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Everything posted by Rummy

  1. For me - the advantage is portability, arguably the screenshot feature, and of course the wider remit of potential for the system's future. Yet I don't have enough potential in my current life to really make use of that portability so it isn't for me(whereas were I in Kav's situation with long commutes for example I'd imagine I'd definitely have one already). Gamewise - for me personally there just isn't enough yet. If there was this may have swung me in the right direction over the other issues putting me off, but sadly not the case. There's supposed to be some great content coming eventually and the potential of Stardew Valley or Yooka-Laylee on this certainly tempts me. Multi-player - regardless of what will be said against this I still feel their online is just still far too much of an unknown. We know it launches around autumn time and will utilise a smartphone app. We've had no true confirmation of price of subscription nor the implementation or functionality of the online when it arrives. For me it's another great unknown I can't currently jump on - for you if you're mostly gonna be single-player it may not matter at all.
  2. Just Zelda(which I've got), probs HZD and Yooka-Laylee for me from the list. I'm already struggling for time with Zelda, and have sights on Stardew Valley - but with HZD and Yooka-Laylee on top of Zelda AND the occasional Overwatching still I'm far to spoiled for content vs time alone. Definitely agree it's a crazy month though - if I had a Switch Zelda and Yooka-Laylee alone are pretty nice starters for the system.
  3. I voted remain and I want to remain( - but I most certainly don't want to lose Scotland at any cost. I'd rather leave the EU and keep Scotland than remain and lose them(of course the latter isn't really likely at the moment). So I was a remainer who wants to remain, but above all would want to keep Scotland as part of the UK. EDIT: To clarify my want is not a disrespect of the outcome of the original referendum. I stand by the fact that should be respected despite it not being something I wish as I don't think any of this is doing us many favours economonically nor do I believe it will do much for us economically going forwards. I'm not an economist or a politician(though they're pretty much just as useless) but I don't think from what I've seen so far that we're getting much of use out of it. I don't mind Brexiting either - but I want the terms to be favourable. It's going to affect the middle and lower 'classes' much more than the upper classes imo - and I'm certainly much more in the former!
  4. Personally I'm looking forward to trying Zero Dawn mostly because of Zelda(and ofc the excellent reception HZD it's getting) - I'm going to be very interested to see what my own perspective might be going the other way round from Zelda to this - but I've still got so much more Zelda before that's going to be the case any way! Really not been on my gaming since it came out.
  5. I'm definitely tempted depending on price - pretty sure marcamillian would be interested in joining too so will talk to him later about it!
  6. Haha, I was glad it wasn't just me that the title was bugging! I need to log in and get these all added to my library - hopefully will check it out on Sunday!
  7. The attach rate really isn't a surprise but those numbers are quite reassuring! I still wanna see what comes of it(probs after the online/app stuff is detailed) but I'm feeling quite positive that it's getting decent sales - the bigger the install base the better I feel about getting content for the system going forwards. Can't recall who posted it(Jamba?) but the post somewhere about Indies' opinions on Nintendo is also quite reassuring - I expected much more from what they were touting re: their partnerships and unity etc for WiiU; seems that maybe that laid some foundation for what we might hopefully see for Switch.
  8. By the time I had gotten to the post(as per reports, one of which was yours) I had seen the discussion had moved on and there had been responses - I could have deleted the whole lot but as I said I felt some of the responses were fair and well-constructed posts. When deleted it all becomes invisible to you guys - and would potentially undermine the later warning I made for those without context. Consider as well that I was unable to moderate as much as I wanted to at the time of the reports due to being at work where I can't use the main themes properly. Don't think that we ignore reported posts - because we don't. Just because we don't deal with it the way YOU think we should doesn't mean we aren't dealing with it at all. It seems again the theme to emerge for some is possibly more transparency in moderation, which is something I'm attempting where I can.
  9. Now this a post that I'd say carries an edge and there's really no need for it if we're attempting to discuss these problems properly - if you're just here with an axe to grind then that's doing nothing to positively further things. I think we've already made it clear that nobody really has a right to dictate who can or cannot post or what can or cannot be discussed other than when it comes down to moderation. Can I ask what you're hoping your post is going to achieve here Goafer, other than serving to be antagonistic? Where's the difference between yours expressing discontent as much as Clownferret's was?
  10. How would you summarise your experience with the game, and where out of 10 would you rate it if you were inclined to do so? Interested as opinions and experiences seem to have been somewhat varied between players!
  11. That's very tempting! I've still got Zelda and Horizon to go next though so I'm gonna wait a bit longer on NMS. I'll probably end up borrowing it off someone rather than buying tbh - but we shall see! How do those who've played previously feel about the latest update; is it adding enough to bring you back or make it feel fresher again?
  12. Understandable, it certainly doesn't help the current situation but I think frustration comes on both sides from 'where' to air the concerns. I don't know if that feels accurate for anyone? I'm also receptive to PMs/Wall posts but most often it seems to just get done in a thread, lead to possible derailment, and then we end up kinda where we are now. I'm not ignoring it either - I did post in the thread afterwards. By time I got to the thread I think a few members had addressed it fairly well already too - which is again something positive and good to see about the community.
  13. I totes took a picture in the exact same place :p Starting to wonder if just everyone did! Very nice touch to have accessible so early in the game. Horse meat scandal strikes again?!
  14. Ok, this is probably going to be a tl;dr long one. For a start – I exist in the community both as a member and as a moderator. I post as a member generally, and the last post was that. I’m making an effort going forwards that when making a point of moderation to specifically label it so – but the lines are blurred and there is overlap so I recognise it’s difficult to consider. Following that – I’m getting tired of the accusations against my impartiality. I try not to flaunt personal credentials to argue from authority to make a point – but trust me when I say I have confidence in my conflict resolution. I’m more than happy to break down why if people really can’t give me the benefit of the doubt. Next – unless it’s a great con, I believe Flink has not lied to us in his being a teacher( I draw from GCC posts and occasional previous posts related to the kids and gaming etc). I don’t think that was an unreasonable statement to make but I also don’t think it implied any loyalty to Flink for any reason. Beyond which were you not just a few posts ago asking to be considered on your own personal merits having been in this community for quite a long while? Did we not have similar issue in the Other Switch thread along the same lines where I was surprised by your own reaction to me given what I’ve known of you as a member of this community for such a time? Either we judge people by what we know or we don’t – but you can’t ask for a double-standard and then try and make a criticism of perceived partiality. These are the quotes I took as dismissal btw; The former I feel is very dismissive, especially as we know little to nothing of the class of children. Would you have ever judged your any of you entire classes (including yourself) as ignorant whilst in school? Why do it now as an adult? The second isn’t as dismissive in quite the same sense but it implies that their view can’t be valid or correct as it goes against a dictionary definition. Neither of those are addressing or discussing the points being made imo, rather dismissing them as unworthy of discussion. I feel it’s fairly obvious to many of us as grown-ups that the statement is erroneous. However look at it from the perspective of the 10 year old child as presented by Flink – whether you agree or disagree the point was that that was the perception of that demographic. To state that by definition it is false(which wasn’t the question or point) to me aims to dismiss or shut down the argument. I know people have complained here about the lack of titles – but I don’t think anyone here would reasonably say that there are NO games for it nor do I recall this happening. Our perspectives are mostly not those of a 10 year old child though – and to dismiss that point of view because of an adult interpretation of the facts ignores the point of their perspective imo, and gives little room for a response beyond ‘but that’s what they think’ ‘but they’re wrong’ ‘yeah I know but that’s what they think’ ‘but they’re WRONG’ etcetc. Following that – and many people who know me will know this but I realise it doesn’t follow on so much on a forum – I have no hesitation in judging you impartially. Many people talk to me for objective views on what they’re going through because of it. Ofc, this is my rationalisation but I want to make it clear to all that your knowing me or being great for this forum doesn’t excuse you from breaking the rules or being a dick. I’d even remind you, King_V, that you were the creator of one the most memorable threads in this forums history. I realise that was about 8 years ago now, but I hope that whilst we grow older we still continue to post and keep the community going. I hope also that further moments and memories will bring back a grounding that makes people realise we’re all a community that’s been a huge part of many of us. I’ve known many of you longer than some of my best friends and we’ve all grown together and for me that means every part of this community matters and counts. N-Europe is nothing without its members and with the last day or two I’ve recalled how much higher the average calibre of our members is compared to many other places on the internet. Sometimes I wonder if some of us are actually spoiled by that. Nonetheless, I think we’ve got great members with great approaches to discussions most of the time – I just feel like maybe we’ve lost our way for one reason or another. None of it comes down to opinion for me, but rather conduct itself. Positive dick or negative dick you’re still being a dick and I don’t want to see that here. I don’t want this community to shrink even though I know these issues have caused it to, not limited to any ‘side’ of the argument. I don’t want people leaving but I also don’t want new people not sticking around. I’m not saying any of this is easy and we’re in a place where we’re trying to strike a difficult balance – but so much of it seems to come down to preconceptions that seem difficult to shift. I can’t speak for anyone else but I honestly don’t care if you’re up on Nintendo or down on Nintendo or somewhere in between – if you can conduct yourself with respect and tolerance for your fellows then I’m glad that you’re here with us and I will consider you welcome at any time.
  15. I've been contemplating going back to it and I think maybe it is finally time to have a frank discussion again. I realise I'm posting here but it's difficult to mod/move stuff whilst at work so I can only apologise for that - I'll try to attend to it this evening and I think we'll see what the thread brings.
  16. Actually no, what you did was dismiss Flink's presumably factual claims(as we do know he's a teacher, and I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt knowing his personality) as being biased or inclined simply towards his own opinion rather than on objective statement on the discussions he observed from the children he teaches. Whether you realise it or not - your post almost insinuates/accuses that he's making things up or making a biased point for the sake of it; because of your own bias rather than giving him the benefit of the doubt on objectivity. I recall what it was like being 10 years old. I remember Year 6, when I had my N64, and I remember Year 7 too and how it was less cool to be so into video games. I remember what a fanboy I was and how dismissive I was of any competition. I remember that all my news and gaming stuff probably came from my subscription to ONM/NOM that I spent my hard-gifted monies on. I remember that unless it was a game I *really really* wanted; I was unlikely to know when it was out. I remember that there was plenty of releases that came out and passed me by because my resources were limited(ie 1-2 games a year if that) and because I didn't have the information beyond ONM. I remember that I loved video games(basically my second passion as a kid after spider-man) but I also know that I didn't spend as much time dedicated to them back then as I probably do now. Or at least not until I joined my first forum at the age of 13. I think back to me then compared to now - and I was still so much more in the dark back then despite gaming being a huuuuge passion of mine. Literally family would 'joke' about me playing video games all the time because I loved them so much - so consider if I was someone so passionate about them what the demographic will be of those who aren't? Basically I'm the kid in Flink's story who was definitely going to get it, whilst everyone's a bit meh and I'd find it hard to understand why you'd have a fony gaystation over the sickass N64 with Mario etc. I don't think anyone's doubting your statement that you feel there are enough games - but I think FLink's post was quite clearly explaining that from the point of view of the 10 year olds he's encountered that they don't see it like that. Being an adult and simply disagreeing with a child rarely works - how often as a kid did you do the things adults told you not to, or were wrong, and suffered the consequences despite the warning as a result? To simply say 'no they're wrong' is no furthering of a discussion; because all it ends up getting as a response is 'no they're right' and you get nowhere but the back and forth of that. How do you progress? We're an older than average and essentially dedicated gaming forum, and I think we can very easily consider things in those contexts whilst lacking the insight into other people's. Why this lengthy explanation? To try and point out that, whether you realised it or not, you dismissed Flink's post and it's akin to the issues both Ashley and myself have referred to regarding shutting down of conversations. If I'd been about for the conversation as it happened - I'd have steered it in a different direction as a mod. Personally @Fierce_LiNk I'm always interested to hear about your experiences with your kids(and @Kav knows this too as I've asked about his other half's kids and the WiiU, and whilst I've not asked I've enjoyed hearing about @Clownferret Jr). It's a demographic I have next to no contact with - I've always been one of the youngest of my family so I've not had anyone too much younger around me growing up as a kid. -------------------------------------------------------- Interestingly speaking of different demographics I was at my mate's for CNY a few weeks back - and one of the first things her cousin said that night was that she wanted a Switch. It was kinda weird to me - because I know so many gamers who as groups were split down the middle. Why if a proper gamer didn't want it, would this(sorry to her) slightly airy girl want a Switch? She's a very girly girl and slightly airheady from what I know - loves disney, quite sheltered etc but still she wanted a Switch. I couldn't see it, I couldn't quite understand why - but she did. I thought that was cool though - because it meant where I thought the system wouldn't sell there was a demographic out there for it that I didn't know of or understand but it reassured me as I need this system to do well before I personally buy it. She mentioned she'd just got Wooly World for her 3DS(and cos of the evening I didn't get to discuss her gaming too much) so I presume she didn't have a WiiU. For all of those in the interests of balance - it was quite interesting seeing someone I wouldn't consider a gamer at all to want a Switch so bad. There's people out there who aren't us, both in favour of or against or just indifferent to the Switch. I think it's interesting to hear about these people as a gamer who cares, even if they're just 10 year old kids or 20 year old airheads!
  17. Cool! Shiekah's got my number but I'll also PM it to you @Mr\-Paul in case you need us on the day - unlikely that you'd struggle to find us in there though; think we've got a 20 strong crowd so far! We coincidentally got Marc somewhat inebriated yesterday with many ices(see below) and I accidentally helped throw his Colin the Caterpillar cake on the floor - still a funny night all round and the cake survived and filled some bellies! I was having such a good time I forgot to take any photos though!
  18. Mod Note:Keep it Switch related please guys. I haven't time to moderate today but I don't want the thread to get off-topic due to it. I'm more than happy hear/have the discussions; but can I ask if it's something ongoing you either PM me or post on my visitor wall if you'd rather it was in the public sphere - just preferably not here right now. Thanks. No warnings for posts after this that opt to continue it.
  19. I don't want to take the conversation quite into this sphere but bear with me. My objection to your post however is going to be in-line with another issue that raises its head on the forums and goes to Ashley's post in the main switch thread - about shutting down conversations. For me, it feels, that for you to quote my words and say that it's simply not that word even though it seems valid within a definition(see below) and others seem to share a similar sentiment - comes across as an attempt to shutdown the conversation. You made no attempt to address my use of the word except to put it in quotes and say that it isn't the case. How does that offer a further development or progress to the conversation? Should the reaction of myself be 'but it is'? How should one react? That's not a discussion imo. I don't particularly want to argue about whether or not you actually were shutting down the conversation, as I don't believe it was your intention but I do feel that the post serves those ends whether realised or not and it's something to be mindful of. I'd suggest thinking about the language used to construct a post, and ask every poster to think 'How would somebody react to this? How would *I* react to this?' - if you don't think it's going to further develop or foster good quality conversation then consider thinking twice or reworking before posting. Ofc, I'm not here to dictate to everybody how to post and nobody has any obligation to follow me in this particular request - but if we could be mindful of what might be the reactions to our posts when we make them and consider that, we can hopefully all work towards trying to create a more positive environment for discussions within these boards. To bring it back to point - To take a quick google definition of oversight I find the following - 'noun 1. an unintentional failure to notice or do something.' Did they unintentionally fail to notice this? Well, it seems so given that expected testing procedures should find it. I would certainly expect standard testing procedures to have found this flaw - why it did not I cannot say, but it certainly comes across as quite an oversight to me. If you're able to offer me an explanation as to how or why I might be mistaken on this I'm happy to have that conversation - but I didn't find that in the original post and wonder where my response should essentially go next in line with that.
  20. Why isn't it an oversight if it's happening to a number of people? Did people intentionally damage their own docks to cause this? Surely this is exactly the point of testing. For it to be missed is, imo, a definite oversight.
  21. Hello London folks! Thought I'd give a quick shout out to some of you to say that @Mr\-Paul @Zell @Ashley @Daft @Sheikah - I know you're all London folks but not sure who else we've got in town of the top of my head. Everyone's welcome just gimme a headsup! Also said 30th anniversary of birth happens to be today - so even if you won't be coming feel free to use the thread to send birthday wishes!! Overwatch birthday memes most welcome.
  22. Not jumping into the whole debate on genres again - but I really don't think 'open-world' should be counted as one. As the last few posts highlight - both BotW and The Witcher are 'open-world' but beyond that I'd call them incredibly different to such an extent comparisons aren't going to hold so much weight for me. As mentioned the verticality of exploration and going anywhere you like in BotW is really, really, cool - I just feel like Witcher goes for something completely different. As would GTA, WatchDogs, Horizon I presume and all sorts of other open world titles. I realise I'm getting off the Zelda point but could you even include yooka-laylee in this if it does its approach in a way that you are free to explore/accidentally get the wrong objective like in SM64? It's open world of sorts - but completely different gameplay really. Don't get me wrong about my criticisms against BotW btw - I think it's still a very decent game for the bits it does right and any gamer should try and experience it at some point. I don't think I've had a feeling as free as this for a long time - and I've flogged the horse to death and will continue to do so but giving the player freedom and options in games to make everyone's experience slightly varied really appeals to me.
  23. Does that mean I can have your username :p?
  24. I personally found the Witcher fun but a bit overwhelming, and thus didn't really stick it out. I was getting all this stuff but not really understanding it and the weapon wear there kinda bugged me too. I maybe only gave it a few hours and just fell off(will go back to it some day I'm sure) - I'll say in Zelda's defence having given them both a similar amount of time that Zelda's at least felt more compelling to me so far. Witcher felt more indepth/polished though maybe. I think it's really just different strokes for different folks(as is so often the case) - but I didn't take much to The Witcher anyhow so I'll be offering a much lesser opinion that those who've played more of it.
  25. I'm only about 6-10 hours in really; but I can already tell that whilst I very much like this - I couldn't ever give it a perfect 10. The inventory management feels clunky, the slowdown on fighting some enemies is tedious, there's a big flaw with vertical camera inversion and magnesis for me, and this is when I've only seen 10 hours or so of the game. Sure there's lots of great stuff in here, and the feel and approach is fun and nice(if possibly not so Zelda) - but I think the flaws are too obviously there too much of the time I couldn't give it a full score. However! I'm not far. Let's see what I'm saying about it in 40-50 hours when I'm hopefully done!
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