikah - L30 @Daft - L30 Eric - L29 @Zell - L29 @Shorty - L30 Dan Dare - L30 Repeat sessions same time Thursday and Friday, as needed. I feel we might not be able to do until at least one of us is L31, as I've heard that's necessary for some part or other.
  22. Personally I would rearrange that so it would go 1 2 4 5 3 With 1 being a clear cut above the rest, despite 2 being immense also. I think building on the characters and theme is crucial; MM had a very dark atmosphere and the characters actually made you want to save them. The time aspect (ie. they didn't just stand in one place forever) had a massive impact on making the characters seem real. The 'goofy' sort of theme to WW probably suited its graphical style but ultimately it was hard to really care about the characters in that.
  23. We'll see how it pans out, but I definitely I agree the scope of the land is a good thing. I know you and I both agree with DQVIII being so utterly brilliant in the series, partly because of the sense of scale.
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