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Everything posted by Ollie

  1. The thing with ipod's is that they have sold so many, you are going to get a few busted ones. Especially as I am sure a lot of people don't treat them with any sort of respect what so ever. I'm sure if Creative had sold as many they would have just as many faulty ones.
  2. Use the memory scanner here: http://www.crucial.com/systemscanner/ It will tell you what your mobo can take, type, size, speed etc, what you have got and what to buy. And just for fun :horse:
  3. I thought it was pants as well. I think I might have heard about this, but I had forgotten. Lets hope they have learnt their mistake and don't do it again!
  4. Plus there is also a thread in Gen Chat, that's a running total of 3
  5. Was it like having a brand new one? If it was I want one. I was worried that the fact that they are re conditioned they would be yellow or something, but if not, get me one now!!!!
  6. Well I looked at the camera that iPaul suggested and it looks very good. Seem's to get 5 stars in most places, plus its not only cheap on amazon but its £20 off atm as well! I have also been talking to a friend of mine at work today who has just bought a fuji digital SLR and said that is brilliant. So right now that is the camera I like the look of, but the Sony cyber shots seem to be very good too.....theres just so much choice! But like I said to mum, better that than no choice!
  7. Need for speed, please no more stupid I can make my car go fast by putting pink lights under the car!
  8. People have issues with iPods and iTunes because they are popular. Right now its cool to be 'uncool' or hate whats 'popular' etc. I have an iPod and it's great, does what it says on the tin. Same with iTunes, had mine over a year now and no problem at all, I'll buy another one too. Especially now that I have an ipod connector in my car.
  9. I have had my screen name for everything t'internet releated since I started using it, I think I was signing up for a yahoo email account and the name I had chosen was taken so they listed some that were free and this was one of them. I have thought about changing it for years bout don't know what to and it would take months telling everyone!
  10. So I got some money for my Birthday on friday and I would like to buy a digital camera, I have done a lot of research myself but thought some of you might have cameras that you could recommend. My mum and my aunty both swear by the Canon Ixus range and I am quite tempted by the Ixus 750. I have a budget of roughly £200-300 but would like to get something a bit lower down in that range so that I can get extras like a 2nd battery/case/large SD card. I have also heard good things about the Nikon Coolpix 5900, however I think it has been around a while now. I think I have come to the conclusion that for that sort of money you can't really buy a 'bad' camera per-se, however it is important that I get one I am happy with as it isn't something I want to be upgrading in 6 months time. Thanks in advance for your help :awesome:
  11. That's totally awesome, you did loads all in one day! Now that IS time management for you, nice little story too. I'm only sorry that I didn't read this post before as I wanted to say it is worth wondering out of Liecster square slighty to a shop called forbidden planet where they sell loads of great comic/game/japanese type models and toys and stuff, a bit pricey but worth a look even if you don't buy. I'm heading up to the smoke later this month with my girlfriend for my birthday, I think I'll take a leaf from your book and see some of the cool stuff. I usually just go to the arcade and Oxford street, the only shop in Oxford street worth visiting is the iPod store.
  12. I thought this thread was going to be about your private parts.....*disappointed*.....
  13. I got my DC not long after it came out. I got it with Sonic, sigh, those were the days. PSO is such an awesome game, the music and the graphics and the designs I loved it all, to me PSO is what defined the DC, I did just get it for the xbox 1 but its not the same offline. I can wait for phantasy star universe, that is the only game I am genuinely excited about this year!
  14. I'm sorry, one bullet just isn't enough...
  15. I got my tickets booked for 10.15 tonight, bring on the pirates!!!
  16. Yeah he does, you can't really take screen dumps on console games.
  17. Mine did too, I just downloaded it from file planet instead. Also - can anyone download the burning crusade videos from the official site? They are also supposed to download using the blizzard downloader but mine says that my firewall is causing the problem when I know that it isn't as it used to work!
  18. He means the motherboard, I don't have any experience with SATA drives, but it sounds like you are on the right track with the jumper settings. Also someone said about installing the drivers first (before windows), I noticed that when you run the windows boot disk it gives you the option of install a 3rd party sata driver, you just have to press a key to do it.
  19. I could probably supply some, I have loads lying around at home and at work. I would refer to them as 'blanking plates'.
  20. Me too Jordan, but look: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q328874 EDIT - Infact, screw that, you want this: http://www.microsoft.com/genuine/purchase/UpdateInstructions.aspx
  21. Quoted for truth. I read an article once, it was in a newspaper, something like the times or telegraph (a respectable newspaper anyway). And they made a comment about how Nintendo 'fanboys' are the most loyal, and as much as I hate fanboyism, I'd have to agree, the arguing aside, Nintendo fanboys are fanboys for life. Edit - Playing = Believing :P
  22. Edit by Jordan: Again, illegal. >_>
  23. Weird, I'm running it now and its using about 2-3% cpu.
  24. Get it here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=a75638ef-2ed1-43db-881f-c9ff337c2e91&DisplayLang=en And for anyone that's interested, IE 7 Beta 2 for XP SP2: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=6a51eb05-c805-4fec-8e57-3806bd594179&displaylang=en
  25. Those of you still on SP1 should seriously consider moving to SP2, there are soooo many nasties that need to be fixed, someone is probably buying stuff on your credit cards as we speak.
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